Sunday, 26 September 2021

The Story of Evergrande September-October 2021

Will October 2021 Sink Evergrande?

Update 2024

A long interim extended to late January 2024 when a Hong Kong court ordered that Evergrande be liquidated - January 29 2024
Founder Xu Jiayin aka Hui Ka Yan  was detained in September 2023 re "unspecified" crimes so the fate of the company he founded has soon followed his call to accountability.

In the founding year of the company 1996 Saturn at 25 Pisces and Neptune transiting 24-28 Capricorn both indicate weakness in the company structure planning and management. The nature of cycles is to generate either conditions for thriving or for failure.
In September 2023 Pluto was 28 Capricorn
In 2023 - early 2024 Saturn again returned to Pisces and Neptune came to the 24-28 range of Pisces.
Effectively Pluto ended the dream in September 2023 and Neptune in Pisces by late January 2024  brought the only possible outcome - dissolving through liquidation

The transits of Jupiter and Uranus by late January 2024 reach a synergy at 13ยบ Taurus - pointing to big change in money/assets. As shown below this pattern evokes the founder's  birth indicator Uranus 15 Leo

An important cautionary tale that reminds us that the founder of a company is the source of the fate of the company - both the good and the bad -as revealed in the original 2021 post below

These notes follow from recent information released re a big potential outcome anticipated for October 2021 impacting global markets.

I have no association with markets finance or any related business.

I am an energy analyst identifying patterns that signify a convergence of forces in a given time frame.

As all energies are naturally in a state of potential it is a matter of making a jugement call regarding how multiple synergising forces are likely to manifest.

A mix of skills and attunement are harnessed to produce the gestalt.

Evergrande is a word that came onto my radar recently in September 2021…flickers of information not fully attended to consciously…but pressing for attention.

This word is a company name. The last Ever something to hit the news was in March 2021 in the Suez Canal when a massive container ship the Ever Given got stuck.

The first clue is in the word Ever.

This is a derivative of Forever meaning eternal always endless.

Ever is the pipe dream of a type of megalomania - human hubris challenging nature to try to stop it. But natural forces will always win.

Evergrande is a constructed word implying an aspiration to endless scale magnificence greatness -as many superlatives as could be imagined.

Company founder Xu Jiayin has infused his energetic DNA into both the name and the productivity associated with Evergrande.

Lacking access to an exact date of founding when trading as Hengda the founder’s profile serves well enough to see the current situation in September-October 2021

Born 9 October 1958 [Year of the Earth Dog] will give expert Chinese astrologers much interest as 2021 being Metal is exhausting for Earth.

The Western astrological picture is offered in comparison.

Clearly the heat is on Xu Jiayin - courtesy of multiple current energy matches to his birth template.

Several Libra placements at birth - degrees as follows:

Venus 6.   Sun 15.   Mercury 18.  NorthNode 22.

Venus-Node midpoint 14 degrees

Sun-Node midpoint 18.5 degrees.

Week 2 of October:  both Sun then Mars in transit active at 18 Libra.

Pluto at birth [3 Virgo] is angled to be active also at 18 Libra

The range 14-22 degrees likely to see some significant action [whether overt or covert] with 18 degrees especially [October week 2] doing some work but arguably strongest will be the North Node in the mix at 22 Libra having very strong activations by Sun then Jupiter then Mars all in week 3 October.

Under these conditions a “get out of jail” card is not likely to be the way Jupiter responds to the situation faced by Evergrande - as explained in later paragraphs. 

What is Libra? Relationships. Balance. Weighing up. Managing the finances."Balancing the Books"

What is the North Node? A signifier of what you are supposed to get right in this lifetime.

In summary:

The Libra positions 6-22 Libra have been activated by Venus since week 3 of August into September week 1.

By Mercury weeks 1,2,3 Sept 

By Mars week 4 Sept then Oct weeks 2,3.

By the Sun week 4 Sept, Oct week 2,3 

What else?

A major signifier related to money power ego greed [Uranus in Taurus] has been in range of 15 degrees of Xu’s birth Uranus 15 Leo since July and was most activated in week 3 of August -remaining still in range through September into October.

This signifies a powerful change of conditions regarding the inherent energy expression of those relationships.

To add to this it is worth referencing media quotes saying the company’s excessive borrowing has created “an enormous mountain of debt”.

To an astrologer the energetic matches are signified as follows:

Mountain = Saturn

Enormous = Jupiter

Debt/Financial responsibility =  Saturn.

It happens to be that we are newly into a long cycle that doesn’t like debt.

