Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Watching the Sun -the relationship to Earth events

The sun has energetic cycles like every other living, dynamic or organic system in existence. The cycles of the sun relate to the level of sunspot activity which has been observed to approximately follow 11 year cycles. Currently we are in Cycle 24 in terms of modern era measurement.
Sunspots explained
Sunspot Cycle explained
Solar Cycle 24 explained

Traditional astrophysics provides us with an exciting array of freely available online data via NASA, NOAA and enthusiast sites like Solar Ham and Space Weather plus many more.

These sites are excellent for data, forecasts/predictions based on measurement systems and computer modelling. They are good, even excellent resources but not infallible, since the human factor always has to be factored in in terms of error, bias etc.

An extension of this mainstream realm of information is the network of often highly experienced enthusiasts, analysts even hobbyists, who put their own spin on the observations they make, often using the same data sets relied upon by NASA or NOAA for forecasting of solar activity and spaceweather.
Australian website Solar Watcher is one of a small number it seems, using a "solar symmetry" technique, when considering solar activity and earth related impacts. In particular a correlation is implied between coronal holes and other solar activity and their locational mirror on earth having a subsequent terrestrial response - specifically earthquakes or volcanic activity. So it is a matching based on solar latitude overlaid on earth latitude. This method appears to have some accuracy.

Flares, filaments, coronal holes, sunspots and CMEs are a big part of daily life on the sun due to its perpetual magnetic dynamics. Once the Sun discharges a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), it sends a massive packet of highly charged material (electrons, protons) out into space and it has the potential to drench tiny Earth in a mass of geomagnetic turbulence, termed a storm. Storm levels vary and are graded, so some impacts are seen as neglible, others potentially destructive on a large scale. (Sept 1-2 1859 saw a massive CME speedily reach earth, bringing the largest geomagnetic storm on record. Had this occurred in contemporary technological conditions, the systemic breakdown would have been catastrophic. Though this may have been an aberration, there remains concern that a similarly powerful event could occur in the future. NASA notes more recent geomagnetic storm damage in this summary.
NASAs Science News page gives updated developments in space research on these topics. The sheer quantity of dollar investment in solar physics alone shows the elevated priority given to anticipating the impacts earth may experience from our key star.

Since we are heading towards the maximum phase of Solar Cycle 24 this is a very timely opportunity to be an observer regarding the effects on earth of solar driven events. That geomagnetic storms impact technology and can disrupt electricity supply is proven. The human eye can see storms as evidence of their occurrence - by virtue of the northern or southern lights -the aurora borealis or australis - which expand to much lower (N) or higher (S) latitudes in respect to the intensity of the storm - the 1859 example showed an extreme coverage.

What occurs in addition to the most often reported effects is even more interesting. Some possibilities of higher incidence effects that seem to cluster in synchrony with solar induced geomagnetic turbulence:
increased explosion events reported - chemical lab Sept 26 2011 example & another - a gas explosion
people/animals in mass disturbed activity - Occupy Wall Street protest   Student protest NZ  Piranhas attack 
increased power surge events & electrical/electronic systems damage e.g. phones mass website server outage in NZ
volatility on the global sharemarkets, including a notable slump - Sept 27 news item

Watching a solar flux graph gives an early indicator of flare activity on the Sun. The emission of a CME which is often related to hi flare activity, will be noted by any of the tracking sites noted above.
At the time of writing (Sept 27), solar activity has declined but the geomagnetic index remains in the red zone, with a reading of 8 out of 9, giving severe disruption at highest latitudes.

Updates may be added as more information comes to hand
Sept 27 China rail crash from signal failure
             Egypt gas pipeline explosion
Sept 28 UK explosion
             Malaysia mall explosion
              US bakery explosion
Sept 29  Kenya explosion

Gas features significantly in these events as opposed to explosives. There may be atmospheric conditions which elevate the volatility of gases when geomagnetic conditions are in the high levels.

This Facebook page is worth following too NOAA NWS Space Weather Prediction Center - this recent CME is animated by NASA. The sun on the left emits the massive output towards earth on the right, with the highest density material in the centre missing earth this time.

