Thursday, 22 February 2018

Generation Change -the Youth Now Ready to be Heard

A generation now finding its voice can arguably be labelled Generation Change: they were born with change and idealism in their DNA and they will not remain unheard
New Yorker on the #NeverAgain movement

  • The astrological DNA gifted to those born from mid January 1996 to late December 2003 involves the pairing of Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius.
  • Aquarius is the zodiac energy most associated with social justice
  • Uranus is the planetary force operating at its strongest when transiting Aquarius
  • Neptune is the compassionate force and is very compatible with the collective consciousness that is highly valued by Uranus and Aquarius.
  • Jupiter the planet related to beliefs and philosophy was in Aquarius in 1997 adding further strength to egalitarian principles 
latest updates added after main post: 
March for Our Lives protests
NZ youth march to protest sexual predators
the generational theme that follows
scroll to end
In America under the banners of #NeverAgain and #ParklandStudentsSpeak #StudentsStandUp these young people -the oldest reaching age 22 in 2018, the youngest, 14 - are ready for social change, ready to speak, ready to protest. The spark for their arising has been yet another instance of mass shooting in a school - the latest in a chronic and shameful timeline of slaughter in US educational environments.

The February 2018 Solar Eclipse was an activator of this strong Aquarian uprising.
The mass killing at a Parkland high school in Florida occurred on the day before the eclipse in the building phase of the energies, a time frame known for strong outcomes.

The Sun and Moon were conjoined with Mercury -all in Aquarius at the eclipse.
Saturn and Pluto were in the accountability sign -Capricorn
Venus and Neptune were in Pisces -spreading compassion and idealism 
Mars in Sagittarius energises people's beliefs - to take action over what you believe
Jupiter in Scorpio not only expresses as the mass death event but also as the capacity for mass empowerment -thereby being a perfect time to combine all of the above planetary forces to speak out about Change.
Uranus in February 2018 was at 25 Aries -a combination promoting energetic change - linking in to the Sun-Moon-Mercury positions at the eclipse - sitting in the range 24-27 degrees of Aquarius

Jupiter in 2018 is especially activating people of this group who were born May 2000-May 2001

Eclipses have a typical period of effective activation over a 6 month period -until the next solar eclipse in this case. For this reason events around the time of an eclipse - days of approach and days after exactitude - are definitely signifiers of globally significant issues.
In America the issue is continual mass slaughter due to easy access to weaponry during a high risk era of declining quality of mental health.

In other countries this Generation Change will have other issues that will bind them in collective agitation to challenge the status quo. America is in crisis and the whole world is watching and the ripples of activism will spread. The internet is an Aquarian/Uranian technology, with connecting communicating and sharing visions of social justice at the very core.

update March 24

March for our Lives -the student-driven movement - in Washington DC and across the globe with slogans such as Enough is Enough and Rise Up
link to image gallery content 

update March 17

update March 15
In the spirit of #TimesUp
Hundreds of university students marched to protest predatory sexual behaviour in a high profile law firm

update March 14
Nationwide school walkout in US over gun control

update March 2018
The good news does not end with Generation Change.
  • Beginning in 2003 a Pisces-Aquarius blend of Uranus and Neptune starts to be strengthened and is fully in place as 2004 begins. 
  • This pairing of planets is strong due to being in mutual reception [each is transiting the sign related to the other planet -Uranus in Pisces, Neptune in Aquarius] 
  • This powerful pairing promises further young minds coming into life stamped with an intention of achieving social justice, empathy and compassion - because we're all in this together - and is set to deliver a huge cohort of inspirational humanitarians as most people born up until early March 2011 have these very redeeming qualities.
  •  [ Due to a retrograde phase in its orbit, Uranus began its departure from Pisces from May 29-Aug 14 2010, then went back into Pisces before fully entering Aries on March 13 2011]

also on this blog 
Nikolas Cruz astrology profile 
Although his birthdate falls within this same generation, his birth energy contained factors which brought out primarily the negative potentials.

Other references:
Feb 21 2018 CNN video clips of the town hall discussion on guns in the US   
added Feb 23:
Report in The Atlantic on the Parkland Town Hall event



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...