Sunday, 27 March 2011

The Month of March 2011 -Mayhem, Madness

Mayhem in Japan, Madness in Libya. What's been going on in March 2011?

A lot of people are probably mystified that something major didn't happen around 19-20th March with the closest perigee Supermoon. Accordingly lots of expectations failed to materialise, yet we know a lot has been & is going on.
It's true that some major global events have happened right on a full moon and that the tidal effect is believed by some to pull the crust away as well as the seas, so a turbulent time is often seen in people's emotions, behaviour  and the activity of our planet.

This March the biggest global event happened midway between New and Full Moon(Supermoon perigee) - namely the Japan quake-tsunami-nuclear crisis.
Midpoints of energies are very powerful - the place in time where two forces collide if you like.
On March 4 at New Moon, Uranus in Pisces exactly squared the nodes. (29.36 in mutable signs).
It appears this powerful energy of large scale movement, water, communications & broadcasting were all highlighted yet the manifestation did not unfold until midway to the next trigger: the powerful supermoon on 19 March (UTC)  at 28.48 of mutables forming a cross with the nodes.

Why this powerfully energetic combination came to pass could also link back to the December 2010 Total Lunar Eclipse 29.21 Sagittarius-Gemini.
This eclipse, bolstered by Mercury, Jupiter & Uranus all conjunct the Galactic Centre 27 Sagittarius had massive flood and large scale evacuations written all over it, but picking when this picture would unfold was not immediately obvious: around March 19 looked like the top candidate.

The midpoint theory presented above may be the hidden indicator of the Japan events.

As for the wars, military actions, riots, protests, (Middle East and now London) Uranus in Aries, joining the Sun and Mercury while Pluto moves through Capricorn will bring a lot of tensions to a head with resultant political transformations in progress. Will calm-headed diplomacy (Saturn in Libra) quell big military moves (Jupiter in Aries) at the end of March?

April is not likely to see an end to March's woes:  the New Moon on the 3rd sees Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in angry Aries. Great if you channel that as fearless energy if you want to do something pioneering, but with Pluto sitting at the exact Sun-Mars midpoint at the New Moon, aggression and violence related to issues of power and control are on the agenda.
On a personal level this will place certain people ( whose own energy links to this pattern) in dangerous conditions or at risk of violence. Avoid threatening people/situations, risky behaviour  April 3-4 in particular. Those who are negatively energised at this time will seek to vent on a victim.

Update March 28

With so much activity pounding the latitudes around Japan, it may be interesting to see if the next 7+ quake occurs at the roughly equivalent latitude south of the equator - somewhere in Chile

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Energy patterns of Current Major Events

Two big quakes have occurred in Christchurch NZ, within 6 months and predictions have been made, by people who are not seismologists, of further devastation.  The  official line from NZ scientists in this field is that an aftershock of up to one magnitude less is possible after a major quake. Sept 4 (M7.1 is said to be the starter event and Feb 22 (M6.3) the aftershock, but the Feb 22 event also has a sequence of aftershocks -so an event up to M5.3 is regarded as scientifically within their projections.

Both the Sept 4 and Feb 22 were unforseen by NZ geologists/seismologists. They do not conform to known modelling, with expected activity primarily related to the Alpine fault.

This inability to detect quakes in their building stage must be a cause of great alarm to the people of Canterbury, which has the most seismically active region of NZ at present (before exact supermoon, but increased activity as moon climaxed full)( Seismograph Drums)

Considerable work is underway by NZ scientists to get to grips with the situation, but the methodology of science is notoriously slow at coming up with conclusions. A surprise press release this week however reveals that NIWA scientists have set off to survey, over a one week period, the sea floor offshore from Christchurch's eastern coast, looking for undersea faults. Now they may be looking in the right direction. The situation in Christchurch is not resolved. Explanations below are for the non-specialist reader.  These compressed graphics are for the purpose of looking at the linear patterns if the reader lacks further knowledge of analysis

Three dates presently stand out. Sept 4, Feb 22, March 21

Sept 4 the energy pattern is powerful but not intensely focussed. The effects are scattered - mirroring the layout.

The Feb 22 chart is far more powerful. The layout is compressed and all factors within have at least one extremely close (one degree of separation) connection. This is tightly -knit energy. This layout -compression into one half of the circle is what is commonly found in the charts of major quake/eruption events ( including the 2011 Japan quake) Otherwise there tends to be paired bunchings as in the Sept 4 chart, but the mathematics need to be tight for intensity - up to one degree difference is optimal.
So why March 21 2011? The pattern fits the criteria above, with some interesting links to the prior 2.
This is 11am Monday March 21 2011 - a time that could manifest significant natural forces in the Christchurch area.
Clearly a tight pattern, compressed within half of the circle. The mathematics are tight. 
In sector 5 sit Saturn and the Moon. They are opposite Mercury and Jupiter - on the surface their positions range from Jupiter at 12.25 (degrees and minutes) to Moon at 16.34 - but the use of midpoint analysis show the midpoint of Saturn-Moon is 15.46. The midpoint of Mercury-Jupiter is 15.19 = a tight opposition triggering all 4 factors in synergy.
In sector 8 are Pluto and Node with a midpoint of 2.35.
Now look at the midpoint of Saturn to Mars - its  2.40
So a second group of 4 energies triggering in synergy.
Mars and the Moon also come into play with a midpoint of 3.29
Now a further intriguing link
Sector 10 has a point marked MC 18.17. this point links to 3.17 and therefore all prior midpoints noted
In sector 11 Sun 29.56 and Uranus 0.30 are in tight contact of 34' separation

The Taurus (earth) symbol repeats on the major AC or MC energy point in all 3 charts

As a comparison -look at the Japan quake chart for March 11 2011

The Taurus (earth) sign is at the MC point
Again a tightly compressed pattern, though 2 players are out of the main group: Saturn and the Moon -though they are connected to each other and the MC
Saturn in sector 3 and the Sun in sector 8 have their midpoint at 2.58 in sector 5
In sector 5 Node and Pluto have their midpoint at 2.57. 
This exact meeting of the  Sun-Saturn-Pluto-Node energies is a powerful enough signature of the ensuing events
The Moon has several close links and there is more going on overall, but for this present comparative purpose, connections have been drawn with factors here, being similar to prior examples

Now look at 6.20am Monday 21 Japan to see a very strong indicator of natural forces in process
Again a very tight pattern.
The main angles of the wheel are marked by the horizontal AC and vertical MC points.
Note Jupiter and Mercury meet at 15.17 midpoint, on the AC , opposite Saturn and Moon with a 15.33 midpoint.
At the MC point 8.12, sits Pluto at 7.24
Pluto-Node meets at 2.35, Saturn-Mars at 2.39, Mars-Moon at 3.15, Mars-AC at 2.31, Node-MC at 2.59 showing how many interlinked factors there are.
Capricorn (earth sign) is on the MC
An expected event outcome would be feasible on this day and time.
Comparing this Japan chart with the Christchurch one, both for the morning of 21 March, the Japan pattern is more dynamic but this pattern in most respects holds for the whole world - geography changes the AC-MC points and the sectors where the planets sit, but not their inter-relationships.

Therefore at 6.20 am local time for Japan on Monday 21 this pattern is unique to that location. Other locations will have patterns that will vary in intensity but still carry a large part of the vibration that this pattern creates. Some will therefore have  manifest outcomes as you'd expect there to be in Japan. 
In Libya, for example Benghazi, at the equivalent time as the above Japan chart is 11.20 pm the night before

Though similar looking to the quake charts in terms of bunches of planets, this layout is indicating a "force majeure" visited upon a place - at this time in Benghazi the node 27.45 in sector 1 links straight to the AC point 27.29 while the see-saw Saturn-Moon-Jupiter-Mercury in this context speaks of the struggle to assert/contain diplomacy-aggression. Uranus pushes the force into the Aries camp, while the Sun has little time left in Pisces, soon to sit with Uranus, ramping up the energy of war. 
The AC point is within close range of the Saturn-Pluto and Moon-Pluto midpoints = the people suffering loss and bereavement. 
The Galactic Centre being currently 27 degrees is highly relevant in this chart, raising the stakes to globally significant.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Science vs Pseudo Science debate about The Planets

Updated at end of post

In NZ the debate has raged for weeks now over alternative theories which don't comply with the mainstream views of particular scientific disciplines. The argument is if you don't have a particular science degree and you don't agree with the majority, you are a charlatan, practising "pseudo-science" - an easy catch phrase to pepper your non-argument with. Ken Ring, alternative weather forecaster got this treatment, though the controversy has made him a household name in NZ and people are talking a lot about this. Well laid plan, Ken.

Kiwis I shudder to admit are scarily conservative when it comes to thinking outside the square on matters alternative. The practical capacity to use fencing wire to fix anything has not extended to intellectual enlightenment. Sure we have naturopaths, homeopaths, astrologers, osteopaths but there is no long and secure tradition of alternative thought in NZ, possibly because the land was hewn by a rough assortment of former sealers, whalers,  boatloads of boozers, womenizers and the poorly educated.

So this gargantuan struggle is underway between one world view and another right now. The beast will not be subdued. Apoplectic, frothy ravings are filling the internet, written by people lacking one alternative hair on their head. The devil in me lends to the occasion response to the sheer stupidity but for the most part, there clearly is no point engaging with the seriously mentally challenged.

In the realm of the subject at hand, seismology, there is NO global consensus amongst specialists in that field, on the causes and methods of prediction of seismic events. Just like there is no consensus on global warming/climate change.

So trotting out the odd geologist to dispel alternative theories as NZ TV media have done recently serves no purpose other than to convince further the convinced.

This online extract located today has some interesting ingredients: my emphasis in red

According to John Vidale, a seismologist at the University of Washington in Seattle and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, particularly dramatic land and ocean tides do trigger earthquakes. "Both the moon and sun do stress the Earth a tiny bit, and when we look hard we can see a very small increase in tectonic activity when they're aligned," Vidale told Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site to
At times of full and new moons, "you see a less-than-1-percent increase in earthquake activity, and a slightly higher response in volcanoes."
The effect of tides on seismic activity is greatest in subduction zones such as the Pacific Northwest, where one tectonic plate is sliding under another. William Wilcock, another seismologist at the University of Washington, explained: "When you have a low tide, there's less water, so the pressure on the seafloor is smaller. That pressure is clamping the fault together, so when it's not there, it makes it easier for the fault to slip."
According to Wilcock, earthquake activity in subduction zones at low tides is 10 percent higher than at other times of the day, but he hasn't observed any correlations between earthquake activity and especially low tides at new and full moons. Vidale has observed only a very small correlation.
What about during a lunar perigee? Can we expect more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on March 19, when the full moon will be so close?
The moon's gravitational pull at lunarperigee, the scientists say, is not different enough from its pull at other times to significantly change the height of the tides and thus the likelihood of natural disasters. [Infographic:  Phases of the Moon Explained]
"A lot of studies have been done on this kind of thing by USGS scientists and others," John Bellini, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey, told Life's Little Mysteries. "They haven't found anything significant at all."
Vidale concurred. "Practically speaking, you'll never see any effect of lunar perigee," he said. "It's somewhere between 'It has no effect' and 'It's so small you don't see any effect.'"

