Sunday, 24 December 2017

The Most Important New Year Resolutions

Every three years there's a shift in what areas of life we need to manage better and just before New Year 2018 kicks in a stronger than usual message has been delivered by the cosmos because the planet related to resolutions -Saturn - began it's cyclic three year passage through the most demanding zodiac sign Capricorn -just in time to help you clarify what's really going on

Within 24 hours close to Christmas two young men in motor vehicles died in different locations. Both of similar age. Both were drivers.
They represent an age group that has just become highly vulnerable. Their birth years 1996, 1997 hold the main clue. They - and everyone born in the periods April 1996- to start of June 1998 and Sept 1998-to start of March 1999 is vulnerable in some way to the difficult life lessons under the new cycle of Saturn through Capricorn.
the three zodiac groups

From Dec 22 2017-mid Dec 2020 Saturn passes through Capricorn affecting very strongly certain age-sets of people. [ only the period April-May-June 2020 is exempt]

Saturn periods are consistent with times when things can go horribly wrong -to the point of fatal or at least severely debilitating - like a major illness or injury - or major losses occur. Huge readjustments are involved whether that be at work at home but invariably in the context of how you handle your relationships whether personal, professional, family or to humanity in general.

The young men who died  Dec 23-24 2017 were born in the Saturn in Aries period.
Aries is an energy corresponding to all high risk activities and cars and speed are in this context.

All zodiac signs belong to an energy quartet -so the relevant group beginning to be affected starting Dec 22 2017 is Aries Libra Cancer and Capricorn.
This means requirements are to be made of you -or a price is to be paid - if you were born with planet Saturn in any of those zodiac signs or if your sun sign is one of those.
For example being born a Capricorn with Saturn in Aries would be a double whammy in this period.

Every 30 years Saturn returns to the same sign for close to 3 years.

During the Saturn in Capricorn period the Aries group needs to manage strongly any tendency for impulsive hi-risk behaviour, to manage anger and aggression, to curtail selfish motives and do the ethical adult thing.

The Cancer group will be challenged by home/family/household issues as well as heavy responsibilities in public or career roles. The pull will be away from the home but the prioritising of work over home and family could cause stress. Some may resolve this by working from home or a home-based business.

The Libra group needs to sort out finances and relationships with big doses of reality and acceptance of responsibility. Ending marriages or partnerships is one option. The other is to endure a difficult period of estrangement while the personal growth of both occurs.

The Capricorn group are at their potential best at climbing the winding pathway to the top during this 3 year cycle. Slow, sure-footed patient and steady is the strategy. Setting goals, reaching them, becoming recognised for experience and level of skill or authority. Following long-held ambitions.

Arguably Aries and Librans will have the toughest time during the timeframe.

Due to the timing of the entry of Saturn into Capricorn just before Xmas and New Year the relevance of resolutions is clear.
The kick-start you need could come in the form of:

Coming down to earth -- 
with the chance of a heavy landing

The starting point for framing those noble [but for those most affected, very serious and essential intentions] is to ask the sort of questions that apply to your most obvious current areas of  difficulty.
[As this is a broad-brush outline you personally may not be born when the Sun was in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn - but you could easily have one or more planets in one of those signs -meaning that this will all apply in a particular context ]

The Questions
These questions show the pressures that can arise during a Saturn period
Select the questions most relevant for your situation

  • In what area do I need to face reality?
  • Where do I need to cut back, conserve, reduce or save?
  • Where do I need to slow down, apply the brakes, obey the rules?
  • What commitments are due?
  • What responsibilities are ready for me?
  • What hard work is waiting for me to start?
  • What do I most need to focus on?
  • What areas of my life are crying out for better management?
  • What sort of discipline am I lacking?
  • What activities or behaviours do I need to stop or control better?
  • In what ways do I need to grow up?
  • What goals, ambitions, achievements can I aim for?
Framing resolutions around these requirements of Saturn will give a much higher rate of success.
When Saturn finally hits the soft spot you've tried to ignore what stands before you won't come as a surprise out of nowhere. You will have had due warning likely more than once already to change the things that need changing. The soft spot is when time really is up. Time to act. Now. Often this process will occur in 3 hits over a one year time frame because it's going to take you that long to get unstuck from one spot and take root in another, better position.

