Thursday, 23 September 2021

La Palma Eruption 2021 -energetic factors - past & present

 Eruptive Events La Palma 1949 1971 2021

A quick analytic response was made today regarding the eruptive phenomenon occurring on the Spanish island of La Palma off the coast of Northwest Africa

Content was posted via @astroprofiles on Twitter detailing key points - while not claiming to cover each or every contributing energy - past experience over a decade as documented in numerous onsite posts has shown what factors matter most in detecting and ultimately in the main prize: timing or predicting events - the elusive goal sought by mainstream science -but much closer in reach for those who study patterns delivered from within the solar system Earth responds to.

The Conclusion

It is proposed that all locations carry an energetic signature (just as people do from birth)
If standout energies in that signature for a location can be determined then the nature of events promoted by ongoing cycles responsive to that signature can be anticipated.

      image via FB                 MeteoLaMatanza   Lava up to 12m high has been measured

Clear energetic links are shown in the latest sequence of La Palma seismic-volcanic events: 1949 1971 2021 
Planetary + solar-lunar processes well in advance provide the clues. 
There is never one single factor & no identical recurring template but repeat themes can be seen

Preceding eclipses can initiate energy & lunations support those processes.
The standout repeat theme for La Palma in 3 years noted = fixed energy in the 13-17° range = ♌♒♉♏ 1971 Eruption Oct 26 - Aug: Lunar eclipse 13 ♒41 Aug-Sept nodes 14-13♒
Mars Aug-Oct 13-17 ♒
PLU 0 ♎ = 15 Fixed = ♏

1949 Eruption 24 June Preceded by PLU Stat D 14 ♌09 Apr 26
(14 ♌50 at eruption) URA+Sun 0 ♋ = 15 fixed (♌) June 22

2021 Eruption 19 September Preceded by: URA stat Rx 14♉47 19 Aug
(14♉25 at eruption) Aug 8 New Moon 16♌14

Extra preceding factors: 2021several events of Sept 6:
Lunar nodal axis 5'26♊ ♐ along with URA 14'40 ♉ responds to May 26 Total Lunar eclipse 5'26.♊♐
And Sun-Mars 19♍ responds to June solar eclipse 19♊
Extra preceding factors:
1971 Aug-Sept: August solar eclipse 27♌ = semiquare to12♎ = URA then Mars-Node-URA 13° Air trine = during Sept

Extra preceding factors:
1949 24 June eruption after April eclipse 23 ♈ ♎ Nodes 24 June 23 ♈ ♎ The types of factors outlined - stations nodes eclipses lunations degree matches element mode themes - are typical in my documented experience of strongly activated natural forces.
1949 24 June eruption after April eclipse 23 ♈ ♎ Nodes 24 June 23 ♈ ♎ The types of factors outlined - stations nodes eclipses lunations degree matches element mode themes - are typical in my documented experience of strongly activated natural forces.
1949 24 June eruption after April eclipse 23 ♈ ♎ Nodes 24 June 23 ♈ ♎ The types of factors outlined - stations nodes eclipses lunations degree matches element mode themes - are typical in my documented experience of strongly activated natural forces.
1949 24 June eruption = after April eclipse 23 ♈ ♎
Lunar Nodes 24 June =23 ♈ ♎

The types of factors outlined - stations nodes eclipses lunations degree matches element mode themes - are typical in my documented experience of strongly activated natural forces.

Further Reading;
For an extended look at factors involved in extreme natural forces - whether expressed as weather or large scale environmental events - see the highly detailed onsite post on Extreme Weather

That post accumulates knowledge built during a decade of astrological observations and tracking of significant events - many of those are detailed individual onsite posts searchable under extreme weather. 
Due to experience developed over time the latest work is most resolved while still subject to refinements

As it is clear this era is delivering more frequent and more intense events within the categories outlined it is of value to identify the likely energetic suspects generating such powerful forces.
Astrological researchers can address this issue


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...