Monday 28 December 2020

Jupiter Saturn Pluto and the Capricorn reign

 Although the calendar year 2020 ends at the finish of December the astrological calendar sustains the Capricorn influences courtesy of the Sun - from 21 December to 19 January. Although this is the normal state of affairs the situation is enhanced in the 2020-2021 crossover period due to persistent Capricorn energy in effect.

The midpoint of multiple planetary pairs sustain the influence of Capricorn even after the relief of Jupiter and Saturn entering  Aquarius...the ancients too attributed Aquarius to Saturn influence so this energy shift comes with bargaining: you play your part and the universe obliges.

Most of January 2021 does have Capricorn residue - as clear from these key points (which are timed for UK London)

1. Pluto remains in Capricorn for another 3 years

2. At the start of January 2021 Pluto has Capricorn midpoints with Sun Mercury Venus Jupiter and Saturn.

3. Start of New Year Jupiter and Saturn have Capricorn midpoints with Sun Mercury and Venus.

4. Jupiter and Saturn maintain their Capricorn midpoints with Pluto well into January  2021

5.  The Pluto-Jupiter midpoint remains in Capricorn until 1pm January 12 UK. The imprint of Pluto blended with Jupiter at an Aquarian midpoint is now underway.

6. At mid January Jupiter and Saturn still sustain their midpoints in Capricorn  with Sun and Venus

7. By late January in week 4 the Capricorn midpoints are almost completed

8. The Saturn Pluto midpoint  leaves Capricorn at 0hrs January 29 UK. Now the imprint of Saturn blended with Pluto has an Aquarian meeting point.

9. At 29 January Pluto Venus have a Capricorn midpoint but the Aquarian midpoints now rule - Pluto has 5. Neptune has 4 . Saturn 4. Jupiter 3. 

10. The most repeated Aquarius midpoint on that date is 2° which has 4 activations ( equivalent birthday Sun 21 or 22 January) where 2 activations occur at 5 other degree points.

It is clear that Capricorn like a damp fog will linger and cling on almost until the last day of January 2021 and then a stronger Aquarian feeling will be able to emerge bearing hopefully the best of lessons from a demanding year.


Wednesday 9 December 2020

Whakaari White Island - 2019 Mass Fatality Eruption - astrological analysis of key factors


of December 2019

December 9 2019 was one of those
 out of the blue days in New Zealand. 
The month of Christmas and vacations - 
endings confronted and new beginnings envisaged.

updates 2023: a specific chart for Whakaari has been inserted 
along with a midpoint grid referenced at the end of the post

At 2.11 pm a sulphury steamy offshore island with an unsettled history erupted hot burning steam and caustic volcanic gases from its volcanic core. It had happened before but not in recent memory.

This time a group of adventurous travellers -mostly from other lands - were in the middle of a sightseeing tour. The consequences were horrendous for them and for the tour company staff.

This analysis is written for a general audience - with an easily readable rendition of astrological language representing what forces were in play when the eruption occurred  - and the factors explaining consequences for one of those affected.

 The astrological chart for the official timing of the eruption highlights key points considered and will be directly informative to those who can interpret the data contained

The transiting Sun Moon planets and other notable factors in the cosmos on that day were not offering a pleasant day out - despite the Sun being blessed by the Sagittarian urge for adventure we know full well how many meet their fate having followed that hopeful promise.

The issue in hand is that none of the factors prevailing in the heavens - even the all powerful Sun -was free to function in isolation.

The Sagittarian Sun at 16 degrees being synchronous with Neptune in Pisces at 16 degrees is where ungrounded faith arose. The perfect adventure imagined. Complete trust.

That clash of energies would also deliver miscalculations, confusion panic.

Everything else in the picture included the Fixed energy signs Taurus and Scorpio and the Cardinals - Aries Cancer plus a huge amount of Capricorn.

Taurus relates not only to the nature of planet Earth but also to our physical form -the body.

Scorpio is what exists beyond form beyond the body and therefore is associated with extreme transformation while alive - as well as physical death itself.

Fixed energies tend towards extreme & dramatic collective outcomes and expressions. The full range of fixed signs gets evoked when several planets are in fixed signs - here there were 4 including the Moon - so Leo  high drama and Aquarius a group situation.

Neptune in the water sign Pisces joined with Mars in the water sign Scorpio on December 9 2019 to bring about the hot burning steam and caustic volcanic gases. 

The Cardinal energy quartet being Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn was also fully evoked - these are all relating signs - Aries - relationship with Self, Libra with partner, Cancer with family & nurturing roles Capricorn with a more paternal or parental managerial style of relating.

These prevailing signs at that time can also be applied to aspects of bodily condition -or where injury/disease may strike -

Aries the head & face Libra the lumbar region kidneys and overall physical appearance, Cancer the chest breasts stomach, Capricorn - the skin bones skeleton.

Though travel energy is associated with Sagittarius and its associated planetary force Jupiter the status of a collection of travellers can be identified further:

A solo traveller represents Aries

A couple travelling together = Libra

A family or just mum and kids = Cancer

An older man/father = Capricorn

A pair or group of friends = Aquarius

Personnel operating as individuals would be identified as Aries factors

The total group

Where Jupiter’s significance is consistent with the Sagittarian desire for travel and adventure - is to seek out learn more see more through that impulse - expand yourself in an arena larger than the everyday and where freedom & risk-taking are often part of the thrill.

Jupiter can deliver well when transiting through Sagittarius - but a year later it has to express through Capricorn then 10 more signs….every 12 years in a perpetual cycle.

Jupiter is very much not at home in Capricorn.

Limits restrictions delays and difficulties will arise.

[not all bodies were retrieved, rescue efforts were delayed or withheld]

On December 2 2019 Jupiter had just finished a year in Sagittarius and immediately entered a Capricorn year.

We know Capricorn is associated with all types of skin issues -whether just dryness or damage or diseases.

When Jupiter is in Capricorn skin issues are more widespread.

The thing with late 2019 is now there was not only Jupiter in Capricorn - - this sector of the cosmic zodiac already contained Saturn Pluto the lunar South Node and Venus.

With so much energy being delivered through Capricorn skin would not be its only bodily or general experiental expression during the longer time frame and in any of the global GPS locations where the energy might be earthed - but on 9 December 2019 and over subsequent days the expression that got extensive Breaking New coverage in New Zealand was the fact that the faces heads and general body surfaces of multiple people had been scalded and burnt by the emissions of a volcano.

The force of Pluto is associated with death the underworld hidden things - and volcanoes.

Capricorn being expressed by the heavy hitting trio of Jupiter Saturn and Pluto was undeniably an overwhelming force delivering massive skin damage - both in individuals and across the affected group - resulting quickly in a global request for transplantable skin to be despatched - the quantity needed was mid-boggling.

Where can the burning energy be detected? Two factors:

1. Chiron in transit through Aries was at one degree just as Jupiter was also at one degree - the two forces and their expressions colluding in a damaging way - injury due to hot burnt skin

2. Mars -associated with heat & burning - and being the carrier force for Aries was in the transformation/death indicator Scorpio.

For many the wounding by melting heat was too extreme.

For the living: their faces/body parts/appearance transformed.

One young man had the misfortune to be called into work at short notice - over-riding his plan to celebrate his 19th birthday with a day off tour duties. His birthday came with a shock - over 80% skin burnt.

Wrong place wrong time will be evident in every individual whose details are known in comparison with the prevailing energies.

Regarding this event the tragedy of this young man became a news story.

Even without a fully timed astrological layout to view the ways in which his energy was majorly challenged on the fateful day are clear

Sagittarius - his birth sign/sun sign brought him into the adventurous tourism sector -but with Sun Mercury Pluto and Chiron all in that sign - the latter two factors are the alert signal: both indicate high potential for harm in Sagittarian contexts -travel adventure risk-taking - at specific times - and it is clear his 19th birthday was one of those days.

Pluto and Chiron
in the young man’s energy had a shared position at 11 Sagittarius.

The Capricorn transits
on the day for the pairing of Jupiter and Pluto and Jupiter and Saturn were 11.5 and 10 degrees.

This capturing of energy alone spells out the big story but as typical in major events multiple factors play a role.

