Monday, 11 April 2011

Extreme Weather & Events - What to Believe

Both sides of the equation predict more extreme weather in our future. Extremes in temperature, flooding, sea level rise, bigger storms, more seismic and volcanic activity are the key indicators noted, though there is never total agreement between the opposing sides as to what causes which.
The main divide is between those who see global warming, caused by humans as the primary driver and those who say the cycle is returning instead to cooling, nothing to do with CO2 emissions.

Then there's the added factoring that comes via prominent spokesperson Piers Corbyn, who is a traditionally trained astro-physicist from the UK. His weather, and now, quake prediction service is gaining ground in challenging the UK MetService. Corbyn takes his vision off-planet to place the activity of the sun, primarily electro-magnetic emissions which interact with earth, as a timing indicator for extreme weather/quakes/. He claims a high success rate.

Because people's lives, lifestyles and sense of security are increasingly impacted, many efforts are being made to inform and advise the public around the world, by people generally outside of the established institutions. Why is this so? Because the governments of the world are typically unwilling to provide information which may destabilise order. They do not want to see people operating outside of the system because this is challenging on many levels. Accordingly any public information received is watered down, indirect and generally delivered too late.

Though citizens are generally supported by the caretaker governments in a democratic nation, this era appears to be changing, so that people are being increasingly required to be self reliant, self sufficient, with less viable government support. This situation means that self directed research and enquiry are required in order to anticipate future scenarios.
In other words we all have to become prepared to be our own support and rescue services if the situation demands it. The people of Christchurch, Japan, Haiti, New Orleans are all recent examples of how the system breaks down and can only tend to the few in large scale events. This situation is not heading towards improvement any time soon.

Several videos of Piers Corbyn are available here
On the astrology side Richard Nolle in his April 11 update restates his contention that it is the position of the moon, namely the maximum highest north position ( peak declination north) that has a big influence on timing of extreme events - article here 


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