So clearly there are some minor concessions being made by these two seismologists. My guess is that they wouldn't go further even if the evidence was staring them in the face.
Scientists at the Space & Science Research Corp  certainly hold alternative views:
this extract from their recent Press Release:

They view the Sendai quake as another signal of the interrelation of the Sun and Moon which respectively exert tidal and geomagnetic forces on the Earth. These forces can bring the strongest quakes to the surface though originating from deep within the Earth. Plate tectonics theory they say, which focuses in part on the movement of upper mantle layers and subduction zones, is not the only causal factor in the largest earthquakes and associated volcanic activity.

With the world likely to face more large scale environmental crises in this era, a position accepted even by the more conservative sector, people will definitely be challenged to frame/reframe their understanding of what is going on. Fortunately there are enough diverse views available on the internet to assist anyone searching for more satisfying answers.

Update March 18
The Voice of Russia online news gives the seismic outlook as seen by Russian scientists

Russian physicists give thumbs up to Ken Ring in their report to the Russian President, warning of mega quakes in coming week 

Jim Berkland retired American geologist studies earthquakes using sun-moon and related factors along with observations of mass strandings or wildlife deaths as early warning signs. A pilot whale pod stranded off Tasmania on March 17.

Where Science Gets Sun, Moon, Planets Stuff Wrong

When scientists comment on the research done by astrologers, they are stumbling in the dark, oblivious to the degree of complexity involved in astrological mathematical analysis of planetary positions. Basically it's like two different foreign languages trying to communicate in pidgin English - far worse than "not being on the same page".

Astrologers do not restrict themselves to the most simplistic angles and positions and so scientists who assume that are assessing completely false criteria.
Astrology is based on the vast number of connections possible within a 360 degree circle - which can also be compressed to a 90 degree format using Uranian or Cosmobiology techniques

Sure we look at the conjunction of the sun and moon - New Moon
We look at the opposition of the sun and moon = Full Moon
But the influence of Cosmobiology, derived from the work of Alfred Witte and Reinhold Ebertin introduced what they found to be further significant angles and point of emphasis:

Cosmobiology continued Witte's ultimate primary emphasis on the use of astrological midpoints along with the following 8th-harmonic aspects in the natal chart, which both Witte and Ebertin found to be the most potent in terms of personal influence: conjunction (0°), semi-square (45°), square (90°), sesquiquadrate (135°), and opposition (180°).
(excerpt from WIKIPEDIA Cosmobiology)

Explaining midpoints is critical to this argument because, other than the more subtle angles of importance detailed above, midpoints are the often hidden "eureka" explanation of an event triggered in time. My own analysis of major earth events shows the subtle angles and midpoints play a very powerful role which mainstream scientists will fail to consider in relationship to event timings.

Depending on your type of brain patterning, you will either "get" midpoints - or you will totally fail to appreciate their significance, because we are talking about more subtle concepts than simply bodies in space parked next to each other. So it is a physical-metaphysical divide in conception.

The explanation is simple. The processing of it may be the complex part.

A midpoint is the point in space where two forces meet.
When we talk of planets and their positions it is best to give an example:

On March 27 2011 Mars is at 25Pisces09 and the sun is at 5Aries59
This excerpt from the midpoint grid gives the exact midpoint data. 
This data is for 0 hours at London UK on that day
Scan along the top from the Sun till you get to the vertical column with Mars at the base -the target square gives 0Aries33 as the Sun-Mars midpoint. This position is a potential and if that point is influenced by a third force, energy escalates. 

The planetary ephemeris then provides data for that day showing Uranus at 0Aries51 on March 27, then subsequent readings for March 28,29,etc.
So it is clear that Uranus sits very close to exactitude of the Sun-Mars midpoint on March 27.
Orbs are kept small -preferably up to one degree of difference from exactitude. The range of influence on this basis of this proximity to exact midpoint means the effects could manifest from March 26 and extend to March 30 

Sun-Mars-Uranus in combination is volatile to say the least.
Sun-Mars is militaristic, a sign of armies and aggression and at the very least anger, impatience, irritation. On an elemental level it is two fire forces combined:  the heat, drama, intensity synergising. Inflammation, fire and burning, cutting, wounds, weapons all fit this picture.  
Add in Uranus and you get Sudden force, sudden change. Hasty, impulsive acts more likely. Panic, pandemonium. And we know Uranus is linked to earthquakes.

Knowing the unfolding crises in Japan and Libya are in potential escalation mode ( reinforced partly by the number of planets accumulating in Aries) expect this period to have some pronounced outcomes. It is definitely an eruptive time where natural forces and human energies are straining to break free.

This example of one midpoint is meant to serve as an illustration of subtle but very powerful considerations used by astrologers to analyse interactions in space as they may impact on earth

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

New Zealand's worst Quake + Tsunami -plus chart patterns

As matter of interest, following two damaging quakes impacting upon Christchurch & Canterbury ( Sept 4 2010, Feb 22 2011) this example is posted of the highest magnitude (8.2) quake in New Zealand
January 23 1855 centred in the Wairarapa region ( Featherston selected), at 9.11pm local time
Note the tight bowl pattern, where the planets are bunched up in less than half of the full 360 degree wheel. Concentrated force and single minded focus is accentuated.
For a mega event expect to see Jupiter prominent: here Jupiter is caught up in 5 surrounding energies. The Jupiter-Mars midpoint 13AQU58 links directly to Neptune 14 Pisces (water - providing there the tsunami signature) and to the other positions in the range 12-14 degrees: the Ascendant, Moon and Uranus. You would expect the main earthquake player Uranus to be embroiled and here it links to several other factors.

  • The Sun is in close range, having just passed an exact square to the big transformer, plutonic Pluto
  • Mars squares the nodes closely ( Uranus, north Node and ASC all in earth signs)
  •  the Sun-Uranus & Sun-Node, Jupiter-Uranus, Mars-Pluto midpoints [ in late degrees of mutable sign Pisces] all activate the Galactic Centre (which was 25SAG28 in 1900, so calculated at 24SAG50 in 1855)

[update: this reinforces other research showing the prevelance of late mutable degrees in large environmental events  - see this related post
full data for January 1855 shows from Jan 16-Jan 26 the prime earthquake indicator Uranus shifted from retrograde to direct - direct on Jan 21 at 12Taurus42 - but this part of the phase, holding an apparent paused position is termed stationary and intensifies the potency of the energy.

Big environmental events can be frequently traced back to eclipses- if you know where to look -
In the case of this event of Jan 23 1855 with multiple factors activated in the 12-14 degree range the answer lies in the preceding eclipse of November 1854.
This was a New Moon on Nov 20 when the fateful forecast was set in place by a combination of 3 potent forces - Saturn-Uranus-Neptune combining unharmoniously through the month and locked in place in that 13-14 degree very tight intensity as an eclipse signature - a pattern able to be activated anytime in the usual 6 month ahead time frame of an eclipse's period of main influence.
Saturn energy is a disaster indicator when combined stressfully with other potentially destructive forces.
Neptune is the force of the water element
Uranus is sudden force of change regularly linked to earthquakes
So it comes as no surprise - and can be repeatedly demonstrated - that potent planetary combinations are perpetually in existence and able to be earthed by triggers especially Moon, also Mercury, Venus - as well as specific degree positions - in this case anything in the range 12-14 degrees - which clearly occurred in late January 1854 - expressed in the environment as a massive quake and tsunami
November 20 1854 positions in red band
In addition -Midpoint analysis leads into:
So for an interesting comparison to other events look at the visuals of : 
(1) the 2.46pm March 11 2011 chart for the Japan quake showing another bunched pattern and all but 2 elements on one side of the chart -these are linked though so again, a tight, focussed force.

(2) the Tarawera eruption Waikato New Zealand 1886 = a very tight bowl pattern with two bunches of compressed energy, the Virgo section aspecting the Galactic Centre -then around 25SAG16.

For further visual examples of compressed patterns coinciding with powerful events see the recent post with nuclear event charts

Japan March 11 2011

Monday, 14 March 2011

Japan nuclear events: past to present energetic links

2022 update: scroll to end re Chernobyl energetic profile

Japan Map courtesy google maps

The big shudders affecting Japan have involved the unprecedented trio in conjunction: seismic, tsunami and nuclear.

Japan has a history of devastation involving all three, but the meeting of all three in time is the spectre hanging over Japan in March 2011.

History repeats and astrologers are well versed in locating the prior cycles that return and revisit places in time.

The nuclear risks under present time emergency management immediately provoke a revisiting of Japan's last nuclear crisis, imposed that time politically, by America, during World War 2.

The energetic links between the events of 1945 and 2011 in respect of the nuclear aspects and humanitarian crises are fascinating.
The preceding eclipse in 1945 was a total solar in July. At 16CAN57 this provides a signpost to Pluto - Pluto was discovered on 18 Feb 1930 at 17CAN40. Transit Saturn reached 17CAN40 on August 1st (GMT) 1945. Moon got to 17CAN40 less than an hour before the Hiroshima bombing on August 6. Saturn & Moon were conjoined at 18 Cancer when the bombing began.
Note: some knowledge of astrological methods and symbols is required to follow this post

Hiroshima 08.16am August 6 1945

Nagasaki 11.02 am August 9 1945

Firstly some excerpts of historical detail via WIKIPEDIA 

The Hiroshima bomb, a bomb called "Little Boy," was made with uranium-235, a rare isotope of uranium extracted in giant factories in Tennessee

The Nagasaki bomb, "Fat Man," was an implosion device made primarily of plutonium-239 -
90,000–166,000 killed in Hiroshima
60,000–80,000 killed in Nagasaki
Here are some quickly compiled observations I want to publish
So the uranium and plutonium aspects have to be noted with their obvious links to Uranus and Pluto
NOTE the  visual clue of the tightly compressed bowl pattern of the planets in both events of 1945
I always look to the prior eclipse events to see the connections re the timing of an activation.
July 9 saw a Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) at 16CANCER57 
section of Hiroshima chart
Uranus exact on MC 16 GEM and ASC 17 VIRG, Saturn in exact conjunct to Moon in Cancer all resonate with the prior TSE. This speaks of the mayhem and devastation to homes and families.
The Uranus-Neptune midpoint falls exactly on Pluto
Hiroshima chart section: URA-NEP=PLU

 Uranus and Chiron also have a midpoint (9LEO) very close to Pluto (9LEO56)
Jupiter at 26VIR is exact square the Galactic Centre (26SAG06 in 1945), the signature of a mega scale event.
Other planets on this date had midpoints in very close aspect ( no higher than one degree orb) to the 26 degree Galactic Centre on the Hiroshima date:  

The plutonic bomb
Pluto is the mid-point of Uranus-Neptune as in Hiroshima the signature repeating the humanitarian crisis due to powerful transformational forces

Nagasaki: section of chart
The Sun-Uranus midpoint is 16 CAN ( = trigger point of prior TSE)Pluto and the Node meet on the MC
Uranus and Mercury also have their midpoint on the MC
13 CANCER is a powerful energy point:
PLU-URA m/p = SUN-Mar m/p = SAT-VEN m/p=SAT-NOD m/p = NEP-ASC m/p = CHI-ASC m/p
 = URA-MAR m/p = all linked to 13 CAN
And 13 CAN is semisquare 28 LEO = Moon 
Moon =  ruler of MC, SAT, NOD
Strong emphasis on the sign of CANCER ( interesting too that the disease cancer is a consequence of radiation)

Links to the Galactic Centre (27SAG) shown by these aspecting midpoints:



The chart pattern is a bowl again, though not as tight.
The humanitarian crisis shown by Uranus in exact semisextile to Neptune
The Moon-Node midpoint is exact on the URA-NEP midpoint
The Moon-Neptune midpoint is semisextile the above points.
URANUS has just entered ARIES - with heat, fire and explosion being looming threats with the connections to Pluto, Sun, Mars reinforcing the unstable nuclear situation.
Remember that Jupiter is already in Aries = excess heat/big fire events.
Meanwhile Saturn in Libra will try to hold a balance - until Jupiter in Aries reaches exact opposition on March 29. The question is which force will win out -balance and control vs excess liberation.
This date (on/around) may be critical -especially as Pluto exactly squares the Sun on 29th, Mars is square the Galactic Centre and the nodes are exact on/opposing the Galactic Centre

2011 links back to 1945
ASC 16 LEO is the same as the SUN at Nagasaki
ASC 16 LEO aspects the ASC & MC of Hiroshima
Saturn is 15 cardinal in 2011 and 18 cardinal in 1945
Pluto at 8 CAP is exact on the CAN-CAP nodes of HIRO-NAGA
Node is on the Moon of NAGA
Neptune is opposite the NAGA Moon
Uranus is on the Jupiter Chiron midpoint

Japan March 11 2011 at 2.46 pm

Japan 2011 events chart section
The Galactic Centre in 2011 is 27 SAG
The following pairs of midpoint energies link to 27 SAG 
ASC-MC midpoint is 27 GEM
MARS-JUP m/p is 26 PIS27
PLU-ASC m/p is 26LIB52
SUN-MERC m/p is 26PIS33
SAT-PLU m/p is 26SCO27
SAT-MC m/p is 26CAN58

This information is provided with little analysis simply as a way of getting some ideas out there regarding links and connections demonstrated by astrology, shown in 3 examples from two time periods. There is currently not time for a full analysis, given the urgency of the Japan crisis. The subtext here is how linked these times and places appear to be energetically. 

Japan 1945
-courtesy wikimedia commons

2022 updated detail re CHERNOBYL

This content is best understood in the context of prior content re other nuclear event signatures identified in standout planetary factors.
The 2022 update in the context of a contemporary nuclear threat in a military context relates to the energetic imprint of Chernobyl which is located in Ukraine and the enduring potency of such an event even far back in recent history.
Energy loves similarity in terms of the process of attraction or manifestation and astrology repeatedly identifies patterns that match based on locational positioning [planetary location or degree position as well as planet to planet relationships or connections]
This work identifies that current planetary positions have the potential to activate similar energy as experienced in Chernobyl in 1986 - not specifically an event of the same description as the 1986 event - but consistent with a nuclear profile and within the geography of Ukraine

Timing for the explosive events at Chernobyl Reactor 4 is provided by the World Nuclear Organisation as 1.24 am noted onsite by an engineer recording "severe shocks"
Notable is Uranus [quake tremor shock] exact on the ASC in SAG, a Pluto-Sun opposition in TAU-SCO [ Pluto retrograde and therefore closest in alignment with Earth] following a total lunar eclipse 4 Scorpio two days prior.
[October 25 Solar eclipse 2 Scorpio]
Jupiter, ruler of SAG is exactly semisquare the north Node. The signifiers of sudden, broad range and powerfully transformational collective events all feature here The lunar eclipse on 24 April 1986 at 4 Scorpio was a signpost to transit Pluto at 6 Scorpio in the event chart.
Uranus sits at the midpoint of Saturn-Neptune - the grief generated by such a life changing event

Extra detail is gleaned from the midpoint grid - breaking down into cardinal fixed mutable enables faster identification of synchronistic activation.
It is useful to examine in the context of 2022 the fixed midpoints in the Chernobyl chart in range of transiting Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius [singly or together in range of 11-25 degrees in fixed signs in 2022]

In chronological order a strong sequence of Chernobyl activations exist from October 2022 through 2023 and beyond: significant midpoints are in range of Uranus right until the end of Taurus in 2026 

Looking at the last months of 2022 into early 2023 and ordering these by degree with their activating planet noted in red [ orb of 1 degree ] 

After April 2023 Uranus proceeds through the Chernobyl fixed midpoints from 18.5 to 23'04 retrograde late August 2023

Moon-Node 12'12
Venus-MC 12'50
Mars-Jupiter 13'45
Venus-Node 14'26        URA Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar
Sun-Moon 14'54           URA Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar
Moon-Pluto 15'13         URA Nov-Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar
Mercury-Uranus 16'29  URA Nov-Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar
Sun-Venus 17              URA Nov-Dec & Mar
Mercury-Asc 17'17      URA Nov & Mar-Apr
Venus-Pluto 17'26       URA Oct & Mar-Apr
Saturn-MC 17'41         SAT + URA Oct & URA Mar-Apr
Saturn-Node 19'17      URA Oct   SAT Nov
Chiron-MC 19'21        URA Oct   SAT Nov

Chiron-Node 20'57     SAT Dec

Sun-Saturn 21'58        SAT Dec
Saturn-Pluto 22'17      SAT Dec

Mercury-Nep 23'20     SAT Dec

The following Chernobyl midpoints had already been activated by Saturn in May-June-July-August 2022 and all 4 have a connection to the May 2022 total lunar eclipse degree 25'18 Scorpio
Sun-Chiron 23'38   SAT Jan 2023
Pluto-Chiron 23'57 SAT Jan 2023
Uranus-MC 24'23    SAT Jan 2023
Asc-MC 24'54         SAT Jan 2023

As stated Uranus has the potential to activate Chernobyl midpoints from the middle degrees of fixed signs around 15 right up to 30 degrees Taurus in the years 2023 until May 2026.

When potentials arise there is no guarantee of manifestation. 
The energy is in the collective field and while in consciousness may or may not be manifested by action.


2011 updates:
Here is also a link to some extra details posted on Planetwaves 2007 re the Chernobyl nuclear event in April 1986

Refer to Piers Corbyn to hear his views on environmental threats

Also view this Japan nuclear graphic on Twitpic from Waiheke News

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Considering Space Weather for your Habitat

We are living in turbulent times and that is a cyclic condition related to living on a planet. The human lifespan makes it impossible to live through the range of potential environmental changes that can occur on planet Earth, so we rely on scientific analysis to extract core samples or study fossil records and so on.

Currently the debate is huge over climate change/global warming, with scientist opposing scientist - and this degree of dissent makes it hard for the average person to form an opinion and accordingly to make any behavioural change to prevent further negative environmental impact.

The present state of the world does cause questioning about natural events -are we facing more or worse effects?
According to long-term records (since about 1900), we expect about 17 major earthquakes (7.0 - 7.9) and one great earthquake (8.0 or above) in any given year.  via USGS

National Geographic says storms are not increasing but getting more severe due to raised temperatures and this aritcle on global warming runs through expected effects.

In contrast, British meteorologist & astrophysicist Piers Corbyn rejects the carbon dioxide induced model of global warming. Corbyn uses a model based on emissions from the sun being the primary drivers of earth's climate and weather.

But that's not the end of it either, because there's also an international community of researchers looking at how the sun, moon and planets affect weather on earth. Here's an example of the space weather theory and there are various sites using methods with a long historical lineage of planet-watching.

The role of the sun and its Coronal Mass Ejections CME is a popular aspect of space weather theory. Sites such as post the sunspots, flares and ejections as they happen, indicating risk factors on earth. Mainstream e.g. NASA science acknowledges and warns of the electromagnetic interference created by solar wind reaching earth, others like James McCanney will link that solar flow to environmental turbulence on earth. 
A CME on 7th March is expected to have effects on March 9-10 2011
Honshu, Japan M7.2 quake plus aftershocks
The Kilauea volcano, Hawaii continues erupting after a fissure on March 6
In Christchurch NZ an increased number of (11) aftershocks, including a M4.1 by 5pm

The astrological themes would indicate more frequency of earthquakes, flooding and now fire/heat/volcanic activity for at least the decade ahead.  Spaceweather projections indicate more frequent solar emissions within this period and National Geographic provides a good summary of historic effects -so it has a reached a point of not mattering which philosophy or belief you want to follow, but whether your habitat on earth is suitable for the sort of environmental challenges likely to arise there.  

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Christchurch - why warnings have been given

An extensive updates section precedes the original 2011 post

The Bigger Picture - the plate boundary is just the centre of a broad seismically sensitive zone extending into the Pacific seafloor.
Place your index finger parallel to either side of the red boundary line to see the extent of the sensitive zone across the visible land of New Zealand and how this equates to the most significant quakes on record.

Maps via GNS & USGS

Pegasus Town and the bay that shares its name

After four significant quake sequences in the period 2010-2012, many Christchurch residents may be beginning to see why warnings have been given about the long-term viability of their region as a secure place to live.
For this reason warnings have been given.
The potential for further significant long-term seismic disturbance is considered highly likely.
In addition, the impact upon personal health rates very highly as a reason to assess the viability of remaining in this location
Complex security issues have arisen in Christchurch that relate not only to earthquake damage and the impacts mentally, emotionally and physically on people, but also security loss due to transformed neighbourhoods and suburbs, living amongst abandoned houses and buildings, all compounded by the stress of financial insecurity and loss of assets.
This blog accumulates information from a variety of sources - from alternative forecasters to mainstream scientists so you can decide what opinions and beliefs make the most sense.
Now, more than ever, people need to do the research and reading in order to fill the gaps left by authorities and their carefully presented media releases.
Government agencies will never release the full story relating to matters of national crisis if they can possibly avoid doing so.
In any extreme public state of emergency there will never be adequate support to rescue the majority of people who need help. 
Each of us needs to perform a personal, family and local risk assessment and plan for potential activation if an environmental threat arises.
For many this will result in a plan to relocate away from higher risk locations.

Read on if you need to assess more information related to Christchurch, New Zealand.


November 2016
Extensively detailed landslide map shows full magnitude of Kaikoura quakes

Whaler's Bay Kaikoura now features significant unidentified gas [likely carbon dioxide + hydrogen sulphide] release from cracks in the seabed
Significant aftershocks continue a week after the initial quakes - including a M5.7 on 22 November near Culverden, described as severe and felt widely in Christchurch, causing impact damage in the larger region

At least 6 fault ruptures initially identified

The major Pacific-Australian plate has direct significance to twin quakes that were unleashed just minutes into the morning on November 14 - with perfect synchronicity to the largest i.e. closest moon transit of Earth in 2016 [Supermoon Full moon]

Seismologists are yet to release full specifics of what was initially thought to be a single M7.5 in the north Canterbury rural region of 5 km south-south-west of Waiau, Canterbury

Despite the widespread knowledge of tidal bulges under an ordinary lunar event, mainstream thinkers range from anger to arrogance in their dismissal of any possible role played by solar-lunar forces.