The pairing of transit Saturn and Pluto met at 20.5 degrees Capricorn

The young man has his Mars at 21 Libra.

A severely destructive encounter. As if that wasn’t enough

transit Mercury-Mars met at 21 Scorpio

His appearance transformed.

Transit Neptune at 16 Pisces
did his 17 Sagittarius Sun no favours - the trust and ungrounded faith was very accentuated in him.

That transit of Neptune had only just moved from near standstill at late November into early December. Its slow laboured movements in December - sleepy Neptune at odds with the vibrant Sagittarian drives saw the young man hospitalised in a coma for more than two weeks.

At birth his Chiron [indicator of a deeply wounding mark on the psyche] was at 19 Sagittarius. The risk to physical wellbeing associated with adventurous activities.

To bring this pattern into manifestation a similarly problematic planet came in range:

Saturn was 19 Capricorn on Dec 9 2019 - introducing the issue of skin as a type of deformity that could pose enduring psychological issues for a young man whose appearance was very pleasant..or at the very least a mountainous challenge to recover his inherent positivity.

The midpoint grid for all chart positions above

This grid is needed to reference the following additional material

Using my own methodology developed since 2019 re extreme natural events it is important to extend the analysis in reference to strong indicative factors that were not included in the original post. Further study of such events reinforces the importance of outer planets [from Jupiter to Pluto ] which are in extremely slow orbit and in near approach to a significant natural event. more detail is added here

 The slow speed of the planet means its intensity of impact
 in the terrestrial environment is magnified 
during the weeks of slow orbit

Neptune [water signifier] was very slow being in an apparent retrograde loop from mid November 2019 at 16 Pisces [water sign ]. By 27 November Neptune was at Station -near motionless when at 15'55" being the end the loop & considered to be resuming Direct motion 

Neptune maintained slow pace until passing again over 16 Pisces on December 13  - this means that on the date of Whakaari's eruption 9 December Neptune was very slow very intense in terms of the implications of the water element - including steam the maritime adventure and the psychological states of mind already referenced

New insights related to the grid
The grid aligns all planetary and chart factors including solar lunar lunar nodal points and 2 chart axis points and compares each with all others to determine the degree and sign where each pairing synergises -creating a new signature of 2 factors

On the surface it is clear that not enough of significance for an event of this nature was evident in 9 December's chart factors alone and that the contributing factors lay both earlier and later than December 2019 - the factors now detected are typically involved but typically arise much closer in time to the strong expression of a related event

The factors are the eclipses of July 2019 and Late December 2019-January 2020

July 2019 total solar eclipse 10'38 Cancer
July 2019 lunar eclipse 24'04 Capricorn

The July Solar Eclipse is most closely seen in the 9 December event grid at the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn - 10'06 Capricorn - which is an opposition match for the eclipse position at 10'38 -very tight 32 minutes variation. This signifies that  the July 2019 total solar eclipse had a major regulating function in respect of the forces of expansion [Jupiter] and contraction [Saturn] in the volcanic system that erupted in December 2019 -effectively potentising those processes at the date when Jupiter and Saturn were synergised at a position tightly enough aligned to the July solar eclipse -and that date was 9 December. The Jupiter-Pluto midpoint also has to be included here as these two factors are extreme high energy in combination -being 11'32 in the grid this was under a degree offset therefore very tightly aligned with the solar eclipse. considering Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto all 3 converged at 10'49 Capricorn even closer collectively to the 10'38 eclipse. This adds further identification of the level and intensity of force displayed on 9 December.

This is readily understood at the quantum level of simultaneity
 the present -no past no future -simply singular points converging all relevant factors 
- non-locality entanglement

Regarding the lunar eclipse of July 2019: the Tropics are very relevant to the declination and range of movement of the Sun and Moon in relationship to Earth 

 QUORA Map explained

The lower map shows the latitudes of the tropics -North and South both at 23.5º Cancer and Capricorn

The upper map shows New Zealand in reference to the Tropic of Capricorn line
The July 2019 lunar eclipse at 24'04 Capricorn was at a slightly lower declination than the relevant tropic latitude going from South from the 0º equator between the 9th-23rd of July and the eclipse timing in NZ being the 17th of July

Why is this relevant? An eclipse carries multiple signatures of sensitive points in addition to the positions of the Sun and Moon. These can be activated any time a resonance occurs within the period between eclipses. The Moon was 24'04 Capricorn in the July eclipse.

The event grid for 9 December shows 24 Capricorn was sensitised enough to impact the midpoint of Mercury and Neptune - 22'43 Capricorn -nearly 23º and close enough to be very impacted. Capricorn represents factors including management and responsibility/accountability. Mercury is the state of mind and all types of communication -oral written published and digital. Neptune is a confused unclear influence affecting the communications related to Mercury. Basically a system failure occurred under those influences enhanced by the lunar eclipse intensifies a connected pattern.

A related outcome can commonly be linked back to Eclipse events that have occurred prior -earlier in linear time -but events can also be linked to eclipses that arise in what is in everyday concepts termed the future when applying the quantum lens. Abandoning the antiquated concept of linear time allows us to see how all time is pulled into the present - as understood to be valid at the quantum level of reality. Planetary analysis  - including eclipse events - demonstrates this remarkably well.

Eclipses after the Whakaari eruption occurred 26 December then 11 January 2020 NZ time.

The solar eclipse was 4'07 Capricorn
The lunar eclipse was 20'00 Cancer

Relevance to the December solar eclipse: Looking again at the 9 December grid to see what relevance these have:
The Sun-Pluto midpoint was 4'09 Capricorn a near 100% perfect alignment by conjunction. Sun-Pluto together converge the 2 most potent energy sources in our solar system in terms of observed expressions in terrestrial life

Relevance the January Lunar Eclipse : Venus-Pluto was 18'54 Capricorn on 9 December in tight opposition to the lunar eclipse with just 1'06 separation - Venus is the relating-relationship planet subjected to the transformational and often fatal force of Pluto -intensified under this eclipse; death and severe loss are signified  and reinforced by Saturn-Pluto meeting at 20'14 Capricorn -with only 14 mins of angular separtion from direct opposition to the lunar eclipse - an insignificant difference at the scale involved -but the tightness of alignments is also very typical in powerful events as it is in people with very intense energy expressions

It is hoped that these further aspects of analysis -even if at a more advanced level - can be of value to those who are intrigued by the ways in which planetary analysis can both pinpoint relevant factors that are commonplace in powerful natural events as well as assisting in timing/dating the expressions. 
Those unfamiliar with quantum concepts may struggle to accept the non-linear timing model and the notion of time being very compressed into the moment but with perseverance it may prove to be as rewarding to you as it is to me.
The updates added reflect the current period as the world watches Grindavik Iceland re an expected major eruptive period and inspires me to put more work into analysing that event

the Profiler
November 2023

Further Reading for technical and incident details

Sunday 29 November 2020

December 2020 High Collective Significance of the Sagittarius Total Solar Eclipse

 The December 2020 Total Solar Eclipse at 23 Sagittarius carries a lot of significance due to associated planetary energies in the frame during the eclipse event period

In reference to the grid provided below the following notes apply:

The Pluto in Capricorn transit closely connected by semisextile to the December 2020 eclipse reveals the personal challenges apparent - in a longer time frame in advance of the eclipse - that can be identified as a crisis in maturation for each Sun sign that has needed to be addressed in order for the person to achieve a significant evolutionary stage in this early 2020s era.

The Sagittarius Total Solar Eclipse of mid-December 2020 provides the maturing Growth or Expansion context  - effectively a payoff - but one which requires the gains achieved through the Pluto derived challenge-to-mature context in order to deliver optimum benefits through the life experiences outlined.

Jupiter is the key influence over the Sagittarius Eclipse. But it’s complicated.

Jupiter is in the very contrasting energy Capricorn and tightly conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. 

What this collection of influences delivers is a sustained maturation process being made available firstly through challenges or crises [Pluto induced breakdown] followed by a growth & rebuilding/restoration process under the combined energies of Jupiter and Saturn.


The potential is offered to express the growth direction with a new level of confidence and maturity.

This significant blend of Sagittarius & Jupiter with Capricorn & Saturn fully activates key themes that also are set to evolve under the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction  in Aquarius - which heralds a 200 year delivery of their synergy in Air signs - following their equally long sequence in Earth signs.

