Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Bombing in Brussels - and the eclipses of March 2016

Terror in Brussels in the context of two heavy-hitting eclipses.
The astrological forecast for March 2016 -and with a period of influence over the coming 6 month period - identified significant risk factors related to terrorism activity -a combination of energy activation involving extreme dogma, aggressive forces and transport networks.
It comes as no surprise that attacks in multiple global locations in known hotspots have occurred during this month, the most significant so far in the Belgian capital Brussels on the eve of the March 23 Aries-Libra lunar eclipse.
Suicide bombers activated bombs at the international airport and a central metro station, with multiple deaths and injuries.
Brussels has literally earthed the force of the prevailing combination of eclipse energies
 - just as some people earth a lightning strike -the location of Brussels contains an energy that matches the current planetary picture. The process of resonance is how this occurs. Brussels has become a known hive of extremist Islam.

The Astrological Factors
Aside from the forecast published for March 2016, the actual prevailing energy for the city of Brussels is displayed in this chart calculated for 8am -the reported timing of the initial twin blasts on March 22
Standout energy factors are evident.

The eclipse was building so the Moon is still in Virgo -but this places the Moon within one of the extreme patterns -it sits at the midpoint of Jupiter and the north lunar node- all in Virgo in the range 16-22 degrees. These positions are tightly opposed by Venus, Chiron and the south lunar node from 12-22 Pisces. 
The danger factor from all this opposed energy comes from Saturn in Sagittarius -angled at 90 degrees to Jupiter and capturing the Moon and other factors in the opposed alignment.
With the 3 mutable signs [Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces] -related to movement and flow - all forms of transport -and related hubs are the focus of destructive energy.
Saturn sits in the death and transformation zone [8th] bringing losses and separations.

But more than this is the bigger picture of the anarchic, annihilating force delivered by Pluto at right angle to Uranus - a combination of energies that has been on the rampage in volatile zones across the globe since 2011.
This energy has delivered a swathe of political upheavals, death, destruction and intense struggles for supremacy between different idealogies.

In the Brussels chart for March 22
Pluto sits exact on the MC point of a key chart axis.

This alone indicates the occurrence of an annihilating, catastrophic event.
Pluto is always prominent in bombings, explosions.
Typically there is an array of closely connected energies, identified by their mathematical tight range. 
Pluto 17 Capricorn connects by right angle to Uranus 19 Aries - positions which then mathematically link to the Saturn-Jupiter-Moon-Chiron-Nodes-Venus - combination - the largest and tightest grouping in the range 16-22 degrees -giving an effective midpoint at 19 degrees - positions which are held by both Uranus and the Moon - both known trigger energies - the Moon in terms of timing and Uranus always set for sudden, unexpected activity.

These sort of events can be foreseen. The challenge is to know where. Though there are methods to consider the locations for the earthing of an energy pattern, the amount of mathematical analysis required is likely to be only possible using specially programmed computer software - or to work backwards assessing most likely location targets and see what time the energies are most intense - but again this is hours of work.   


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...