Just some of the initially registered seismicity from Culverden to Kaikoura and into the seafloor of Pegasus Bay -
data and images from Quakemap
Fatalities reported at very low level [2] the somewhat isolated and rural region has suffered extensive land/infrastructure effects
Nov 14: Highly vulnerable transit infrastructure covered in a landslip blocks usual route from northern ports at Picton to the eastern centres of the South Island

Nov 14: Another no-go zone in the region of Kaikoura
Although this was not a major tsunami event some activity occurred.
The events related closely to this recent dream:

February 2016
February 2016 has shown repeated seismic unrest in Christchurch
Feb 29 A widely felt, shallow and centrally located M4.3 quake at 3.30 am has intensified the sense of anxiety re the seismic risk in Christchurch.
Despite shaking described as extreme, no initial injury or damage reports notified.
reports from Geonet
  the epicentre in Cashmere
from Quakelive
the energy spike that bucks the decay pattern
from Quakemap
geonet quake drum with M4.3 & lesser quakes

Feb 17 In a broader context of widespread cuts across the heath sector, including mental health support, hundreds of Christchurch children have been assessed as suffering from post traumatic stress disorder in respect of the ongoing earhquakes since September 2010 but only 8% have received counselling. A university study of a sample of 320 children tracked since 2013 showed 64% had negative mental health indicators -report
Feb 14
The Valentine's Day M5.7 quake on Feb 14 will be easily remembered because many would have thought the trauma would not resume. 
the big thick trace of the M.7 on Geonet drums

The psychological impact has far more significance than the moderate level of structural or material damage caused by the 1.13pm event & its aftershocks.
The return of liquefaction, the return of fear, anxiety and expectation.
This seemingly out of the blue large event is consistent with the 50% chance in the M5.0-M5.9 range forecast by scientists less than 6 months ago.
The risk percentage has now been elevated to 63% in the coming 12 months
The off shore location -some 8kms from land and 15.5kms deep is in the seabed zone regarded in this blog as the most likely source of further significant quakes.
The collapse of a cliif into the sea at Taylor's Mistake, southeast of Sumner was highly visible as tweeted:
 Scanning the archived material in this post shows that the seafloor events are capable of producing strong seismic energy - even from lesser magnitudes than M5.
This event in Oct 2013 was M4.6 at 5.5kms deep and around 4kms offshore, north of an indicated fault vs Feb 14 2016 being 4kms further east, deeper and stronger.

 November 2015
A report published in September 2015 states that in the aftershock zone of the quake events of 2010-2011 that quake activity remains by September 2015 at nearly 10 times the level of seismic activity prior to those major events - report

In September 2015 there remained a 50% chance of a M5.0-M5.9 in the region.
The message remains: Be Prepared

May 2015
GNS Science published report places even higher emphasis on the megathrust risk in central NZ
The braided [known] faults in the map below indicate the seismic threads embedded in the upper South Island and seafloor.
Resumed quake activity in 2015 in the Seddon region/Cook Strait and a significant M6.2 shake near St Arnaud on April 24 add to the seismic unrest with potential impact on the Canterbury region
April 20
81 quakes on this map, most events under M3 in April 2015

Activity in the hills surrounding Lyttelton Harbour on April 7

April 7 M3.8 shakes the city
The last event of similar size relevant to Chch was on Dec 24 2014.
Though some scoff at planetary conditions that relate to quakes, it is noted that a total Full Moon lunar eclipse occurred less than 24hrs prior to this seismic unrest, adding to a prevailing [2012-2016] higher-than-usual terrestrial strain - on account of Uranus at 90 degrees to Pluto
January 2015 has begun with a reported M6.4 in the central South Island, plus aftershocks from early on January 6
Geonet -Revised report

Located in the sensitive seismic zone close to the Greendale Fault of 2010, this will have seismologists attention.
A M5+ aftershock is possible and with January being a hi-risk month for global seismic activity [read Uranus report] this is not a random event.

2014 proceeded with ongoing quake activity
including recurrent spikes.
Non damaging events were the norm
Quakelive graphic shows the spread from Sept 2010-Jan 2015
The energy of the M6.4 of Jan 2015 is in the same category as events of 2011

May 2014
The pattern of intermittent stronger quakes continues in a context of less activity but it is apparent for many that the extended aftermath of the quakes is far worse than their immediate effects
From cracks,collapses, liquefaction, dust and subsidence to mould, damp,disease, bitter cold, repeated flooding, post traumatic stress disorder, insurance nightmares, battles with bureaucracy, asbestos threats...and more...the reality of trying to re-establish life in a shattered city.
If you have not already viewed The Shock Doctrine on post-disaster responses [failures] by governments scroll down to the entry from a year ago May 31 2013

April 2014
April 13
Enhanced global seismicity noted in the building phase of the full moon lunar eclipse [exact on Tues 15th -and with extra complexities -Read 2014 extreme events forecast ]
Christchurch experienced a M4.2 -5kms deep at 8.36am near the Port Hills
March 20 saw a M4.04 west in the Greendale fault zone.
M4.74 is presently the pass mark to get into the top 100 for the region
April so far continues the pattern of intermittent events M4+ in a more active recent period but the month has further intense potentials.
This day also saw a major quake in the Solomons Region M7.6 and Christchurch does seem to have echo events when other distant big events occur.

March 5
The recently flooded areas of Christchurch cover an extensive area due to coastal proximity,the river network within suburbs and runoff from nearby hills. These natural factors exacerbate the altered terrain subsequent to the seismic activity since September 2010
The storm system arrived in the New Moon phase when tides came to high monthly values. From Feb 26 Lyttelton tides at 2.4m rose steadily daily, peaking from New Moon on March 1, sustained at 2.6m on March 2 & 3, with declines to 2.5 on March 4 & 5.
This lunar factor provided an extra contribution to the flooding generated by sustained rainfall.
It is unlikely any local authority could cope with the demands of such widespread water threat.
some of the most noted flooded areas included a band of suburbs from St Albans to Mairehau,Shirley & Avonside & New Brighton on the coast
Proximity to the Avon & Heathcote rivers as well as associated creeks was another risk factor due to banks being breached
Avondale, Woolston, Lytellton, Linwood, Woodham, Opawa, Governors Bay also noted.
This is not a complete list.
Flood levels were said to reach 1m in places, even waist high for a man in Mairehau, Cars floated adrift.
The Te Ara flood map is based on longstanding natural conditions:

clearly seismic & extreme weather events combined add considerable extra threats, reaffirming the conclusion that the environment poses unbeatable challenges for many.

In 2014 so far, the seismic pattern continues to show intermittent events of late M3 & over M4 amidst ongoing events generally under M3
The energy chart from Quakelive over the past year does show somewhat of a holding pattern -in that no dramatic upsurge or decline is evident:
March 2013-March 2014
On this basis it could be expected that the region is not yet past the point of further significant seismic movement.
The severe gales and heavy rainfall hitting the region on March 4-5, when the jetstream [pink wind stream] squashed the large circular low pressure system into the coast

have led to scenes of devastation with different flavours than typical of the quake events -very significant flooding and wind damage, but the message continues to be clear:
The city is known to have sunk -with 50cms or half a metre being quoted.
This "basin" effect is of considerable significance in impacting the assets of those still awaiting rebuilds or even those completed in low lying areas.
This is a no-win situation.

Nature is in control of Christchurch and no amount of effort by local or national authorities will mitigate or prevent the sustained ongoing challenges the city faces.

December 2013

A flurry occurred across the region on Dec 19 in the period 12.44am-1.15 am to a maximum of M3.9 - though this was a seafloor event off Parklands & not newsworthy it seems.

This occurred in the context of a pattern over recent months involving lull periods interspersed with sudden activity around M4

December has overall so far been less active than recent months

November 2013
Unusual aspects uncovered in Canterbury quake report
An unusually thick and dense rock slab underlies Canterbury - extending in solid form to a depth of some 30kms -whereas a hot plasticity is normal for rock material at 10kms deep. The crustal layer was severely weakened from widespread cracking in the greywacke rock. This local quirk of nature enables much stronger and more widespread seismic effects.
More research will investigate how extensive this density of rock is prevalent in the lower South Island
Just when you think it's all over:
Over the year from Nov 2012 to mid Nov 2013
This Quakelive graphic shows an interesting new pattern as of July 29: one of greater extremes in an almost regular sequence of events between the green line M4 up to virtually M4.8 interspersing periods of little to nil recorded activity
November 18 M4.6 -via Quakelive
Monday 18 Nov 11.36pm M4.6 in suburban Christchurch, 137 tonnes, being the largest event in the region since October 1st 2013 M4.7 -  a seafloor event off New Brighton

October has ended with a bang after an unusual lull period lasting some 20 days
M4.2 at the eastern end zone of the Greendale Fault at 4.21 am followed by a nearby M3.3
The 4.2 is the top quake in the region over the month of October.
Then at 9.45 am a M3.8 50kms n/e of Mt Cook - in range of the Alpine Fault

This activity comes in the wake of extensive high activity on the sun during October particularly in the last week - multiple M and X level flares - high level magnetic discharges which have been shown to precede noticeable seismic responses on earth.
This is where Quakelive puts most of the October 2013 quakes
a scattergun spread across the region - plus a few more further out West

After quite sustained lulls this year -e.g.  March 23-June 23 2013, a pattern of higher intensity events has prevailed from late June & strengthened from October :
big spaces in the period late June to early October 2013 showing fewer periods with no activity

October 2013 week 1 shows more intense seismicity in Canterbury e.gOct 1st M4.6 seafloor off New Brighton, and 2 shallow events at M3.3 on subsequent days one east one west.

October 1 2013
M4.6 seafloor off New Brighton

Also read October 2013 astro-analysis for relevant background material to this larger than usual lately event

September 30 2013
GNS Science releases revised tsunami risk map for NZ coastlines, based on local or distant quake events,  placing the eastern coast of Christchurch at risk of some of the highest levels of inundation facing the South Island - up to 12 metres vs the last assessment of a 10m maximum.
Across NZ, the plate boundary zones are noticeably, but not exclusively, most vulnerable.
NZ junction of 2 tectonic plates -faults show strong pressure zones

September 20 2013
sustained activity in the range from M2 to under M3 is the recent norm, but today in the eastern section of the Greendale Fault zone, a M4.1 -showing that sustained potential remains in this sequence  -report
September 11 2013
With strong atmospheric turbulence evident in diverse locations [Asia, Spain, US, Atlantic, South Is. New Zealand] in the first part of September, reference is made to the advisory contained in my August 2013 report:

updated advisory issued August 26August 31-September 1st there is an emphasis on extreme forces due to the opposition midpoint of Jupiter to Pluto being at right angles to the position of Uranus.
Violent, coercive, dangerous, destructive energies can manifest as aggressive, homicidal acts as well as natural elements with annihilating force.

Under this influence there is heightened likelihood of terrorist and militaristic activity as well as criminal aggression involving the misuse of power. 
Natural elements are likely to reveal extreme weather events in various global locations as well as enhanced structural strain resulting in seismic events in vulnerable zones.
This analysis has had extended relevance into September well beyond the point of angular exactitude between Pluto-Jupiter-Uranus - and interestingly, for Canterbury New Zealand the forewarned environmental threat has manifested not as seismic unrest from beneath the ground, [there has been a noticeable lull] but as violent forces from above. As in September 2010 the effects have stuck 2 weeks after the Jupiter-Pluto exact angle.

September 5 2013
Over past 2 months NZ seismicity shown on Geonet maps gives a clear indication that Christchurch/Canterbury region is vulnerable to shallow versus deep-seated quakes.
The currently very active central New Zealand is subject to both deep and shallow.

August 31 2013
Right on target - Canterbury has largest quake in recent weeks as anticipated in earlier forecast made in my August 2013 report.  Today's M4.3 in the Greendale fault region which started off the chain in Sept 2010
from Quakelive
August 25 2013
Large quake events in New Zealand follow the bigger picture of the plate boundary zone - as revealed in the two maps at the top of this page
Geonet statistics over the past year reveal that the larger Canterbury region and the South Island in general are the most seismically active over the period, but the Wellington and Taranaki regions now have prominence in the North Island statistics. 
While Christchurch itself has been seismically quieter, activity in the larger region has implications for the local region
Geonet stats.

