Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Champlain Towers Collapse June 2021 - astrological factors in effect

Champlain Towers South section Surfside Miami

 collapsed in dramatic fashion in June 2021

Tweets posted soon after on @astroprofiles

The Champlain Towers condominium collapse at Surfside Miami has occurred under the stress angle between Saturn & Uranus & at the full Moon in Capricorn amplified by Jupiter in Pisces.

Completed in 1981 with 136 condos 55 were destroyed on June 24 around 1.30am.

Champlain Towers were likely under construction when the Jupiter-Saturn in Libra conjunctions occurred in Dec 31 1980 & March 4 1981 - the latter being an extra Piscean New Moon period. The coastal location. The known sinking of local real estate due to sea level rises

The known corrosion of steel & damage to concrete noted in advance of the once in 40 years recertification...all point to the extent of Neptunian factors impacting the balance (Libra) of this large structure (Jupiter- Saturn)

Miami Professor Shimon Wdowinski knew of the building's vulnerability since the 1990s " sinking & unstable". Action was not initiated until recent plans to meet recertification requirements.

Since June 24 much information has been released pointing to the key ingredients: 
water and corrosion caused by normal chemical reactions though a formal investigation is underway.

The Matter of Cycles

Astrologers know that cycles of Jupiter and Saturn are very significant in human affairs so it is significant that this building was constructed under the influence of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Libra 1980-1981. We know that Jupiter is supersized and Saturn is framework in a construction. No date of commencement or completion is available to insert here so useful extra information cannot be included. However it is of interest that the 1980-1981 conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter occurred in the Air sign Libra which is the transitional beginning the Air era but still occurred within the Earth era. The year 2000 conjunction in Taurus completed the Earth era. 2020 [December] saw the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius proceed in Air for the long-term [around 200 years of societal influence]
As Earth is the peak material physical materialist era for society - the last gasp Earth element period was 2000-2020 and the consequences of the earth era are being delivered: Champlain Towers this huge material event was born and died in the two beginning phases of the Air era just as the shortcomings of the material era are very much exposed.
This collapse seems symbolic of the energy shift from Earth to Air - not only as the numerous examples of materials failures but also as waste or sources of environmental damage and also regarding the risks of exposing material structures to the forces of nature. 
The current Aquarius emphasis for Jupiter and Saturn is linked to the condition of Uranus - which in 2021 remains in Taurus - a cosmic joke of sorts to place this airy energy in an earthy sign and earthy Saturn in Uranus' sign Aquarius as we grapple with the transition from Earth era to Air era. The development of new or revolutionary materials is likely to be necessitated to overcome our old world pillaging of the planet and short-term thinking about us and nature.
Clearly there is much to learn and many changes to be made as humanity is pressured to make this adjustment away from a dominant and unwise materials focus. We will still need well constructed dwellings but far cleverer and far wiser people will be needed to service design and build them.

Energies in Effect June 2021

Building in power since the 21st the June full Moon on the 24th [Universal Time/GMT] with Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon was impacted by Jupiter in Pisces in tight connection.
Capricorn is structures/construction and the Moon and Jupiter in water signs merge those two factors.
The stationing of Neptune brought a second huge emphasis to water energy.
The planet relating to structures being Saturn was compromised by the tight square stress from Uranus in Taurus - a sudden change in the physical structure. [the exact 90 degree angle was 10 days prior]

This June 23 @astroprofiles quote preceeded the collapse & noted other contexts
Neptune is stationing. Evoking Venus in Cancer in recent days. The theme of Necessary Protection on the collective & everyday levels in a conflict & Covid-ravaged world.

The caution needs to remain in place in this lunar month until July 24 full moon

Heading into week one of July the Saturn Uranus energy is stil primed for release especially from 2 July and for 3-4 days due mainly to the activating energy of Mars comming in range and joined by Venus -both in Leo reaching degrees that activate Saturn and Uranus at a time when Neptune has moved just 2 minutes from the June 24 station -so remains powerfully indicative of water dissolution disintegration energy.
Moon in Taurus energy at 11-15 degrees - being July 4- 5 in some time zones - joins with the fixed sign mix of Leo Aquarius and Taurus already current adding more force to the collection of energies.
The 4th is a Saturn number so emphasises extra care.
This collection of energies not only evokes challenging Scorpio energy in general into the collective [ loss death disempowerment enforced transformation] but will also be hard on early November Scorpios who have their Sun within that degree range.