The significance of this cannot be overlooked.

Humanity has had a strong attachment to objects possessions and the physical/material & bodily dimension in the Earth epoch.

The Air epoch emphasises the non-physical non-material energy of the mind & consciousnessconcepts, ideas, experiences.

This is a huge contrast away from the object and the physical

The area of growth [Sagittarius/Jupiter] is given an opportunity to incorporate Capricorn/Saturn developmental qualities: the mature concepts including commitment, focus, restraint, responsibility, reliability, stable management & related qualities of mind.

If the Saturn approach is not accepted developed and applied in the context of growth the achievement of sustained developmental maturation will be missed.

For those who have identified confronted & begun to resolve the challenge/s needing to be resolved under Pluto's pressure during Capricorn in 2020 the pathway is more clearly available towards the context for a more mature state of growth or expansion.- made available through the shift to a more mature state of mind. 

This applies at any life stage -whether 5 years old or 75 years old - there is always maturation periods and adjustments to be made to the mental disposition.

Some will remain longer within the challenged state due to more mind work needing to be done using more focus and commitment - but those moving more slowly can still look to the new direction on offer & make some early beginnings.

The grid shows the zodiac signs which can be read as Sun sign and rising sign. 

From the perspective of each the location of the Dec 2020 Sagittarius eclipse and the location of transit Pluto are given with high potential options for positive utilisation of the energies available through these factors and - given the close synchronicity to the Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius conjunction - the interpretations reflect how these events are linked.

Effectively this December 2020 transitional period offers a wide collective shift in consciousness - if embraced - blending the best of Jupiter and Saturn with thanks to Pluto.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

SEARCH GUIDE: criminal offenders & power abuse crime

 Multiple posts have been compiled on this site over the past decade to address the profiling of criminal energy, in particular the energy of violent power abuse crimes - involving sexual or mass destructive factors.

The profiling of sex offenders post published in 2013 has proven to be consistently high rating and serves as a useful starting point for beginning to identify recurrent factors that are evidenced in the energy of offenders - and on the day a violent event occurs 

As a search guide the following keywords, names or search phrases will mitigate to some extent the blunt tool search options offered by the host provider. 

Power predators narcissists

Criminal Energy

Profiling Sex offenders

Jupiter sex energy

Jupiter Uranus Pluto

Harvey Weinstein

Kim Wall Peter Madsen

Meredith Kercher Amanda Knox

Oscar Pistorius

Madeleine McCann

Nikolas Cruz

Currently [2020] there is more material posted via @astroprofiles on Twitter in thread form including the latest on UK serial killer Dennis "Des" Nilsen whose crimes are thoroughly detailed in Wikipedia.

Friday 4 September 2020

Full Moon Uranus in Taurus Sinks Cattle Transporter

 The distress call came at Full Moon on Wednesday September 2 in high seas between Japan and China. Typhoon Maysak was in full rage but the 139 metre long multi story sea transporter Livestock 1 was persevering towards its destination in China. 5867 cattle beasts had been sold and were heading for a new life after the last port of call in Napier New Zealand. The sea travel was planned for around 17 days but no one factored in a potent full moon and extreme weather factors that had been born in August 2020.

Only one survivor has to date been located and few possible remnants of a vessel he saw list sharply and then submerge after a failed engine left the ship prone to a monster storm driven wave.

The September 2 Full Moon with Sun and Moon at 10 mutable [Virgo-Pisces] joined forces with Uranus at 10 Taurus. Pisces identifies the maritime environment: a ship at sea. Taurus bears ancient archetypal symbol The Bull & all cattle species. 

Cattle are creatures of the earth, born to be standing with all four feet on the soil and consuming grass. The first error in this story is the trauma induced by placing these animals in a metal prison in a watery environment -basically an alien environment.                                 

Uranus angled to the Pisces full moon is one indicator of an expected maritime incident. The Taurus factor not only describes the cattle but also the financial value [around $4,000 dollars each] and the value society places on animal welfare is again a question to be aired. 

As usual more than one indicator is in the picture.

The lunar nodes reached 27 Gemini Sagittarius in August 2020 which is the current position of the center of our galaxy - 27 Sagittarius in astrology - and astronomically named Sagittarius A. This is where the famous Black Hole exists, pouring magnetic field streams into our space environment. Personal research over several years posted on this site continues to put the 27 mutable energy in a high alert category in terms of the step down effects activated on our planet when 27 mutable is being channeled by significant factors including eclipses, lunar nodes and planets from Jupiter outwards to Pluto.

 Even strings of monthly lunations that keep a 26-28 degree position in any sign or mode can be factored in regarding an increased potential for high potency atmospheric conditions that manifest as extreme or severe weather events -especially wind power and rain intensity - fire risk too is intensified as the consequence of resonating with galactic center energies is an all elements amplification

[More details and examples are found in the archives on this site under "extreme weather" or "galactic center" search]

The lunar nodes in August resonated at 27 Gemini Sagittarius. Everyday expression of these signs involves movement travel and transport. when Sagittarius is involved it is large scale large distance. 

By September 2 the nodes had retrograded to 26'14 Gemini & Sag and clearly close enough to fall within the effective field of Uranus at 10'34 Taurus. The potency of the hidden angles is proven time and again. 10 degrees fixed resonates with 25 degrees mutable -10'34 = 25'34 so clearly the effective engagement of these forces was at high potential on September 2 - aided by the extra field provided by the Full Moon.

Nodal events tend to have a globally significant high profile and involve a mass event. This one fully complies: 43 crew 5867 animals is a global news story.

Pressure now accumulates to halt suspend or ideally terminate a practice that has repeatedly shown to be fatal injurious or at the very least highly stressful for animals.

Friday 17 July 2020

Track your transits - a quickview astrological guide

Simply looking at a round wheel or an aspect grid doesn't always work for everybody. When you want to get a precise overview of connected factors there are a few easy steps to take:

  • List all the planetary bodies and key axis points you use. N = lunar nodes  A =Ascendant-Descendant M =midheaven-IC
  • Round up/down the degree positions to nearest whole number
  • run a column to the right listing the 15 degree resonating point. for planets at over 15 degrees subtract 15. For under 15 add 15. 15 itself becomes 30/0
  • Create another box with degree positions from 0-30/0
  • Refer to box one and transfer each entry. Example : Sun is listed at 10 and 25.
  • This graphic view allows you not only to see natally which factors are in strong synergy but also very useful with transits to track where the significant action is taking place and the sequential activations. Orbs of effect vary dependent upon speed and "weight" of the factor in transit. A transit one-two degrees off natal exact point is definitely worth noting.
  • Every factor and point therefore gets a "double-dose" Example: Moon at 15 and 30/0. So when any exact point is "live" you know that 15 degrees later will be a further resonance activated.

the 15 degree factor comes as a result of dividing the 360 degree wheel into 24 divisions. Therefore this is called the 24th harmonic. semisquare and sesquiquadrate are most commonly known in that group but unwisely overlooked, considered weak. Incorrect in my experience. Hidden yes when nothing else seems to be identified as active. Look and you will find.

The logic behind the 24th and 15 degree divisions comes back to the finer divisions of the circle or wheel: angles 45 135 225 and 315 each sit midway therefore serve as a midpoint of the key angular points at 0 90 180 270 degrees.
Midpoint positions are known to capture the essence from both energies equidistant to that point.
The related drawing shows those 8 points.

The connection with Chinese Divination

Chinese divination uses the 8 compass points from what is to the West an upside down perspective facing the equator and sunrise and the South. The midpoints of the key 4 directions are well known to the world as NW NE SW SE . The Chinese method is to further subdivide each direction into 3 - giving 8x3 = 24 sectors of 15 degrees each. These sectors are called Mountains. Depending upon which "stars" fall into each sector determines good or bad luck for the year. One "star" equates to Jupiter (Tai Sui) - seen as a formidable force which demands respect or disaster will follow. It can be seen how Jupiter can also be adverse in the Western view if proper restraint is not used when excesses get extreme.