August 16 2013
This day saw a sudden resumption of high level seismic activity centred in Marlborough, with a M6.6 shake and strong aftershocks. This activity is consistent with the August -High Risk forecast published in June - which indicates further caution is recommended in the latter period of this month. Christchurch/Canterbury may well be registering resonant effects. It is highly relevant to the region that these quakes are occurring due to the relationship to the Alpine Fault

August 12 2013
Quake energy continues on an upward trend coinciding with the seismic unrest in Cook Strait which began on July 19.
The larger region of Canterbury has been subject to ongoing quake activity of moderate strength with intermittent larger events

August 2 2013

New research suggests a large faultline east of the South Island
Stuff report

An uptick is evident in seismic energy output in the Canterbury region in the same time frame as significant quake activity is sustained in the Cook Strait region since July 19
M4.4 Swannanoa area around 4 am on this day
Last 100 quake snapshot from Quakelive shows widespread activity for events M3+ over the past 10 months
 July 29 2013
A M4.8 event , 9kms deep 20kms n/w of Culverden - south of Hanmer Springs -at 4.37pm confirms a new emphasis in the west and north of Christchurch - with more connection to faults associated with the major Alpine Fault - a specialty subject of Canterbury researcher Tom Robinson -video

July 23 2013
In July the higher quakes over M3 have primarily been in the foothills and high country at the margins of the Southern Alps significantly west of Christchurch. This area of focus extends further the zone of active instability across the region. 
NIWA survey ship Tangaroa has been in a section of Pegasus Basin for MBIE survey work. It has now been deployed to the Cook Strait off Marlborough to do echo soundings for undersea landslips since a previously known unstable are needs inspection - report
Though no link is likely to be made by NZ seismologists, the instability of the South Island since Canterbury events beginning September 2010 is being perpetuated by this further trio of sequences in Cook Strait.

 July 22 2013
GNS confirm 3 overlapping aftershock sequences in Cook Strait -but contradict an earlier seismologist's statement  by saying 'not unusual'.
Large events #1 and #2 were upward thrusts but the largest #3 was a sliding movement
Peak ground acceleration measured in respect of gravity was only 10% of the strength of shaking experienced in the Feb 22 Chch quake. [20%G vs 2G]
Quakemap has removed yesterday's recorded quakes of M4 & M5 for Canterbury but Quakemap retains the latter.  These may have been seen as false readings due to the strength of the Cook Strait events.
However both sites initially gave a M4 at 2am on this day - but again no entry on Geonet. The unreliability of the data is becoming a bit too frequent.
 Overnight quakes include a M5 in western Haast & several related to the ongoing Cook Strait swarm
Scientists identify 3 separate quakes in what is termed the Seddon Sequences M5.7, M5.8 and M6.5 being involved in the Cook Strait - not a common single quake + aftershock sequence, this is effectively 3 sequences

update July 21 2013
Geonet quake drum July 21 Wellington NZ records quake activity generated below seafloor, Cook Strait with magnitudes up to M5.8 -exceeding the initial M5.7 event of Friday 19th

News report on NZ quake swarm
Instead of reducing, the Cook Strait quakes affecting Wellington are increasing with M5.7 on July 19, M5.8 and M6.5 on July 21

Quakes of this magnitude vibrate through the whole of New Zealand
Christchurch has not been unconnected to this significant seismic activity.
quaklive data
This snapshot of July 21 shows a M5.2 followed by a M4.3 then M3.7 - forming a triangle from Pegasus Bay to Lowry Hills Range then down to Okuku. Quakelive & Quakemap show this activity -but Geonet appears overloaded & focussing on the main show. This significant activity has arisen in the context of elevated solar-lunar gravitational forces during May-June-July peaking around dates of the Supermoons and likely accumulating with expected further activity in August - see August report

July 19 2013
Quakes approaching M4 have been occuring in the larger Canterbury area in the past week -latest July 19 M3.94 , shallow 5kms deep inland hill country near Bealey at 12.13pm.
This follows and most likely a resonant response to the most significant recent quake in NZ earlier, same day, further north: M5.7, 16kms deep, seafloor east of Seddon at 9.06 am.
Multiple aftershocks followed in that location, the highest being M4.5, then 3 between M3.3 - M3.5
Geonet's quake drums show widespread recording of the significant quakes of this day - with vibrations being transmitted over most of the South Island and the lower half of the North Island. 
Red slash to the right shows the M5.7 just emerging on the quake drums.
As noted on July 17:

July17 2013
Approaching the Supermoon of July 22 when additional strain will be applied to earth's tectonic structure. This is the 3rd Supermoon - extra close orbit of Moon to Earth in 2013.
Quake energy in the Canterbury region shows an uptick after a lull mid May-mid June

June18 2013
Significant flooding from sustained rainfall across Christchurch has added a further level of adversity on top of the enduring hardship and stress from living in compromised housing whilst struggling against obstinate bureaucratic entanglement. 
Poor drainage emerges repeatedly as a stymying factor and is likely to be aggravated by liquefaction material gluing up the natural flows.
The settlement of Christchurch was built on the flood plain of the Waimakariri River and so historically, flooding has been an issue.
Now the city faces detrimental effects from the two aspects in combination.
Sample [Google Earth] elevations across the city & surrounds include
North New Brighton 1m above sea level
Central City, Christchurch - 4m
Woolston - 3m
Mairehau - 8m
Cashmere - 12m
Kaiapoi -  2m
Rolleston - 53m

Most of the residential land in Christchurch is well under 10m above sea level.
The elevation has dropped in many areas at least 20-30cms after seismic movement.
Places near water sources sunk up to one metre.
NIWA says this sinking equates to the effects of 50-100 years of sea level rise
The District Plan requires new buildings in the flood plain to have floor levels 3 metres above sea level but Government guidelines under the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment apparently pay little heed to the flood risk.
Occupiers & owners seem to being left at the mercy of the elements and many are at risk of losing their primary asset
Sea level rise is the third element
Inundation from seafloor or further offshore seismicity is the fourth element

Some content sourced from : extensive article in The Press June 1 2013

Refer to:     Flood plain map
Refer to:     the Addendum in the August 2013 forecast related to planetary factors and possible relevance to Christchurch in August 2013

This June 16 audio from the Insight programme Radio New Zealand discusses the affordability - or not - or further major quake events in New Zealand

June 3 2013
Quakelive shows the latest 100 Canterbury quakes M4+  -the latest on June 1 in Pegasus Bay and the vast majority concentrated undersea

top right June 1 M4.03 at 20kms depth - via Quakelive
May 31 2013
Current affairs  programme Campbell Live in New Zealand has consistently proven to be intent on supporting those suffering in the aftermath of the main quake sequences. This Quakelive graphic shows the sustained nature of the shock environment created on a physical level, with almost a year now of similar levels of activity.
What Campbell Live focusses on now is the sustained trauma and suffering experienced by large numbers of Christchurch-Canterbury citizens who are unable to resume life in their accustomed fashion, who are in limbo, on the fringes of the lumbering machine known as EQC - self described as -   A New Zealand Government agency providing natural disaster insurance to residential property owners -  who are charged with sorting out the claims made subsequent to earthquake-generated damage.
EQC is only part of the full government agency response required to rebuild the city, so a complex fix is required, but from the perspective of those affected, this has been one long, glacially slow road back to any sense of sanity or normality.
Government spokesperson for the quake crisis, Gerry Brownlee has quoted ongoing quakes as the cause of delays, but Quakelive data shows:

  • no 2013 quakes in the Top 100 magnitudes since Sept 2010
  • M4.74 is at the 100th position
  • the last significant events were around a year ago - May & July 2012 M4.88 to M5.23
  • Dates keep being put way into the future -2014, 2015 for assessments, rebuilds
Land damage claim assessments only began in January 2013
Land damage assessments expected to take till the end of 2014
September 2015 is announced on May 31 2013 as the first occupancy target for 700 newly built small residences

Many will find the delays torturous and incomprehensible as well as financially ruinous -leading to the situation where the aftermath has become worse than the earthquakes themselves.

The big question is why the government and its local arm, the council would not wish to pour all possible resources into relieving the emotional pressures as speedily as possible.

Sadly the crisis zone of Christchurch reflects other known disaster zones left incomprehensibly long in misery. Think of Haiti after the 2010 quake New Orleans after the hurricane Japan after the tsunami 

An obvious conclusion that stands out is that humanitarian crises are low priority in a world controlled by an elite of extremely wealthy people. This is the rule of plutocracy over sham democracy. 
In Christchurch the situation under a plutocratically-led John Key government mimics global crisis zones. 
The will to spend what is required to fix Christchurch isn't there - only a pretend version.
The present governing powers are more invested in the crisis continuing - so that the massive investment demanded can be constantly delayed, more people give up and walk away.
The long-term future of the region does involve significant seismic instability either from the Alpine Fault or the eastern seafloor of Pegasus Bay, with everything in the middle under pressure and with this knowledge, investment in Chch may be viewed from many perspectives as a high risk scenario.
For those who want to understand why the agenda of the John Key government would not consider Christchurch a critical priority, an overview of American 20th century economics, spearheaded since the 1960's by figures such as Milton Friedman can be found in the deeply disturbing documentary The Shock Doctrine, based on the book of the same name by Naomi Klein.
Everyone affected by events in Christchurch since September 2010 ought to view this video in order to place their region in the context of other global crisis zones - and the aftermath that the disempowered are forced to endure.  The free market, monetarist system has no true intention of helping those weakened by difficult circumstances. This may make you weep.
Please share the Shock Doctrine video as widely as you can and reference Naomi Klein's book

At the most chaotic juncture in Iraq’s civil war, a new law is unveiled that would allow Shell and BP to claim the country’s vast oil reserves…. Immediately following September 11, the Bush Administration quietly out-sources the running of the “War on Terror” to Halliburton and Blackwater…. After a tsunami wipes out the coasts of Southeast Asia, the pristine beaches are auctioned off to tourist resorts.... New Orleans’s residents, scattered from Hurricane Katrina, discover that their public housing, hospitals and schools will never be reopened…. These events are examples of “the shock doctrine”: using the public’s disorientation following massive collective shocks – wars, terrorist attacks, or natural disasters -- to achieve control by imposing economic shock therapy. Sometimes, when the first two shocks don’t succeed in wiping out resistance, a third shock is employed: the electrode in the prison cell or the Taser gun on the streets.

May 2013 events
A pattern of intermittent events over M3.0 and up to M4.2 [see below] - along with sporadic lower magnitude aftershocks continues across the region.
May 2013 has seen the first Supermoon of  the year, coinciding with a lunar eclipse on the 25th. This extra strain on geophysical structures has seen large quake events internationally - May 24-25 M6.3 to M8.3 so an increase in local seismicity is not surprising [ May 24-29 three events M3.3 to M3.5 in Canterbury
The next Supermoon [closest perigee or proximity to Earth in 2013] is on June 23

May 17
Today the largest jolt [M4.2 in the region highlighted in the map below -  since M3.9 on Feb 22 2013 - news report

Whether coincidental or connected, take note that solar activity was significantly elevated in the period May 13-15 with an exceptional swarm of X flares from one sunspot. 

