Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Rodney Hide - he's restless

Without a birth-time it's impossible to see everything that's going on for Rodney Hide ( NZ MP for the ACT Party) but going on a birth date of December 16 1956:

Hide is under a lot of internal pressure to break free. This process would be happening whether he was in a political stand off or doing something quite different.

Hide is a Sagittarian ( position is 24 degrees) His biography shows a lot of Sagittarian activity: tertiary study, teaching, a lot of overseas experience; married a foreigner. His connection to economics comes through the sign of the balance/scales: Libra. He entered politics in 1996.

Right now the north node is right on 24 SAG
Plus the next lunar eclipse ( June 15 2011) is spot on at 24 SAG

What else?
Uranus passing from 0 Aries up to 4 Aries then back to 0 early January 2012, is swinging opposite Hide's Jupiter at 0 Libra.

Two signatures of restlessness, big-time because when the contact points are spot on exact, you can be sure there's a shift in process

Hang on. He just got married in December 2010 and being a Sag. with Jupiter in Libra travelling with his partner/wife is the perfect lifestyle. So what's Hide doing being a politician? Sag's are connected to things legal as well so this aspect could appeal. Plus he's at the Leo end of Sag - making the limelight and being Boss quite appealing ( Key is a Leo, Brash ( Libra) has a tinge of Leo too) The Libra connection to finance/economics is part of the picture as well

So the two factors activating his Sag energy mean he is very likely to be heading offshore within months.
"don't fence me in" is the Sagittarian theme, always looking for greener pastures. But Hide does have one spanner in the works of his personality - a conflicting drive that holds him back, restrains his excesses, disciplines him. He's no loose cannon, more a swinging pendulum.
The Uranus activation stirs things up even more -sudden change in relationship situation - not necessarily a maritial split but perhaps his political alliances ending is indicated by this. Does Hide find the Aries (self) energy is impatient to over-rule his partnership/party needs? Some sort of change, upheaval spurred by his need to do something on his own, for himself.

Looking at his energy lineup, he has a natural capacity for sudden, unexpected action, doing something different ( the dancing) and his capacity for reinvention is evident ( the weight loss and image makeover)
In fact there is only minor evidence, using a basic analysis, of why he's a politician at all. ( His full analysis enabled by the birth time factor is likely to answer that query though).
The urges he is dealing with now will only grow as time approaches the June eclipse.

Does it look, at first glance, like Rodney Hide will shoot through? The energy is definitely there in a big dose for Hide to do his own thing in a very Sagittarian kind of way. He's probably booking tickets this week.

of course if Rodney is really set for another makeover, his Sagittarian impulses could send him off on a spiritual search. He already has the shaved head, so robes would not look out of place. After all, a deep philosophy of life is the end goal for Sagittarians.

Thurs April 28 12 noon NZ time, Rodney Hide announced his resignation as Party Leader of ACT

Update May 17
Hide made a play to save face over his dumping, as one does with a decent sized ego, but the situation remains one of change for him. An overseas position, a spiritual search remain options along with that other Sagittarian favourite, the halls of learning. He could end up back at Uni, teaching or in further study. In recent years he used his Sagittarian drive in his physical makeover -sport and exercise being the typical pastimes of the typical Sag -Rodney just left it till later.

                                                                   In Action 2008 Tango


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