This use of 15 degree divisions has an application to the Chinese solar year beginning Feb 4 annually 9at our midpoint of Aquarius -Start of Spring in the Northern hemisphere but the framework is fundamentally based on the 4 fixed points -2 solstices, 2 equinoxes.
The whole year of days is divided by 24 to get periods of 15.2 days ( each division called a "Chi" ) . These represent astronomical points of the Sun's passage along the ecliptic using just 15 degrees of longitude along the horizon -versus the Western blocks of 30 degrees. Using the 15 degree system allows for the very alternating energy of Yin Yang to be identified.
The Yang ON point of activation sits at 15 degrees (matching 15 degree positions in Western zodiac) and the Yin OFF point occurs at the 30/0 degree position.
Which is very interesting in that the Western view reveres the zero degree ingress which the Eastern view sees as Yin - building to peak Yang at 15 degrees.

It is intriguing to look for a blend of these two perspectives or a comprehensive expansion of both. Many dismiss the superstitious aspects of Chinese geomancy and divination but often the issues arise in crude elaborations followed by poor translations that miss the essence.

The above image taken from Lillian Too's Feng Shui reference "Lucky Numbers"
Recommend: Derek Webster Chinese Astrology high level research


Saturday 11 July 2020

Disappearance of Naya Rivera -astrological signifiers

The 2020 Disappearance of Naya Rivera with Astrological Signifiers

update Naya Rivera was reported as dead on July 13 2020

Naya Rivera known well for her role in Glee disappeared in a California lake on July 8 2020. The only witness was her 4 year old son, accompanying her on a boating excursion.

This story from an astrological perspective is full of Neptune which expresses through Pisces and relates to everything watery confusing mysterious unknown.

To understand how this applies to Naya (aged 33 born January 12 1987) it is clear even without an exact birth time that she was born on a day when Jupiter was in Pisces - this planet in this sign brings large big extreme too much in combination with water. The second indicator to note is two sometimes dangerous planetary energies Saturn and Uranus are in the sign Sagittarius which wants to naturally express as optimism confidence adventurousness. Uranus in Sagittarius can encourage risk-taking. Saturn in Sagittarius generates anxieties caution worries related to adventurous freedom-seeking and is the key factor in bringing problems in that context.

Sagittarius naturally associates with Jupiter so it is not totally comfortable when merged with Saturn or Uranus - especially if there is a general picture of problems to be aware of.

Saturn and Uranus on Jan 12 1987 had a meeting point (midpoint) at 20 degrees Sagittarius. Jupiter was 19 Pisces. This is problematic. Big expanse of water impulsive adventurousness something going wrong. These potential factors were imprinted on the day of Naya’s birth.

Potentials rely on activation and timing is always a karmic factor.

A collection of energies in 2020 has accumulated (it’s never a single activator but a mix of major and minor) to place Naya at a much higher risk of a negative outcome.


The first major fact has been the transit of Neptune - being extra strong in Pisces until the 2025 transition into Aries. We are all in a significant water era with different  degrees of relevance for us individually while on another level generally relevant to our whole species and planet.

Late in March 2020 Neptune reached 19 degrees Pisces and began to strongly affect Naya in April May June and into July due to its activation of a total of 5 of her energies all sitting in the range 19-21 degrees. 

19 degrees Jupiter in Pisces

20 degrees Saturn and Uranus midpoint in Sagittarius

20-21 degrees Sun & Mercury at near total conjunction in Capricorn

This pattern of having so many significant factors ready to be triggered by any single major transiting planet is always a high risk factor bringing periods of extremes into a person’s life: intense crises lasting months to most of a year alternating with periods of relative calm.

Knowing almost nothing of Naya’s life and backstory it seems she has faced an ongoing run of challenges.

The impact of Neptune psychologically can be very disorienting -as if you are being flooded with a sense of being in a vastly different reality. At the extreme end this can express as delusions or paranoia but generally a disconnection from being grounded. We are Earth beings even if our ancient origins were Aquatic so keeping a balance with natural and especially land-based and vegetation energies is necessary for those who habitually get ungrounded. To be in water when ungrounded is creating a huge excess. This is the hazard of Jupiter in Pisces/big water/excess water energy.

Naya’s birth sign Capricorn is of the Earth element -the mountain climbing goat -suited to being on peaks as well as climbing to the top in careers. During a Neptune transit she needed mountains rocks and crystals.


When transiting in 2020 at 9-10 degrees Taurus - June into July - this indicator of disconnection from the physical activates Naya’s Pluto position at 9’40 Scorpio.

This is clear transition energy that can deliver a shift from the physical to the metaphysical plane.

Fast moving influences

The fast transits of Mercury in Cancer and Mars in Aries strongly activated the birth position of Neptune in Capricorn on the day of her disappearance in July.


This planet stands out as a highly significant factor inherently for Naya and especially in 2020 due to the activations from transiting Neptune in Pisces. No one alive has experienced Neptune in Pisces prior to the current long cycle transit which first emerged in 2011 extending through to 2025 so this is new territory for all of us.

At worst Neptune can aggravate mental health problems and give a high disposition towards addictive behaviours especially drug and alcohol abuse and addictive behaviours of many types - commonly including gambling gaming. On a general level being flooded with Neptune energy wil be a very destabilising influence due to not knowing what is real or what is going on and loss of control or inhibition.

In addition:

The planet Mercury indicates mental capacity and the Sun is indicative of our key identity. Being born with Mercury too close to the Sun obliterates to some degree the strength of the mind can limit a person’s ability to function well in their thinking and mental processing.

The degree to which Naya fits any of these challenging potentials - especially in the period from late March through to week one of July 2020 may be known to just a few people. She has definitely been at high risk of a destabilised state from causes that fit a Neptunian profile. In that state people can be very drawn to disappearance, to escape withdrawal and sleep.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Madeleine McCann abduction - astrological details

Despite the absence of complete astrological data related to birth times and exact time of the criminal abduction of Madeleine McCann a large amount of relevant information can be presented for consideration. The conclusion of this investigation is that the named suspect Christian Brueckner is highly likely to be the perpetrator of this crime

Sky News video
8 February 2024

The same scenario of abducting a child to sell was already referenced by a different witness to the man in the latest news item.

Although the potential for this being a homicide case is not dismissed - another outcome was considered high ly possible in the original text of this analysis:  Madeleine being sold.
This was based on Brueckner's known behaviour patterns. 
This conclusion was reached in the original analysis posted in 2020:

The value of stolen children therefore may have motivated him more than the passing pleasures of revenge.

Homicide is not the only potential for the Pluto factors referenced in the update of June 2023. Pluto is about power and killing is extreme use of power -but power over the fate or destiny of another person is also an optional outcome.

JUNE 2023 

In view of the late May search for evidence in Portugal with some material removed for analysis

Some thoughts May 27 2023:  looking at transits for JUNE 2023:

It would be great if some resolution of the case is close

June to November 2023 and April 2024 stand out as
 significant periods for key astrological energies to be active for Madeleine and Kate McCann

Further astrological confirmation that the chief suspect Christian Brueckner is likely responsible for her death due to connection between CBs Pluto in Libra and MMs planets

MAY 2023

A search is planned for May 23 to search a reservoir of interest in the case
 against prime suspect Christian Brueckner.
The location is 50kms from the scene of Madeleine's abduction.
The heat is on Brueckner during the extended period of Pluto in transit at 0 Aquarius as his Dec 7 1976 birthdate equates to the Sun being at 15 Sagittarius.

With Pluto holding 0 Aquarius since late March 2023 extending to mid June a stressful semisquare angle is created for him.
Pluto is a powerful change agent. Sagittarius is the energy of free-ranging liberty. There is potential for this Pluto-Sun dynamic to fully restrain Brueckner - who is already imprisoned on a prior heinous crime against a woman of vulnerable age.
Even when Pluto retrogrades back into late Capricorn  [28-29 degrees] for 7 months Brueckner will feel the pressure of Pluto in Capricorn 
[ a combination that asks everyone to face their ultimate responsibilities ]
Pluto in those late Capricorn degrees is in a 90 degree square
 to his Chiron: 28 Aries at birth.
Chiron in Aries is one of the hardest combinations to resolve: 
when birth patterns indicate challenges from Chiron in Aries to other birth planets
 [ for Brueckner Chiron at 28 Aries was square Venus 27 Capricorn ]
 this is a red alert for psychological and behavioural dysfunctions.
For him the Chiron-Venus energy mix is very problematic in relating to others.
Chiron in Aries comes from a basis of a very selfish perspective 
due to a need to restore some sense of self worth.
When associated with a freedom seeking personality with no respect
 for boundaries or limits the capacity to harm others is magnified.
Brueckner also has sexual freedom drives that defy conventional behaviour.
These key elements of his personality correspond to
 antisocial personality disorder with pronounced narcissistic traits.
On that basis he is unsuitable for ordinary life in society and true justice
is likely to see him found accountable - whether in this life or the next.
2023 is definitely leading to that outcome for him.
The beginning of 2024 sees Pluto return again to 0 Aquarius.
For him another chapter in this case - possibly the strongest yet
 may be the conclusion.