The north section residents of Champlain Towers Miami are now facing the anxiety of living in a potentially equally unsafe building.
so this is a potentially hazardous period for them.

A lawsuit for compensation was filed later on June 24 2021 against the Champlain Towers South Condominium Association - full content here

As all astrologers are aware any energy or collection of energies can have multiple potentials. The nature of the manifestation in any private or collective environment depends upon the connections made to the prevailing transiting energy by the individual or group.
When group events occur such as plane crashes and the Champlain Towers disaster there is a very powerful collective energy connection amongst those involved in any mass fatality event.

The early July 2021 energies will not only be about collapse or destruction therefore manifest in different ways in different contexts associated with the specific activations of different energies of individuals or the shared energy of groups. 
What links these events in subtle or obvious ways are the themes that emerge that carry resonance amongst various different outcomes or manifestations in the key time frame.

Monday, 14 June 2021

The Bain Family Murders - flashback 27 years


An astrological review

Source: Google image gallery

After David Bain aged 22 at the time notified emergency services at 7.09 am on 20 June 1994 that “they’re all dead” the New Zealand justice system wrangled with a classic whodunnit.

Eldest child David aged 22 at the time was charged with 5 counts of murder 4 days later.

A lounge room scene suggested father Robin Bain [58] had killed his family while David was out on his regular early morning newspaper delivery - and then committed suicide - having left a message on the computer screen reading “Sorry, you were the only one who deserved to stay”

Possibly the first family member to encounter the killer while alive and awake was yougest child Stephen aged 14. Injuries to his body helped form a scenario that he had to fight for his life in an extended violent struggle. It is likely he was shot through the hand first in a protective pose . Perhaps he woke and rose to face the approaching killer. The bullet then gouged the right side of his head and likely stunned but in fight mode the struggle commenced. Described as tall and strong he gave his best but the t-shirt he was wearing was used to strangle him. A second bullet met no resistance and passed through the top of his head.

The killer used a .22 rifle with a silencer in order to go room to room undetected. A struggle was not in the plan.

Father Robin - approaching age 59 - was seen as frail gaunt and sickly around this time and increasingly depressed in a loveless marriage that saw him almost entirely alienated or at war with family members. He had been excluded to sleep in an outside caravan or offsite near his employment at a school. On the surface he would seem to qualify as someone with enough resentments to suddenly descend into mass carnage.

The relationship between father and eldest son had become increasingly tense. David had positioned himself in loco parentis as the alpha male and began acting as the authority figure over his younger siblings’ choices and behaviours.

This aspect reads like a classic transfer of power from the aging lion to the ambitious offspring. Robin had a lot to lose. David had a lot to gain.

The capacity for both to have a motive becomes clearer when the astrological clues are examined


Without a birth time for David Bain this is a birthdate chart for 27 March 1972 so the Moon position being non-personalised is discounted . 

The solar chart presented has the June 20 1994 transits around the outer edge in green at the noon point on the day of the murders - so rather than being interested in the positioning we are looking at the connections between energies on the day and those in effect on the day of David Bain’s birth - excluding the Moon on June 20 at noon other than noting its relevance being in Scorpio and much earlier that day having been in conjunction with Jupiter - a signature potential for a large number of family deaths—and that by noon it is clear that Chiron in transit was conjunct David’s birth Moon  - signifying an experience in the context of home and or family  - of wounding/being wounded or conversely healed.

David fashioned himself as mother Margaret’s best ally - but was it love or something else?

The answer arises when considering what David had to gain in eliminating all competition. But what was he competing for?

The clearest answer is: Money.

The family situation was reasonably asset-rich but cash poor and frugal.

