Wednesday, 6 December 2017

New Year : High Heat & Destructive Outcomes on the Cards

The Southern Hemisphere will be in full summertime conditions as 2017 ends and 2018 begins. 
Multiple energy patterns are converging 
around that time which bear 
a collective signature relating 
to intense destructive forces 
as a result of 
high heat, combustion, fire

This is vacation time in countries like Australia and New Zealand with lots of associated outdoor activity in early January - campfires, barbecues, fireworks, gas cookers and fuel supplies.
High risk activities with combustibles during extreme heat conditions -especially when assisted by wind are a recipe for a higher than normal accident rate.

latest: oil tanker in flames; fire outbreaks & fire advisories issued as hi-risk period begins
scroll to end for updated content

Southern Africa and southern South America are also in this part of the globe.
But those in the Northern latitudes will also share the advisory regarding extra care with fire and combustibles in the time frame indicated.

The prevailing energy is globally related but will only show outcomes in locations where energetic conditions have a resonant match -such as environmental heat and dryness, presence of combustibles, human energies/behaviours.

Astro-profiling the energy factors with hi-probability environmental outcomes
Natural forces themselves are being primed by prevailing influences to be unleashed in a very significant fashion in locations where conditions are ready - but human activity and causation is also a common added ingredient in fire and explosive outcomes due to careless and hazardous behaviour - this risk is also elevated by conditions in play.

The hi-risk conditions of heat, fire and drought will have subsequent destructive effects upon vegetation, crops, structures and life forms.

The factors at New Year  [especially Dec 31 2017-January 11 2018 ] add to ongoing patterns and begin a chain reaction - firstly involving the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio = extreme destructive forces involving heat and fire due to high energy activation.
These energies further disturbed by the lunar nodes in Leo-Aquarius = heat and wind.
January 2 full moon [Supermoon] locks in the pattern.
January 4 late evening Moon in Leo is another activator
January 7-11 Sun-Pluto in conjunction combine to amplify the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction
January 11 late evening Moon in Scorpio adds further activation

Aside from the elevated risk to property and vegetation in this period the energies are transferrable to biological forms -people, animals - and the risk of death/destruction on a mass scale is a strong potential under relevant conditions of risk - owing to the highly destructive forces combining and intensifying as the New Year progresses,  Jan 1 - Jan11.

Many global locations are currently affected by adverse dry conditions with multiple flow on effects:

from @NiwaWeather

from @NiwaWeather

Though no longer featuring on the US drought monitor As December 2017 begins California -at the start of the northern winter - is facing sustained wild fire outbreaks in the dry and windy conditions - with patterns in play over past months finding ongoing outcomes in that region.
Drought Monitor

Dec 22 -

In New Zealand the primary expression of the heat is unfolding as potential drought conditions -a signature set in place at solstice and aggravated by ongoing high temperatures anticipated through summer

Solstice is reached and California comes to a state of near complete management of the wildfire crisis as the Sun and Saturn leave Sagittarius [wild energy] and both enter Capricorn [controlled energy] 

Dec 10 2017 California's wildfire situation remains dire - the first Winter megafire in California's history extensive updates
Photo Gallery of wildfire rampage

Official view is that the situation could still remain uncontrolled as late as Xmas -but the worse energetic conditions building the risk remains into New Year if the local factors remain relevant by New Year's Eve.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...