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The end of September 2011 sees a combination of planetary energies in highly active mode.
To understand all of this you need to be able to appreciate that little planet Earth is tiny in the scheme of solar system dynamics and that the system comprises planetary objects in orbit within a field arrayed on the basis of the forces of gravity and electromagnetism. These forces mean that tiny earth is embedded in a system -not separate or independant. furthermore. Astrophysics is a science in infancy and heliophysics ( specifically the operation of the Sun) is equally in its early stages of understanding.
The irony is the fundamental knowledge of planetary operations and effects in respect of earth/people impacts, were so insightfully understood by humans of the ancient and prehistoric worlds. It is taking the age of science more than a millennium to catch up ( their methodology is so much more laboured). Astrologers follow the ancient vision which sees the wholistic connections throughout the universe and understands that on earth we are strongly affected by energy patterns created in the solar system. Our planet provides a textbook example of what it means to have a Moon simultaneously impacting us as well as having interactive links to the sun and other planetary bodies. We can, if we choose to, observe the daily permutations created when the Moon makes an energy link to the Sun or other planets.
When a complex picture arises as in late September, there's an opportunity to see what events coincide -both outwardly, inwardly on a personal level as well as collectively, in communities and nations as well as globally.
The New Moon in Libra on 27th - emphasises personal relationships, partnerships, marriage, business or working partnerships, financial, economic and banking matters.
People born on or around Sept 28, Dec 26, March 24, June 25, any year - are most strongly affected.
Libra is the indicator of a need for balance
In the days around this New Moon, Sun, Moon and Mercury will each meet up in Libra
In the days around this New Moon, Sun, Moon and Mercury will each meet up with Pluto in Capricorn
In the days around this New Moon, Sun, Moon and Mercury will each meet up with Uranus in Aries
This grouping of Libra, Capricorn and Aries is significant as they form 3 of the 4 signs of the cardinal sign network. ( the one missing is Cancer)
These signs in combination add more themes to the New Moon - and some conflicting urges.
Aries (self, personal needs) needing to be balanced with relationship/partner demands (Libra)
Then these each or together can find conflict with career demands (Capricorn) or a an oppressive authority figure(Pluto in Capricorn)
Some people will experience upsets and radical change in their personal and professional relationships - power issues and the need for individual freedom are strong themes - so some will say '"That's it. It's over." Others will choose to seek a new basis for their dynamic basis on more democracy, fairness, balance - because dictators are on the way out under present larger forces at work, and that includes over-bearing partners. If they do not concede a need to reform themselves then their partners will seek an ending. The internal conflict though, for some, is too great and their response has a lot of potential for violence and or anger. New ways of behaving and resolving are offered here, but not everyone is at that point of readiness. Chose your strategy well, based on the nature of the person you have to negotiate with.
When this translates into the public realm Pluto in Capricorn represents dictatorial leaders or governments abusing power. The collective, in group action get enraged (Uranus in Aries) This theme is enduring beyond 2011, and already seen in pro-democracy activity in the Middle East.
In respect of economics: institutional restructuring is underway (Pluto in Capricorn) and the banking sector (Libra) is at the centre of much change. ( News: Sept 21 of a serious IMF warning "The global economy has entered a dangerous new phase -article plus video)
On an environmental level:
Balance is out of kilter. Uranus and Pluto bring topsy-turvy conditions for many... World-upside-down stuff.. life radically changed...new circumstances. This occurs for many globally as a result of natural events particularly heat-fire-earth related in this phase, though all four elements fire-earth-air-water are in turbulent mode through this era of many years of change. Earthquakes, volcanism, flooding and severe winds are the manifestations we will all become increasingly more familiar with - either directly or by observation from afar.
People in Christchurch New Zealand have received a warning of a serious quake and flooding on Sept 28 2011 -see update of Sept 20 The Moon will be at the strong equator point on Sept 26, the New Moon on the 27th and lunar perigee on the 28th. This sequence may present a strong trigger for seismic unrest in vulnerable zones, especially when viewed in combination with the added planetary triggers outlined above.
I follow quake patterns but I do not specialise in locating seismic activity and making place-specific predictions.
(update: overnight quake activity has seen mainly shocks in the Rolleston area of the Greendale Fault -up to M4 but no seafloor events by noon Sept 28))
This scientific paper addresses the issue of earthquake indicators in the atmosphere
"...statistical association between large earthquakes and TEC (total electron content) anomalies could be established in the 5 days before earthquake nucleation."
Sept 23
A global market slump is reported with serious concerns over the future global economy - The Wall St Journal calls it World Wide Distress
Meanwhile solar output is in a highly active mode, including an X class flare yesterday. Read this space weather summary . The global markets have been in lurching downward mode significantly since early August, when turbulence reached earth from the active end phase, now starting to show in the sun's current Cycle 24.
Prior post on the synchronicity noted between market plunges in August, Sept 2011 and solar turbulence.
Sept 26
Richard Nolle coined the term SuperMoon and he says this Tuesday the New Moon is a SuperMoon & complies with the requirement of being in close proximity to the perigee orbit of the moon. He's warning of environmental risks - storms and seismic effects and suggests people have their kit on hand.
Of course effects are not universal/global so the people/places that resonate most closely with the event's own signature get the most evident effects.
With the sun being in very active mode (link for Sept 2011), the earth's geomagnetic field is about to get rather perturbed and this effects people, animals as well as the earth's structural integrity. The surge in electron density (TEC) is a factor already noted by researchers as detectable in the event of notable quake events
This TEC global map is continually updated by NASA - it gives a picture of where the electron count is highest/lowest etc
Sept 28
Cyclone Nesat in the Philippines aka Typhoon Pedring is the most notable current extreme weather event, along with severe recent flooding in India, Pakistan. So a strong water theme at those latitudes.
News of systems failures including power outages and explosion events have also been noticeable in the past 24-48hrs, globally.