The appeal to an Aries with David’s larger template [Sun Chiron Mercury in synergy] and with Venus and Mars in Taurus would be very strong. [including that Venus-Mars conjunction connecting with Pluto Saturn and Neptune bring a variety of resentments dreams and revenge motives surrounding the alluring power of money.

A Chiron-afflicted Aries is a wounded beast. A damaged sense of self -  bearing anger and a competitive drive. The typical Aries playthings - the gun and themotorbike were used to shore up his frail sense of self-worth.

Saturn so close to Mars delivers a cold cruel  - and in Gemini - an unvoiced anger. 

Mars-Saturn opposing Neptune allows for secret plans fantasies and actions. This is someone documented as creating strategies in fine detail for covering up behaviour: he is said to have previously disclosed an intention to use his paper run as an alibi to shield a planned sex attack on a young woman: Taurus - like any sign can radiate into any of its family of signs -the fixed group gave him potential to use those traits in acts with a Scorpio Leo or Aquarian context - so  - sex death performance and group activities. Prior to the murders David was regularly involved as a singer in local stage productions of musicals - singing being throat involves Venus in Taurus. The Venus and Mars would enjoy the attention received through performance. Group involvement was part of that context.

We can see a second significant control factor -Saturn already noted is known both for self control/repression - then Pluto in Libra when he was born has signatures of  controlling relationships, relationships annihilated, relationships transformed.

The bigger picture is Pluto and Uranus both in Libra [2 extremely potent change-makers affecting relationships] are aimed at the Sun-Chiron pairing making for a closely entangled mix of psychological content that has a lot of capacity to erupt in a primal fashion. And if that mix weren’t already enough - the planet that enlarges or exaggerates - Jupiter -  sits close enough to the midpoints of the two sets to create sustained tension - Jupiter is Saturn-controlled being in Capricorn so the pendulum continually swings between wanting to release the pressure - and act out - versus holding back, waiting for the right time, constructing the right plan. This combination of energies deeply desires to upset the equilibrium but knows a significant amount of caution is needed to get it done successfully.

It is highly likely the scenario of killing the family was aslow burner - on the agenda for a long time, kept in check, revised, updated.

Then Pluto in transit accompanied by the Nodes in Scorpio-Taurus delivered the killer drive  [being Nodes 23- Pluto 26 Scorpio they activated David’s 22-30 degree Venus-Mars in Taurus] under a Scorpio Moon with Jupiter in Scorpio.  - these latter 2 being conjunct in the early hours of 20 June:

At 2.36 am on 20 June 1994 the Moon reached the exact conjunction degree of 5 Scorpio with Jupiter. Mass killing is a keynote of Scorpio intensified by connection to Jupiter. The transient and rapid moving nature of the Moon often serves as the timing mechanism.

In the psyche and mood of the killer the time had come. Murder was written. Today was the long awaited day.

Eleven months later in May 1995 David was convicted of 5 counts of murder. 

Multiple legal challenges followed leading to a retrial in 2009 leading to a full acquittal.

Multiple legal wranglings over compensation ensued leading to the government calling time on the processes - opting to stem the expenditure spent on litigation in preference for a one-off payment announced in 2016 towards the applicants’ costs 

David was released from prison in May 2007, subsequently married the daughter of a supporter, became a father and changed his name.

The murder weapon was returned to him in 2017.


No birth time for Robin. This birthdate chart is compared with planets in transit at noon on 20 June 1994 shown in green around outer edge - The Moon on the birthdate cannot be referenced due to being so fast moving.

Family patriarch Robin Bain - seen as frail gaunt sickly had experienced his second Saturn return on 1st March 1994 -months before the murders.

This Saturnian influence didn’t help his natal Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius - he could be viewed as both jovial and serious/depressed as natal Saturn also squared both Sun and Jupiter.

A Plutonic Mercury - from Mercury in Scorpio being trined by Pluto in Cancer brings the potential for both sexual and murderous thoughts to emerge.  He was a reader of Agatha Christie crime fiction and actions such as reading or viewing murderous content can by proxy can siphon off such urges or give free rein to them.

