Friday, 2 September 2011

September 2011 - Full moon notes

                                                           Full Moon - source Wikimedia Commons

August was a power packed month of planetary activity including the biggest solar flares in recent years ( sending extra magnetic turbulence around earth in the first weeks of August) See the prior summary as well as the several posts archived about August 2011 events.
So now, looking into September 2011 - already Christchurch NZ has had a seismic uptick as expected in vulnerable locations, due to the turbulence in the week from August 26. Japan, Taiwan, Philippines are experiencing typhoons with difficult names and Irene damage is well documented. Syria and Libya remain tense with further progress towards democracy likely to proceed after this month's Full Moon ( Pluto goes direct) -and from Dec 10 2011 when Uranus goes direct, but of course the story the  democracy wave has legs for some years to come...Massive Transformations Ahead.

The full moon in September has some environmentally destructive potential.
The extra factor on the table is Uranus ( the planet that corresponds with surprising, unusual, unprecedented and sudden events in general and powerful electromagnetic and upheaval energies "world upside down" experiences - one celebrity example would be Tiger on to find out more

 September has a Virgo Sun-Pisces Moon Full Moon, made more intriguing by the tight contact to Moon's Nodes -north and south orbital crossing points being in the remaining two mutable signs Sagittarius and Gemini -they are all triggering each other in a tight grand mutable cross between 18.57 SAG-GEM and 19.17 VIRG-PISC. This means the sun is square the nodes as is the moon square (90 degrees) them. This will build from Sept 12 with the Moon crossing the equator and crossing the path of Uranus.
Examples inserted Sept 11
The Grand Cross creates psychological conflict, with up to 4 but fundamentally at least 2 conflicting drives in operation over an issue: shall I stay or shall I go? ; Do I do this or do I do that? This situation will have featured strongly in the latest event (Sept 11) involving mass confusion (Sagittarius-Pisces) when an overloaded ferry (Sagittarius-Pisces) sank at night with over 100 drowned -see News Headline section below.
People trapped in Auckland on Sept 9 during Rugby World Cup buildup, pre-match - on trains (Gemini) and at the waterfront (Pisces) celebration - both of which were overcrowded (Sagittarius) would have felt the stress of psychological conflict - and some collapsed.
Conflicting impulses would have been in play when Jonny Wilkinson missed 5 goal kicks during the Rugby World Cup match vs Argentina on Sept 10. The Argentine kicker Rodriguez had the same failure rate. And this was in a windless, covered stadium. England as a team played mostly abyssmaly to win by luck more than style. The poor show reflects the Grand Cross psychological conflicts expressed through particular individuals whilst playing a sporting game (Sagittarius)
Saturn in tight aspect to Mercury (exact sequiquadrate) will aggravate transport, movement and communications problems approaching and into the Full Moon period, due to Mercury's link to Virgo.
Full Moon effects can emerge before and after the event itself - 3-4 days time frame either side is not unusual.
The energy of this event will resonate in people and places who share a similar vibrational signature to the event patterns.
People born on or around March 10, June 10, Sept 12, Dec 11, any year are particularly affected in terms of their life purpose. Restlessness and a desire for change, less materialistic, more spiritual impulses are likely.
Updates inserted Friday Sept 9
New Zealand is resonating strongly with this full moon, during its build-up phase, since the Rugby World Cup begins in Auckland on Friday 9, with 2 big opening ceremonies and the first match of the tournament.
 These involve large scale events (Sagittarius) a sports fixture (Sagittarius) and a lot of human foot traffic and vehicle movements (Gemini); huge TV coverage (Pisces-Sagittarius); lots of alcohol (Pisces), a collective sense of union/spiritual connection (Pisces) beginning at the waterfront (Pisces)
The downside of all this, from all the signs in tight alignment is congestion due to excess (Sagittarius) movement (Gemini) with resulting criticism of the events management. already comment is being made that the Auckland ports fan-zone will only cater for 12,000, whereas up to 100,000 people may converge in that precinct of the city.
To view Auckland downtown where entertainment events are to occur -  see the webcam

Meanwhile Obama has spoken (Gemini) to lawmakers (Sagittarius) about a jobs plan (Virgo) and a credible terror threat re the 911 anniversary is being contemplated -remember 911 occurred when Sun was in Virgo, Moon and Saturn in Gemini, Pluto in Sagittarius and roughly midway between the Pisces Full Moon and Virgo New Moon - other energies were involved, but the mutable signs were very strong then,as now and purely due to the anniversary alone, people will be on edge and emotional.

