Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Champlain Towers Collapse June 2021 - astrological factors in effect

Champlain Towers South section Surfside Miami

 collapsed in dramatic fashion in June 2021

Tweets posted soon after on @astroprofiles

The Champlain Towers condominium collapse at Surfside Miami has occurred under the stress angle between Saturn & Uranus & at the full Moon in Capricorn amplified by Jupiter in Pisces.

Completed in 1981 with 136 condos 55 were destroyed on June 24 around 1.30am.

Champlain Towers were likely under construction when the Jupiter-Saturn in Libra conjunctions occurred in Dec 31 1980 & March 4 1981 - the latter being an extra Piscean New Moon period. The coastal location. The known sinking of local real estate due to sea level rises

The known corrosion of steel & damage to concrete noted in advance of the once in 40 years recertification...all point to the extent of Neptunian factors impacting the balance (Libra) of this large structure (Jupiter- Saturn)

Miami Professor Shimon Wdowinski knew of the building's vulnerability since the 1990s " sinking & unstable". Action was not initiated until recent plans to meet recertification requirements.

Since June 24 much information has been released pointing to the key ingredients: 
water and corrosion caused by normal chemical reactions though a formal investigation is underway.

The Matter of Cycles

Astrologers know that cycles of Jupiter and Saturn are very significant in human affairs so it is significant that this building was constructed under the influence of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Libra 1980-1981. We know that Jupiter is supersized and Saturn is framework in a construction. No date of commencement or completion is available to insert here so useful extra information cannot be included. However it is of interest that the 1980-1981 conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter occurred in the Air sign Libra which is the transitional beginning the Air era but still occurred within the Earth era. The year 2000 conjunction in Taurus completed the Earth era. 2020 [December] saw the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius proceed in Air for the long-term [around 200 years of societal influence]
As Earth is the peak material physical materialist era for society - the last gasp Earth element period was 2000-2020 and the consequences of the earth era are being delivered: Champlain Towers this huge material event was born and died in the two beginning phases of the Air era just as the shortcomings of the material era are very much exposed.
This collapse seems symbolic of the energy shift from Earth to Air - not only as the numerous examples of materials failures but also as waste or sources of environmental damage and also regarding the risks of exposing material structures to the forces of nature. 
The current Aquarius emphasis for Jupiter and Saturn is linked to the condition of Uranus - which in 2021 remains in Taurus - a cosmic joke of sorts to place this airy energy in an earthy sign and earthy Saturn in Uranus' sign Aquarius as we grapple with the transition from Earth era to Air era. The development of new or revolutionary materials is likely to be necessitated to overcome our old world pillaging of the planet and short-term thinking about us and nature.
Clearly there is much to learn and many changes to be made as humanity is pressured to make this adjustment away from a dominant and unwise materials focus. We will still need well constructed dwellings but far cleverer and far wiser people will be needed to service design and build them.

Energies in Effect June 2021

Building in power since the 21st the June full Moon on the 24th [Universal Time/GMT] with Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon was impacted by Jupiter in Pisces in tight connection.
Capricorn is structures/construction and the Moon and Jupiter in water signs merge those two factors.
The stationing of Neptune brought a second huge emphasis to water energy.
The planet relating to structures being Saturn was compromised by the tight square stress from Uranus in Taurus - a sudden change in the physical structure. [the exact 90 degree angle was 10 days prior]

This June 23 @astroprofiles quote preceeded the collapse & noted other contexts
Neptune is stationing. Evoking Venus in Cancer in recent days. The theme of Necessary Protection on the collective & everyday levels in a conflict & Covid-ravaged world.

The caution needs to remain in place in this lunar month until July 24 full moon

Heading into week one of July the Saturn Uranus energy is stil primed for release especially from 2 July and for 3-4 days due mainly to the activating energy of Mars comming in range and joined by Venus -both in Leo reaching degrees that activate Saturn and Uranus at a time when Neptune has moved just 2 minutes from the June 24 station -so remains powerfully indicative of water dissolution disintegration energy.
Moon in Taurus energy at 11-15 degrees - being July 4- 5 in some time zones - joins with the fixed sign mix of Leo Aquarius and Taurus already current adding more force to the collection of energies.
The 4th is a Saturn number so emphasises extra care.
This collection of energies not only evokes challenging Scorpio energy in general into the collective [ loss death disempowerment enforced transformation] but will also be hard on early November Scorpios who have their Sun within that degree range.

The north section residents of Champlain Towers Miami are now facing the anxiety of living in a potentially equally unsafe building.
so this is a potentially hazardous period for them.

A lawsuit for compensation was filed later on June 24 2021 against the Champlain Towers South Condominium Association - full content here

As all astrologers are aware any energy or collection of energies can have multiple potentials. The nature of the manifestation in any private or collective environment depends upon the connections made to the prevailing transiting energy by the individual or group.
When group events occur such as plane crashes and the Champlain Towers disaster there is a very powerful collective energy connection amongst those involved in any mass fatality event.

The early July 2021 energies will not only be about collapse or destruction therefore manifest in different ways in different contexts associated with the specific activations of different energies of individuals or the shared energy of groups. 
What links these events in subtle or obvious ways are the themes that emerge that carry resonance amongst various different outcomes or manifestations in the key time frame.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...