Robin seems to have the genetic code passed to David regarding Mars linked to Neptune but they are both in practical work-related signs and seem to have caused the chaotic disregard negligence and poor performance noted in his role as a country school teacher.

His Chiron in Gemini wounds are triggered by words - especially in family relationship contexts due to Venus and the nodes linking to Chiron. Career environments too activated pain.  Saturn also drained his Uranian energy - though newly emerging personal computers were a natural fit for him at work.

Any close observer of Robin who wanted to position him as the killer could easily leave a suggestive murder story laying open in his caravan and use a computer instead of paper as a suicide note [ as both were discovered and considered] as well as contributing psychologically to his deterioration by usurping his role as head of family. The potential here for staging evidence is replicated in the death scene being considered by some as suggestive of suicide.

Pluto and the north node both transited close to Robin’s planets as well as David’s on 20 June.

The Scorpio Node was exact conjunct his Mercury 23 Scorpio

Pluto was exact on his Mercury-Sun midpoint 27 Scorpio.

Was it notions of his mortality that coincided with death’s arrival by an external force?

He may well have been very focussed on death in his known depleted  physical state and depression. There does not seem any evidence raised that Robin was having medical or pharmaceutical support related to his state of mind.

Overall in comparison to David, Robin’s birthday chart inherently lacks the potency of energy to carry out acts on the scale required to fit the events in the family home in the early pre-dawn hours on 20 June.

Arguably he does carry hints of the astrological [and therefore biological] DNA capable of heading down some dark paths given the right contexts and pressures but his jovial Sagittarian energy was likely some form of protection against giving into the options of Plutonic rage and Saturnian negativity.

It seems that David carried the DNA in a more amplified configuration and for this primary reason is the more likely protagonist in this mass killing.Jupiter is mass or multiple. Killing is Pluto and/or Mars. 

Both Robin and David in their astrological DNA have Pluto configured with Jupiter and Mars but it is David’s more intense conflicted and wounded psyche that shows these energies very capable of being pushed into manifestation as shown by the birthday profile of engagement of Mars-Pluto-Jupiter-Sun while Saturn adjoins Mars, Pluto merges with Uranus, Sun with Chiron - like a pinball machine where so many neurons light up in the brain once the right moving object moves through the system.

That’s the consequence of the vibrational engagement brought by a planet or sensitive axis [Nodes] of sufficient power - as the combination of Pluto and the Nodes in Scorpio undoubtedly is - providing the surge of energy to ping ping ping off a collection of targets.

Tragically they were human beings. Not rabbits or possums. And they were family. Though the same silent stalking even tip-toe stealth was likely to have been applied in both contexts [even to the point of walking on the balls of feet not the heel explaining the irregular and incomplete bloody sock prints at the murder scene ]

David obtained a gun licence in 1990. He purchased his own rifle in early 1993 for legal shooting of species designated as pests. He kept a large quantity of ammunition in his bedroom wardrobe.


Margaret Stephen Laniet Arawa Robin

Two possible scenarios were covered by investigators regarding who had the opportunity to kill undetected.

David knew his father Robin’s morning routine and Robin knew David’s. Both had a regular pattern of when to rise.

David’s paper delivery determined that he left the house at 5.45 am - taking 55-60mins to return home normally by 6.45am.

Robin would tend to be up since 6.30am - collecting the morning paper then having a prayer or meditation in the front lounge room. This is where he was found deceased by gunshot. 

David at 7.09 am had called emergency services asking for an ambulance “they’re all dead”.

Robin’s body was felt as warmest by ambulance officer prior to 8am giving weight to him being the last to die.

Police attending at 7.35 am found mother Margaret and 3 children had all died in or near their beds - with only one - Stephen - able to struggle with the killer.  All 5 had at least one shot to the head region.

