Monday 16 September 2024

LAST GASP: Pluto in Capricorn


We are currently in a brief window of opportunity to clear old toxic imprints from our consciousness

Pluto’s  “LAST GASP” purging window runs from September 2 to mid-October when Pluto stations Direct. A period around five days either side of exact Station is an enhanced time for inner work while Pluto remains intensely nearly motionless - the transition offers a shift into the new state of both Pluto and Saturn in the natal chart by means of establishing a practice of observation and release that can be sustained after the transit has completed.

Old consciousness that is now ready for purging can be visualised as gas bubbles rising up through water and breaking up when reaching the outer atmosphere.

As both Pluto and Saturn are holders of past trauma resentments bitterness revenge hatred and pain the transit of Pluto in Capricorn has served up doses of thoughts and emotions with these qualities.

Holding onto these in consciousness is like perpetually carrying around stinky rubbish - fermenting and toxic.

During the window of opportunity take space and use awareness to observe anything surfacing around old mental-emotional pain.

As this transit of Pluto in Capricorn will not repeat in our lifetime it is a golden opportunity to clear out past wounds that are holding you back:

observe the remnant bubbles of your old consciousness -

the thoughts feelings and behaviour patterns - 

as they reveal themselves

and witness them leaving you

each one making space

for new consciousness

to thrive

The key to understanding this is the Saturn-Pluto cycle. These planets in conjunction take over 30 years to repeat -

[20th century 1914,1947,1982. 21st century 2020,2053,2086]

In the 2020 cycle with conjunction January at almost 23 degrees will tell its own story re the natal chart.

The first squares arise in 2028-2029.

Right now at the time of writing we a right in the throes of the midpoint between conjunction & square -the semisquare position.

In the archetypal wheel this equates to the middle degree of Taurus -so if the 15º 

Fixed degree has personal relevance you are right in the frame for the evolutionary shift on offer.

What stands out as this semisquare tightens September-October 2024 is when Saturn close to 15 Pisces is angled to Pluto at near 30 Capricorn -a lunar eclipse is unfolding [25.7º Pisces] -and this will provide more clues as to processes being activated in the natal chart. 

Consider the window of opportunity to build in days in approach to the Sept 18 eclipse and to extend to days -even a week either side - surrounding the October 12 station Direct of Pluto - the total period being around 3 weeks.

Clearly the 10º Libra Solar eclipse is also part of the story.

Themes around both eclipses will be easily accessed through other astrology providers. The point to be made is to see how these natally relevant eclipses are involved in working through the Saturn-Pluto personal development process.

Using Rudhyar's "phase mandala" and descriptions it is clear the semisquare sits at the transition between the dark New Moon phase and the first Quarter of moon illumination. Action is called for to promote growth of what has been seeded at the New Moon conjunction phase

LAST GASP: Pluto in Capricorn

  PLUTO’S WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY We are currently in a brief window of opportunity to clear old toxic imprints from our consciousness Plu...