Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Maria Sharapova aced by Pisces eclipse

A potent total solar eclipse
 in early March 2016 
has aced tennis star Maria Sharapova

Sharapova, an Aries born 19 April 1987, like the majority of people born in the 1986-1988 timeframe has a major life experience indicator related to the sign Sagittarius.

March 8  Tennis royalty Maria Sharapova responds to failed drug test, loses major sponsors. provisionally suspended pending investigation - this event signifies a person very challenged by the Pisces eclipse energies exact on March 9 2016. 
Pisces is connected to all drugs and medications.
read:  The March 2016 solar eclipse in depth 

Sharapova chart material via

Due to uncertainty re Sharapova's exact birth time, this suggested layout has several planets bunched at the Sagittarius-Capricorn crossover point, in the period around the dawn of her birthday.

Given the current crisis for her this rectified chart has a lot of value in highlighting the aspects of her life now under extreme pressure.

The March 2016 eclipse in Pisces has activated a major factor in Sharapova's birth energies -exposing weakness in her personal development and threatening to topple her career.

Like Oscar Pistorius, born November 1986 -whose well known fate is analysed in a prior astro report - Sharapova also was born with the planet Saturn in Sagittarius. 
Like Pistorius, Sharapova also has Uranus in Sagittarius - this pair of planets sits in the range 20-26 degrees of Sagittarius in her chart - much closer than for Pistorius.
2013 Pistorius in court charged with the murder of his lover Reeva Steenkamp
Saturn in Sagittarius has the potential to bring mastery in the fields of sport or recreational adventuring but there is usually a challenging physical weakness along with challenges regarding right conduct.
The price paid for the high karma blessings of success, fame, fortune is that there are major responsibilities to bear -commitments, self control, discipline, restraint, self management. It is a tightrope crossing that a person born under these influences must handle with extreme care.

Pistorius rose to high status as a disabled athlete. 
Sharapova first rose to the top of women's tennis in 2005 but has been plagued by repeated collarbone injuries.
Pistorius became reckless with firearms and motor vehicles, ultimately ending in the death of his lover -shot - and he says unidentified, through a bathroom door.
Sharapova has now self-disclosed a reckless attitude towards the drugs-in-sport controversy.

Pistorius failed the test of high responsibility and now so has Sharapova.

Uranus in Sagittarius brings about sudden changes of circumstance in respect of the sporting or recreational activities the person is involved with. 
Both Pistorius and Sharapova have this planet-sign pairing.
Pistorius has effectively lost his sporting career. 
He remains on electronic bail awaiting a second sentencing in April 2016 with a muder conviction in place.

In Sharapova's chart Saturn is in close conjunction with Uranus  [20-26 degrees] -so the two effects will occur in closer timing -the crisis and the changes. In addition, having Venus at 25 Pisces indicates the impact on her income regarding loss of sponsorships -though she won't be poor - and severed relationships.

In 2017 Sharapova experiences a life stage termed by astrologers the Saturn Return - when Saturn completes a full orbit of the birth chart and returns to the same position it was in at birth. This occurs for all of us -some at age 29, some at age 30 due to varying lengths of cycle.
When Saturn returns to its birth position a person is confronted with the sort of responsibilities, commitments and right conduct that is relevant to their position in life or prevailing circumstances.
The personal birth chart identifies what arena of life the challenges will arise in.
The four main contexts are 
  • personal development
  • relationship commitment -such as marriage
  • commitment to family -the decision to be a parent
  • career development
At least one of these is likely to arise as an opportunity for making mature life choices.

If a person fails to meet the level of maturity at the first Saturn Return, life progress can be stalled until the next opportunity - in another 30 years

For Sharapova, 2017 is her opportunity to recognise the commitments and responsibilities required to turn her life around.
This may mean she can resuscitate her tennis career -or she may take on one of the other cornerstone aspects of life as a chance to develop new responsibilities.

This report may be extended, updated
 as further material arises

March 10 Report says Sharapova warned many times re ban on meldonium.
Facing the press and accepting responsibility [Saturn] are indicators that auger well for Sharapova's redemption - so long as this is not simply a public relations exercise. If personal changes are not made now at this advance warning stage, the outcomes in 2017 are likely to be far more negative for her.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...