Dec 17 2011
A National Geographic post explaining the quiet sun's potential for more activity towards peak of the cycle

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

September 2011 New Moon & Planets

Solar System :source Wikimedia Commons (Distance scale compressed)

The end of September 2011 sees a combination of planetary energies in highly active mode.
To understand all of this you need to be able to appreciate that little planet Earth is tiny in the scheme of solar system dynamics and that the system comprises planetary objects in orbit within a field arrayed on the basis of the forces of gravity and electromagnetism. These forces mean that tiny earth is embedded in a system -not separate or independant. furthermore. Astrophysics is a science in infancy and heliophysics ( specifically the operation of the Sun) is equally in its early stages of understanding.
The irony is the fundamental knowledge of planetary operations and effects in respect of earth/people impacts, were so insightfully understood by humans of the ancient and prehistoric worlds. It is taking the age of science more than a millennium to catch up ( their methodology is so much more laboured). Astrologers follow the ancient vision which sees the wholistic connections throughout the universe and understands that on earth we are strongly affected by energy patterns created in the solar system. Our planet provides a textbook example of what it means to have a Moon simultaneously impacting us as well as having interactive links to the sun and other planetary bodies. We can, if we choose to, observe the daily permutations created when the Moon makes an energy link to the Sun or other planets.

When a complex picture arises as in late September, there's an opportunity to see what events coincide -both outwardly, inwardly on a personal level as well as collectively, in communities and nations as well as globally.

The New Moon in Libra on 27th  - emphasises personal relationships, partnerships, marriage, business or working partnerships, financial, economic and banking matters.
 People born on or around Sept 28, Dec 26, March 24, June 25, any year - are most strongly affected. 
Libra is the indicator of a need for balance
In the days around this New Moon, Sun, Moon and Mercury will each meet up in Libra
In the days around this New Moon, Sun, Moon and Mercury will each meet up with Pluto in Capricorn
In the days around this New Moon, Sun, Moon and Mercury will each meet up with Uranus in Aries

This grouping of Libra, Capricorn and Aries is significant as they form 3 of the 4 signs of the cardinal sign network. ( the one missing is Cancer)
These signs in combination add more themes to the New Moon  - and some conflicting urges.
Aries (self, personal needs) needing to be balanced with relationship/partner demands (Libra)
Then these each or together can find conflict with career demands (Capricorn) or a an oppressive authority figure(Pluto in Capricorn)
Some people will experience upsets and radical change in their personal and professional relationships - power issues and the need for individual freedom are strong themes - so some will say '"That's it. It's over." Others will choose to seek a new basis for their dynamic basis on more democracy, fairness, balance - because dictators are on the way out under present larger forces at work, and that includes over-bearing partners. If they do not concede a need to reform themselves then their partners will seek an ending. The internal conflict though, for some, is too great and their response has a lot of potential for violence and or anger. New ways of behaving and resolving are offered here, but not everyone is at that point of readiness. Chose your strategy well, based on the nature of the person you have to negotiate with.

When this translates into the public realm Pluto in Capricorn represents dictatorial leaders or governments abusing power. The collective, in group action get enraged (Uranus in Aries) This theme is enduring beyond 2011, and already seen in pro-democracy activity in the Middle East.

In respect of economics: institutional restructuring is underway (Pluto in Capricorn) and the banking sector (Libra) is at the centre of much change. ( News: Sept 21 of a serious IMF warning "The global economy has entered a dangerous new phase -article plus video)

On an environmental level:
Balance is out of kilter. Uranus and Pluto bring topsy-turvy conditions for many... World-upside-down stuff.. life radically changed...new circumstances. This occurs for many globally as a result of natural events particularly heat-fire-earth related in this phase, though all four elements fire-earth-air-water are in turbulent mode through this era of many years of change. Earthquakes, volcanism, flooding and severe winds are the manifestations we will all become increasingly more familiar with - either directly or by observation from afar.

People in Christchurch New Zealand have received a warning of a serious quake and flooding on Sept 28 2011 -see update of Sept 20  The Moon will be at the strong equator point on Sept 26, the New Moon on the 27th and lunar perigee on the 28th.  This sequence may present a strong trigger for seismic unrest in vulnerable zones, especially when viewed in combination with the added planetary triggers outlined above.
I  follow quake patterns but I do not specialise in locating seismic activity and making place-specific predictions.

(update: overnight quake activity has seen mainly shocks in the Rolleston area of the Greendale Fault -up to M4 but no seafloor events by noon Sept 28))

This scientific paper addresses the issue of earthquake indicators in the atmosphere
"...statistical association between large earthquakes and TEC (total electron content) anomalies could be established in the 5 days before earthquake nucleation."

