Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Jacinda & Winston or Bill & Winston

Examining the potential coalition options emanating out of the nationwide general election of 2017 the question arises as to how much inherent compatibility exists between the third party leader and the leaders of the traditional political Right and Left
The key figures as at late August are Jacinda Ardern [Labour], Bill English [National, Winston Peters [NZ First]

Energy analysis based solely on 11 energy factors* in effect on the date of birth for each participant gives a distinct picture.

Jacinda with Winston
Jacinda Ardern  born 26-7-80 and Winston born 11-4-45 are both Fire signs -an immediate capacity for bold assertive conduct. She is a Leo -sign of the heart and known for their sunshine quality and he is that most masculine of signs Aries. This fire compatibility creates a basic level of energetic comfort.
Both have the water sign Cancer in a significant role -housing and family matters are important. The capacity to care about people underlies their motivation.

Both have the earth sign Virgo trait of being hard-working.
Both are strong personalities and this could result in some standoffs, jockeying for power but Jacinda is likely to be quite diplomatic and compromising towards Winston's renegade qualities. Her soft side will be quite calming for him. She is comfortable working in partnership. His natural instinct is more stand-alone but he can respond to the benefits of co-operation.
She has the capacity to balance out his rough edges
He will respect Jacinda when she reveals her depth of focus and commitment even if her strength is a challenge to him.
Overall an 8/10 compatibility rating

Bill with Winston
Bill -born 30-12-61 is a Capricorn -an earth/practical sign and his backstory is very typical of the sign of the Goat..rising out of the lowlands of agriculture slowly, steadily into the lofty peaks of the Beehive to attain the role of Prime Minister.
You would therefore think Aries [the Ram] would get on famously with Capricorn - but the ram is the young blood in this contest [despite Winston being the Elder statesman.] Aries is forceful, pushy and impatient where Capricorn is slow, restrained and steady. These two signs are regarded as having fundamentally incompatible energies.
And where Winston is loaded with Aries energy [Sun, Mercury, Venus] Bill is loaded with Capricorn [ Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn] Slow and Steady. Mr Family Man. This is the No Thrills package with only one Fire quality [the ego quality that likes the fame & public acclaim re his status as PM ]
The story does not improve when other key indicators are considered.
There is no love lost between these two because they are ill at ease with the extreme differences they detect in each other, all capable of creating mutual significant distaste, frustration and dislike if placed in a forced political marriage. Caution is on one side with risk, unpredictability, spontaneity on the other. Though Bill may occasionally secretly wish he could be as loose independent, quick on his feet and unpredictable as Winston is.
These two will truly battle for control, a battle of wits.
If they choose to ignore all the obvious warning signs gleaned from years of personal observation of each other the likelihood of falling out will become even more apparent at close quarters.
Overall compatibility shockingly low ..even 2/10 may be optimistic

Let the games begin

update October 24 
On September 23 National assumed they had won an MMP election when it was patently clear that an alternate option was viable.
Negotiations proceeded from September 24 to October 19 with Winston Peters, leader of NZFirst seeing which policy alignments would work with either a National or Labour-led government. Labour already had a support agreement with the Green Party.

The full outline of how Jacinda Ardern came to take the top job is detailed in depth in a dedicated post
Jacinda Ardern or Bill English for PM

also read
Winston Peters - Aries profile

* The zodiac signs on each person's birthday as expressed through the characteristic style of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, lunar nodes on that day - plus the type of energy expression identified through the geometric connections between each factor for each person - and how the overall energy  of Winston interacts with the energy of  Jacinda and Bill.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Terror Erupts in Barcelona

The toll of fatalities plus injuries exceeds one hundred in the aftermath of terror-driven attacks in central Barcelona Spain, commencing around 4.50pm local time.

