Friday, 22 November 2024

How to Approach 2027



The 2024-2026 sign shift sequence of Pluto Neptune Saturn and Uranus can be viewed in the context of the divinatory work The Gene Keys.

The Gene Keys work points to 2027 being another critical point of change for humanity.

The two slowest moving in that group of four are Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune in Aries and therefore the longest deepest transitional influence: by 2040 both are due to switch again.

The capacity of humanity to achieve an Aquarian [societal & technological] transformation does not solely depend on Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto will influence the Neptune themes in Aries & vice versa.Together they can activate a dissolving of the Self in support of group dynamics & unity] Saturn & Uranus are also critical factors in this momentum of change representing the Aquarian age unfolding this century. Saturn has to be both overcome within the personality [fear based on disconnection] and cultivated [groundedness in reality and the practice of presence]

Uranus ignites the fires of originality and breakthrough - the flames of creativity that can shake off Saturnian inhibitions and self doubt in order to aid in the creative purpose of humanity -aligned with the intentions of our ever creative universe.

The meeting [without exact conjunction] of Saturn and Neptune in Aries in the 2025-2028 timeframe is reason to reference my 2022 work on the Saturn-Neptune synergy that inherently impacts humanity. 

This work has prepared a basis for understanding how we need both healthy Saturn and healthy Neptune consciousness to live happily in the world of form. The state of humanity in this millennium remains increasingly the opposite - dominated by unhealthy Saturn and unhealthy Neptune. So how do we correct this delusional state?

The only way we can know how to live in this world is to integrate our underlying reality: we are embedded in the total field of consciousness - our universal Neptunian state of unity with everything. When incarnated the reality shifts to a Saturn-based existence intended to teach us through challenges that will ultimately contribute to the ongoing collective evolution in consciousness. the hardest challenge is to carry healthy Neptunian consciousness into this world while still able to function within the structures of a Saturn-based world.

Most of humanity remains at a level of failure in this respect and the consequences of that are collectively devastating.

In exploring the Gene Keys work it is clear that each divinatory Key is intended to offer 3 different tones or frequencies as a way of responding to the changing patterns of existence: the low medium and high options are called Shadow Gift & Siddhi. Each Key has been configured to a degree range of influence that can be tracked in dated time using a planetary ephemeris. 

Pluto in Aquarius has started the collective shift as of November 2024 - transitioning fully into Pisces in 2044

Neptune enters Aries from the end of March in 2025 then back in Pisces October 2025. Fully in Aries late January 2026 - a process extending until 2039.

Saturn enters Aries May 2025 then returns to Pisces September 2025. Fully in Aries February 2026 ending April 2028

Uranus enters Gemini April 2026 and only transitions out of Gemini & into Cancer August 2032 -May 2033

Full sign shift entry for these planets ranges from 2024 [November] to 2026 [January then February then April ]


By mid February 2026 all these 4 planets are direct and capable of activating outward expressions.

By end of April 2026 all are both direct and all shifted - but Pluto is stationing at that time within days of exact retrograde. [refer to the retrogrades commentary]

It is worth noting that in April 2026 when the confluence of the sign shifts is fresh multiple activations occur from the outer planet transit group of 4 to the inner personal planets - under the influence of the dominantly Pisces lunar eclipse transits at the start of March then the April New Moon in Aries [17th]

April 17 Neptune conjuncts Mercury in Aries

April 20 Saturn in Aries conjuncts Mercury and Mars in Aries

April 24-26 Uranus conjuncts Venus at late Taurus and early Gemini

April 25 Pluto in Aquarius squares Sun in Taurus

Could this period in 2026 restrain warring energies that have accumulated in recent prior years? Such a development would accelerate the benefits humanity can shift towards.

The Groupings

All of the directions and positions of each transit in the group of 4 can be assessed in the context of the Gene Keys work -where the role of planetary energy can be identified and given an interpretation by the reader. This may differ in wording or emphasis compared to the interpretation provided in the text. 

The four planets at some points are very tightly grouped. Sometimes in a group of 3. The main aspect within the group is sextiles Aries-Gemini Aquarius-Aries that begin accumulating in 2025. Pluto and Uranus do exact trine but Saturn and Neptune do not exact conjunct. 


What happens in 2027?

The grouping tightens to 3 planets the outer three Uranus Neptune Pluto -after April 2026 Saturn has moved at faster pace and increasingly out of range by early 2027. The big 3 tighten significantly June 2027 -no other month are they so tightly packed. This is the 6º-7º range in Aquarius-Aries-Gemini - this resonates at 21º-22º Pisces-Taurus-Cancer directly and in full all the 21º positions. June 2027 has Sun and Jupiter at 22º Gemini and Leo sextile at the same time - mid June - at a point when the trio of outer planets aspect transit Venus 6º-7º Gemini  by conjunction sextile and trine. And the March 2026 lunar eclipse in Virgo is matched by transit Mars in Virgo. Mercury retrograde in Cancer is square Neptune in Aries.

This is like many of us are sending virtual love letters to each other through the collective field!

Overall it is a powerful and expressive collection of planets that is rare to experience and rightly has been suggested as very significant for humanity. Potentials are for both high level positive activations and for problematic psychological shadows to be triggered by such intensity. The planetary positions contained  - as always - are productive and supportive for some and challenging or difficult for others. It rests on the template laid out at birth and how resolved those factors are by this period 2027 and likely especially mid June 2027. This is why preparation is recommended well before 2027.