Looking back at 2007 another very important factor has come into view: the March solar eclipse at 28 Pisces can be coupled with Pluto at 28 Sagittarius on the abduction date.
28 mutable is of significance as it is a match for 13 fixed by semi or sesqui square.
Looking at Madeleine we see her:
 Mercury is 13 Taurus
Mars-Neptune 12-13 Aquarius
and Jupiter not far away at 10 Leo.
Engaging with this mixed of energy is Brueckner's Uranus 10 Scorpio.
On May 2 2007 there was a full Moon 11 Scorpio under an 11 Taurus Sun
On May 3 2007 the Sun and Mercury were 12 Taurus.
12-13 Taurus are very activated by Neptune in transit 2023-2024 at 27-28 Pisces.
The body in water scenario has high potential when these factors are highlighted



April 22 2022
Portuguese Police named Christian Brueckner as a formal suspect in this case.
No charges have yet been laid.
The suspect is in prison related to other offences ( drugs, rape).
The news release has occurred while Saturn in Aquarius is close to exact square Brueckner's Jupiter in Taurus. 
(A former lifestyle of free-ranging desires looks destined to be further constrained)

 Reference: Wikipedia

Review: Nov 29 2020
December 2020 is a potentially very significant month in this case -whether that is public or not.
Then the family collective energy is very activated in the April May June period of 2021

Scroll to near end for related detailed summary

2020 updates posted
June 23  Suspect's windfall in May 2007
Suspect scoping the crime scene - likely from late April 
The question of timing and karma

June 22 unleashed from restraint and burdens -the upcoming Jupiter Saturn era
June 22 Gerry McCann full chart added

June 17 added a section on the revelations from Kate McCann's birthdate data

Though many hours of preparation in June 2020 have gone into this post after news broke of interest in suspect Christian Brueckner it is far from complete in terms of the amount of astrological details and methods available. For the sake of precision and clarity a focus has been placed on the standout factors which present the links between suspect and victim and the connection between their individual energies and the energies that prevailed when the event or events referenced occurred. [updated sections with information later received also consider whole family patterns ]

Madeleine McCann abduction suspect Christian Brueckner

Birthdate data. Birth time unknown. Moon likely in range of opposition to Mars-Neptune & trine Pluto. Positions rounded to full degrees. Closest angles midpoints and Saturn return noted

The suspect named at the June 2020 15 Sagittarius eclipse is a German male born December 7 1976 when the Sun was at 15 Sagittarius. The naming of Christian Brueckner is seen as a different stage in the investigation after 13 years of minimal progress in resolving the case of abducted toddler Madeleine McCann from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz Portugal on May 3 2007 at an estimated astrological time of 9.35pm.
Suspect Christian Brueckner [CB] has a date of birth profile that fully reveals his life of crime history to date. That profile shows an intense array of factors that show he had at birth the karmic causes and conditions to be abandoned by his mother & given up for adoption. Very dysfunctional relating capacity [Chiron square Venus; Pluto square Mercury-Venus midpoint] coupled with a cold blooded disposition [Saturn in Leo] resulting in in revenge-based domination of vulnerable females or easy targets - very young and very old are linked to his criminal record to date and his general pattern of relationships is likely to have been similarly abusive even if not reported to authorities.
Chiron with Venus has the rage factor alternating with poor self esteem. Pluto is the punishing controlling dominating revenge-seeking urge: it links to his Neptune Saturn Mars and Sun - so a lot of energy is synergised at times when this man is driven by Pluto - which when in Libra is easily obsessed with whoever gains his focus of attention. Neptune in the mix is a weakening factor for his Mars and Sun- disempowering and along with Chiron needs to be overcome through acts of fantasy self aggrandizement displays of a “wannabe”  or "try hard" personality as well as acts of domination.
Neptune also expresses strongly through his multiple recorded acts of criminal stealth - entering dwellings in order to steal cash or sellable items - and through his dealing in drugs cannabis hashish & possibly more.
This pattern of taking what belongs to others is at maximum level of offence when what is taken is another human being: abducting a child is the ultimate revenge against a mother - and here clearly in psychological terms, against his own mother.
The carryover mental conditioning in his energetic timeline is Taurus -as seen on the south node. This life having Jupiter in Taurus amplifies considerably that drive to seek security from things when no other secure foundation exists. The drifter life CB was leading in the period of the early 2000s decade involved not having enough cash to fund the lifestyle he aspired to. Consistently it seems his crimes had a monetary motivation and with Jupiter well positioned with Venus there would have been some windfall periods - but inevitably undermined by Chiron bringing much leaner times.

His current incarceration [now under legal challenge] for the September 2 2005 violent rape of a 72 American woman also living in Praia da Luz Portugal is the most noteworthy of his known crimes on record. It confirms the visible astrology which points to a high capacity for pathological or homicidal behaviours. What is known is that the victim in that case was beaten and restrained as well as sexually violated - and she reports feeling “tortured” by his actions - but she was not killed. This raises the question of whether his goal stops short of killing the females he is punishing. CB stole cash and sellable items from this woman.

The likelihood of CB being the perpetrator of the abduction and any subsequent criminal behaviour against Madeleine McCann [MM] is extremely high when considering a range of prevailing astrological factors and how those factors would be activating CB’s own inherent patterns and behavioural tendencies.

Born with the most light-filled sign Leo constrained by the grim energy of Saturn is a relevant starting point since CB had his Saturn Return in August 2006 ; an activation time for the lovelessness he holds inside, the capacity to be cold hearted cold-blooded. Subsequent to that period in August when his incapacity to feel normal human warmth was triggered within the context of some interaction or triggered memory the march of time - and karma - delivered a relentless wave of activation amongst his birth energies - starting with the eclipses of September 2006  - Sept 7 triggering the Mars-Neptune-Sun trio and probably expressed as elevated indulgence in or dealing in drugs and possibly alcohol as well if that was his choice as well. Sept. 22 activated the Venus-Chiron relationship wounds. The October full moon 14 Aries was an exact energiser of his Neptune and Pluto both at 14 degrees - domination fantasies. In November the greedy Taurus and wounded Venus were both awakened. In December it was an echo of the September activations. 
In fact up till May 2007 the low self esteem relationship wounds were raw month after month due to repeated Moons at 27 28 or 29 degrees affecting his Venus at 27 and Chiron at 28 degrees.
So too was his excessive Neptunian capacity very active - whether this was expressed only through drugs/alcohol use or involvement or criminal acts of theft/burglary - or even watching pornographic material. The Mars Neptune sun energies giving those options were also strongly activated in September Oct Dec 2006 and Feb March 2007.

In addition the Nov 2006 New Moon in Scorpio was a trigger for his south node-Jupiter in Taurus tendencies.
His Pluto-Neptune combination was activated at the October 2006 , January 2007 and April 2007 Full Moons.
Saturn came back into the frame at the February 2007 full moon and was still alive when stationary direct in April

After this lengthy sustained accumulation of dysfunctional patterns being aroused by multiple key phases of the Sun and Moon April added more impetus:

The Sun at 27-28 Aries triggered his Chiron and Venus on April 17-18
Mercury did the same on April 26
Saturn was intense at stationary direct from 17-23 April 18 Leo - pressuring his birth Saturn at close to 17 Leo.

The transiting nodal axis reached 15 Pisces-Virgo - passing at right angles to his 15 Sagittarius Sun in the last week of April then closing in on Neptune - due to have an exact angle at 13’45  Sagittarius in mid May 2007.

