Monday, 18 December 2017

December 2017 high drama

December 2017 marks a transition time with Saturn finally ending the current cycle in Sagittarius and entering Capricorn at a time when the lunar nodes will contribute some dramatic effects

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The high profile wildfire situation in California has created extreme destruction in the fortnight prior to this post but the risk has not abated. The Thomas Fire in Santa Barbara County is centre stage and with many celebrity residents tweeting their experiences media are fully engaged.

On Dec 16 evacuated residents were allowed to return to Ventura County where the fire began.

The forecast for December posted late November forewarned of extreme environmental hazards -and their potential to disrupt travel, transit, transport or movement. Indonesia's Mt Agung was then the highest profile event but with that subsiding attention swiftly moved to California.

Mass destruction is a feature of such intense fire events but that quality is highly and increasingly emphasised as the month of December in 2017 proceeds - leading to a special New Year alert 
For this reason the situation in California has to be seen as heading off the scale.

What is adding to the intense destruction under Jupiter in Scorpio is the tight connection to the Leo-Aquarius [fire and wind] contribution from the Moon's nodal axis.

This is all happening while Saturn reaches the end of its 3 years in Sagittarius [relief for many] and starts it' sojourn through Capricorn.
The last 10 degrees in Sagittarius have an overlay of Leo in the decanate system - and the 29th degree is the point of greatest learning/confrontation with karma - and since Saturn itself is a very strong karmic indicator when in the territory of your personal energy field [astrological chart pattern] the late December period is ramping up the intensity: karma is eyeballing a lot of people.

So the fire risk whether in California or in your backyard has to be taken very seriously -the combustibility energy is very prevalent - so this includes all forms of ignitable materials. Other extreme contexts must also be considered -explosions, bombs, destructive ignition - as risks to be avoided.

In the Southern summer hemisphere holiday period social gatherings involving fire, barbecues, fireworks are examples of where to take extra care.

The negative karma related to Saturn in Sagittarius if you lose all your possessions can be around failure to restrain excesses, extravagance, waste - or lack or moderation regarding attachment to things - versus a more humble, simple, spiritually connected existence.
Essentially it is a spiritual lesson and in December if that has not already been absorbed and responded to over the past 3 years then the last degree of Sagittarius is when Saturn will deliver the sting in the tail = a very strong confrontation with the reality of your distance from the fundamentals of life.

Saturn reached 29 degrees on December 11 carrying the themes outlined right to December 20-21 when the Sun and Saturn combine at 29 Sagittarius.

This period could deliver the most dramatic eyeballing of the lessons to be faced since the lunar nodes are triggered in tight connection to Jupiter.

High drama, death and destruction or structural collapse involving large scale events

This energy still exists as Saturn and the Sun then shift into Capricorn on the 21st-22nd.

Capricorn is the home base energy of Saturn - it is the zodiac expression of this planet. The first 10 degrees are very strong is expressing the lesson of this 3 year phase - time to absorb the most grown-up, adult, mature, responsible, reliable, disciplined, self-managing, nurturing, mentoring qualities possible to restructure your personality both for your own peace of mind but also to enhance the way your relationships function in every context - private/professional intimate/friendship/family and in your relating to humanity on a large scale.

For Capricorns, Aries, Cancer and Libra in particular [though we all have these signs somewhere in our makeup] the next 3 years are challenging if this psychological shift is not made

In environmental terms, drought is the looming issue in high heat zones with the shift into Saturn in Capricorn officially from Dec 22. 2017 for a 3 year period.

Dec 25 2017 
The 22nd day spent fighting the Thomas fire in California

Dec 19
Very pleased to have just located a webpage for respected veteran astrologer Alan Oken one of my early teachers through his early books - if you're wanting to extend your astrological knowledge it will be well worth following his newsletters


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...