It is evident with the outer planet sign shifts converging within a relatively tight time frame that extra pressure is in the collective field of consciousness to accelerate our development to a level far more unified harmonious connected to the whole - and therefore at peace - but it is a very extended process a long duration healing of the rift in our minds that is required. Those people most ready to accelerate their expansion in consciousness will experience the biggest shift. “Ready” does not exclusively describe long term meditators or spiritual seekers who might assume a sustained path of realisation. Many of those will have not found the depth required. “Ready” can arrive as a flash of insight so powerful that it orients a person suddenly away from the everyday life to one of deep awareness. A particular life event can do this. Importantly those that are ready will impact the collective field but not en masse instantly. Refer to the 100th monkey phenomenon and Rupert Sheldrake’s work. Both explain how what is held in mind is shared more by the field of consciousness than by direct communication or demonstration. In this way new ideas and ways of being emerge in far distant parts of the world without any physical transfer. We know about the hive mind of insects and the herd instinct of animals: we humans are also collective at the level of mind and therefore also at the level of consciousness - so the impact on each other can be either remarkably bad or perhaps one day remarkably good. In 2024 we are collectively struggling and apparently consigned to the perpetuation of unecessary suffering - we need to turn this around or face self annihilation on a collective level.

The approaching years offer opportunities for more people to gain fuller understanding of humanity’s dual nature - essentially simply consciousness but temporarily based on this planet functioning through a body and trying to make sense of everything.

The challenges of the 2020s will already be very testing due to many of us confronting the worst in our own psyche [the Shadow qualities based in fear] and too constrained to allow ourselves to break free be authentic live our dreams and delight in what a balanced life can offer. Not knowing what that balance is has led many into a maze of confusion - the over-thinking mind being very deceptive. Being conditioned to believe predominantly in what we can think and see has obliterated trust in what we can sense or feel. Our modern brain has taken us away from abilities that keep us in balance. Our ancestral instinctual nature kept us in harmony with all levels of existence - allowing awe and reverence to guide our relationship with the Sun the Moon the stars and planets as well as the creatures of the Earth -essentially we were unified in consciousness with all of life terrestrial and cosmic. This gradual loss over millennia has not served us well - in fact we are now a very sick species at every level of functioning. The only cure is to once again cultivate a consciousness that is fully integrated with the whole. This can be considered the necessity underlying the teachings of spiritual messengers such as Eckhart Tolle and the outline found in the Gene Keys that draws from a muliplicity of spiritual wisdom sources - all compatible with my personal explorations over decades - I have high resonance with these sources and am now able to feel and practice the content at a deepening level - while also confronting the remnants of my dying consciousness. I understand that the only way to get past the suffering we experience through loss and disconnection is to use Saturn to connect. And this is where apparent paradox enters the picture: the primary level of connection needed is not with people - it is with the totality of all life - here & everywhere. It is a connection in consciousness and a communion. Only with that basis can connection through the heart and mind be authentic and released from fear and need - thereby enhancing human relating - and our respect for other species.

This consciousness connection is within us -but simply overwhelmed and suppressed. It can be prioritised again with so little effort if you have any access to sunlight trees birds animals insects sky weather sea ocean…any of these and more can be experienced as a natural portal into the whole. Diviners have used cards sticks stones tea leaves - a portal can be anywhere any thing even a bare room if that is all that is on offer - whatever works. The essence is focus - a Saturn skill - eyes may be open with focussed gazing or closed and relaxed - the monkey mind needs to quieten - allowing the consciousness to expand. The tingling inner aliveness of the body can be detected. My preference for focussed open-eyed gazing allows a very direct “everything all at once” experience of the natural world in motion where every passing insect bird cloud or falling petal in view becomes a woven tapestry of aliveness. This integrated level of perception that is captured in stillness is very uplifting. [Here the baseline structural Saturn-Jupiter dynamic is very well demonstrated and they both provide the channel for eventual immersion in Neptune]

This practice will connect you and will keep pulling you back for more. The more people doing simply this regularly will contribute to the growth of a healthier species - while also restoring our home planet - only a disconnected species can pollute and ravage such beauty.

I urge you not only to begin and sustain this as well as encourage it in others. There may be no better option for finding our collective balance. Humanity will continue a path of deterioration that is based on attuning primarily to the least helpful frequencies of Saturn - fear competition aggression and war - if efforts are not made to get to the underlying and most deep-seated source of the fear - disconnection from our unified source: the consciousness that pervades all things.

Each of us is within everything so the singular Me or I is a  protective illusion we maintain in our threatened embodied state. Recognising the way towards Everything is the first step in embarking upon the path of expansion.


The Gene Keys authored by Richard Rudd [2012] draws fundamentally from the work of Ra Uru Hu  [Born Alan Krakower -1948-2011] who created Human Design - also based on a blend of astrological and I Ching material. The origins of HD are said to have been downloaded into his consciousness.

Richard studied under Ra and also says he was downloaded.

Profiler Astrology @astroprofiles operates through the platform where late 2024 entries expand on Gene Keys astrological details in addition to years of ongoing astrologically relevant content.

Photo Credits: ©The Profiler 2023,2024


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