Mars in Pisces joined the transit nodes on April 25. Venus in Gemini reached 15 degrees that same day

All the buildup factors since August 2006 and the intensification in April 2007 show that CB was ready to blow. The September 2006 and March 2007 eclipses all put full pressure on his weak spots and dysfunctions.
By April 2007 the Sun had entered his familiar territory of Taurus. His obsessive and addictive criminal tendencies were very much on the surface and he was still feeling bad enough about himself to require another strong dose of empowerment.

update June 23 2020
Witness accounts noted in KM's Madeleine book are consistent with the time frame when CB was emboldened by activating planets to take action. Witness sightings pertaining to a loitering man in the locality of Appt 5A emerged from the last days of April and within the first days of May 2007. The May 3 evening sighting of a man carrying child seems consistent with most if not all the sightings since 29 April. No sightings of the same man in the area are evident after May 3 2007.

Whether the case of Inga Gehricke - 5 years old blond haired German girl missing on May 2 2015 is linked to CB is as yet far from proven but the timing is interesting in having a similarity to prior events:
the MM abduction was May 3 2007 .
May 2 2015 - 2 days before full moon in Taurus-Scorpio -[Pluto 15 Capricorn; Moon 14 Libra day prior. Mars 23 Taurus] [ Inga Gehricke taken]

Sept 2 2005 - day before new moon with nodes at 14 Aries Libra [CB Pluto 14 Libra] violent rape

May 3 2007 - day after full moon Taurus Scorpio . Nodes 14 Pisces-Virgo [MM taken] 

Just on initial observation of the similarities between these 3 dates linked or potentially linked to CB it seems that particular aspects of his astrological makeup are activated when abduction or domination crimes of this type have occurred.

June 2020 is clearly a crisis point for CB with 2 eclipses both interacting with his birthdate energy: the 15 Gemini Sagittarius full moon [ 15 degrees  activates CB Sun 15 Sagittarius, Neptune 14 Sagittarius Mars 11 Sagittarius Saturn 16’48 Leo, Pluto 14 Libra] then the 0 degree Cancer new moon solar eclipse opposite his Mercury at 1 Capricorn as well as Saturn in Leo by sesquiquadrate.

With CB already challenging the legal aspects of his arrest for the Sept 2 2005 crimes it would be a surprise to many if he confessed to the mysteries surrounding him but in the fourth week of June 2020 strong signs of accountability are in the picture: in addition to the solar eclipse position Saturn at zero degrees Aquarius is semisquare CB’s Sun at 15 Sagittarius. Additionally planets Jupiter and Pluto in transit converge at the end of June at 24 Capricorn - a signal of maximum constraints or restrictions.  CB has birthdate Jupiter at 24 Taurus so this signals that his life of uncontrolled indulgence is over. By this point Police may hold the necessary evidence to determine CB’s fate in decades of incarceration.

In terms of the significance of the Taurus energy: if he has stolen more than one female child the motive could be not simply as an act of domination revenge abuse against both mothers and their vulnerable daughters - aspects which are covered by the interactions of Pluto Venus and Chiron in his energy - but in terms of the tradeable commodity aspect which is known to appeal to CB - his known lifestyle drug dealing and living from the proceeds of thefts and burglaries with the intention of funding a higher status lifestyle. His Jupiter in Taurus linked to Venus in Capricorn [ and those linked as well to the Mars-Neptune-Sun combination] is consistent with the criminal small business enterprises he ran in countries of different nationalities.

The value of stolen children therefore may have motivated him more than the passing pleasures of revenge.
In May 2007 the new moon in Taurus on the 16th at 25 Taurus activated CB’s Jupiter 24 degrees Taurus  - potentially bring him a financial windfall if indeed his plan was to sell MM as a commodity
The proximity of the Algarve region of Portugal to easy travel into Morocco

update June 23 2020: 
In a news release Michael Tatschl  - CB's criminal associate and former housemate in Luz in 2006- to April 2007 describes CB's criminal modus operandi in Luz  [June 22 news item,] and says CB turned up in neighbouring region Andalucia Spain some weeks after the abduction- late in May or start of June 2007 with a large expensive motor home which suggested he had come into some money.  Tatschl felt CB was capable of the abduction crime and of selling kids maybe in Morocco.
These disclosures and speculations from Tatschl are consistent with the analysis of astrological indicators noted in the original post re MM's montetary value and the timing of May 16 when a financial windfall was on offer for CB. Even looking at a regional map this author felt drawn to the Morocco destination intuitively before that option was reiterated in recent research. Interesting too that the McCanns appear to have also been drawn to Morocco on more than one occasion.
1985 Tiffin Allegro motorhome similar to one seen by Tatschl

Birthdate data. Time of birth not known. Likely early morning forming a very close square to Saturn  [separation from  home & family] Positions rounded to full degrees. Closest angles noted

Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann was born May 12 2003. There are many points of connection between her birthdate energy and that of CB.

The most symbolic of those connections is the wide conjunction of  MM's Jupiter 10 Leo with
 CB's Saturn near 17 Leo. Here is Light confronted with Darkness. 
Where Jupiter, the Second Sun carries the solar joy and warmth of Leo, Saturn is the absence of light,
the contraction of joy the coldness of a barren heart.

With Sun Mercury and North Node in Taurus it is the Sun-Node midpoint at 25 Taurus that connects to CB’s Jupiter at 24 Taurus.
CB’s Jupiter- South Node midpoint is 13.5 Taurus
MM’s Mercury is 13 Taurus
CB’s Chiron at 28 Aries and Jupiter 24 Taurus interact with MM’s Venus at 24 Aries
CBs Saturn at 16’48 Leo and Sun 15 Sagittarius connect to MM’s Pluto at 19’20 Sagittarius
CB has 5 planetary energies in the range 10-15 degrees -3 mutable, one fixed, one cardinal.Sun Mars Neptune. Uranus. Pluto
MM has 4 energies in the range 10-13 degrees - 4 fixed: Jupiter Mars Mercury Neptune.
The standout contacts are the fixed sign interractions from his Uranus 10 Scorpio to her Mars Neptune 12-13 Aquarius , Jupiter 10 Leo, Mercury 13 Taurus

In personal birthdate energy CB’s Uranus 10 Scorpio is linked to Mars 10 Sagittarius.
Mars 10 Sagittarius links to Venus 27 Capricorn
Venus 27 Capricorn links to Chiron 28 Aries
This collection of energies has a high potential for a sudden impulse homicidal behaviour during periods of triggered childhood wounds.
CB’s north node is in Scorpio at 3 degrees showing his capacity for public impact related to matters of death sex or power.

MM having a strong Neptunian energy in addition to the Taurus indicators: Neptune conjunct Mars, square Mercury and opposite Jupiter raises the second issue of abduction for sale. Being taken probably asleep in bed [Neptune state in Neptune location] may be the only factor. The second option is being drugged in addition to enable easy transportation. Mars in transit at 20-21 Pisces sextile MM’s Sun 21 Taurus when she was abducted.

May 2007
After the thinking and imagining period in April with Venus and Mars in Gemini and Pisces the instinctual fixed sign phase was now in charge: from the end of April and into early May the Sun first then Mercury reached 10 Taurus. The activation of CB’s Uranus at 10 Scorpio was underway.

The Sun was approaching 13 Taurus and Mercury was closer to 14 Taurus late in the evening at the time of the May 3rd abduction. MM’s Mars and Neptune at 12-13 Aquarius were impacted and activated. MM’s Mercury was directly activated at 13 Taurus. 
A Scorpio Moon was in the 28-29 degree range which activated CB’s Venus-Chiron at 27-28 degrees.

Until clear evidence emerges - as it may soon - the weighing up of Taurus money and Scorpio gratification and both signs being hedonistic - whether one or both prevailed is not readily apparent due to CB’s strong compulsion towards both manifestations of those fixed sign energies. No sign energy functions in isolation so when one modality is strong all four options are available for expression. It was the vanity aspect of the fixed potential Leo that led to a damning clue when CB commented to an associate that he knew what happened to MM.

astrological 9.35pm gives moon conjunct Scorpio ascendant

Examining further detail
3 dates are considered for MM and CB to detect patterns that link each individual's energies to the dates in question - 
Natal birthdate for MM + 3 May 2007 + 4 August 2020
Natal birthdate for CB + 3 May 2007 + 4 August 2020.
Dates are colour coded in following charts to show:
Birthdate data in Red
Abduction date data in Black
August 4 2020 data in Blue

The August date is selected amidst a collection of energies beginning June and carrying into August 2020. On 4 August 2020 a strong collection of energies have high significance which could amount to a significant development in the case.