BBC coverage shows the route of the main attack, where a van driven at speed deliberately targeted pedestrians.
A violent and fatal explosion at a house 200kms south of Barcelona on Wednesday evening is believed to be been a related incident.
What is shown by astro-analysis is that as well as a known trigger for extreme behaviour being in effect: from 8am-5pm the time zone of Spain was affected by a solar generated geomagnetic enhancement caused by the particle wind from a solar coronal hole. Such strong increases in magnetic energy have been shown repeatedly to tip people over the edge, inciting to extreme behaviour. 

This extra trigger is in addition to the waxing or building phase of the total solar eclipse due to reach exactitude on Monday 21st August.
This eclipse [New Moon] sun-moon conjunction in Leo and in connection with Uranus in Aries carries a signature of dramatic violence.
Leo is the sign related to solar or sun energy and so activity generated by the sun is extra-strengthened in the time frame of sun in Leo [2017 = July 23-Aug23] giving a dramatic quality to global news
The Sun also made an exact conjunction to the lunar north node late on August 16 [Universal time]
Sun to node conjunctions occur along with significant events with implications for the mass of humanity.
Events* in Spain in addition to the domestic terror attack in Charlottesville US [analysis here ] may fulfil the potentials inherent in this potent eclipse -or there still could be more on offer during eclipse week as Venus and Mars both move into positions that involve their energies in the mix with Uranus and the north node, respectively in the period August 24-28.

Terrorism is designed to generate terror. Most of us will continue to pursue our daily lives but care, precaution and alertness are often necessary habits to develop in those contexts and locations most vulnerable to such merciless acts.

*A second terrorist plot was foiled hours later at Cambrils beach resort not far from Barcelona
Extensive photo documentation via Daily Mail UK

Monday, 14 August 2017

Charlottesville eclipse flashpoint for US & world

August 2017 is an eclipse month -two eclipses in a month known for drama on the world stage and in 2017 the drama is primarily coming out of America, with President Donald Trump the poster boy for the uncontrolled human emotions which are posing significant collective threat.
Great American Eclipse August 2017

via Express

Eclipse pairs occur close to every 6 months and their energetic impact extends often far longer. So what gets stirred up in the eclipse period has considerable significance.

In assessing the energy mix that is present the ingredients are examined - like looking at a cake recipe - what is put in and combined creates certain distinctive flavours, textures and certain outcomes.

August 2017 with eclipses on the 7th and 21st - and the latter one being the most potent -a total solar eclipse it is clear already to astronomers that the late August event has a visible pathway across mainland America.

The themes of both eclipses, the lunar and solar are repeating the same refrains: they involve the need to resolve major conflicts and to moderate extreme responses.

The implications of the solar eclipse pathway - to observers of esoteric significances - is that America will feature majorly in the themes activated in August 2017 - though the significance for humanity in general is implicit in the solar-lunar cycles that we are continually impacted by.
[ June 1918 was the last similar pathway but it was a whole different cake recipe -the eclipse with multiple factors in Gemini and mutable signs activated saw major train crash in Nashville; a mass poisoning in Chicago]

Drama is the outward expression typically seen when Leo energies are highlighted and reinforced - but the fundamental suffering feeding this disturbance is important to reflect upon.

While the predominant energies of Leo, Pisces and Libra in August can generate the responses of love, compassion, harmony and peace in many people there are powerful opposing impulses involving Pluto, Capricorn and Aries which will be intensely activated in the minds of others - to seek power at all costs, responding with hatred, cold cruelty and brutal repression. Leo at its worst is very ego-driven and will also latch onto a dictatorial urge expressed through Pluto. Leo also belongs to the tribal group of signs [ Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius] for whom survivalist instincts are extremely strong.

We are not all created equal in our personalities or dispositions. Each of us operates from the frameworks and filters which serve as gateways and methods of comprehension in interpreting the world around us. Each of us sits somewhere along the spectra of response to every issue, every intellectual, every emotional stimulant.

This is why agreement can be so hard to reach beween people who sit at the extreme peripheries and how there is much more hope when people have closer mental/emotional alignment.

With nuclear devastation being risked in the ego battle between President Trump and North Korean President Kim Jong-Un these two men are clearly in the territory of conflict and finding restraint a challenge to their impulses.

