Thursday, 17 February 2022

FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2022 “The threat of invasion and attack”

 “The threat of invasion and attack”

The threat of invasion and attack being currently [February 2022] applied to the situation faced by the nation of Ukraine under military duress from neighbouring Russia can be seen as applicable to the world at large within the larger shared collective experience of the coronavirus pandemic since 2020.

We know the Jupiter –Saturn conjunction of December 2020 holds long-term significance as a new cycle in social as well as political developments and that in the context of the pandemic - this conjunction being in Aquarius - huge impacts have occurred as a result of the restraints on social activity – as well as from the easing up of social distancing. 

Threat and invasion of the biological kind have manifested in numerous global locations from early in 2020 – though the early signs of the pandemic inception can be said to have predated the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction by at least a year so this story of threat and invasion clearly has a fundamental driver that carries the overall themes intensely.

Pluto strongly resonates with the archetype of the threat-bearing invader the Intimidator –and [due to Capricorn's resonance with Saturn] during the period of Saturn in Aquarius the Plutonic energy has crystalised into groups who both feel intimidated [and protest about that] – and who subsequently intimidate others in a knee jerk response.


Late in 2019 when the coronavirus was developing and spreading undetected Saturn in Capricorn began closing in on Pluto [sitting at 22 Capricorn at the start of 2020] – just as Jupiter was set to begin its relatively short period in Capricorn –but would play an important role in adding to the structural shifts within societies managed by national governments in response to the pandemic – under the influence of the Pluto-Saturn exact conjunction in Capricorn - occurring January 2020 - effectively this was the first big power duo of 2020 – followed in December when Jupiter and Saturn at 29 degrees came within half a degree of also being conjunct in Capricorn – just prior to their 0 Aquarius conjunction. Both positions accrue a potency of manifestation at the end and the beginning of the shift in signs.

By late 2020 the Capricorn emphasis on controls restrictions rules coming from this gathering of Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto was enormous and unprecedented outside of wartime conditions.

Once the new year 2021 opened in the Sun’s Capricorn period of January only Pluto –longterm in Capricorn - was there to sustain the impetus of an enhanced level of state management with regulations applied to many facets of everyday life. 

Astronomical designations of Pluto [small and less dominant therefore a “dwarf”] count for nothing in the context of astrological observation of the “threat-bearing invader” but every energy requires a context in which to manifest and without certain co-factors functioning like chemical catalysts to create the alchemy of manifestation even a potent planetary energy can seem dormant for long periods if our inner processes are discounted

Working silently secretly covertly is especially relevant for Pluto and retrograde periods in particular are cyclic periods when the cosmos infuses us on Earth at the most subtle level of mind - delivering deep transmission when a planet passes closer to Earth - affecting collective global local and personal energy fields in ways that enable both processing by our human brain and if delivered into consciousness the intention to prepare for or plan our personal outward (worldly) expression of the cosmic vibratory imprint dispersed into collective consciousness during retrograde.

Pluto was retrograde in Capricorn (26’48) from 27 April 2021 until October 6 2021 (24’18) station Direct.

After the direct station Pluto reaches a critical position when it is strongly activated by the exact square to the Sun. [astronomical Western Quadrature which applies to planets from Jupiter outwards when at a square to the Sun after going Direct]

The Sun applying a square to Pluto occurs on April 18 2022.

At this point of intensity clarity around the full Cardinal significance of Pluto in Capricorn is revealed and the way that this combination speaks of “threat of invasion and attack”.

The interpretation of all zodiac signs is incomplete without reference to their modality grouping – cardinal fixed or mutable.

Cardinal Capricorn additionally evokes Cancer Aries and Libra because that is the workings of a quadrupolar magnetic field: the energy structure allows for variable flow within the polar directions.

Applying science to astrology simply validates it if you know where to look.

The prelude to this square from the Sun is the unusually long buildup of energy brought by a new player in this multi-phase drama – Venus in Capricorn since early November 2021 then conjuncted Pluto before mid December and then stationed retrograde allowing for a second conjunction with Pluto the day after Christmas.

Venus remained close to Earth retrograding in Capricorn until 29 January 2022 direct station – just after – from stage right – Mars adorned now in Capricorn costume came into view.

Venus is inherently Libra and Mars inherently Aries in the Cardinal quartet so a buildup of Cardinal energy within the closest to Earth planets is also underway by the end of January 2022. The mix of soft power and brute force is added to Pluto’s version of Capricorn control and management - including the global political mood.