3 May multiple impacts on MM's birthdate energy

So much movement/travel energy - Gemini Sagittarius Mercury Jupiter in the 3 May transits to birthdate. Therefore taken overseas out of Portugal looks highly likely. Added Pisces influences in transit suggest being drugged.
CB: 3 dates compared

CB: April to May 3 2007; August 4 2020
Kate McCann

With birthdate data for Madeleine’s mother Kate McCann [KM] [but not Gerry McCann] the wider scenario of this tragic drama is further exposed.

While understandably there are strong links between Madeleine and her suspected abductor CB, what is also very evident are the energy links between Kate and suspect CB.

Born March 5 in 1968 under a Pisces Sun  - a further factor of Neptunian energy which is pervasive in this case: CB and MM both have very strong Neptunian energy. The family were holidaying by the sea. A recent news report claims CB disposed of MM down water wells in locations known to CB in Germany.
Overall the investigation has been filled with mystery misinformation, errors confusion - all very foggy and Neptunian. 

As stated earlier in this report CB was given up for adoption and his reported relationship history is littered with the type of abuse and violence that is consistent with deep seated rage against the mother who abandoned him. His known crimes against females of vulnerable ages old and young confirm this type of hostile disposition.

 The disappearance of MM can also be seen in the context of an abductor looking to punish Kate McCann, the Mother  - and as fate would have it a mother who has so many trigger points specifically for Brueckner. It is even possible that something in Kate McCann's energy profile resonated subconsciously with CB as a memory of his rejecting mother
It is highly likely that the abductor frequently watched the family because of the power of the resonance between CB and KM - more than MM being the sole target. It seems more likely MM was the means of torturing KM - not the target as such. But such psychological considerations lay far beyond the considerations of initial criminal investigations.

Those versed in astrology will see the significance of: 
Her Sun 14 Pisces activates his Chiron in Aries by semisquare.
KM Mars-Saturn-North node midpoint 15 Aries opposes CB Pluto 14 Libra
KM Jupiter 29 Leo is semisquare CB Pluto
KM Neptune 26 Scorpio opposite CB Jupiter in Taurus
KM Chiron 28 Pisces on CB Chiron-Venus midpoint.

From an astrological perspective which is much broader than a single lifetime - the connections between KM and CB point to a significant intense and damaging prior dynamic in a past existence possibly even a gender reversal. A very heavy power struggle situation brought forward to this era.

This case fills me with compassion for the McCanns and especially for mother Kate and creates a strong will among many observers to manifest an outcome that brings closure for the family. The extreme cruelty dispensed by an abductor in taking a child from a family and the karmic pain of having no answers still after 17 years of anguish is beyond the experience of most people making this an exceptionally sad case to see being played out over an excruciatingly long time.
Kate McCann is described as a practising Catholic. Whether she with strong religious/spiritual potential [Neptunian] can find some form of belief-based support that does not focus on blame and guilt - or whether she is left in a vacuum of  unresolved despair - it would seem to be essential as a pathway to peace to gain a profound understanding of how her mind can be released from this extremely punishing burden. 

The gruelling timeframe of waiting for an outcome has tortured both GM and KM and challenged their long practised Catholic faith in God but the only system that calculates timing and produces outcomes is karma and the only system that numerically illustrates karmic timing and outcomes is astrology.
Being entangled with your torturer or abuser due to prior history is a clear but complex karmic relationship.

Gerry McCann
Gerry McCann's is the only complete birthchart available : 5 June 1968 Glasgow - 
  • His 14 Gemini Sun is triggered at the same time as Kate's at 14 Pisces
  • Pluto-Moon in Virgo with Uranus at the midpoint 20-28=25 [intense emotional upheaval ] 
Abduction date May 3 2007: significant impact on him
transit Pluto at 27 Sagittarius.
transit Mars in Pisces was opposite his natal Pluto 20 Virgo
Transit Venus in Gemini was square his Pluto-Uranus-Moon
Transit nodes 14 Pisces-Virgo = square his Sun 14 Gemini

Having listened in late June to most of the CD audio of Kate's book Madeleine at the time of posting this section it is also now possible to add astrological factors that connect the whole family of 5.
Being located geographically distant and although the case was globally broadcast there has been scant coverage in the South Pacific in the intervening 17 years. Only this month June 2020 has delivered enough energy to look into this case and the findings in light of CB being named as a significant suspect are compelling.

Looking Ahead

Using available though in most cases incomplete birth data for the 5 members of the McCann family two strong clusters of energy are significant.
When considering prevailing/transiting energies it is useful to look at a whole family resonance with those clusters as well as indicators of release from restraint because the whole family psyche has joined that of MM in her plight.

Using almost entirely birthdate data [incomplete - in that ascendant and midheaven are unknown for 4 of the family & the full chart only for Gerry McCann] these clusters are at the heart of this family’s shared experiences. Even the Twins born 1 Feb 2005 repeat MM’s patterns in the mutable and fixed signs. Parents and children all feature in the mutable connection; only the children share the fixed connection: Any 15 degree separation represents a 24th harmonic angle -most commonly semisquares of sesquiquadrates used but all resonate ultimately e.g. wherever there is a position at 27 degrees a resonance occurs with anything at 12 degrees irrespective of sign.

The McCann family is loaded with factors responding to mutable positions in the most effective range 25-29 degrees and/or fixed energies in the 10-14 range
Uranus 12 Taurus = 27 Gemini       = MM Saturn 27 Gemini
                             = 27 Virgo          = KM Uranus 28 Virgo
                             = 27 Pisces        = KM Chiron 28 Pisces
                             = 27 Virgo          = GM Moon 28 Virgo
                             = 27 Sagittarius = Twins Mars 26 Sagittarius
                                                       = Twins Pluto-Mars midpoint 25 Sagittarius

Uranus 12 Taurus = 10-14 fixed signs = MM Jupiter 10 Leo Mars 12 Aquarius 
                                                                Neptune 13 Aquarius  Mercury 13 Taurus
                             = 12 Aquarius         = Twins Sun 12 Aquarius
                             = 13.5 Aquarius      = Twins Sun-Neptune midpoint

Where Saturn and Pluto have the potential hallmarks of restriction and restraint/domination their counterparts in breaking free are Jupiter and Uranus.

It is likely that MM was born when the Virgo Moon was in close range of Saturn at 27 Gemini [separation from mother home family] and Saturn prominently placed at a Gemini midheaven due to the global prominence of her abduction case. Saturn resonates with 4 other of her planets so also therefore restrains her Mars Jupiter Neptune and Mercury - quirkiness confidence communication imagination creative self expression. In fact every quality she displayed till May 3 2007 was taken away. 
Venus and Pluto were in range of 27 Gemini on May 4. Jupiter and Pluto together  at close to 24 Sagittarius in that period joining the moon late on the 5th. So much Sagittarius indicates a long journey into foreign territory within 2-3 days of May 3.
CB has Sun Mars Neptune conjunct in Sagittarius linked to Saturn in Leo. Travel in foreign lands free to indulge in his fantasy world and criminally abusive treatment of children have been long practised key features of his lifestyle. The planetary impulses in May 2007 were a huge boost to his depraved disposition. The same energy that spurred on Brueckner served as the subjugation of Madeleine.    

2020 The release from restraint theme

2020 does seem to have signs of momentum beginning concerning the resolution of this case. June 4 2020 was significant in notification of a suspect of interest and December 2020 marks a new epoch for humanity at large - with strong relevance for the McCanns heading into 2021 when a cluster of even stronger signs converge.

