Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Neptune's power in 2022

 Neptune has been carrying considerable potency since the station direct occurred on December 1 2021 accompanied by a tight trine to Mars in Scorpio = very energized heated water molecules.

This chart from gives a different timing for the entry point into Direct for Neptune using Universal Time compared to the American Ephemeris giving 10.40am Ephemeris Time. The wide disparity is puzzling but the main issue is the planetary links.

The Sun-Neptune trine is supported by sextiles to Venus. In my past observations of severe weather Venus can be seen to feature occasionally and to a lesser degree in powerful patterns but its role is not as readily understand compared to the Mars to Pluto energies - as detailed in my dedicated Extreme Weather post on this site 

What is clear early in 2022 is that Neptune paired with Mars is driving a lot of patterns that involve water plus heat.

What is clear is that an initial pattern can be reinforced/sustained/extended when extra planetary energy is added into the mix. 

It is already clear that any of the planets from Mars to Pluto can fulfill this role but also the Sun and a relevant [in range] lunation especially when a New or full moon is also an eclipse. 

The December station of Neptune was within range of the December 4 total solar eclipse so through that event there is a big extra energy source added in.

Later aspects to that eclipse also active the whole mixture of eclipse plus stationing energy. This means in 2022 Jupiter at 12 Pisces [February week 4] Jupiter squares the Dec 4 solar eclipse. Mars conjuncted it at the end of December 2021.

But Jupiter is not the only big player to be stirring things up after the Neptune-Eclipse combo in early December.

The 12 Sagittarius solar eclipse is activated by 27 Cardinal and this is the big story- primarily featuring Pluto in Capricorn [great destroyer of structures when in an aggravated state such as a square or semisquare]

Pluto moved ever closer to 27 degrees from mid January 2022 and hits exact semisquare the eclipse degree 12'22 when at 27'22 in week 2 February with at least a week's potency still in process just before Jupiter squares the eclipse degree in week 4.

Week 1 of March has the unusually sustained Venus-Mars conjunction merging with Pluto.

Not only does this triple mixture in Capricorn have major social-economic political consequences [as detailed in this dedicated post] on this site but it is also capable of producing some mega-intense weather -also due to the transit of Jupiter being in such tight conjunction to the 12 degree Pisces New Moon as March begins.

27 Cardinal links to 12 mutable is the connection in strong activation here.

In matching what Western astrology can identify for 2022 - Chinese divination sees all years ending in 2 and 3 as Water years and one clear reading of this involves the water element in all forms.

Although this post looks specifically at the elemental aspect of Neptune - the dissolving of material structures and forms through flooding is supportive of Uranus' transit through Taurus and we see Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus through the second half of February 2022.

Further related content may be added to this post to reflect the activities of neptune through 2022

In 2022 up to mid February:

Multiple diverse global locations have experienced severe deluges already in the time frame from January to mid February 2022 - weeks after the direct station pattern of Neptune was locked in - which is the typical aftermath of a planetary station that is extra potentised -extending in long duration beyond the stationing.

Some of the searchable powerful flood events in a very compressed time frame have spread over parts of Australia south-east Asia New Zealand Gauteng [South Africa] Puerto Rico Madagascar Ecuador Mauritius [Cyclone Batsirai was labelled the strongest storm on Earth -Category 4 with 209Km/hr winds

further reading onsite:

see DiaryPost for a special entry dated Feb 20 2022 for Neptune re March 2022


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...