A massive power outage in US -Mexico is possibly also linked to the Solar flare surges this week, causing geomagnetic turbulence, plus the lunar-solar gridlock with the nodes in the building phase to Sept 12 full moon. traffic chaos (Gemini) and airline (Sagittarius) cancellations involved This moon is carrying a wallop. Systems failure seems a result of the combusting energies. ( On a personal note, my car [Gemini] broke down this morning, I had to walk to my X-Ray (Unusually, 2 Solar x-flares this week) appointment and the day was full of congestion delays)

Twitter has messages re crowd management issues and pix showing the crowding at Auckland downtown with people advised to NOT come to the venue (2hrs after 3pm opening) The claustrophobic will be departing.
The incoming harbour ferries have been cancelled from around 5pm due to congestion at the wharf exits and other Auckland transport systems have been suspended this afternoon. Trains have not coped with numbers plus disruptive hi-jinx. Massive log jams and stranded people unable to access their intended transport to to to the actual game on time (7.30pm)
The overall verdict by city leaders is that an urgent view of the transport system for the event is required. Herald article
Injuries, assaults and people ending up in the harbour due to over-crowding have also been reported.
The alcohol ban failed outside of the enclosed zone, with the roads carpeted in broken glass.
Arrests were reasonably low (50) but thousands using public transport were frustrated by missing the opening ceremony and the start of the rugby.
....continued updating as required


In his pages on Nodes, Rob Tillett observes:
As astrologer Carl Payne Tobey (1902-1980) discovered in the 1930's after a painstaking examination of a large number of major disasters, many of the most serious and traumatic catastrophes involving fire, bad weather and loss of life occur in association with eclipses, when the Sun and Moon are conjunct the Moon's Nodes, especially when other unfortunate planetary aspects coincide. However, not all of these evils are exclusively linked with eclipses, for many are associated with the Sun forming a T-square to the nodal axis, i.e. when the Sun is in a 90° aspect to the nodes. This he called a Moon Wobble, because in fact it is when the Moon is "wobbling" in its path by declination. So when the Sun forms an aspect to the nodes of 0°, 90°, or 180°, we experience a significant likelihood of massive environmental damage with much loss of life and property. These Moon Wobbles occur every 86.5 days on average, with an orb of approximately 5 degrees (days) on either side of the precise date, when the Sun forms either the T-square with the nodal axis, or the conjunction with the North or South Nodes. Some astrologers hold that the two weeks before the partile aspect are problematic, with the week following the aspect also being notable in terms of disasters.
Refer to this off-site link re the relationship of sun-earth-moon-nodes shown in a graphicplus other useful technical terms explained.

So this full moon- nodal pattern in September has an environmentally destructive potential.
Plus, the extra factor on the table is Uranus ( the planet that corresponds with surprising, unusual, unprecedented and sudden events in general and powerful electromagnetic and upheaval energies "world upside down" experiences.
Uranus is continuing in a powerful position in respect of the earth, tracking right on the celestial equator  (ecliptic) - it began tracking close at the start of this year and was 40 minutes north of the zero point at the mid March Japan tsunami. Since then it has inched to even closer proximity -exact zero being reached in mid October 2011. Make no mistake the zero declination( in space, the ecliptic point, like the zero latitude (earth based point ) is a potent energy pathway, and with Uranus sitting there, events will be big, sudden and hi-impact. The effective time frame for Uranus at 0-1 degrees in declination runs till April 2012, but with little respite likely, since the angle between Uranus and Pluto tighten again from the end of May - adding more fuel to Uranus for the long-term ahead.

With this disturbing and disruptive theme involving Uranus, manifesting already in earthquakes, hurricanes and one major tsunami, in 2011, the best insurance is not the kind you pay for in a policy      ( those schemes are destined to fail with nil payouts in the years ahead when the companies go bust ) It is of most importance that we all consider the known environmental threats present in our location - then be alert to unusual weather forecasts or unusual signs & signifiers of seismic/volcanic unrest (birds & animals in a panic) and best to err on the side of caution instead of blind optimism, in terms of preparations and safety plans -take any alerts as a drill, rather than a false alarm, because in a panic, the brain can short circuit its logic boards.