16 Feb 2022 chart set for London 3pm: Venus conjunct Mars 16'53 Capricorn.
The midpoint of Venus-Mars-Pluto is around 22 Capricorn in tight sextile to Neptune. The Sun is tightly semisextile Pluto  -both aspecting the nodes. The Saturn-Sun midpoint is also around 22 degrees strengthening the semi-sextile to Venus-Mars-Pluto. Jupiter sextiles Uranus. Moon squares the nodal axis. This chart captures most of the themes noted in the overall consideration of the Feb-March-April 2022 period and suggests that entrenched energies of rebellion against governments are set to endure for as long as key factors in the chart keep being reactivated. Saturn will not leave Aquarius until March 2023 but enters its slowdown in May 2022 and retrograde station in June and will emerge full direct at the square to Sun in November 2022. Pluto slows down in April in advance of Retrograde in April and is fully out of slow-mode in October 2022. For both energies this May-November period will diminish to a degree the overt potency in terms of outwards expression and will feature more reflection assessment behind the scenes strategising re the power battles surrounding power authority rights and responsibilities

The significance of Venus and Mars in Capricorn begins to arise after their conjunction on 16 February 2022 UTC 3pm London.

These 2 planets evoking in unison soft and brute force power are hand in hand unusually for weeks and even in the approach to the conjunction were manifesting as high level state to state negotiations around a perception of threatened invasion and attack involving Russia entering Ukraine – as well as in much smaller confrontations in various African nations and those posed by protest convoys and occupations in diverse global locations - all having to meet some form of response from authorities and/or the political system. 

Stalemates logjams and little to no movement has been the theme in these coinciding global events which fall under the influence of both Saturn and Uranus while Venus and Mars are in Capricorn and Saturn is in Aquarius. The polarised positions are accordingly very clear when control for the sake of the collective good is challenged by poorly conceived versions of freedom or when a nation state's independence is threatened by an agenda of restriction imposed by a more powerful nation.

The weeks-long handholding of Venus and Mars potentised by being in Capricorn at a time when Saturn and Uranus energies are so polarised suggests that a very drawn out power struggle is likely in the various contexts and locations where this standoff energy is manifesting in February 2022 because in the case of occupation-style protests - both the authorised government and some unauthorised groups of individuals want to control the narrative and make the rules. This cannot work in pandemic conditions – just as in wartime – a collective approach is needed. But - as in war – traitors exist – those who would betray resist and undermine the majority due to assessing personal needs as paramount during an enduring global period of challenge.  [ Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn both have the power struggle theme when aggravated. ] Unfortunately for any government - when they are handing out support and subsidies to those assessed as most disadvantaged during the pandemic -the government is seen as good kind caring -but when rules and restrictions endure past the point of their tolerance those citizens most prone to feeling disempowered by tough parenting tend to then see the government as a brutal evil force a bunch of Nazis. It seems that this emotionally wounded percentage of many global populations has grown compared to past decades - leading to a greater loss of the notion of collective protection. Now it's more important for this sector to have freedom than protect people from death or severe health consequences as the result of a pandemic..or to be able to travel at high speed in locations where it seems logical to reduce road deaths through less speed.

March 2022 is when matters have potential to really intensify when the still-velcroed-together Venus and Mars catch up with Pluto at the rather relevant New Moon – signifying some new level has been reach or new phase beginning in the use of authority to manage behaviour.

The authorised enforcers in New Zealand –the Police – have been riding a pendulum between soft and tough –while avoiding the most extreme ends of the spectrum – but the Anti-Mandate sector and lichen issues that have become bonded with this core grievance have stitched together a copycat of overseas protests with very fixed determination to go the long haul waiting for the angelic Prime Minister Ardern to present herself for a virtual lynching. The Plutonic energy is very ugly in this demonstration of disempowerment seeking revenge.


The early March close conjunction of Venus Mars and Pluto in Capricorn while Saturn conjuncts Mercury in Aquarius suggests hardline action against rebels anarchists non-compliant citizens if they cannot take the adult option within the context of the pandemic and accept a denial of self temporarily in order to benefit the whole group longterm.

Jupiter – after sextiling Uranus late in February -  conjuncts the early March Pisces New Moon which will capture significantly more people in the energy of coronavirus contagion than have accumulated during February.

Viral energy –whether microbial and debilitating for the body or from online memes and themes affecting the mind - is far from being the most sublime version of Pisces energy – but this is where humanity at large is at during the pandemic crisis – very vulnerable to dissipation of the body and delusions of the mind. 