Sept 23
A global market slump is reported with serious concerns over the future global economy - The Wall St Journal calls it  World Wide Distress
Meanwhile solar output is in a highly active mode, including an X class flare yesterday. Read this space weather summary . The global markets have been in lurching downward mode significantly since early August, when turbulence reached earth from the active end phase, now starting to show in the sun's current Cycle 24.
Prior post on the synchronicity noted between market plunges in August, Sept 2011 and solar turbulence.
Sept 26
Richard Nolle coined the term SuperMoon and he says this Tuesday the New Moon is a SuperMoon & complies with the requirement of being in close proximity to the perigee orbit of the moon. He's warning of environmental risks - storms and seismic effects and suggests people have their kit on hand.
Of course effects are not universal/global so the people/places that resonate most closely with the event's own signature get the most evident effects.
With the sun being in very active mode (link for Sept 2011), the earth's geomagnetic field is about to get rather perturbed and this effects people, animals as well as the earth's structural integrity. The surge in electron density (TEC) is a factor already noted by researchers as detectable in the event of notable quake events
This TEC global map is continually updated by NASA - it gives a picture of where the electron count is highest/lowest etc

Sept 28
Cyclone Nesat in the Philippines  aka Typhoon Pedring is the most notable current extreme weather event, along with severe recent flooding in India, Pakistan. So a strong water theme at those latitudes.
News of systems failures including power outages and explosion events have also been noticeable in the past 24-48hrs, globally.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Things People Are Afraid Of

Too many to list. In fact the list of possible phobias identified is also too long to repeat. A curse of being human it seems is to be afraid, insecure. People handle it differently within our hard-wired fight-flight options. Do you get under the covers or rush outside to confront that strange bump in the night?
This afternoon a man gave feedback to Radio New Zealand host Jim Mora after Jim had discussed a guest's interest in astrology. The listener who felt compelled to contact Jim attacked him basically for giving astrology any credence ( even though Jim has been heard in the past week to diss it) So the listener then extends his banned subjects to include homeopathy, crystals and beings at the bottom of the garden. Wow thought I, all things I believe in.
So the listener must by now be frothing in apoplexy that National Radio is endorsing such stuff. And he is not alone, since we have officially a Skeptics Society, numbers unknown, but typically fronted by Vicki Hyde of Christchurch. It puzzles me why the media call on her repeatedly for her views on psychics, homeopathy, paranormal phenomena, earthquake prediction, astrology, natural medicine et alia. The media simply needs to seat a Vicki doll in front of the camera and replay the same sound-bite over and over.

I'm afraid of drowning in the deep blue sea and I would not temp rattlesnakes, wild bears or certain tough looking dogs, but I'm not afraid of magic, mystery, electromagnetic energy, plants that can heal, the power of the mind.
It always intrigues me to encounter people who are afraid of the most amazingly useful and helpful things. Their fear is extreme and irrational rather than practical and functional. They get strongly aroused in opposition to stuff that they may never have even experienced and they show a strong resistance to even trying to get acquainted with those offensive ideas or beliefs.
(update inserted: wow New Zealand National Radio appears to be a hotbed of conservatism. Programme host Simon Upton interviewed US Family Physician John House, who has a progressive approach to community health. To someone familiar with all things alternative this was an inspiring story, but to the host, Simon, it was virtually the work of the Devil. His anxiety showed through in repeated references to unhealthy associations, by questioning any links to Jim Jones (mass suicide), cults, and Waco (violent siege at Protestant community). Dr House had the commonsense and good humour to simply laugh off the references -probably because he thought they were too stupid to be anything more than a joke. The response to my email: "In our view there were some valid questions to be asked about the idealogy and philosophy underpinning the Barter Village concept.". The comments were described as "light-hearted" - which is the standard back-track position. No surprise there. Upton didn't even get the point. He is a classic example of how media shape public opinion.

One possible explanation when it comes to deep and especially irrational fears, is trauma carried over from a previous lifetime - so to comprehend this you need to be open to the notion of having lived many times before, way back to ancient times, and in varying circumstances and genders. Rich, poor, big, small, male, female and any of many possible racial groups. Lots of times and places in which to accumulate experience and memories to carry through. So do people who are afraid of the metaphysical -the realm beyond everyday material objects - have an ancient fear of sorcery or witchcraft? Are they associating alternative beliefs with the Devil? Are their minds locked into a tightly defined religious code that allows only their God to have total control? These people are desperately afraid of what they cannot accept. The problem arises for us in communities, nations and the globalised world, when people afraid of the beliefs of others seek to stamp out, repress and destroy the expression of those beliefs. Fundamentally this is the cause of immense destruction and death on a large scale. Fear is a powerfully motivating drive and it operates at its worst in conditions of contagion  -when like wildfire or horses spooked, the group mind operates as one -witnessed recently in the UK and London rioting.