Exit footprints made by bloody socks suggest Margaret was shot first  [once below eybrow]. Through a curtain adjoining her room was Stephen who must have woken and resisted - in a violent struggle with a lot of blood loss as a result.  [shot non-fatally, strangled and shot in the top of the head] 

Bloody sock prints in Margaret’s room appear as a result of exiting from Stephen’s room - then heading to the opposite room where sister Laniet slept [shot 3 times in head area] before heading downstairs to sister Arawa slept [ shot once at distance from doorway to right side of head] Crime scene imagery suggests she may have woken risen  - even seen David approach with his rifle - recoiled and collapsed on impact to the side on her bedroom floor.

David’s normal plan to leave by 5.45am was well before Robin’s normal entry into the living room around 6.30. The scenario of David as killer would avoid killing Robin before 5.45am as that would pinpoint David alone or require a more complicated suicide staging in Robin’s caravan. Along with more forensics on offer. Robin had to be left until the return from David’s paper delivery and staged as the suicide of a mass murderer.

The timeline of events has to make sense in terms of significant activations of energy that have relevant signatures of violence and death.

From an astrological perspective there are clear clues during the pre-dawn morning of 20 June 1994 as to when strong energy was very activated.

Assuming David is the killer and that he had constructed a detailed plan to achieve the killing of 5 people in a confined area being his own family home he would need to deflect attention away from himself and towards his father.

To achieve the best opportunity to act in stealth he would have to enact the plan almost entirely before leaving for his paper round. While the whole household still slept.

Someone practised in rifle use and fitted with a telescopic lens - taking 5 shots within a house should ideally not take more than 15-30 mins including any dealing with blood evidence on himself.

To be on the safe side an allowance of up to 45 mins would be feasible -5am to 5.45am


Specifically-timed astrological charts for periods beginning 2.36am are very revealing regarding the energies prominent in the city of Dunedin on 20 June 1994 and how they especially impacted some of the Bain family

The Murder signature provided by Pluto Nodes and Mars sits poised across the AC-DC horizontal axis at 5am. Something volcanic was primed to erupt in that location. Jupiter and Moon are just past conjunction a few hours prior in Scorpio. Jupiter here with Moon the Mother and Family and Home signifier - all infused with Scorpio is a strong signal for multiple family deaths. The square from Venus to Jupiter brings in the intensely dramatic quality of such an event.

By 5.05 the sequence of killings looks to have been underway.

The most violent period with Stephen after 5.05 and to around 5.30 due to Mars being so prominent - the escalation in violence with Stephen flowed into the 3 shots to Laniet

The energy intensifies in the time frame to 5.15 and 5.30 and complete by 5.40am.

The unplanned struggle with Stephen had used up time.

At 5.40am with Pluto and Nodes right astride the AC_DC axis and Saturn tight at the midheaven - destiny achieved.

Stephen's birthdate energy [excepting the Moon] in comparison with transit poitions for noon 20 June in green around outer edge

Stephen has Uranus at 24’03 Scorpio placing him in full frontal position of the transit of north node 23’26 Scorpio and transit Pluto 25’50 Scorpio -the midpoint of those being 24’38 Scorpio.

The ASC-DC axis reached 24’49 Taurus-Scorpio at 5.40am but the midpoint energy of Pluto-Nodes in transit was in tight range through the selected time frame beginning 5am.

This struggle places David in the frame as his very damaged relating energy - the Venus-Mars synergy in Taurus  [especially impacted by Chiron Saturn Pluto contacts] - have a midpoint of 26 Taurus.

Again though- energetically giving grounds for much weighing up to be done by juries - Robin has a Scorpio midpoint at 27.5 degrees involving Mercury and the Sun and his Uranus-Chiron midpoint is 23 Taurus.

And again though the DNA links astrologically seem primed for release through the son not the father - with David’s relating pattern carrying more emotional damage.

David and Stephen chart interactions

David Sun-Chiron square Stephen Capricorn Sun an inherent tension with likely David wanting to compete and compensate for angry feelings of inadequacy

David Venus-Mars midpoint 26 Taurus opposite Stephen Uranus 24 Scorpio -this is the standout sudden violence indicator. The combination of Mars-Uranus in a person’s own pattern is a red flag for sudden explosive violence. 

