Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Venus Mars Pluto -the Capricorn triple synergy at March New Moon 2022

 Today my astro-neurons fired when I read a reference to:

the economy overheating

I pulled up a sequence of latest bulletins when I saw this was a zeitgeist:

and the players in this are immediately clear and worth noting.

Economy is one of those old Capricornian concepts and Venus is the physical/material manifestations of money/cash/assets.

Venus has been in Capricorn since Nov 5 2021 [London time]

Heating has a strong association with Mars. 

Mars has brought further heat into the global economy once it entered Capricorn on January 24 2022.

Overheating is a combination of Jupiter added to Mars and this occurs by sextile on February 4 2022

So it seems likely that energies are locked into this pattern by February 4 - a week after Venus reached a return to Direct -outward emphasis - and soon to be pursued by a now pumped-up Mars running at a hotter temperature - and the pair reach their exact conjunction - on February 18 2022...but this isn't the end point - the 2 are so closely magnetically bound at a subatomic level during February 2022 that they maintain a very unusual long duration synergy in Capricorn for weeks.

The force field of these two begins its build up at the very least by the point of one degree of separation - February 12 - and lasts - with tight close contact - into March - week one - when the capacity for implosion/explosion nuclear-grade fallout has high potential. This will be a bit of a shocker in various contexts - but equally intensely structural in others. Personal and collective resonances always factor into which way the energy morphs into manifestation. The Capricorn conjunction shifts from dual to triple in week one of March and that's much more manageable if you're going with the flow of late Capricorn by conjunction trine or sextile to your own energy points in Capricorn Earth or Water signs - but late Libra Aries and late Cancer have much more of a challenge to their level of unfoldment during this Earth stay.

On a collective level we know that the political restructuring of economies is still long overdue - because Pluto [long in Capricorn] has not yet executed the primary job of fundamental economic restructuring from the ground upwards. Why? Because this isn't a process that those invested in the system will welcome - so there's no overwhelming collective will amongst them or the billions who benefit from the status quo. 

But come it eventually will... and in March 2022 when Pluto approaches 28 Capricorn we know the Capricorn effects must be set in place at a structural level: it's not long till 30 degrees Capricorn manifests as 0 degrees Aquarius - that transitory point is reached in 2023 and completed in 2024. The clock is ticking loudly in the countdown so expect some more wheels to start falling off in 2022 [ assisted by the other nuclear force -Uranus in Taurus]

Whether or not a major signifier of structural economic change being underway is signalled in March  [in advance of another buildup of energy ] or outrightly occurs in March - the energy of change is clearly in process and very due for the dominoes to fall. 

Covid has clearly been part of the Capricornian reformation and begun to undermine the structure of the world as the West has known it -as well as in other non-western nations pursuing the same cancerous mantras of greed and endless growth. 

An additional global event in the same time frame - such as military conflict or a market downturn would be hugely wounding for the economic system of multiple nations. 

[update February 28 2022: Russian President Putin ordered the systemic invasion of Ukraine on February 24 under the guises of "peace-keeping" and "military operation" ]

March 2022 sees Venus quickly get to 26'29 Capricorn [March 2] - Venus is now fully "out of shadow" of the retrograde as it repeats the degree point at the December full moon when this planet went stationary retrograde. Pluto was a degree away then -at 25'32 Capricorn.

On March 3... boom! Venus Mars and Pluto all cluster in the 27th degree of Capricorn. 

This chart for London compared to New York when Venus-Mars-Pluto are in range of most intense -as well as a big buildup in Pisces and Saturn conjunct Mercury.

Note that all this occurs under the seeding energy of the Pisces New Moon [London early evening on March 2 at 12 Pisces] so Neptune has a big influence

For London: 2 fire energies - Mars and the Sun activate the main axes. Mars with the Venus-Pluto synergy and Sun has Jupiter conjunct.

Uranus is most elevated.

The Pisces bubble has some intensity too with the Sun-Moon midpoint being the same as the Jupiter-Neptune midpoint. These 4 big-hitters all sit in the 8th and have a reflex effect directly into the 2nd - money/assets

Maximum Neptune is in the room -whatever/wherever.