We are living in a significantly anxious age, when understanding the nature of fear could be a survival skill worth having.

October 7 2011
The New ZealandHerald recently published an article on anxiety and phobia issues uncovered in a NZ survey of university students

Friday, 2 September 2011

September 2011 - Full moon notes

                                                           Full Moon - source Wikimedia Commons

August was a power packed month of planetary activity including the biggest solar flares in recent years ( sending extra magnetic turbulence around earth in the first weeks of August) See the prior summary as well as the several posts archived about August 2011 events.
So now, looking into September 2011 - already Christchurch NZ has had a seismic uptick as expected in vulnerable locations, due to the turbulence in the week from August 26. Japan, Taiwan, Philippines are experiencing typhoons with difficult names and Irene damage is well documented. Syria and Libya remain tense with further progress towards democracy likely to proceed after this month's Full Moon ( Pluto goes direct) -and from Dec 10 2011 when Uranus goes direct, but of course the story the  democracy wave has legs for some years to come...Massive Transformations Ahead.

The full moon in September has some environmentally destructive potential.
The extra factor on the table is Uranus ( the planet that corresponds with surprising, unusual, unprecedented and sudden events in general and powerful electromagnetic and upheaval energies "world upside down" experiences - one celebrity example would be Tiger Woods...read on to find out more

 September has a Virgo Sun-Pisces Moon Full Moon, made more intriguing by the tight contact to Moon's Nodes -north and south orbital crossing points being in the remaining two mutable signs Sagittarius and Gemini -they are all triggering each other in a tight grand mutable cross between 18.57 SAG-GEM and 19.17 VIRG-PISC. This means the sun is square the nodes as is the moon square (90 degrees) them. This will build from Sept 12 with the Moon crossing the equator and crossing the path of Uranus.
Examples inserted Sept 11
The Grand Cross creates psychological conflict, with up to 4 but fundamentally at least 2 conflicting drives in operation over an issue: shall I stay or shall I go? ; Do I do this or do I do that? This situation will have featured strongly in the latest event (Sept 11) involving mass confusion (Sagittarius-Pisces) when an overloaded ferry (Sagittarius-Pisces) sank at night with over 100 drowned -see News Headline section below.
People trapped in Auckland on Sept 9 during Rugby World Cup buildup, pre-match - on trains (Gemini) and at the waterfront (Pisces) celebration - both of which were overcrowded (Sagittarius) would have felt the stress of psychological conflict - and some collapsed.
Conflicting impulses would have been in play when Jonny Wilkinson missed 5 goal kicks during the Rugby World Cup match vs Argentina on Sept 10. The Argentine kicker Rodriguez had the same failure rate. And this was in a windless, covered stadium. England as a team played mostly abyssmaly to win by luck more than style. The poor show reflects the Grand Cross psychological conflicts expressed through particular individuals whilst playing a sporting game (Sagittarius)
Saturn in tight aspect to Mercury (exact sequiquadrate) will aggravate transport, movement and communications problems approaching and into the Full Moon period, due to Mercury's link to Virgo.
Full Moon effects can emerge before and after the event itself - 3-4 days time frame either side is not unusual.
The energy of this event will resonate in people and places who share a similar vibrational signature to the event patterns.
People born on or around March 10, June 10, Sept 12, Dec 11, any year are particularly affected in terms of their life purpose. Restlessness and a desire for change, less materialistic, more spiritual impulses are likely.
Updates inserted Friday Sept 9
New Zealand is resonating strongly with this full moon, during its build-up phase, since the Rugby World Cup begins in Auckland on Friday 9, with 2 big opening ceremonies and the first match of the tournament.
 These involve large scale events (Sagittarius) a sports fixture (Sagittarius) and a lot of human foot traffic and vehicle movements (Gemini); huge TV coverage (Pisces-Sagittarius); lots of alcohol (Pisces), a collective sense of union/spiritual connection (Pisces) beginning at the waterfront (Pisces)
The downside of all this, from all the signs in tight alignment is congestion due to excess (Sagittarius) movement (Gemini) with resulting criticism of the events management. already comment is being made that the Auckland ports fan-zone will only cater for 12,000, whereas up to 100,000 people may converge in that precinct of the city.
To view Auckland downtown where entertainment events are to occur -  see the webcam

Meanwhile Obama has spoken (Gemini) to lawmakers (Sagittarius) about a jobs plan (Virgo) and a credible terror threat re the 911 anniversary is being contemplated -remember 911 occurred when Sun was in Virgo, Moon and Saturn in Gemini, Pluto in Sagittarius and roughly midway between the Pisces Full Moon and Virgo New Moon - other energies were involved, but the mutable signs were very strong then,as now and purely due to the anniversary alone, people will be on edge and emotional.