When one person’s Mars is in contact with another’s Uranus the tension exists due to the potential for an impulsive acting out of the inner hostilities.

This interactive pattern alone is a key astrological piece of evidence indicating high potential for these two embodied forces to come into conflict.

It so happens that on 20 June 1994 the north node at 23 Scorpio conjoining with Pluto at 26 Scorpio = midpoint 24.5 Scorpio positioned Stephen in a fight for his life in the time frame running up to 5.30am.

The 3 charts with all factors including movements of the Moon timed exactly run from the time frame 5.15 am-5.40am and clearly show the clustering of dangerous oppositional or conflict energies in Taurus and Scorpio across the horizontal axis in Taurus and Scorpio at the designated time as well as the Jupiter Moon very close proximity in Scorpio.

At 5.30 am in Dunedin the combination of violent energies in transit was very focussed within the Bain household in Every Street due to the inherent energies of key players in this Shakepearean-style tragedy - Mars Pluto and the nodal axis points clustered around the powerful horizontal axis which was at 23 Taurus opposing 23 Scorpio.

This vicious struggle erupting as Stephen used all his might in his defence was not in the plan. Precious time was being used up. The struggle got increasingly desperate  - Stephen silenced and strangled, was also shot likely as a final assurance.

This was the work of someone who had to keep to a timetable -an alibi - a normal pattern of being asleep before leaving the house at 5.45 am. Not someone who was confident that from 5.45 am there would be an unrushed hour in which to unleash family carnage while the only one who deserved to stay was conveniently out delivering newspapers

 Relevant active Eclipses re Birthdate positions

Always an important marker of high profile energies in transit

May 10 1994 solar eclipse 19’48 Taurus

 = activation of David’s Venus 21’46 Taurus

May 25 1994 lunar eclipse 3’43 SAG

=Robin’s Jupiter 3’31 SAG & Saturn 3’45 Pisces

=David Saturn 2’17 Gemini

=David Chiron 5 Virgo 

[also his birth Chiron activated by Chiron in transit May-July 1994 = 3-5 Virgo]

Birthdate data for the key players David Robin and Stephen Bain - all 3 males - have been considered in examining the death scenarios. The 3 females were all killed in a manner that presents them as victims of the mass murderer.

Their birthdate positions are included also with no relevance for the Moon’s position due to no known birth time data .

Further detail is available in the charts of mother Margaret and daughters Arawa and Laniet  -including that Saturn in transit or a transit to natal Saturn featured for all 3 on June 20

The astrological conclusion based on factors considered in this post is that the likelihood that David Bain was in fact guilty as first determined by judicial processes in 1995  - though overturned in 2009 - and that there is no equivalent body of energetic evidence to consider that Robin Bain was the perpetrator of the Bain family murders.

                         Wikipedia [creative commons image]


Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Your Moon Phase Mission: engaging your contribution to the collective

Moon Phases are Solar-driven opportunities
 to contribute to the whole of life. 
By identifying your lunar mission
 you can work with every New Moon
to strengthen that level of engagement

Renowned astrological figure Dane Rudhyar  (1895-1985 ) had a lot to say about phases of the Moon as a signifier of inherent potentials to live a meaningful life

Rudhyar considered that we are stamped at birth with the energy of the solar-lunar phase. He placed more emphasis on this than zodiac signs.

Though as explained the Moon alone has no independent phase - it is a phase relationship with the Sun.

From reading Rudhyar the significance of his insights can be expanded into the territory of spiritual meaning underlying these two major cosmic influences.

On that basis an extended context of interpretation and explanation has been added here in some respects to his fundamental work.

The Sun is King in our little cosmic zone and the Moon is responding in service to the impulses dispatched by the Sun. 

It is a Yin Yang dynamic interplay because the contributions enabled by the activity of the Moon are fed back into the collective realm of consciousness that the Sun can be seen to orchestrate. Therefore a feedback loop is in effect.