Events of week one March will give hints regarding developments to follow in March and April 2022.

               When retrograde: a planet passes closest to Earth

Venus having just emerged from Retrograde late in January conforms to the inner planet astronomical position called Greatest Western Elongation - occurring after the Direct station. This angle is a semisquare from the Sun to Venus and it occurs astronomically on 20/21 March 2022 dependent upon observer time zone location. The elongation angle is variable up to a degree so a perfect exact 45 angle is not always created. 

[Local astronomy calendars are posted online]

Around the start of week 4 in March as the Sun leaves Pisces for Aries and Venus in Aquarius is in a conflicted position with the incoming solar emphasis on Mars in Aquarius while Saturn too is in that sign, very much a peace versus war range of opinions and the state still has the role of managing groups and social activities to some degree in some locations. Venus and Mars both have to deal with the confrontation coming from Saturn when each passes 21-22 Aquarius – late March-early April and this suggests there will still be examples of government restrictions on gatherings related to the pandemic in some locations globally.

The context for what happens when Pluto reaches its Western Quadrature which is square the Aries Sun on 18 April depends a lot on the events preceding – remembering that Aries Libra Cancer and Capricorn energies are all evoked through Pluto while in Capricorn - and in evidence by the Capricorn intensity [Pluto Saturn and Jupiter all located there for varying durations ] of the pandemic years so both diplomacy or mediation and war or conflict energies are in the mix and governments have an in loco parentis role requiring that they protect their citizen family.

Use this template for Jupiter to apply the same process to Pluto -Pluto was at East qu in April 2021 stationary Retrograde in April 2021, retrograde opposite the Sun in July 2021 and was stationary Direct in October 2021, reaching West Qu. in April 2022. 
The total time frame for Pluto April 2021-April 2022 represents the full slow-down period of stronger transmission of the Plutonic energy field at a more subconscious level.

Conflict zones are readily activated during the Aries part of the solar cycle and Mars in Aquarius gives fuel to groups mobs gangs regiments troops –especially groups of Men as well as Mars-oriented women –a pattern holding till mid April –but April week one is important for this combination to see various versions of the group energy in Aquarius and the tone of expressions from those at any level of authority in dealing with groups when Saturn joins Mars and the Taurus-Scorpio Nodes are squared. 

Power struggle/conflict and control energy are in this pattern too.

April is also big due to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces affecting the whole month because both are spreaders so their midpoint will resonate and their orb of influence wider than usual.

The first likelihood aside from lots of elemental water –rains at deluge level, big seas  tides/waves incoming, flooding from any source. Humanity is not awakened enough to collectively take optimum advantage of this sublime combination –a few will benefit immensely from transcendent magical spiritual or divine experiences. Great also for film-makers photographers and light magic but not good for containing viral spread –physical and mental delusions – great levels of contagion and mental detachment from physical or rational reality are amongst the high ranking potentials. Mental confusion inflated unreal ideas are likely to permeate minds that are vulnerable. If there is a sector of humanity placed in extreme peril in April then there is equally intense capacity for a high level compassionate response.

Mass movements of people can accompany a Jupiter in mutable conjunction. Evacuations homelessness on a large scale due to either disruptive environmental or social-political conditions are also possible. This energy flows into early May and is amplified by the late April Taurus solar eclipse which - with Uranus attached -will potentise Jupiter at 27 Pisces. 

Both the condition of the land and material forms objects money subject to sudden change or  reversals. Land slipping dissolving money disappearing. A large scale significance in both contexts.

Being aware of the potential for some challenges of potential personal local national or international /collective human relevance that are capable of arising under the energies accumulating in February-March-April 2022 allows for some proactive mitigating or precautionary choices in contexts where any or several of those factors could apply.

Ultimately under Pluto and Uranus energies the trajectory is an evolutionary one for humanity –on the level of awareness increasing and awakened consciousness regarding our need to honour our common humanity - and  find ways to exist in greater harmony - as well as identifying less with the separate Egoic perspective - a false perception that underlies conflict competition and disharmony.

The Cardinal energies have an underlying theme of necessary balancing in the context of relating. 

The Fixed energies have a balancing role around resources and power. Mutables require a balancing of mind. 

All are needed in this era in order to move out of the regressive period with clearer insight into the way ahead as a world citizen temporarily occupying a living planet.

further reading:

see also the followup post on analysis of the Ukraine invasion underway and into March 2022

for more on Venus-Mars-Pluto in this time frame -see this dedicated Feb 1 post on other potentials of this combination


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...