Another relevant example group 
The adults with Saturn in Libra were last born in the period late Sept 1980-Dec 1982, and May 1983-late Aug 1983 [your personal birthdate is needed to clarify for those born at start or end periods as these are simplified here ]
PM Ardern

The past 3 years up to end of 2017 saw the group of Pisces Gemini Virgo Sagittarius experience the full demands of Saturn in Sagittarius - with arguably Pisces and Virgo having the hardest time.
Then add in those with Saturn in Virgo in that period - which includes the woman who became Prime minister of New Zealand in 2017 after 9 years with a much lower political profile. Saturn in Sagittarius delivered for Leo born Jacinda Ardern [July 1980] a heavy workload as she transitioned into the top job in the country.
Being born early in Leo, Jacinda Ardern will experience Saturn opposite her solar energy just once in the coming cycle - in January 2021. She already has the hallmarks of someone who knows how to comply with Saturn -"just buckle down and do it" - so her Saturn periods are more likely to be positively developmental

After Capricorn, Saturn enters Aquarius in late Dec 2020 -affecting Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio and anyone with Saturn in one of those signs at some point during the 3 year period.

Specific personalised times for when the most intense periods are due to occur are only readable on the basis of a person's actual birthdate. 

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Bitcoin - astrology of a conflicted creator

The mysterious creator of Bitcoin, known as Satoshi Nakamoto is deeply embedded in the spirit of his wild-child cryptocurrency

His carefully-guarded anonymity means his personal details are inaccessible in the public arena - but his energetic fingerprints permeate the offspring launched into collective access.

Bitcoin was effectively born in 2009 under very strong prevailing influences which bear the signatures of tension, incompatibility and conflict.
The driving force is the need to find balance between what has been and what is to come -without burning all the bridges. Enthusiasm and idealism also have to be kept in check if a solid development is to be achieved.
news updates appended at end of page

Using astrological analysis, four standout themes are evident from the launch date:
  • the desire to innovate, be free of the restraints and style of past financial/monetary systems
  • the desire to operate a well-planned and carefully developed structure, steadily evolving over time
  • the struggle to keep hold of reality over imagination; practicality over idealism
  • anxieties, fears, vulnerabilities related to the ability to create a stable digital network
Essentially these describe the creator's personality -idealistic and innovative but keenly aware of the need for caution over impulse, preferring to be the tortoise not the hare.
These elements strongly describe the 4 known factors in Capricorn and 5 known factors in Aquarius when "Nakamoto" mined his 50 Bitcoins -constituting the Genesis Block in the chain.
[January 3 2009 birth used for this analysis] 

Bitcoin's birthday energy is so concentrated -  almost entirely between a range of just 59 degrees from 1 Capricorn to 29 Aquarius = 9 out of 11 factors sit in that range - the meaning of which adds weight to the concern for the 2 V's -  vulnerability and volatility.

In energy terms whenever hard-hitting forces are in range of the vulnerable zones then extreme conditions are on the table -depending on what flavour of energy they trigger - so this is where volatility enters the picture as an ongoing reality for this creation: there will continually be rises and falls and extremes when energy is so compacted - it's like being secured to the wall in a squash court - a defined and confined space facing ongoing forces from a multitude of angles. Some of the hits cause significant damage, others are evaded, and give a boost in confidence.

Having assessed key volatility points against trading data and looking just briefly at 2018-2019 the prevailing energy will continue the surfing ride of this digital wild-child.

Several standout periods are visible in the imminent time-frame:
Jan-Feb-Mar-Apr-May-June 2018 have a succession of strong influences but within the period these forces - as is inherent -swing from strongly supportive to strongly undermining.
Late Nov to early Dec 2018 - Watch this closely..very strong activation. Innovation achieved could really expand the structure, enhance success - but vulnerabilities [network weakness] are still in the frame so it's too close to call in this ongoing in-built struggle.
Also watch first fortnight of Feb 2019 - multiple activations affecting vulnerabilities 

Continually evolving the nature of bitcoin is essential to its growth. It cannot be left to stagnate - but careful solid and cautious management has to prevail over impulse and risk-taking and any eroding or destabilising elements need to be eradicated.

March 11 2024 late in the evening UTC Bitcoin climbed again -to a $US72,708 peak
As predicted below the structural transformation factor has paid off.

March 5 2024
Bitcoin reached an all-time high of $69,210 in the morning - only to slump by 11% 5 hours later

click to enlarge Bitcoin High & Bitcoin Low

Mars trined to the South Lunar node in Libra activated the Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus midpoint
Mars-Venus squared Uranus

Mars-Venus still squaring Uranus [Uranus being a sudden change agent]
12º-13º featured in several factors:
Moon 13'01 Capricorn
Leo ASC at 12'49
Sun-Saturn at 13'07 Pisces
Jupiter 12'09 Taurus

Capricorn Moon reaching 13º focussed all similar factors on Jupiter but not in an expansive way due to a phase shift from Jupiter in control to Saturn being boss.
The Jupiter-Saturn dynamic is always the key one to watch because it is always a dance between this dynamic mix -in all things