Rudyhar says the solar energy is being released into and through the Moon as a new life impulse.

The Moon itself has no true phases so it is a term of convenience. The Moon is a reflector of light and the light reflection shape and quality varies through the lunar month. The change in light reflection is 100% relevant to the type of solar impulse carried.

With there being 8 lunation types - related to the illumination state of the Moon varying from New Moon to New Moon.

New Moon

Waxing crescent

First Quarter


Full Moon


Last quarter

Waning Crescent

Each of us responds to a particular lunation type -and at each New Moon we have our distinct way of responding to the the type of life impulse generated by the Sun at New Moon.

Each period lasts around 3.5 days.

Because of the pulling power when the sun and moon align it is resonable to expect that someone born within around a day before New or Full Moon will manifest the impulse related to that period -so the boundary line in those contexts is likely to be more fluid than 100% fixed - example: a person in the last day of the waning crescent could show New Moon qualities in addition to those for the waning crescent

The sign energy at New Moon provides factors relevant to a natal chart [where and how]  the solar impulse wants to express. The timing of that expression may peak in the person’s natal moon phase period - but the qualities identified for the moon phase are likely to be engaged as the Moon strengthens -from the window opening 3 days before exact New Moon. Then the following polarity [Full Moon] energy is likely to integrate impulses developed at and during the New to Full moon period.

We each have a Lunation Birthday worth noting withing the period of around 3-4 days - when our birth phase repeats during each lunar month - and this can be calculated more precisely to match how many degrees of separation existed from the prior New Moon before the Solar birthday.

In this context of the solar-lunar dynamic the Moon is in charge of managing everyday world functioning in our physical material dimension.

On that basis the Moon is a regulator of tidal forces that permeate the physical and electrical/energetic/ethereal bodies affecting all of our ins and outs ups and downs in mental emotional hormonal nutritional overal body-chemical environments as well as the chakras and spiritual layers.

The lunar body is intended to serve the solar purpose.

The solar purpose is collective evolutionary and based on spiritual consciousness regarding our common source: our inherent connections to all beings, all of life.

The Moon functions to enable greater awareness of that underlying dimension of reality and therefore to behave and engage with the whole of life -people animals nature knowing we are connected. 

Each lunar type is therefore given a programme to follow to contribute to the Whole.

Some examples: 
New Moon: Queen Victoria of England
Waxing Gibbous: Joe Biden Hillary Clinton Queen Elizabeth Prince Charles
Full Moon: Donald Trump
Disseminating/Waning Gibbous: Diana (Princess) Hitler
Waning Crescent: Oprah Obama Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Waxing Crescent Lukashenko
(more may be added where found based on high quality data)

The phase types from New to Full Moon are primarily around the motivators of personal behaviour.

At Full Moon the results of that behaviour are ready for assessment - have the results been fruitful or detrimental?

Full Moon qualities begin to emerge at the Gibbous period which activates outreach which Full Moon expands even further into relationship building (or termination if appropriate)

The Full to New Moon range is much more strongly involved in behaviours that impact the larger collective.

The sequence from Full Moon based on Rudhyar's ideas is :

relationships, then the spreading of ideas, the building and structuring of societal networks and systems and the elements of service to groups.

Eclipses serve to place stronger exclamation marks around your personal contribution:what you can do and how.

There is much material online and in hard copy from Rudhyar. Hopefully this interpretation and expansion of his contribution can illuminate for readers a deeper level dynamic we can easily overlook.

Every New Moon we can look at the personalised impact of the sign and house placement in our chart -but we can utilise this knowledge on a deeper level to  know what our phase energy is and how our behaviour in the world can bring a contribution to the whole.

Try this online detailed Moon phase calculator to know your lunar birthday type

This calculator is set for Eastern Daylight Time so conversion needed for other time zones before entering birth time

Author's note

The June 10  2021 19 Gemini 47 solar eclipse New Moon falls within my first house and engages my Jupiter-Mars opposition from 1st to 7th as well as the vertical axis in Pisces-Virgo.

My natal lunar type is Gibbous.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...