A massive power outage in US -Mexico is possibly also linked to the Solar flare surges this week, causing geomagnetic turbulence, plus the lunar-solar gridlock with the nodes in the building phase to Sept 12 full moon. traffic chaos (Gemini) and airline (Sagittarius) cancellations involved This moon is carrying a wallop. Systems failure seems a result of the combusting energies. ( On a personal note, my car [Gemini] broke down this morning, I had to walk to my X-Ray (Unusually, 2 Solar x-flares this week) appointment and the day was full of congestion delays)

Twitter has messages re crowd management issues and pix showing the crowding at Auckland downtown with people advised to NOT come to the venue (2hrs after 3pm opening) The claustrophobic will be departing.
The incoming harbour ferries have been cancelled from around 5pm due to congestion at the wharf exits and other Auckland transport systems have been suspended this afternoon. Trains have not coped with numbers plus disruptive hi-jinx. Massive log jams and stranded people unable to access their intended transport to to to the actual game on time (7.30pm)
The overall verdict by city leaders is that an urgent view of the transport system for the event is required. Herald article
Injuries, assaults and people ending up in the harbour due to over-crowding have also been reported.
The alcohol ban failed outside of the enclosed zone, with the roads carpeted in broken glass.
Arrests were reasonably low (50) but thousands using public transport were frustrated by missing the opening ceremony and the start of the rugby.
....continued updating as required


In his pages on Nodes, Rob Tillett observes:
As astrologer Carl Payne Tobey (1902-1980) discovered in the 1930's after a painstaking examination of a large number of major disasters, many of the most serious and traumatic catastrophes involving fire, bad weather and loss of life occur in association with eclipses, when the Sun and Moon are conjunct the Moon's Nodes, especially when other unfortunate planetary aspects coincide. However, not all of these evils are exclusively linked with eclipses, for many are associated with the Sun forming a T-square to the nodal axis, i.e. when the Sun is in a 90° aspect to the nodes. This he called a Moon Wobble, because in fact it is when the Moon is "wobbling" in its path by declination. So when the Sun forms an aspect to the nodes of 0°, 90°, or 180°, we experience a significant likelihood of massive environmental damage with much loss of life and property. These Moon Wobbles occur every 86.5 days on average, with an orb of approximately 5 degrees (days) on either side of the precise date, when the Sun forms either the T-square with the nodal axis, or the conjunction with the North or South Nodes. Some astrologers hold that the two weeks before the partile aspect are problematic, with the week following the aspect also being notable in terms of disasters.
Refer to this off-site link re the relationship of sun-earth-moon-nodes shown in a graphicplus other useful technical terms explained.

So this full moon- nodal pattern in September has an environmentally destructive potential.
Plus, the extra factor on the table is Uranus ( the planet that corresponds with surprising, unusual, unprecedented and sudden events in general and powerful electromagnetic and upheaval energies "world upside down" experiences.
Uranus is continuing in a powerful position in respect of the earth, tracking right on the celestial equator  (ecliptic) - it began tracking close at the start of this year and was 40 minutes north of the zero point at the mid March Japan tsunami. Since then it has inched to even closer proximity -exact zero being reached in mid October 2011. Make no mistake the zero declination( in space, the ecliptic point, like the zero latitude (earth based point ) is a potent energy pathway, and with Uranus sitting there, events will be big, sudden and hi-impact. The effective time frame for Uranus at 0-1 degrees in declination runs till April 2012, but with little respite likely, since the angle between Uranus and Pluto tighten again from the end of May - adding more fuel to Uranus for the long-term ahead.

With this disturbing and disruptive theme involving Uranus, manifesting already in earthquakes, hurricanes and one major tsunami, in 2011, the best insurance is not the kind you pay for in a policy      ( those schemes are destined to fail with nil payouts in the years ahead when the companies go bust ) It is of most importance that we all consider the known environmental threats present in our location - then be alert to unusual weather forecasts or unusual signs & signifiers of seismic/volcanic unrest (birds & animals in a panic) and best to err on the side of caution instead of blind optimism, in terms of preparations and safety plans -take any alerts as a drill, rather than a false alarm, because in a panic, the brain can short circuit its logic boards.