September overall may be full of drama like August was -as the New Moon 26th/27th has a lot of force behind it as well. Will detail this soon in an update here.

Sept 9
Take a look at this updated prior post on Solar Activity - the sun this week, since Sept 6 has unleashed an intense bunch of flares in the M to X class range. In August when this happened, markets slumped and mass behaviour was anarchic ( London Riots) Will there be a significant amount of geomagnetic turbulence from the solar charged material, to upset people and the earth's physical integrity, as a result of the intensified solar output?

Sept 10
On the environmental front: the main seismic activity so far is a significant quake off Vancouver Island.
No reports of damage yet, but shaking evident on the mainland. USGS data gives Universal not local time:
Also Mt Etna in Sicily, Italy is erupting with an ash cloud.
Wall St stocks tumbled on Friday 
5 million consumers lost power in a massive US to Mexico blackout on thursday Sept 8
Several house fires across NZ North Island ( Full Moon plus solar turbulence)
Traffic gridlock in USA after massive power outage
Traffic Gridlock in New Dehli India due to floods
Traffic gridlock in USA due to floods
Ferry sinks Tanzania, over 100 drown
Massive (Sag) Flooding (Pisces) in Pakistan
The turbulence has played havoc with New Zealand weather since the Full Moon -days of rain, some heavy hail, lots of wind. In Australia:  Queensland near record cold

So events involving masses of people in conflicted situations are also clustering around this week (from Sept 6) of heightened solar activity along with a Full Moon Grand Cross with a bolstering effect. 
Update Sept 15 (continued from Sept 11 update inserted in main text)
The solar effect generating increased global geomagnetic turbulence has again seen the markets drop, plus a range of explosive & fire events ( eg Kenya petrol explosion =mass deaths) that seem to have closest connection to the solar surges sent our way.

On a personal note: the Sept 12  Full Moon-Nodes mutable grand cross is an exact fit for my Jupiter-Mars opposition in GEM-SAG and MC-IC in PIS-VIRG and it has been problematic since Friday Sept 9 - motor vehicle (Gemini) breakdown, meaning lots of walking and buses (Gemini).  48 hrs later on Sept 11, loss of phone line & internet (Gemini) leading to limited communications (Gemini). Now into 6th day without personal transport. Phone/net outage restored after 4 days. Unable to use water ferry transport to travel to the city due to continual blustery rain storms for past 4 days. Unable to perform usual daily writing and research & publishing roles. ( Gemini-Sag). Did more reading (Gem-Sag) Had to use Library internet to send important messages -exceedingly slow and problematical. Conflict with bus driver (Gemini) over lack of fair treatment (Sag-Pisces). Cell phone (Gemini) unreliable. Unable to contact (Gemini) particular people. Watched a lot of sport (Sagittarius) but most not Live: channel programming meant missed many replays. Feeling critical (Virgo!)
Much frustration, indecision, psychological conflict & yes, stress (effects of the Cross).

Ok enough about me and more will unfold, but this serves as a good case study of what can happen when you are totally in the firing line of a big exact transit involving a Full Moon -because all the planetary aligments and angles specifically have a big effects on those who most resonate with the vibrational signature of the seed event. If your personal, or a location's personal planetary makeup includes exact matches then that sends a very powerful resonance. With Mutable signs the key element is CHANGE -changing, fluid, fluctuating, inconsistent circumstances. With a Cross it's all about conflict, challenge.

Other Rugby World Cup issues in Auckland that occurred in the September Full moon phase;
Auckland Hospital (Pisces) was overloaded (Sagittarius) with drunken (Pisces-Sagittarius) fans enjoying the RWC party atmosphere in the congested (Cross) party-zone.
Trains (Gemini) that were stalled (Cross)  had numerous people fainting (Pisces) due to the overly hot, cramped conditions (Sagittarius)
Maori performers (Sagittarius) were caught in the crowd (Cross) and some were assaulted
Supporter flags stolen (Pisces) and a surge in Auckland burglaries (Pisces) on opening night of the Cup.
Ferries, buses and trains were all problematical for the majority, because people were constantly urged to use public transport for a speedy route to the Rugby tournament. Only people using cars on the deserted Auckland streets had a smooth journey. So even though all land transport is Gemini, the least congested option, personal vehicles won over the public, overloaded (Sagittarius) options,
Two extra large (Sagittarius) TV screens (Pisces) in the fan-zone failed (Cross)


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...