When Neptune is good it's very good. When its bad its very bad and this pileup has both extremes on offer: transcendental bliss the experience of spiritual connection of Oneness peace joy -great empathy compassion and service to humanity - versus mental overload confusion incoherence - whether substance-related or not the spirit in a bottle or in a mid-altering chemical can deliver very similar cognitive wipeouts. Delusion re a divine mission is another option on the table -and this misread devotion has inspired great carnage in human history as we know. 

In the London chart Venus-Mars-Pluto are triple squaring the Aries axis very tightly so Mars is doubly involved in an Aries versus Capricorn conflict. Speed and aggresion versus slow caution - both will be on offer

If Covid is a big factor in your location at the time of the March 2-March 3 New Moon the Pisces energy is enlarged in a way that corresponds to spread of contagion which will make restrictions distancing and isolation more necessary again.

If the pandemic or some other infectious outbreak is not in your location then the Neptunian energies have the capacity to morph into a different expression as indicated during this post.

For New York: Mercury and Uranus activate the main axes. If Saturn is taken for Aquarius then the 2 axis rulers are conjunct and most elevated.
Taken for the equivalent time the layout instead offers an 11th-5th house polarity for the Pisces planets but the layout is very external and public.

The US Pluto return is underway having reached exact in February 2022 at 27'33 Capricorn. 

With the Ukraine situation intensifying the potential here is military engagement unfolding with economic consequences. The Pisces energy can manifest as "divine mission" "on behalf of humanity".

update February 28 2022:

The Pisces energy has globally manifested already as "collective compassion" for the people of Ukraine being held under seige or compelled to seek refuge in neighbouring nations

update February 28 2022:

the New Moon chart for the city of Kiev Ukraine is added to show the buildup of planets in Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces - the total solar system bounded within  the axis of the moons nodes. This type of accumulation is regarded as having extreme potentials.

Impacts upon homes families and the nation state as a whole are signified by the Capricorn trio but Jupiter's protective capacity is also significant

Given the right context the intense Capricorn synergy can lead to a quadrupolar Cardinal outpouring through Capricorn Cancer Aries and Libra. expressions. 

The 9th house referencing offshore overseas places of relevance.

So too the Pisces mutable group is all potentially evoked - Virgo Gemini Sagittarius all signifiers of where the Neptunian energy may focus - work/employment/movements of people and foreign lands

There is sober-mindedness with Saturn conjuct Mercury. 

Serious communications. 

Aside from overheated markets and overheated political leaders [both with potentials for economic suppression]  with the full buildup of energies considered in March the aftermath comes late March into april when Venus passes in conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius then Mars does the same. This is when social economic deprivation has a point of intensification and by late march into April the Sun in Aries gives the Mars-Saturn Conjunction extra weight. Frustration/anger re social restrictions re contact being limited.

Pisces returns to prominence in April with the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune  -again bringing that potential for extremes as noted above re Pisces expressions. 

Elementally lots of water from pots of sources in lots of places.

In terms of state of mind/consciousness -very much with the programme or off the planet in a non-coping way. 

Such a strong emphasis is likely to see mass movement = evacuation relocation of people due to the powerful flowing river and big tide energy of the mutable planets and the mass scale indications of Jupiter.

update February 28 2022:

The tide of humanity is already flowing out of Ukraine. An event causing such a mass movement was anticipated as well as military activity. Sadly Ukraine has become the location for both energies to already be expressing. Compassion - globally - is being strongly expressed

Humanity is not ready for an en masse shift in consciousness to an elevated spiritual level so only a few will be blessed to have that on offer: escaping the delusions and illusions that apply in the Saturnian dimension of earth life and being able to see clearly what is real beyond the sensory layer. 

Nice paradoxes in the engagement of Saturn-Neptune in both contexts.

Aside from the political and collective of course these energies have real life applications for individuals.

All us us will experience this buildup of 3 sets of planets and probably sequentially in 3 houses -which is a signifier of developmental energy flowing from late Capricorn through Aquarius and to late Pisces. Potentially 3 houses revealing a theme that Captures both the sign and the house energies. And with lots of scope for exciting growth ready to be plucked - if you can reach for that.

[Since I am very much under focus of the 3 sets of planets noted for early March....am expecting some outward manifestations of all the inner processes... maybe a tell-all later...]

Also scroll down in Diary Post for some prior entries which mention Venus and Pluto


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...