September overall may be full of drama like August was -as the New Moon 26th/27th has a lot of force behind it as well. Will detail this soon in an update here.

Sept 9
Take a look at this updated prior post on Solar Activity - the sun this week, since Sept 6 has unleashed an intense bunch of flares in the M to X class range. In August when this happened, markets slumped and mass behaviour was anarchic ( London Riots) Will there be a significant amount of geomagnetic turbulence from the solar charged material, to upset people and the earth's physical integrity, as a result of the intensified solar output?

Sept 10
On the environmental front: the main seismic activity so far is a significant quake off Vancouver Island.
No reports of damage yet, but shaking evident on the mainland. USGS data gives Universal not local time:
Also Mt Etna in Sicily, Italy is erupting with an ash cloud.
Wall St stocks tumbled on Friday 
5 million consumers lost power in a massive US to Mexico blackout on thursday Sept 8
Several house fires across NZ North Island ( Full Moon plus solar turbulence)
Traffic gridlock in USA after massive power outage
Traffic Gridlock in New Dehli India due to floods
Traffic gridlock in USA due to floods
Ferry sinks Tanzania, over 100 drown
Massive (Sag) Flooding (Pisces) in Pakistan
The turbulence has played havoc with New Zealand weather since the Full Moon -days of rain, some heavy hail, lots of wind. In Australia:  Queensland near record cold

So events involving masses of people in conflicted situations are also clustering around this week (from Sept 6) of heightened solar activity along with a Full Moon Grand Cross with a bolstering effect. 
Update Sept 15 (continued from Sept 11 update inserted in main text)
The solar effect generating increased global geomagnetic turbulence has again seen the markets drop, plus a range of explosive & fire events ( eg Kenya petrol explosion =mass deaths) that seem to have closest connection to the solar surges sent our way.

On a personal note: the Sept 12  Full Moon-Nodes mutable grand cross is an exact fit for my Jupiter-Mars opposition in GEM-SAG and MC-IC in PIS-VIRG and it has been problematic since Friday Sept 9 - motor vehicle (Gemini) breakdown, meaning lots of walking and buses (Gemini).  48 hrs later on Sept 11, loss of phone line & internet (Gemini) leading to limited communications (Gemini). Now into 6th day without personal transport. Phone/net outage restored after 4 days. Unable to use water ferry transport to travel to the city due to continual blustery rain storms for past 4 days. Unable to perform usual daily writing and research & publishing roles. ( Gemini-Sag). Did more reading (Gem-Sag) Had to use Library internet to send important messages -exceedingly slow and problematical. Conflict with bus driver (Gemini) over lack of fair treatment (Sag-Pisces). Cell phone (Gemini) unreliable. Unable to contact (Gemini) particular people. Watched a lot of sport (Sagittarius) but most not Live: channel programming meant missed many replays. Feeling critical (Virgo!)
Much frustration, indecision, psychological conflict & yes, stress (effects of the Cross).

Ok enough about me and more will unfold, but this serves as a good case study of what can happen when you are totally in the firing line of a big exact transit involving a Full Moon -because all the planetary aligments and angles specifically have a big effects on those who most resonate with the vibrational signature of the seed event. If your personal, or a location's personal planetary makeup includes exact matches then that sends a very powerful resonance. With Mutable signs the key element is CHANGE -changing, fluid, fluctuating, inconsistent circumstances. With a Cross it's all about conflict, challenge.

Other Rugby World Cup issues in Auckland that occurred in the September Full moon phase;
Auckland Hospital (Pisces) was overloaded (Sagittarius) with drunken (Pisces-Sagittarius) fans enjoying the RWC party atmosphere in the congested (Cross) party-zone.
Trains (Gemini) that were stalled (Cross)  had numerous people fainting (Pisces) due to the overly hot, cramped conditions (Sagittarius)
Maori performers (Sagittarius) were caught in the crowd (Cross) and some were assaulted
Supporter flags stolen (Pisces) and a surge in Auckland burglaries (Pisces) on opening night of the Cup.
Ferries, buses and trains were all problematical for the majority, because people were constantly urged to use public transport for a speedy route to the Rugby tournament. Only people using cars on the deserted Auckland streets had a smooth journey. So even though all land transport is Gemini, the least congested option, personal vehicles won over the public, overloaded (Sagittarius) options,
Two extra large (Sagittarius) TV screens (Pisces) in the fan-zone failed (Cross)


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...