Elevated proton levels are visible in the near earth satellite recordings
Quakemap shows this focal area in the first half of the month.
Orange, yellow and green dots show varying depths [5-15kms] with magnitude up to M3.0 [north of Rolleston]
Quakelive's last 100 snapshot:
again shows a wide band, west-east and a big collection in Pegasus Bay

April 2013
Report on Alpine fault sees Canterbury facing effects equivalent to M7 event -report
The most recent 25 events March 27-April 9 -from M1.9 to M3.0
Coloured dots show variable depths. Though intensity & frequency have declined, recent activity is diverse across the region -north-south-east-west as shown on this clickable graphic from Quakemap

March 2013
Latest aftershock map showing trend from Sept 4 2010 -via GNS Science
click to enlarge
The green-red-blue-pink sequences are consecutive over time and clearly show the predominant west to east unfoldment of the process, which began in the location of the green star. 
just above the extended fingers of the current [pink] sequence lies a known collection of faults in Pegasus Bay.
Zoomed in, an arc through the 4 epicenters shows:
GNS fault & slippage modelling  - details
The 2 faultline projections above meet opposite New Brighton on the seafloor of Pegasus Bay

Reported March 22 2013: The New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research [NIWA] has been surveying the Kaikoura canyon offshore in Pegasus Bay, to assess tsunami risk from undersea landslides.
Modelling showed that a submarine landslide at the head of the canyon would cause a significant tsunami that would arrive in South Bay with very little warning, with the crest of the wave about 13 metres above sea level
"This is the most dynamic and active submarine canyon on the New Zealand margin, coming to within 500 metres of the shoreline and dropping to 1000 metres deep within 5 kilometres of the shoreline. Kaikoura is a very active seismic region and with the potential for large earthquakes, any unstable sediment could collapse during a good shake and generate a tsunami. We need to know just what the hazard is from such events to ensure the resilience of coastal communities." says NIWA Marine Geologist Dr Joshu Mountjoy.
 -NIWA report

September 21 2012
Recent event over M4 -  Sept 21 M4.3
In recent months, the region had reached the longest period of inactivity/minimal seismicity since the Sept 4 2010 initial sequence. see July-August 2012 data
Seafloor events in Pegasus Bay continue to dominate.

July 2012: After July 6 there has been a tendency towards more quakes on land - versus in the previously dominant Pegasus Bay eastern seafloor locations. The current sequence remains vigorous and has become the longest so far of the four compared = 202 days - see data

July 11 2012
July has seen two large but undamaging quakes a M4.88 at Greendale fault zone on July 6 and a M4.94 on July 10 at Tai Tapu. These fall within the 6 month warning period but July remains a vulnerable period re further significant unrest
June 29 2012
It is now just more than exactly six months since the current sequence started - (Dec 23 2011) & this sequence will on July 4 2012 reach the status of the longest sustained sequence, if no further new event occurs before then. As already stated, this time frame of roughly 6 months is anticipated by geoscience forecasting as well as suggested by pattern analysis, to generate a new event 
The final week of June 2012 has seen several events M3.5-M4 in the eastern seafloor
  • June 23 seafloor off Parklands
  • June 29 seafloor  South New Brighton estuary 
  • June 28 seafloor off Parklands
  • June 26 seafloor off North New Brighton
  • This is in addition to M3.99 Darfield June 23
  • In the regional Pacific quake zone continual activity over M4 is noted by USGS in the region of Tonga, Fiji & the Kermadec Trench in particular, in the time frame in the week from June 22 2012.
June 21 2012
Potentials noted on June 15 for NZ & South Pacific have not manifested, though this can indicate deep & powerful processes that are building and as yet undetected.  The months ahead will have a generally heightened risk for seismic activity in vulnerable areas, globally, which could include Christchurch.
June 2012 has seen considerable quake activity over M4 globally including unexpected activity including Gippsland, Australia M5.3

June 15 2012
The second half of June 2012 is the most concerning in terms of potential global geophysical stressors. 
The framework for this analysis derives from planetary groupings and alignments as well as solar activity impacting earth's geomagnetic field. 
Factors currently in the mix include:
1. Increased solar activity producing earth-directed high speed wind with geostorming potentials from June 16/17 [Spaceweather sources first reported that only a weak interplanetary shock wave impacted earth at 09:00 UT on June 16 with no geostorming. A update contradicted this as there was a weak impact followed by a stronger one, perturbing earth's magnetosphere with strong compression & a rise in global magnetic readings on June 17 ]
2. Moon in maximum north declination on June 18
3. New Moon on June 20 at solstice
4. the combined planetary picture at 10.30pm June 20
5. Saturn-Venus on June 21
6. Pluto-Uranus exact over many days
7. Jupiter-Neptune exact over many days
8. Sun-Moon-Pluto-Uranus on June 27
9. Pluto-Sun-Uranus on June 30 
Bearing in mind this array of conditions in effect over a two week time frame, a potential hi-risk time may be theorized - this is not an outright prediction because so much complexity challenges anyone seeking to pinpoint events in advance. Rather the following information presents a highly dynamic combination of factors in effect for New Zealand  & South Pacific Islands on June 20 2012.
Event chart: June 20, 2012 Christchurch NZ - click to enlarge
The same time can be viewed for Auckland NZ
The Auckland chart shows few differences on account of NZ being a narrow country with similar longitude to Christchurch. Auckland 36.85S, 174.78E vs Chch 43.5S, 172.60E
 Tight angles and planetary combos at this time of 10.30pm give rise to concern over a large and damaging water event with associated earth movement. Highly dynamic charts such as this, with many interacting factors, are commonly seen in large scale significant events. 
What makes a difference in terms of where energies manifest is the local resonance pattern - which is a complex matter to research & considering that we may be in unknown territory in terms of probabilities. All that can be said is that Christchurch has significantly more recent earth disturbances than Auckland - though an out of the blue off-shore event from the east, of large enough capacity, would be of concern to all of the eastern seaboard of New Zealand.
update June 16  The same pattern is evident in equivalent longitude Pacific Islands -Fiji, Tonga, W. Samoa - suggesting potential for a Pacific quake-tsunami - or at the very least, significant flooding [updates: June 18 - USGS note several quakes on June 17 in the Fiji-Tonga seabed plus June 18 M6.4 off Japan -which also has another destructive pattern on June 20 2012;
update June 19 2am Kermadec Trench M4.8 quake]
update June 19 - unusual M5.3 quake s/e of Melbourne plus Fiji, Tonga & Vanuatu all have seafloor quakes over M4 - USGS data

As a comparison, view the equivalent time charts for Sydney & London, compared to pattern in NZ at that time

The London pattern is flipped, being in the opposite hemisphere, but it is essentially very similar to Sydney's at the equivalent time & both differ from the 2 NZ charts - click to enlarge all graphics
 June 13 2012
Today is the one year anniversary of sequence 3, but it is the fourth sequence, since Dec 23 2011 which remains vigorous - see energy map  
Recent days have seen two land based quakes over M3.5

June 2 2012
M4.3,  9kms deep this morning, seafloor off Sumner, adding to recent M4+ activity in Pegasus Bay
An anonymous comment on the Press Quake Science page says he requested a faults map off GNS science under the Official Information Act. He was supplied a photo & says there is a CBD fault that is yet to rupture
"... a fault starting about Clarence St near the railway line running NE across Hagley Park, crossing St Asaph, Tuam, Litchfield and Cashels Streets, crossing Fitzgerald at about Hereford St continuing NE out to sea for a while, parallel to but slightly north of Pages Rd, all but the last fault right through the CBD have ruptured."
May 31 2012
In an unexpected location compared to recent trends, a strong M4.5 today west of Ashburton, at Mayfield. View location map of the latest 100 [ pattern will alter continually] Canterbury quakes 
The Geonet shake reports were widespread. Star = epicentre; Green dot = strongest

May 27 2012
During the final week of May 2012, the quake pattern has resumed a 'left,right & centre" spread, with shakes recorded in the eastern seafloor, central Christchurch region and the western areas around the Greendale fault. see Quakelive data from May 23.
On May 25 a one kilotonne quake at M5.2 in Pegasus Bay, 11kms offshore, 12.5kms deep is sustaining the vigor of this sequence. Quake scientists gave a 76% chance of a M5+ in the year to March 13 2013. This event fell just 2 months into that time frame.  This event is 30th in the top 100 and it is very similar in size & location to a shake of this intensity on Jan 7 2012. The Top 5 quakes continue to be:
M7.1,    M6.41,    M6.34,   M6.0,   M5.91
Of these, the Dec 23 2011, M6 at South New Brighton is the closest to the sustained activity in Pegasus Bay and serves as the initiator of the current sequence.
The most destructive and fatal is the Feb 22 2011 event in position 3. 
In the Top 5 the Feb quake was also the shallowest (5.95kms)

May 20 2012
6.25pm update:
M4.8 seafloor quake, 5.06pm, seafloor off Sumner, 8kms deep. No damage or outages reported.
This represents a vigorous and unusual sequence when compared to the prior the 3 in Christchurch region since Sept 2010, since that first event started with a M7.1 & the current sequence began with M6.0
                                              click to enlarge         source ChchQuakeMap

Earlier report: 
The seismicly sensitive Rolleston tip of the Greendale fault has been active this morning, producing a M4.1 quake, 10 kms deep at 9.35 am.  The Rolleston area features significantly in the top 100 quakes of Canterbury since Sept 4 2010. The current Top 100 ranges from the initial M7.1 down to M4.63.
Update & correction: The M4.8 has now entered the Top 100 at spot 71. 
Top 100 positions  13, 26, 40, 44, 53, 69, 76, 91, 93  (9 events) all occurred in January 2012, so today's quake means 10% of the Top 100 have occurred within the first 6 months of 2012 data
Noting that this coincides within the effective period of an annular solar eclipse [exact on May 21 NZ time]. This eclipse is heightened in terms of quake risks due to the lunar declination - position relative to earth coming to maximum north position [21 degrees 42 N] on May 22 2012 - see Richard Nolle's Astropro table of declinations for the moon . This maximum position is one of 4 high risk periods for the effects of lunar pull to be heightened ( the others are max south,  over equator heading north, and over equator, heading south.  Nolle is one of many who consider such factors as eclipses, declinations & various other planetary factors can pose greater stresses on the earth's structure.   Astropro forecasts

May 15 2012
Less than a week after this area was highlighted -see May 9 entry -  Pegasus Bay has produced a M4.5 10kms deep and 6.6 kms off New Brighton. This is the largest quake since the January events noted in this post.

May 9 2012
Though a noticeably quiet period in recent weeks, the details of the last 100 Canterbury quakes are of interest, currently focussed in this sector:
                                            image source Canterbury QuakeLive
                Does our government seriously plan to allow housing along this coastline?

