Saturday, 22 January 2022

Astrology answers: What is Being Asked of Me?

 What is being asked of me?

This question isn’t reserved for a few. It applies to everyone. All of us have made the deal to experience life in physical form and that deal comes with conditions.

Earthly life isn’t a free ride for anyone. We’re all here to bear a responsibility and that responsibility involves decoding an individualised set of instructions that aren’t written in your primary language.

The responsibility is what you can do to contribute to the betterment of the whole.

Where you carry out that responsibility is designated: it may be within a family a community a city or region. It may be related to a whole country or the world in general. Ultimately the responsibility carried out -or not - connects to the entire field of consciousness that permeates the Universe - our home base - while this little Earth is a temporary place of residence for learning by experience.

Because the instructions aren’t readily accessible the ordinary path is to live life in a way that may be totally disconnected from the mission.

It is a swifter easier process if you discover that you’re able to intuit the most authentic way to fullfil your part of the deal. There’s far less struggle frustration and discontent.

Those who really miss the signs and signals or choose to keep ignoring them cannot evade the relentless pressure: it’s the deal. 

Life will not deliver for you if you don’t deliver for Life.

We are all at some points novices or initiates in the art of living in the physical dimension of Earth. This isn’t our natural state of being. A lot of adjustment is needed to manage the requirements of living in the world because everything is totally opposite to the conditions of existence when not in physical form - where we began and where we will return to each time we die.

Understandably the Buddhist view is that Life is Suffering - though that can be explained further by seeing that attachment to the qualities and experiences of physical life - people things careers etc will ultimately and reliably bring about suffering pain loss -on account of that other concept - illusion - the mistaken belief that things people life in general have a permanence to them. 

Understanding impermanence and change as part of the deal is therefore another necessity to lessen pain and suffering.

The paradox is that we need to conform and adapt to the most structured earthy material conditions of experience in order to learn about the least physical dimension. The most meaningful eternal realities that are inherent and permeate everything - fields of information/patterns of waves that constitute what is termed the realm of spirit or energy - the vast dimension - exists mostly unseen - but is detectable while existing in physical form.

Mystics and prophets since the first humans emerged have been able to consciously enter other domains but it is not only their capacity. It lies within all of us the ability to shift our consciousness and awareness towards the flow of life - energy itself - when still quiet and present. Trees clouds wind fire the sea are all simple ways to begin becoming One with the underlying energy those natural forms and elements express so directly.

The more opening that is made to this other level the more direct realisation of “what is being asked of me?” Some are able to achieve this while still in childhood. Others still struggle during their last decade. The right time to begin is always now.

My knowledge of astrology has enabled me to cross-connect the role of this body of knowledge with the wisdom found in spiritual philosophy.

Thousands of years ago civilizations were able to tune into the meaning and significance of the planetary cycles they were able to witness -in addition to the primary recognition of what arises in the cycle of the Sun and Moon in their paired relationship.

Eventually in Western civilizations men of the Church determined that their interpretations both of original spiritual teachings and those pertaining to the cosmos were superior to anything that had gone before and so great wisdom and great knowledge was either lost or suppressed. 

In Eastern cultures the essence has been able to survive despite similar challenges in different eras. Now for many decades there has been a blending of wisdom - East with West West with East -as it should be -a return to a whole mind perspective.

Both East and West utilise the study of the stars. Every culture on the planet has done this and many have never lost it. In defiance of centuries of suppression and ignorance a Western strong revival of scholarly and professional astrology is underway  - but not without challenge from people who have intensely angry opinions about delusions they have manufactured in their own mind. Their choice. They are choosing to be modern era dinosaurs who are battling a powerful incoming tide called holism

Astrology has had some tough times due to being misrepresented as a simplistic method of fortune telling and as we know mud sticks - so the idea of astrology is set in many people’s minds as a very trivial type of pursuit. Dead wrong. It is an incredibly complex study of energy - in varying forms - assigned to each of the planets plus our solar system’s source of all life - Sun - and our local Moon [which serves to reflect varying portions of  solar light] - most of this study of the cosmos has occurred over thousands of years of observation. The more recent periods of research surround 3 outer planets and one asteroid discovered through the telescope rather than the human eye - the oldest modern era discovery being Uranus 240 years ago and the most recent the asteroid Chiron in the 1970s.

The names of planets and their mythology rooted in ancient Greek culture are a specialty for many astrologers due to the psychological archetypes that are resonant with the energy that is manifested by a planet when known to be in a significant period of activation e.g. of a person or place.

This means a lot of deep intuitive attunment was involved right from the beginning in relating to the cosmos and this quality has endured right to now and will continue. Those who named each planet had this gift and those observers and researchers who dedicate lives to knowing more and more also are capable of that direct insight.

When a person’s chart is created from the data of their birth time date and place we can ask “What is being asked of this person?” “What responsibility can they take on to contribute to the betterment of the Whole?”

These are the requirements we associate with the planet Saturn -the sort of concepts that arise when that planet is activated - and hopefully clear by now in reading to this point - that Saturn is the taskmaster energy related to living on planet Earth. 

Chinese divination using the Flying Star Lo Shu square assigns this energy as a very heavy manifestation of the Earth element but necessarily so as the Centre the hub the structural anchor around which all other life energies and elements revolve. They identify what the Western astrology calls “Saturn”energy by the number 5. 

Every planetary form Sun Moon asteroid identified can in its recognised energy expression be identified with concepts that apply to the experience of living as a physical being.

To clarify a few of the cosmic factors - fundamentally in terms of energy profiles - Saturn the primary Earth energy can clearly also be seen as the central energy moderator or manager. In relationship to another planetary energy the polarised expressions are clear.

Where Saturn expresses as contraction solidity structure -and responsibility - Jupiter which is expansion spread dispersal [and therefore has a role in carrying contagion] has a trait of freedom at all costs and therefore more prone to expressions of irresponsibility.

All through life we are confronted with the essence of being non-physical  - and many subconsciously attempt to access that realm through drugs or alcohol while struggling to live as a physical being. This involves Neptune energy -  the most unlike Saturn - the non-physical the spiritual the transcendent -as well as the escapist urge. Uranus corresponds to a sudden change of state a sudden force or disruption and therefore is an evolutionary marker. Uranus contrasts with the Saturn status quo inertia which is accumulated through stability. The energy can become stuck and needs some powerful breaking apart. Along comes Uranus energy and it disturbs or radically changes what Saturn has built and intends to sustain. Chiron shows how we experience the primal wound of separation [the first wound is separation or sense of being ejected from the nonphysical realm; the second is any resonant event in childhood that serves to intensify the first one—perceived as rejection by a parent - and how to resolve it.

The Moon indicates how we experience and express emotions.

The Sun indicates the Light within us -our inner divine-consciousness that we inherently contain and are intended to radiate.

Through examining these factors and the full range being considered the language of astrology decodes the instructions assigned to a person upon choosing a physical life experience -and therefore set in place at birth.

This is the special privilege of an astrologer and why the world needs a lot more helpers to decode.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...