Wednesday, 26 May 2021

What A Full Moon Means for Relationships


The Full Moon is an outcome of stages of growth that emerge from the New Moon.

The Sun and Moon are in a relationship - a cosmic dance. 

At the New Moon they are together unified blended One.

At the Full Moon they experience the effects of taking space separation or distance upon that relationship. 

It is the Moon moving away from the Sun

The Inner reality and Feeling state are given sanctuary behind Earth in order to be uncovered without the obscurations or domination exuded by the Sun

A different perspective is on offer: still connected but with clearly different identities.

This solar-Lunar cycle has implications for how we as humans manage our close relating contexts.

First it is worthwhile to look at the two key elements in the cycle.

We understand the New energy as a beginning and the Full energy as a completion but it is useful to explore the integration of these two energies - and not see them as distinct or separate.

As astrologers we are dealing with an inherently wholistic cosmic environment in which humans are embraced. Any non-wholistic approach is inherently flawed and incomplete. The Phases of the Moon - in particular the 2 major phases discussed here provide an insight into the relationship between these two luminaries as well as the implications for our human interactions.

As with all astrological factors a range of keywords is essential to provide a variety of refinements and potentials that are on offer for different people at different stages of growth or development - and in respect of different contexts.

                 May 26 2021 Full Mooon Supermoon 5'26 Sagittarius

                          around 5 hrs before exact in New Zealand

New Moon keyword-phrases:

Beginning. Conceiving & setting intentions. Preparation. Initiating focussed goal-oriented actions, gradual supportive development.

Full Moon Keyword-phrases:

Conclusion. Ending, settlement, agreement, termination, the end result, the product or outcome, the harvest, resolution, finish, completion.

The Full Moon potentials clearly resonate in the context of how we relate -  how we function in close human to human dynamics - whether privately or in professional roles and what dynamics accumulate over time between people. 

Where does the balance lie? How strong is the imbalance?

Considering input, contributions, power sharing. 

Is the issue control? Or emotional contribution or labour sharing or the communication channel? Is it time? or distance? or space?

Too much? Too little?

Honesty? Integrity? Greed? Selfishness? Too independent? Too clingy?

The list is long. This is an introduction. A worthwhile starting point checklist to clarify the State of the Relationship with X.

Don’t feel too disheartened. Imbalance is the inherent factor in relationships. You just need to identify name and discuss it and work on it if you want a happier result of being in a close dynamic.

The life span of a relationship or partnership varies so it is totally realistic to accept endings as well as to to apply rescuscitation.

This identification of what Full Moons are basically about for humans reflects back on the keywords and phrases that get activated by the Solar-Lunar standoff when in opposition phase.

With clarity already arising at the New Moon phase regarding Self in relationship to Other the Full Moon is primed to work in ways that offer an end product - that end product could be the establishment of the relationship on a stronger footing - or the end product of being resolved to terminate the relationship.

Processes at the waxing crescents and first Quarter Moon are critical in determining the nature of the end product.

If there is no growth, if the interim phases introduce further dis-ease or dysfunctional qualities into the relationship the harvest will be a rotten apple.

Conversely if there is supportive work done to regenerate the relationship - protect and nurture it  -the end product at Full Moon is a more fruitful harvest.

Not only is a dynamic that is set to pass away likely to decline at the Full Moon phase - the Full moon also carries the seed of the renewal or replacement energy - born from that death.

The energy is able to be transmuted into the antidote cure or new hope - if the old outlived energy that was implicated in the failed dynamic is recognised and released consciously.

So when the Full Moon delivers the ending of an unhealthy relating dynamic the only pathway to growth is to harvest awareness from that event -awareness that there is an end product to carry onwards into future relating - it is the recognition of being energetically released from a pattern of relating that has no further place in your life. It’s like carrying an emotional antidote or vaccine.

But it has to be done with full consciousness or the opportunity for protection is missed.

The old relating energy has to die and be recognised as dead before there is space and an energetic capacity for the new to manifest.

A full moon that is also in position to enable a lunar eclipse [ the proximity of the lunar nodes is relevant ] is at its strongest when closest to the nodes and when a Total Eclipse.

Connections to that event in time can arise weeks before as well as months after the official exact event. 

Look for other planets pre-activating - especially if there is a link between the issues set to arise from the eclipse and a relevant planet such as Venus or something in Libra reaching the eclipse degree some weeks earlier.

Effects afterwards - in the wake of the elipse are similarly able to be triggered by planets angled to the eclipses degree in the period up to the next eclipse season


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...