April 12 2012
12 noon very close after a M7 in Mexico and within 24hrs of a major sequence in the waters off western Indonesia, Pegasus Bay registers a M4.6, the biggest quake since January 2012

March 26 2012
Tsunami risks in the Kaikoura canyon may have implications for coastal Cantabrians. Environment Canterbury has a copy of the report by Canterbury University researcher Jen DuBois. Scientists are considering further exploration of the canyon. 16 prior local tsunamis with impact effects have been noted since European occupation. Southshore residents would be at risk.  Depending on tidal factors wave metres would vary in different locations along the extended coastline from Kaikoura to Christchurch - estimates ranging from 2-10metres. The standard view is that a minimum magnitude 7 quake offshore would be required to generate a damaging tsunami and the probability of that occurring in the next year is put at under 1%. Again this is a situation of being informed and then acting on your own conclusions.  - read news report
March 18 2012
Definitely an uptick including 2 quakes over M4 - both on/near Banks Peninsula around 1am this morning. 
Geonet continues to disappoint despite it's suposed rapid response system. More detail can be found at Quakelive including this interesting map of 24hr swarms after the main events

March 17 2012
The past week has been notable for an "all over the place" pattern - moderate events individually, with nothing over M4, but collectively indicative of ongoing widespread movement.
March 6 2012
A Pegasus Town development is in the news due to issues over geotech reports. As visible from the Google Map above, this new town is at the mercy of any significant seismic activity generated in the bay. Developers feel they have done adequate land strengthening. That assertion is yet to be significantly tested.
One year on since this post was first published, primary activity is centred in Pegasus Bay now, along with ongoing lesser magnitude events in the western Greendale zone. The Canterbury QuakeLive site energy graph shows the vigorous persistence of the sequence since December 23, (M4.57, 10kms deep in Pegasus Bay) though a declining phase is now evident in terms of frequency, the larger quakes are in the bay .
QuakLive graph -click to enlarge
The Top 100 listed by QuakeLive is also visually revealing
February 22 2012
Counsellors in Christchurch note the big surge in demand re stress conditions. The tipping point is said to be quakes over M4.0 - report
February 9 2012
This updated summary shows how extremely unpredictable the seismic activity is in terms of WHERE. The official geoscience view is a tidy progression eastwards, offshore and out of harm's way. That expectation looks good on paper and in powerpoint presentations, but neat and tidy is not nature's way. The reliance on computer modelling is the achilles heel of the "experts" in this extended readjustment of ancient earth. 
click any graphic to enlarge

February 8 2012
Diverse seimic activity continues. Since January 23 2012 the five bigger quakes (over M4.0) have occurred in 3 different zones
Jan 23 M4.5 Pegasus Bay
Jan 27 M4.6 Rolleston
Jan 28 M4.2 Pegasus Bay
Feb 8  M4.2 Banks Peninsula
Feb 8 M4.3 Banks Peninsula

January 27 2012
Public were not warned even though the information was available before Feb 22 quake -
Press report
Renewed recent activity at the Greendale fault zone confirms there is more stress to be released here. Vigorous seismic activity in the period Dec 23-Jan 27 is evident on the energy graph at quakelive
Government departments (IRD, WINZ) are known to have signed 9 year leases to operate from the western fringes of Christchurch city and today the rebuild of Christchurch is said to be delayed further on account of reinsurer concern over seismic instability since the Dec 23 2011 sequence unfolded in Pegasus Bay. REPORT
January 18 2012
Across the globe, governments are complicit in allowing people to reside in hazardous zones. The NZ government is no different. Read this recent report from The Economist

January 17 2012
A 2007 paper on the Great alpine Fault down the spine of the South Island. Read this if you want a scientific appraisal related to the seismic outlook for the South Island.
Plus what geoscientists said about the alpine fault on Sept 7 2010 after the Darfield quake
                            Pegasus the Winged Horse - image via ThinkQuest
January 13 2012
The focus on Pegasus Bay continues in terms of significant seismic activity, though Jan 12 was notable for diverse small quakes on the mainland from east to west of Canterbury - data
January 12 2012
Christchurch may take decades to recover, says American Professor of Architecture
January 10 2012
Dr Kelvin Berryman, GNS Science reported in The Press:
By the end of January a large group including international scientists studying Christchurch expect to deliver an updated model of the seismic situation in Canterbury
"Canterbury was following a more unusual, unpredictable "cluster" pattern..."
"...earthquakes are going to become more part of the fabric of Canterbury..."
Updated entries on  Mathematics Link Christchurch Quakes show how powerful the December 23 new Pegasus Bay sequence is. This new sequence may provide a big clue to the next significant phase.
January 9 2012
A 2011 interview in New Scientist - Hamish Campbell from GNS Science calls the rate of plate movement at the alpine fault "colossal" and that
"The activity that is already shredding the country will ultimately see South Island "split in two along the Alpine boundary", says Campbell. The town of Kaikoura would be at the northern tip of one island, with Greymouth at the southern tip of the other, he predicts."  This comment is in the context of millions of years, using standard geological modelling, but you could be forgiven for feeling that the plate boundary traversing the South Island is not at all in a sufficiently settled state to give people confidence. -FULL REPORT
GNS Science graphic shows South Island's tectonic vulnerability

January 6 2012
M5 quake punctuates the meeting held today
Reports from the seismologists meeting today in Chch downplay any tsunami risk but say aftershocks could continue for decades. Hopefully this forecast alone will be enough to convince scores more citizens of the region to relocate far from this fractured zone and its continually recycled negative energies, which hang around natural disaster areas such as this.
Despite claims of "low probability" a tsunami warning system will be installed within months.
This action is very appropriate - since if you read between the lines, a real and present danger from a seafloor surge can be assumed to have been already factored in -  but not as meaningful as condemning the seaside suburbs as beyond acceptable risk.
The present fractures in Pegasus Bay are said to be capable of linking to the larger Kaiapoi fault where a M7 ( the level at which  tsunami may be generated) - is possible -full Press report
January 3 2012
With seismologists meeting under urgency later this week, to consider the ongoing seismic threats in Christchurch,  they will provide some responses to the public.  Residents must demand that government gives maximum support to those who wish to leave Christchurch. 
To date, no adequate reassurance has been forthcoming from authorities, because in reality they are dumbfounded by the sequences unfolding. Historic modelling of potentials may grossly underestimate and consider "highly unlikely" the scenarios people fear most - but events in Christchurch since Sept 4 2010 were also in the highly unlikely category. Seismologists and government agencies are conservative in their views - and frankly, in their thinking. I have urged people to leave since Day One in this long sorry saga. That opinion remains. However it is clear many will doggedly and determinedly attempt to maintain their position in defiance of these powerful natural forces. Time will show that no human can bear this type of unrelentless onslaught without major costs to mental, physical and emotional health, amidst the the fuller picture of change and loss.

The mythology of Pegasus is worth exploring -as it was relevant years back to trace the roots of Erebus, for ancient echoes -  as names have immense power and are far from insignificant.
In Greek mythology, Pegasus the winged horse was fathered by the sea god Poseidon. He carried thunderbolts for the god Zeus and so is connected to electrical storms. On rocky Mount Helikon, Pegasus stamped his hoof and released a gushing spring, a streaming fountain of water. This water was seen as a purification and cleansing.

From this, I read a very spiritual imperative in the seismic events in Christchurch -that much purification of the energy of the place and people collectively is needed for healing to occur. Storms and water bursting forth are likely both entailed in this process, with the rocky substrate of the seafloor responding to the seismic force of Pegasus pounding his hoof.

From a broader geological point of view, westwards movement of the Pacific plate and uplift of the Australian plate could be showing a stress point in the Christchurch zone of NZ.  -  more geological information and graphics

January 2 2012 
The major quake sequence in Pegusus Bay continues to pump out kilotonnes of energy. 
This activity reaffirms why warnings have been given. The longterm destabilisation of the region of Christchurch must be contemplated as a real and ongoing threat to residents. This situation in the eastern seafloor has much more unfoldment to come. Please make whatever choices you can to relocate out of harm's way.
GNS science locator map for large events in NZ history

December 26 2011
After many had assumed by mid December 2011 that a continuing downtrend was creating a new level of stability for the land and people of Christchurch, a new sequence unfolded from December 23 at 1.58pm, primarily resulting in aftershocks in Pegasus Bay -close offshore from New Brighton, bringing renewed flooding, heavy silt from liquefaction and more damage as well as the effects on mental health.
It beggars belief that the government had not already written off the beach-side eastern suburbs as uninhabitable, in view of their high level of vulnerability. The quake sequence since Sept 4 has progressively spread eastwards and convincingly now is pummeling the seafloor of Pegasus Bay at shallow depths.
Note that this sequence unfolded with strong solar-lunar plus other planetary stress factors -dismissed by authorities and conservative scientists. Refer forecasts linked to the planetary analysis  published early Dec 2011.
For extended information, data and graphics go to the popular post Christchurch Shakes Again & Again


Original Post from March 2011:
 -why warnings have been given

There are notable aspects about the solar-lunar influences upon earth on and around March 20 -meaning people, places, weather, environmental events, things and the structure of the earth itself. The question is whether these circumstances are exceptional enough to cause further seismic or environmental problems and also where such events might happen.

First consider this quote from a Press Release issued Monday, March 14, 2011 8:00 AM by Space and Science Research Corporation, Florida USA:

Dr. Fumio Tsunado and Dr. Dong Choi are highly respected scientists and each have decades of research into seismic activity, especially in the area surrounding Japan. They view the Sendai quake as another signal of the interrelation of the Sun and Moon which respectively exert tidal and geomagnetic forces on the Earth. These forces can bring the strongest quakes to the surface though originating from deep within the Earth. Plate tectonics theory they say, which focuses in part on the movement of upper mantle layers and subduction zones, is not the only causal factor in the largest earthquakes and associated volcanic activity. (source link at end of this blog)

The moon will be extra close, in fact in its closest range to earth for the whole of 2011. This position is reached during a full moon, the sun and moon in exact mathematical alignment, on March 20 (New Zealand time, March 19 Universal Time eg UK).

The influence is a broad brush, not a pin point and the most common highly visible evidence of this is the tides. They don't suddenly leap to a maximum, the influence spreads over several days,
NIWA graphic
Tide graphic from Marine Weather clearly shows the rise and fall pattern related to a lunar event. This event occurred on May 6 2012, at around 3.30pm when the moon was at closest annual perigee coinciding with full moon = supermoon. The tide rises AFTER exactitude of the lunar factors on   the 6th & takes almost exactly 3 days to peak, with a gradual decline over 3 further days.
and the tides do NOT peak on the Full Moon -the rising energy created by the gravitational pull keeps the tides extra high and low for several days after exact full moon. On the 21st-22nd in New Zealand the tides will be termed King - due to the moon's closest range combined with full moon. The usual high New Moon-Full Moon tides are called spring tides. Note: Christchurch is preparing stopbanks as of 15 March in preparation for tidal flooding

Certain effects, like the tides are seen to manifest after full moon, but others are brought about in the building phase. This is a period of heightened activity covering around a week, so trying to predict when, what and where activity will manifest is certainly a complex business. People like Ken Ring and UK astrophysicist Piers Corbyn focus specifically on weather forecasting, but both are increasingly talking of earthquake prediction. Their methods differ -whether to emphasise this or that, but in a nutshell they are both talking about earth's weather being generated from bodies in space = space-weather, because outer space is a highly turbulent, supercharged environment which impacts upon earth constantly. We're on a planet -not a holiday camp.