March 3 2024
Bitcoin expanded view  -available early 2024

Highest value November 8 2021

Bitcoin's structural strength is Jupiter in Capricorn - activated on a 12 year cycle
Jupiter and Saturn at 29º in December 2020 initiated a vertical rise for Bitcoin.
Soon after the rise began Jupiter and Saturn converged in Aquarius  pointing to a 2020-2040 shift into all types of digital and AI technologies.
This cycle indicates the strongest potential for digitech in this era rests on continually evolved structural foundations
The weakest link for digitech in the same period is the tricky Neptune factor introducing instability - this echoes the origin point Neptune:

Bitcoin's system weakness is Neptune in Aquarius. 
In a digital context words like bug error and code vulnerability are indicative of this imprinted Bitcoin trait

Pluto in transit during 2022-2024 enabled evolutionary growth for the Jupiter in Capricorn wealth indicator - due to structural transformation
This  was signified by the EFT approval January 10 2024 
[US Securities and Exchange Commission]

In addition to January 2024  this year remains important in respect of evolutionary growth especially Pluto's final transit period in Capricorn - September October November - but with significant cautions

The trajectory for Bitcoin beyond 2024 depends on the viability of the evolutionary structural changes

3 influences point to January 2025 to February 2026 being notably problematic and weakening but less than in the 20230s

The transit of Neptune at 29º and in close range of that [2024-2026] is a watering down influence - as water dissolves earth

Saturn at 29º during 2025-2026  is a further sign of destabilised infrastructure

The North Lunar Node at 29º start of 2025 adds further Water dilution of the grandiose Earth stability signified by Jupiter in Capricorn

The inherent and cycle-related Neptune vulnerability is exposed by Fixed sign factors in the range 22º-24º -activated most significantly by: 
Uranus during 2023 & 2024

Saturn 2029-2030

 Then the most challenging period for Bitcoin begins in 2036:
Look at 18 20 22 & 26 degrees Fixed -with greater emphasis on 20 and 26  [forewarnings at 18 & 22 ]
Nodes Saturn Pluto

Any adverse Jupiter 22º Fixed transit to Bitcoin Neptune is not a positive

Near the end of the Aquarian Jupiter-Saturn cycle Pluto's impact on Bitcoin Neptune and relevant to a reading of the 2020 JUP-SAT cycle - Pluto may deliver during 2037-2040 the death of Bitcoin in its existing format as the new Jupiter-Saturn cycle of 2040-2060 is themed around new structures within the finance sector 

Update re early 2018: Jupiter transit was adverse Bitcoin Neptune in Feb March

Feb 2 2018

mid January 2018 a general cryptocurrency slide
latest from COINDESK

Further reading:

Monday, 18 December 2017

December 2017 high drama

December 2017 marks a transition time with Saturn finally ending the current cycle in Sagittarius and entering Capricorn at a time when the lunar nodes will contribute some dramatic effects

wiki page

The high profile wildfire situation in California has created extreme destruction in the fortnight prior to this post but the risk has not abated. The Thomas Fire in Santa Barbara County is centre stage and with many celebrity residents tweeting their experiences media are fully engaged.

On Dec 16 evacuated residents were allowed to return to Ventura County where the fire began.

The forecast for December posted late November forewarned of extreme environmental hazards -and their potential to disrupt travel, transit, transport or movement. Indonesia's Mt Agung was then the highest profile event but with that subsiding attention swiftly moved to California.

Mass destruction is a feature of such intense fire events but that quality is highly and increasingly emphasised as the month of December in 2017 proceeds - leading to a special New Year alert 
For this reason the situation in California has to be seen as heading off the scale.

What is adding to the intense destruction under Jupiter in Scorpio is the tight connection to the Leo-Aquarius [fire and wind] contribution from the Moon's nodal axis.

This is all happening while Saturn reaches the end of its 3 years in Sagittarius [relief for many] and starts it' sojourn through Capricorn.
The last 10 degrees in Sagittarius have an overlay of Leo in the decanate system - and the 29th degree is the point of greatest learning/confrontation with karma - and since Saturn itself is a very strong karmic indicator when in the territory of your personal energy field [astrological chart pattern] the late December period is ramping up the intensity: karma is eyeballing a lot of people.

So the fire risk whether in California or in your backyard has to be taken very seriously -the combustibility energy is very prevalent - so this includes all forms of ignitable materials. Other extreme contexts must also be considered -explosions, bombs, destructive ignition - as risks to be avoided.

In the Southern summer hemisphere holiday period social gatherings involving fire, barbecues, fireworks are examples of where to take extra care.

The negative karma related to Saturn in Sagittarius if you lose all your possessions can be around failure to restrain excesses, extravagance, waste - or lack or moderation regarding attachment to things - versus a more humble, simple, spiritually connected existence.
Essentially it is a spiritual lesson and in December if that has not already been absorbed and responded to over the past 3 years then the last degree of Sagittarius is when Saturn will deliver the sting in the tail = a very strong confrontation with the reality of your distance from the fundamentals of life.

