Monday, 18 April 2011

The Eclipse Factor with global events timing

This post will update as and when relevant on this topic as it is a study in progress.

1. the Japan Quake occurred NOT on a full moon, NOT on a New Moon, but midway between, on March 11 2011 at a time when several factors linked to the prior total lunar eclipse (Dec 21, 2010, 29Gemini21)
 - namely Uranus 29Pisces59, Nodes 28Sag-Gemini39, the ASC-MC midpoint 27Gemini22.

There are also links to the January 2011 partial solar eclipse 13Capricorn39.
On March 11 Mars was sextile at 12Pisces47 and the eclipse semiquare degree of 28Aquarius39 was activated by Neptune 29Aquarius12 -this position also in very close trine to the Dec eclipse.
The mathematics are evident.

So this line of reasoning, extended, invites a look at the next phase, the interesting mid-year trio of eclipses
June 1st   11Gemini02
June 15    24Sagittarius23
July 1      9Cancer12

The one which stands out first is 24SAG23, because this degree is activated by the moon's nodes in the last weeks of April 2011. The past days 16-18 April have seen an uptick in quake activity, plus wild storms in the US, China, strong winds NZ and likely dozens of other signs globally of activated turbulent energies ( the full moon, perigee, high tidal force % all prominent too in this time frame)
So the period mid April till early May 201l will be of interest.
The other activating degree is the semisquare of 24SAG23 = 9Aquarius23 plus any other fixed signs at that degree. The occurence of the Sun at 9Taurus23 on April 30 will bolster the nodes in activating power.

More later....

Lunar eclipse tables  and Solar Eclipse tables show the variable patterns.
All the solar eclipses in 2011 are partial, last seen in 2000. We will not see 4 partial solar eclipses again till 2029. This pattern has a sequence of 18,18,11,18,18,11 year intervals
As for Total Lunar eclipses, having 2 in a year,  as found in 2011, relatively common
The particular total solar-lunar sequence in 2011 regarding eclipses is regarded as rare.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...