Monday, 28 February 2022

The Invasion of Ukraine -some notes on prevailing forces

 February 2022 has witnessed since the 24th a progressive invasion of Ukraine by Russia under direction of President Putin.

The world at large has responded within the context of Sun Jupiter Neptune in Pisces with considerable support and compassion. This protective energy resonates with the inherent beneficial placement of Jupiter in Ukraine's natal chart of 24 August 1991. 

[Ukraine chart: source Rated AA]

A sequence of tweets has been archived here to reflect some observations made February 28;

The Ukraine chart of 24 August 1991 has a beautiful and very fortunate Sun Venus Jupiter Mercury array in the 7th house -an abundance of Leo close to the Virgo Sun - and an Aquarian moon in the growthful Gibbous phase within the rays of the Full Moon ...[1/4]

Capricorn rising means the full weight of the Venus Mars Pluto trio is reflected in Ukraine during the February 2022 invasion. Natal Saturn-Moon meeting at around 12 ♒️ has been triggered since 2021 in the buildup to the present. Next comes the Saturn -Moon conjunction ...

Saturn reaches 22 ♒️ - joined by Venus late in March 2022 -also in the huge first house. The mix of containment and rebellion. controlled and separated people. Mars reaches 22 ♒️ week one of April to join Saturn then. This could mean military occupation...

Uranus reaching 12 ♉️ & effective through most of March suggests the power struggle to overturn the capture of the homeland [Saturn-Moon 12♒️] Challenge to 19 ♏️ the midpoint of Pluto-MC is strong from late Feb into early March- another power struggle signifier...

When Mars merges with Saturn at 22 ♒️ around 4-5 April they both stress the lunar nodes at 22-23 ♉️♏️ while Jupiter-Neptune merge at 23 ♓️ - making a bigger picture of power and control being offset against the compassion from the larger human collective

18.5 ♒️ is significant for Putin - his north node - which is conjuncted by transiting Saturn in the final days of February 2022 and still effective early in March -reflecting a destiny-seeking level of control of [a] society.

His elevated Pluto at 22'43 Leo opposes the people of Ukraine directly [Moon 22'23 Aquarius]. It is an obsession to bring Ukraine under his control.

Transit Saturn -and Mars oppose Putin's Pluto early in April which will intensify both his drive to succeed in the submission of Ukraine but will also reflect the stamina of the local population in pushing back against Putin's Pluto.

This is a tough one to call where strong conflict produces equally determined opposing forces but the role of the international goodwill could be the deciding factor in turning the tide in favour of Ukraine at that point.

The New Moon chart for March -set for Kiev:

reveals the buildup of planets in primarily 3 signs which creates a huge quantity of energy in a limited space - which is a recipe for an intensity of forces creating disorder and disharmony in the energy fields impacted.

The key generator of energetic stress is the 45 degree angle between Sun-Moon-Jupiter and Venus-Mars-Pluto

This turbulence is not limited to human affairs.

The extreme military/violent force potential of Venus Mars Pluto in Capricorn [in any context or location globally at this period] will trigger considerable compassion support and protection in response

On the level of natural forces/the elements the March New Moon indicates that the water element is set to continue as major dissolver of structures both human-made and in natural physical form

Further reading on this site

February March April 2022...

Venus Mars Pluto in 2022

-See the planetary factors in extreme weather dedicated post on this topic


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...