Saturn reached 29 degrees on December 11 carrying the themes outlined right to December 20-21 when the Sun and Saturn combine at 29 Sagittarius.

This period could deliver the most dramatic eyeballing of the lessons to be faced since the lunar nodes are triggered in tight connection to Jupiter.

High drama, death and destruction or structural collapse involving large scale events

This energy still exists as Saturn and the Sun then shift into Capricorn on the 21st-22nd.

Capricorn is the home base energy of Saturn - it is the zodiac expression of this planet. The first 10 degrees are very strong is expressing the lesson of this 3 year phase - time to absorb the most grown-up, adult, mature, responsible, reliable, disciplined, self-managing, nurturing, mentoring qualities possible to restructure your personality both for your own peace of mind but also to enhance the way your relationships function in every context - private/professional intimate/friendship/family and in your relating to humanity on a large scale.

For Capricorns, Aries, Cancer and Libra in particular [though we all have these signs somewhere in our makeup] the next 3 years are challenging if this psychological shift is not made

In environmental terms, drought is the looming issue in high heat zones with the shift into Saturn in Capricorn officially from Dec 22. 2017 for a 3 year period.

Dec 25 2017 
The 22nd day spent fighting the Thomas fire in California

Dec 19
Very pleased to have just located a webpage for respected veteran astrologer Alan Oken one of my early teachers through his early books - if you're wanting to extend your astrological knowledge it will be well worth following his newsletters

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

New Year : High Heat & Destructive Outcomes on the Cards

The Southern Hemisphere will be in full summertime conditions as 2017 ends and 2018 begins. 
Multiple energy patterns are converging 
around that time which bear 
a collective signature relating 
to intense destructive forces 
as a result of 
high heat, combustion, fire

This is vacation time in countries like Australia and New Zealand with lots of associated outdoor activity in early January - campfires, barbecues, fireworks, gas cookers and fuel supplies.
High risk activities with combustibles during extreme heat conditions -especially when assisted by wind are a recipe for a higher than normal accident rate.

latest: oil tanker in flames; fire outbreaks & fire advisories issued as hi-risk period begins
scroll to end for updated content

Southern Africa and southern South America are also in this part of the globe.
But those in the Northern latitudes will also share the advisory regarding extra care with fire and combustibles in the time frame indicated.

The prevailing energy is globally related but will only show outcomes in locations where energetic conditions have a resonant match -such as environmental heat and dryness, presence of combustibles, human energies/behaviours.

Astro-profiling the energy factors with hi-probability environmental outcomes
Natural forces themselves are being primed by prevailing influences to be unleashed in a very significant fashion in locations where conditions are ready - but human activity and causation is also a common added ingredient in fire and explosive outcomes due to careless and hazardous behaviour - this risk is also elevated by conditions in play.

The hi-risk conditions of heat, fire and drought will have subsequent destructive effects upon vegetation, crops, structures and life forms.

The factors at New Year  [especially Dec 31 2017-January 11 2018 ] add to ongoing patterns and begin a chain reaction - firstly involving the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio = extreme destructive forces involving heat and fire due to high energy activation.
These energies further disturbed by the lunar nodes in Leo-Aquarius = heat and wind.
January 2 full moon [Supermoon] locks in the pattern.
January 4 late evening Moon in Leo is another activator
January 7-11 Sun-Pluto in conjunction combine to amplify the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction
January 11 late evening Moon in Scorpio adds further activation

Aside from the elevated risk to property and vegetation in this period the energies are transferrable to biological forms -people, animals - and the risk of death/destruction on a mass scale is a strong potential under relevant conditions of risk - owing to the highly destructive forces combining and intensifying as the New Year progresses,  Jan 1 - Jan11.

Many global locations are currently affected by adverse dry conditions with multiple flow on effects:

from @NiwaWeather

from @NiwaWeather

Though no longer featuring on the US drought monitor As December 2017 begins California -at the start of the northern winter - is facing sustained wild fire outbreaks in the dry and windy conditions - with patterns in play over past months finding ongoing outcomes in that region.
Drought Monitor

Dec 22 -

In New Zealand the primary expression of the heat is unfolding as potential drought conditions -a signature set in place at solstice and aggravated by ongoing high temperatures anticipated through summer

Solstice is reached and California comes to a state of near complete management of the wildfire crisis as the Sun and Saturn leave Sagittarius [wild energy] and both enter Capricorn [controlled energy] 

Dec 10 2017 California's wildfire situation remains dire - the first Winter megafire in California's history extensive updates
Photo Gallery of wildfire rampage

Official view is that the situation could still remain uncontrolled as late as Xmas -but the worse energetic conditions building the risk remains into New Year if the local factors remain relevant by New Year's Eve.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...