June 2020
Transit Uranus at 10 Taurus opposes CB’s birthdate Uranus at 10 Scorpio. This effect builds in late June into July and lingers due to retrograding until October. This is one of the generational mid-life crisis events for us all. This expresses as an opportunity to re-create yourself - a kind of new birth - the facing of the consequences of the first half of life can lead some to redress their errors. Whether CB has any capacity left to do the right thing is another unknown. Neptune is often the great redeemer when the chips are down and CB has already used his Mars-Neptune energy for many forms of degenerate behaviour. One positive option remains.
August 2-5 has multiple connections in planets transiting:
Sun at 10 Leo  and Uranus 10 Taurus activate MM Jupiter 10 Leo
Sun 12 Leo activates MM Mars 12 Aquarius
Sun 13 Leo activates MM Mercury 13 Taurus
North node 28 Gemini with Venus 27-28 Gemini activate MM’s Saturn at 27 Gemini

These look like very significant freedom and release energies. Whether that is functioning on a physical or non-physical level is yet another difficult one to be clear about if no proof is evident by then. The impact of transiting energies is easily demonstrated to continue to activate birth energies whether in physical form or not.

The potential cannot be discounted for MM to be currently alive in 2020 and if so it is relevant to see what influences are about to unfold that have a decent probability of being a significant turning point in promoting release and freedom energies over restraint or entrapment.
Several points of strong energy activation emerge that have relevance for the McCann family - parents and all 3 children.

4 June 2020 was when news broke re CB being a named suspect.

Saturn the restraint energy in contradictory Aquarius retrograde at 1'30
Saturn entered Aquarius on March 22 2020 
As an isolated indicator it can be read as wild ways curtailed in contexts where Saturn has the upper hand. It is known CB is currently imprisoned in Germany on other matters
This serves as a significant signpost to CB because Saturn has a much more significant date of expression in 2020
The major conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on Dec 21 2020 is a globally culturally significant energy shift initiating an epoch ahead of around 200 years marked by only Air sign conjunctions for those 2 planets - leaving behind the prior Earth era
Here are Restraint and Freedom - or burden and release - fused briefly together in late Dec 2020  and this juncture has high significance for those with planets in close orb of 15 degrees mutable: Kate and Gerry McCann - 14 Pisces and 14 Gemini. Brueckner 15 Sagittarius. The energy is there for Jupiter or Saturn to prevail -if the recipient needs restraint then Saturn will prevail. If the recipient needs release then Jupiter will prevail

This hope offered by this point in time with be for the McCanns some degree of freedom from the bondage of their suffering. 
The focus then shifts to the first half of 2021.

2021 The hopes and delivery borne by Jupiter - supported by the change agent Uranus

April and  then especially May 2021 leading into June 2021 hold significant potentials for a major turning point in energy

It is noted with considerable interest that in the 18th year after Madeleine McCann’s birth  - May 2021 - that natal Jupiter progresses to 12’29 Leo coincident with Uranus in transit reaching 12’29 Taurus [this Uranus position last occurred in April 1938]
With transit Uranus at 12 Taurus  [May 24 2021] all energies at 27 mutable are stimulated.

In March and April 2021 Saturn in Aquarius in transit contacts MM's Jupiter Mars Neptune Mercury. Then the transit of Uranus activates MM's birthdate Jupiter and Venus covers the four fixed planets just named. To add further energy Jupiter is working on MM's natal Saturn. MM being attuned to a Jupiter-Mars combination, these 2 planets in transit in Gemini and Aquarius work together in April 2021. 
In the best ever scenario this combination of factors could express as the beginnings of major release.

In May 2021:  transit Jupiter at 29’29 Aquarius is square MM’s natal nodal axis at 29’29 Taurus-Scorpio on  May 9 2021 - along with transit Venus at 29’29 Taurus on the day prior. Jupiter in Aquarius represents the merging of Jupiter and Uranus. The Jupiter freedom/release transit is travelling over the same territory as it did in January 2010 - typically having an average 12 year cycle.

The 19’47 Gemini solar eclipse new moon of 26 June 2021 opposes MM’s birthdate Pluto 19 Sagittarius evoking the transformational power of Pluto in that freedom loving and growth oriented sign while on the same day the energies of Saturn in transit and Uranus in transit are in conflict - Saturn at 13 Aquarius and Uranus at 13 Taurus - with 13 Taurus being the position of MM’s birthdate Mercury. The energy of Uranus is a breaking free sudden change energy against Saturn's restraints restrictions. Saturn in Aquarius is restricted social life or community connections. If MMs case is still unsolved in terms of the outcome for her the energy offered in June 2021 has high potential to result in release in whatever dimension of meaning is relevant at that time.

But it is not just MM being energised. Jupiter activates both Kate & Gerry in April May 2021 - firstly Kate during April 2021 when her Mars-Saturn-Node combination 11-19 Aries = midpoint 15 Aries is all activated by Sun Mercury and Venus but also by transit Jupiter in the time frame  from April 15- May 15. When Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13 2021 it is semisquare  KM’s  Mars-Saturn-Node and then GM’s nodal axis - north node at 15’43 Aries = Jupiter at 0’43 Pisces = 20-21st May 2021.
For Jupiter to be working on both parents - both have Aries nodes and KM’s punishing Mars-Saturn to be given a boost of release at the same time makes this a significant period.
These observations are further elevated by transit Jupiter at 28-29 Aquarius effective in the first fort night of May 2021 being opposite GM’s natal Jupiter 28’39 Leo and KM’s natal Jupiter 29 Leo. 
Being born 3 months apart certainly brings  a constant sequence of shared experiences into their lives in the same time frame.
a 2012 press image
Though Madeleine's face is known globally thanks to the dedicated efforts of the McCann family and supporters she of course is no longer a 3 year old and there is not a global awareness of how she would look in 2020 at the age of 17. At this stage of the search with the family's belief that Madeleine is still alive it may be useful to distribute images of the parents Kate and Gerry particularly in places considered relevant to the search. Understanding that the mental changes in Madeleine will have obscured her memory to a large extent it would be worth making efforts to reach out by use of her parents' faces. Madeleine is likely to need their help to remember who she is.

If relevant evidence concluding this case arises in June to December 2020 the next significant period to observe is April May June 2021

Early in June 2020 investigating Police say they have proof that Madeleine McCann is no longer alive. Full disclosure is to be awaited. Comments published indicate that German Police are concerned that without new evidence the case may be dropped. Press coverage is highly contradictory and tabloid in many instances and is often as the McCann's know full well sheer click bait.

A BBC summary for reader reference concludes this post until further information leads to updates to be appended here.

The Paedophilia Problem

Paedophilia has been identified by Interpol as a widespread endemic global disease with Portugal ranking high in that form of child abuse. The normalisation of such behaviour has been sustained for decades in Portugal by a high level network of resident participants in the professional sector. The Dark Web has served as a further breeding ground by hosting content featuring child abuse and enabling networking. Portugal's cultural support and tolerance of paedophilia coupled with easy access to orphaned children has served as a magnet for incoming paedophiles from other nationalities. No surprise then that KM learned that hundreds of paedophiles were known of in the Algarve region in 2007 and that other tourist families also received a poor response from local Police re cases of sexual assault on their children. ( Chapters 21-22 in KM's Madeleine book ). Lawyer Pedro Namora a former abused orphan at one of the infamous Casa Pia orphanages [10 locations of Casa Pia have existed across Portugal] describes Portugal as a paedophile's paradise. His work is part of efforts to bring offenders to justice. A caretaker at one location was said to have abused children there from the 1950s-1980s though no charges followed allegations. Over decades the tolerance of paedophilia in Portugal was sustained by authorities turning a blind eye - since vested interests in child abuse populated the ranks of state authorities. A high profile case against those involved in the Casa Pia network of abusers opened in 2004 so was well underway at the time the McCanns visited Luz in 2007. It is now comprendable why the family met such obfuscation and viscious attacks from those charged with criminal investigation. Other holidaymakers from the UK reported child abuse incidents to KM and a lack of Police interest.
Despite increased international surveillance the proliferation of crimes against minors continues to be fuelled by online networks.

Profiling criminal energy especially sex offenders has been a feature of this blog on account of the enormous amount of suffering that is created by violent and abusive energies - both the perpetrator and the victims are harmed and this is a level of pain that humanity needs to resolve and eradicate

On  this site several violent crime related posts
Profiling Sex Offenders  posted 2013 with numerous updates
Peter Madson -killer of Kim Wall

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