When Jupiter and Saturn made a conjunction in December 2020 - an event which has at least a 20 year imprint - they converged in the collective/community energy of Aquarius -sending a communication through the field saying rein in your excesses, control your expansion, limit your growth.

Only some have listened.

Those who have not listened are due to meet obstacles forcing their ears to hear.

For some weeks Sept-Oct 2021 Jupiter and Saturn have a midpoint in range of 15 degrees Aquarius. As noted Wu was born with Uranus at 15 Leo. 

The forces are closing in - intending to contain [Saturn] what needs to be limited [Jupiter] -these 2 planets are always - as in all natural contexts  - seeking the right balance of growth and consolidation.

As the presence of Uranus in transit hovering near 15 Taurus is automatically captured by the paired balancing forces it seems highly probable that the gates are reaching full closure on Wu’s big experience in October 2021

{Leo Aquarius Scorpio and Taurus are the big energy theme of this story: the four fixed [determined stubborn arrogant entitled] dispositions which are both the success and failure of this empire and of the key player

 - expressed in Xu’s mottoes “ Never Admit Defeat. “Stronger through Frustration” 

There is also a saying: “Pride comes before the Fall”.

And the voice of the collective is saying: “A huge Black Hole of debt”

“Fears of Contagion” “Most indebted Developer”

Clearly it was not easy for Evergrande to pay any attention to the shift in energy when the founder has a very strong impulse to expand forever.

That strong impulse comes from another pairing of 2 forces: Jupiter and Neptune which at birth hold a midpoint of 5 degrees Scorpio.

This combination does not have a balancing factor but at Wu’s birth the Scorpio energy pair at 5 degrees were connected [semisquare angle] to Saturn at 21 Sagittarius which is intended to deliver opportunities during the lifetime to recognise limits.

Jupiter and Neptune together are Big Dreams or Big Fantasies/Delusions if there is no spiritual dimension in the life to awaken the consciousness to impermanence and ignorance.

The role of Scorpio here is to utilise the dream mentality to inflate personal power and dominance.

Saturn is a moderating force when the advice given is heeded or when setbacks or obstacles are met.

Saturn in Sagittarius literally asks a person to set limits and learn lessons around excesses.

When ignored the energy is fed back to the Jupiter-Neptune oceanic expansion mentality in the form of discipline applied to try and contain the state of psychological delusion caused by Neptune being amplified by Jupiter.

Lessons of this type but of less magnitude will have arisen before in the life and empire-building of such a person.

But failure to learn the lesson is the reason the dreams have to end.

What factors signify that?

In addition to what has already been detailed -it is clear that Wu’s birth Saturn nearly 21 Sagittarius is resonant with 6 Aquarius.

Saturn in transit is especially activated in week 2 October at nearly 7 Aquarius. Saturn at birth meets Saturn in transit producing Saturn. 

The great leveller is in play.

Then to add the final flourish: Neptune in transit [21 Pisces week 2 October] is extremely close to a perfect 90 degree angle to Wu’s birth Saturn.

Neptune in full water mode here acts as the big dissolver of the Big Corporation [Saturn in Sagittarius].

If these interpretations follow the trajectory of potentials anticipated then the following scenario already outlined on Sept 21 is here republished:

The potency of Uranus holding the range 13°-15° for so many months points to the economic instability underway & further shocks.

Locked into a sequence of New Moons for several months October famously is the month of reckoning...
but September at the Libra ingress & within the waning Full Moon carries some Uranian weight in week 4.

URA opp VEN highlights changes in money/assets/wealth.

The up can go down. 

The down can come up

JUP-SAT meet at 15 Aquarius square URA hovering near 15 Taurus.

Again the economic polarities activated:

The restricted are released (boost)

The released are restricted


All October JUP-SAT hold 14.5° m/p in range of URA

OCT NM + Mars 13 LIBRA  = qcx URA = economic energy high.. unstable sudden swings.


JUP stationed D tri Sun Oct 15

PLU ssq VEN Oct 15-16

PLU squ Sun Oct 17-18

JUP stat D tri Mars Oct18-21

Hi speed trading risk of market meltdown.

Mon 18 Oct a trading Flashpoint.

Nov also volatile under Sun-Moon- URA @ New Moon 

November 2021

The fixed lunar eclipse 27° sqq ssq Venus tri URA = prelude to lunar nodes leaving mutable for fixed Taurus-Scorpio Jan 2022

Accentuates further significance of resolving balance of material & non-material values


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...