Diplomacy seems lost in this era of American politics.
Robert E Lee statue
As August proceeded and the eclipse energies strengthened before the solar eclipse American home territory saw events which typify the themes in play: in Charlottesville Virginia on August 12 two very strongly opposing forces met at the Unite the Right Rally and mayhem erupted, emotions running high and physical violence spreading. Within this seething suffering one man decided to allow his impulses full reign. It is incredible than only one person died [albeit with multiple persons injured ] when he used his car as a killing machine into a crowd of anti-racism demonstrators gathered to challenge the extremist and heavily armed neo-Nazi and KKK allegiants there to protest the removal of a beloved Confederate statue of General Robert E Lee. The mood had darkened since the April 2017 proposal to remove the statue to calm racial tensions. 
The opposing sides in the August rally were in some respects indistinguishable in their hatred and violence  of each other according to an on-site New York Times reporter @SherylNYT

No matter what the cause being defended any white self-identified patriot American using the violent fear-inducing methods of fundamentalist terrorists is justifiably defined as a terrorist.

For all of us the pressure is building within to find the balance between impulse and restraint and to find out where we sit along the spectrum of compassion and aggression.
Snowden thinking along the same lines at this time

In New Zealand the right wing government has proposed just weeks before the general election to set up a military-style programme to deal with a sector defined as hardened youth criminals. Seen as desperate politics by those in justice and social support networks in an international context, this approach is regarded as doomed to failure.
The opposing values are highly activated in such an issue.
The offending youth are seen as "bad" while the socio-economic drivers of poverty and alienation perpetuated by this long-standing government through the politics of inequality are what government opponents can see as grounds for compassion and as an alarm call to address deep-seated social problems.
In New Zealand public response to politician Metiria Turei and the issues of poverty and inequality also activated the two opposing sides -punishment and compassion..read more in a recent post on this site

The Trump risk being magnified in August is highlighted in a prior astrology post from 2017

Australian politicians including Turnbull and Bishop have gone troppo in a very dramatic fashion accusing the NZ Labour Party of trying to undermine Australian sovereignty and bring down the Liberal [cough] government

Also read analysis re the similarly hate-driven terror attacks in Barcelona Spain, August 17 2017

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Dramatic Eclipses of August: Metiria Turei profile

update: August 9th: within hours of this post Metiria Turei resigned her position as co-leader. Although the event occurred faster than anticipated in this report, strong pressures have been in place for several weeks as indicated by planetary forces in effect. It remains that the late August eclipse will also be a time of challenge for her.

In mid July 2017 Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei opened the hornet’s nest of her personal past in a conscious political act revealed at the party's AGM intended to open the conversation about poverty in New Zealand, specifically how much of a poverty trap the country’s “welfare” system literally is.

Rejection of the messenger has come from a broad swathe of the media, from within her own party, from political adversaries and from the public at large –whilst also firming up support from those who’ve walked in those shoes.

Turei recognised the sacrificial element as a risk in taking this bold and arguably unprecedented step in NZ political discourse. Politicians are more known as masters of the dark arts of denial, deflection, ducking, deceit and the whole messy melange known as dirty politics.

Turei chose to turn that culture on its head and tell the country that over 20 years ago when raising a daughter alone she discovered what a financial struggle it was, leading her to obtain extra undeclared income from flatmates.

Failing to gauge the depth of public animosity towards those whose disabilities – physical, mental or psychological - mean they cannot be part of the mainstream system, Turei and her party had to lock in a firm defence of the essence of the argument: that poverty is an issue in NZ, that people cannot live with any dignity or any hope of escape while the welfare trap is sealed in so tightly by government policy of absolute minimal weekly maintenance for those who qualify for state support, coupled with minimal investment in assisting people to improve their capacity to move beyond that support.

So why did an apparently humanitarian gesture from an advocate of the social justice wing of the Greens go so terribly wrong, rejected by the minds of so many?