So why would Ken Ring be talking so much about March 19-20 ( the exact full moon is 6.11 pm in the UK on 19th, so it will be 7.11am on the 20th in NZ. He feels these astronomical factors have repeated in the time period of recent earthquake events seen in NZ:
"Perigee" means moon closest to earth for the month. We have seen the 4 September 7.1 event (new moon+second closest perigee) of 648 kilotons, followed by 7 October (new moon+perigee#6) which brought (8th) the next biggest event, two 4+ jolts around 6.30am totalling 96 metric tons. The following month, on 4-6 November, new moon in perigee brought on 7th at just before 3am, the next biggest aftershock of 118 tonnes. The next month? Perigee was 26-27 December, as perigeal new moon changed to perigeal full moon. On 26 December came the next biggest jolt since the last, a month ago; a 4.9mag king-hit of 346 tons. With 20 January's full moon+perigee, came the next biggest earthquake to hit Christchurch, a 5.1mag event. - quote from Ken Ring's website

Here is the table showing relevant 2010 perigees with dates for comparison

Perigee is after date and time, on the left column, measured in km
 Next are the New (left) and Full (right) Moons for the end of 2010

To simplify and clarify what Ken Ring points out in reference to the sun, moon and events in Christchurch :
On Sept 4 2010 the New Moon occurred 4 days after the 7.1 initial quake event
 In October, the New Moon was followed a day later by 2 significant jolts
 In November the New Moon on the 6th, was followed a day later by a significant jolt
In December the Full Moon on the 21st was followed 5 days later by a significant jolt
In January 2011 the Full Moon on the 19th was followed one day later by a significant jolt
In February 2011 the Full Moon on the 18th was followed 4 days later by the major 6.8 quake
All of these events also clustered around the date of the Perigee moon on each month in question
These links to the solar-lunar cycles, being alignments and positions are seen by Ken Ring as forming a pattern that has repeated each month since September, targeting the Christchurch area in NZ.

The 2011 data (Universal Time) is 13hrs behind local time eg the Jan Full Moon was 20th in NZ:

On this basis Ken Ring feels the Full Moon (March 20th in NZ) again clustering with the Perigee Moon position(March 19) and therefore he says it is likely we will see a continuation of this pattern, which has seen a repeated hammering of the Christchurch area. Even though this is a very small sample of events, the data confirms this position, so far and if a significant jolt, above M5 is to occur, when might that happen? Looking for patterns again, you could consider the prior 3 Full Moon with Perigee clusters. The jolts happened either same day, four days or five days after Full Moon
                     December      January      February    March
Full Moon        21                 20                18             20
Perigee             25                 22                19             19
Quake              26                 20                 22

If this pattern holds, as Ken Ring believes, then a significant quake or jolt would be expected to occur in the date range 20 March-24 March, in a similar geographic area of Christchurch.

My position is that it takes more than just these factors to tumble the combination lock, because I believe other planetary forces act in a synergistic fashion to ramp up the energy to a point of overload. Are there any other factors around this date range that could contribute? The events data above shows 2 of the quakes occurred after the full Moon; the January 20 event occurred around 5 hours before full moon and these variations, this lack of a fixed pattern, indicates to me that the extra factor/s bring about the timing.Two possibilities arise in terms of energy surges building around this time, one involves increased risk of flooding in at least the first 3 weeks of March - so that is one form of environmental pressure, the other is an example of space weather: the likelihood of stronger solar electromagnetic activity, which, once it reaches earth, is capable of multiple disruptions to electronics, weather and geophysics. This latter effect is very strong 20th-21st of March and could translate into earth disturbances

Updates: PLEASE continue to check back for more updates during March
March 8 Flooding news from Queensland Australia, Indianapolis, USA ( many other USA examples online).

Global map of earthquake risks surrounding March full moon 2011

Interestingly the Herald on Sunday (March 6 2011) reported on a sudden awareness that came to Australian psychic medium Deb Webber. Having watched Deb's performance on Sensing Murder NZ, and being experienced enough to be able to assess her, I have full faith in her abilities. She told the Herald she doesn't work in the area of predictions but on February 19 in the middle of a reading, she blurted out to her client that a massive earthquake was coming soon (to New Zealand) "and it'll split the country in two". On Feb 22 once the quake occurred, her Facebook message ended with the statement.."I feel this will not be the last of the devastation." Deb Webber says she is not yet sure whether the "devastation" related to another event or was in respect of the Feb 22 event itself. (note Facebook dates are American)

What we do know is that NZ as yet has not "split in two" from a quake. The nation comprises two ostensibly separate, main islands - but a huge land mass lies underneath that supports both islands.
The South Island is however sitting on top of two tectonic plates and their grinding created the Southern Alps.
Her use of the word "massive" is also interesting as M6.3 is not in the mega-range, though the peak ground acceleration recorded at over twice the value of gravity, in the Feb 22 event, has been stated as the highest ever recorded globally, resulting in widespread and catastrophic examples of damage -easily categorized, if seen in a vision, as "massive". So whether this event is the one Deb Webber sensed was coming, and whether a further event is to come affecting Christchurch or even greater New Zealand, many will be anxious to find out.
My personal sense, as soon as the Sept 4 quake occurred in Christchurch, was that people definitely needed to leave the area - and that means for good.
This shocking second event confirmed those feelings and I remain with a heavy heart about the future of Christchurch as a safe place to live.. Listen to your gut instinct - and pay attention to your dreams.
If you are in Christchurch and feel an urgent need to leave, DO.

With the March 11 devastation in Japan, the question re the vulnerability of Christchurch becomes even more critical. You will hear geologists say "there is no connection". Their view, at the very least, is lacking in holistic concepts. Planet earth is a body in the same way that each distinct human or species is a body. To say one major event in one location has no connection to the rest of the body is extremely simplistic thinking and is not shared by many in the international geoscience community.  This period is hazardous due to the degree of "earth body" disturbance. This is not time for complacency and ignorance. Please refer to my latest blog ( March 2011) on Japan.

To read the full Space & Science Research Corp Press Release explaining the cycle of natural events they expect to unfold in these coming times

Update 18 March: News you won't hear on NZ television: Russian physicists present a warning of major quakes in fortnight to March 26

Update 19 March 2011: NZ scientists without any fanfare have begun to search the seafloor for fault lines offshore in Pegasus Bay which could be implicated in further quakes impacting Christchurch. Read the NEWS release.
This information is very relevant as this exploration is likely based on a strong potential for the seafloor to be the next source of a significant quake & tsunami.
This adds to prior information I have received indicating the same potential in exactly the same survey area.
As if Christchurch hasn't had enough, the indicators are raising the risk factors in this region. The aftershock pattern looks to be travelling west to east, with more events on the seafloor.

Update March 21
The following graphic shows the aftershock pattern of the past week in Christchurch with the highest magnitude of the day graphed. March 20 did show more and stronger seismicity in Christchurch as well as in other NZ locations, particularly 3 events over M4 in Twizel and a deep M5 off Tauranga. The data exists on Geonet for anyone to follow - or on the Quakemap site

                                              Graphic supplied by Waiheke News

Update March 23 2011
The aftershock pattern has up till 2.39 pm subsided on 21, 22 March in Christchurch but this by no means indicates a stable situation because of regional conditions. Complex factors coincide to cause major quakes and finding a 100% totally reliable trigger indicator continues to elude researchers. For this reason many people will suffer the sudden shock of no warning before a quake emergency.  Few scientists are prepared to provide even long-term graphic warnings but this one did appear in the NZ Herald 2006 regarding the Alpine Fault.
And prior to this, an academic paper in 2000 by geologists in respect of the 1994 Arthur's Pass quake (M6.7)  concluded:
 The occurrence of this earthquake sequence implies that the level of seismic hazard in the central South Island is greater than previous estimates.
So why are people who live in seismicly hazardous regions kept in the dark and this knowledge only receiving limited distribution?

A blog covering overseas weather & quake forecasters who believe prediction is possible

Update March 31

The pattern identified by Ken Ring did hold on March 20 - but he over-estimated the intensity of the aftershock - it was 5.1 not M7 or higher. The reason I think he got it wrong is because of far more factors being overlooked - this is explained in my theory posted March 26

Note too that the peak of the supermoon, March 20 in NZ, coincided with the only Mag5+ (5.1) aftershock since February 22. ( On Feb 22 3 M5+ aftershocks occurred). It is now March 31 and March 20 still holds the record for highest magnitude aftershock. Strangely though, this data is not entered (yet) on Geonet's listing of  highest aftershocks

Update April 13 2011    Please view more recent quake related posts, including more on the prediction issue; and the Christchurch Quake Map is said by them to have the better updates compared to Geonet
Update April 14
With a recent largely downwards trend in Christchurch aftershocks, the situation may appear to many residents to be resolved. It is evident that geoscientists in NZ are unable to guarantee this and the potential for further damage remains real. Of immediate concern is the amount of disturbance and disharmony created due to the frustration of being a local trying to live, work or just survive in dramatically altered circumstances. The stress of each individual becomes part of the fabric of fractured Christchurch.  Under these conditions it will take a considerable amount of time for harmony, flow, optimism and a sense of security to overcome the opposite state of affairs.  Factoring the human layer of discord, on top of the fractured earth means some people will see their future being somewhere, anywhere else.  To stay in Christchurch in the meantime, means doing the hard yards with no guarantees that rebuilding is a wise decision for the city.

Update April 16
Sad stories of extreme stress are coming out of Christchurch, the latest, in which a woman is charged with attempting to murder her children by carbon monoxide poisoning ( this usually involves car exhaust emissions) , it appears she and the children were taken to hospital and all have recovered.
5.49 pm tonight a M5.3 struck in the seafloor, near Camp Bay, Diamond Harbour, causing further damage. Solar-lunar factors are currently high, along with perigee moon and full moon Monday.
An uptick in global quake activity over M5.0 has been observed in recent days - USGS data

Update May 4 2011
Christchurch has generally seen a quiet period in terms of recent seismic events since the M5.3 noted above.
In contrast, the human instability appears to be widespread and growing: an uptick in smoking( less people giving up), drinking and pokie machine use ( Red Cross Grants squandered) A summary in this recent blog and more in this article,  plus a surge in night-time burglaries , show the degree of stress in the communities of Christchurch. A surge has been recorded re Christchurch locals leaving for Australia 

The overall picture contributes to the sense of  a place beset by struggling, difficulty, despair and generalised stress. These consequences are typical following a major traumatic event within a person's personal life. The Christchurch situation is many times bigger than the personal, it is collective and communal. Those with the ability to leave are still advised to seek a better situation elsewhere for their recovery from the events they have been exposed to in Christchurch-Canterbury.
Though the aftershocks are currently of low magnitude, the continual subterranean instability caused by dozens of events per week, is not a good sign.

Update May 26 2011
Christchurch has had more than its fair share of fires in recent weeks - the latest.  Fires whether spontaneous due to wiring faults or whether deliberately lit, add to the stress upon people, due to the out of control capacity of fire to echo the natural destructiveness of geophysical and extreme weather events.
Despite all the indicators of forces working against there being an easy ride in Christchurch many are choosing to make the best of their situation, with great optimism. Good on them. That is their destiny.

Recent quake data shows fewer and weaker magnitude aftershocks overall - offset by out of the blue single larger events over M4.0.

Update June 13 2011 The third most significant sequence began on this date in the eastern Richmond Hill area, M6.4 being the highest in this sequence . This marked the significant clustering of aftershocks in the south eastern and coastal part of the region

Update Sept 6 2011
With the anniversary of the Sept 4 2010 M7.1 quake having passed this week a lot of analysis has gone on, since many people's lives are still severely disrupted. This article covers a lot of the science information re the events to date and the future outlook, since no one can provide a guarantee of the situation coming to a speedy end.

Author's comment updated February 2016:
This post has become the largest archive on this blog site of the Christchurch quake sequences.
Other later posts Recent Quake Data, Christchurch Shakes Again & Again, Quake Warnings Extended have less updates and do duplicate a lot of material.
The enduring situation in Christchurch has suggested that the original concerns related to Christchurch's viability remain very much alive even after 5 years

 From here latest updates are posted at the top
 under the introduction


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...