Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Your Moon Phase Mission: engaging your contribution to the collective

Moon Phases are Solar-driven opportunities
 to contribute to the whole of life. 
By identifying your lunar mission
 you can work with every New Moon
to strengthen that level of engagement

Renowned astrological figure Dane Rudhyar  (1895-1985 ) had a lot to say about phases of the Moon as a signifier of inherent potentials to live a meaningful life

Rudhyar considered that we are stamped at birth with the energy of the solar-lunar phase. He placed more emphasis on this than zodiac signs.

Though as explained the Moon alone has no independent phase - it is a phase relationship with the Sun.

From reading Rudhyar the significance of his insights can be expanded into the territory of spiritual meaning underlying these two major cosmic influences.

On that basis an extended context of interpretation and explanation has been added here in some respects to his fundamental work.

The Sun is King in our little cosmic zone and the Moon is responding in service to the impulses dispatched by the Sun. 

It is a Yin Yang dynamic interplay because the contributions enabled by the activity of the Moon are fed back into the collective realm of consciousness that the Sun can be seen to orchestrate. Therefore a feedback loop is in effect.

Rudyhar says the solar energy is being released into and through the Moon as a new life impulse.

The Moon itself has no true phases so it is a term of convenience. The Moon is a reflector of light and the light reflection shape and quality varies through the lunar month. The change in light reflection is 100% relevant to the type of solar impulse carried.

With there being 8 lunation types - related to the illumination state of the Moon varying from New Moon to New Moon.

New Moon

Waxing crescent

First Quarter


Full Moon


Last quarter

Waning Crescent

Each of us responds to a particular lunation type -and at each New Moon we have our distinct way of responding to the the type of life impulse generated by the Sun at New Moon.

Each period lasts around 3.5 days.

Because of the pulling power when the sun and moon align it is resonable to expect that someone born within around a day before New or Full Moon will manifest the impulse related to that period -so the boundary line in those contexts is likely to be more fluid than 100% fixed - example: a person in the last day of the waning crescent could show New Moon qualities in addition to those for the waning crescent

The sign energy at New Moon provides factors relevant to a natal chart [where and how]  the solar impulse wants to express. The timing of that expression may peak in the person’s natal moon phase period - but the qualities identified for the moon phase are likely to be engaged as the Moon strengthens -from the window opening 3 days before exact New Moon. Then the following polarity [Full Moon] energy is likely to integrate impulses developed at and during the New to Full moon period.

We each have a Lunation Birthday worth noting withing the period of around 3-4 days - when our birth phase repeats during each lunar month - and this can be calculated more precisely to match how many degrees of separation existed from the prior New Moon before the Solar birthday.

In this context of the solar-lunar dynamic the Moon is in charge of managing everyday world functioning in our physical material dimension.

On that basis the Moon is a regulator of tidal forces that permeate the physical and electrical/energetic/ethereal bodies affecting all of our ins and outs ups and downs in mental emotional hormonal nutritional overal body-chemical environments as well as the chakras and spiritual layers.

The lunar body is intended to serve the solar purpose.

The solar purpose is collective evolutionary and based on spiritual consciousness regarding our common source: our inherent connections to all beings, all of life.

The Moon functions to enable greater awareness of that underlying dimension of reality and therefore to behave and engage with the whole of life -people animals nature knowing we are connected. 

Each lunar type is therefore given a programme to follow to contribute to the Whole.

Some examples: 
New Moon: Queen Victoria of England
Waxing Gibbous: Joe Biden Hillary Clinton Queen Elizabeth Prince Charles
Full Moon: Donald Trump
Disseminating/Waning Gibbous: Diana (Princess) Hitler
Waning Crescent: Oprah Obama Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Waxing Crescent Lukashenko
(more may be added where found based on high quality data)

The phase types from New to Full Moon are primarily around the motivators of personal behaviour.

At Full Moon the results of that behaviour are ready for assessment - have the results been fruitful or detrimental?

Full Moon qualities begin to emerge at the Gibbous period which activates outreach which Full Moon expands even further into relationship building (or termination if appropriate)

The Full to New Moon range is much more strongly involved in behaviours that impact the larger collective.

The sequence from Full Moon based on Rudhyar's ideas is :

relationships, then the spreading of ideas, the building and structuring of societal networks and systems and the elements of service to groups.

Eclipses serve to place stronger exclamation marks around your personal contribution:what you can do and how.

There is much material online and in hard copy from Rudhyar. Hopefully this interpretation and expansion of his contribution can illuminate for readers a deeper level dynamic we can easily overlook.

Every New Moon we can look at the personalised impact of the sign and house placement in our chart -but we can utilise this knowledge on a deeper level to  know what our phase energy is and how our behaviour in the world can bring a contribution to the whole.

Try this online detailed Moon phase calculator to know your lunar birthday type

This calculator is set for Eastern Daylight Time so conversion needed for other time zones before entering birth time

Author's note

The June 10  2021 19 Gemini 47 solar eclipse New Moon falls within my first house and engages my Jupiter-Mars opposition from 1st to 7th as well as the vertical axis in Pisces-Virgo.

My natal lunar type is Gibbous.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...