An Astrological Assessment

A partial view is offered by comparing the energy on the day Metiria was born in February 1970 with the energy in effect in the late July-August period in 2017.

Without a time and place of birth the standard full picture is unavailable in this process but when something big erupts - an earthquake, a plane crash, a meltdown, a crisis - there are multiple signifiers able to give some clues.

Firstly August itself is the drama month. The Sun has a more potent energy in the late July-late August period. 
It’s not solar radiance/sunlight, it’s not visible, its an energy that promotes intense reactions and fundamentally drama on account of human responses to the strong energy – though for those who have the good side triggered its very warm and loving vibes.

August 2017 has two eclipses
Paired eclipses –solar and lunar happen at least twice a year. This year they are in the drama month and so the intensity is raised and when the Leo tribe [which includes Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius -and Metiria has all four of these energies] is under attack the most basic survival instincts are aroused…fight to the end or the death

Eclipses that directly impact an individual will occur at or in very close proximity in actual position to one or more factors present at birth. These factors –primarily the positions held by planets – occur at specific degree points so it is readily obvious to see if there is any current influence that sends a tuning fork response back to the birth energy of a person.

The first eclipse of August was early on Tuesday the 8th at 15 Leo-Aquarius [ Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon making it a full moon lunar eclipse.

The Moon in Aries on the day of the Greens AGM [16 July] activated her Mars and her fighting spirit was triggered more intensely by this eclipse. This confirms that her ongoing anger/frustration at government social policy needed to be called to account. And that time arose.

Metiria was born with a warrior energy [Mars at 14 Aries] supplementing her renegade spirit intent on social justice [Sun in Aquarius] She has lived her life according to these prime motivators.

She has the benefit of a deep thinking, analytical and insightful mind [Pluto in Virgo blended with Mercury in Capricorn ]

She believes in friends, networks, communities and working together for shared social cohesion [Sun and Venus in Aquarius]

A compassionate philosophy underlies her thinking [ Neptune in Sagittarius ]

She is prepared to martyr herself or make great personal sacrifice for the larger benefit of the collective of humanity [ North lunar node in Pisces ]

Her fighting spirit kicks in when threats to personal survival arise [Mars in Aries, Moon in Taurus, Saturn in Taurus ]

Loose boundaries and bending the rules are also natural traits of those with strong Pisces and Aquarius energy and these qualities are always personal risk factors when such people have to be curtailed by any strict system or conditions – like a river bypassing a blockage or an animal confined to a yard.

The second eclipse – August 21st - is a total solar –involving a New Moon in Leo [spanning the whole US continent in its area of visible totality –so watch the drama building there as pathways of eclipses are very important]

This eclipse effectively at 29 Leo will activate all birth energies very strongly which are in the range 28 & 29 Leo and 0 Virgo.

Metiria was born with Venus and Mercury at 28 and 29 degree positions so both will be strongly triggered continually by the building eclipse which has the potency of change energy driving it all through August [Uranus at 28 Aries ]

By week’s end –Thurs-Fri 24-25 August when Venus reaches 28 degrees and with the lunar node at 24 Leo maintaining for a month its exact opposition to her birth Sun chances are high that listening to her heart, abandoning ego, putting family before public life could see Metiria let go of her co-leadership of the Green Party, the battle relinquished, the larger picture embraced.
Such an act would thoroughly complete the sacrificial element for the benefit of the larger good [ the influence of Neptune in transit conjunct her Pisces north node ]
With Mercury in Capricorn Metiria would definitely feel a sense of responsibility and an urge to do the right thing -offsetting the looser elements of her personality. 
The question is whether Neptune can affect her to such a degree that she takes the personal out of the equation and trusts that her actions in precipitating the crisis, in the larger scheme of things may well have done her party and the Left the best favour ever - as well as raising the profile of a very humanitarian issue. 
Sometimes to win you have to lose.

Metiria Turei full transcript of AGM speech

Here's just the things you might see during a total solar eclipse
prominences and corona on display      via NASA


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...