Thursday, 20 October 2011

2011 October 26 New Moon & October 29 activity

Latest: End of October 2011 fresh news includes Qantas airline global stoppage and Red Alert on Hudson volcano in Chile. When interpreting for events instead of people, a different emphasis is considered.  Natural events involve the elements -so Pluto and Jupiter in earth signs have the potential there for physical, earth structural changes. Political events involve the power and control planets: Pluto and Saturn. With the sun and moon triggering Pluto Oct 29-30 events in these categories are to be expected. Saturn's capacity to restrict, delay, has been activated by the conjunction to Mercury on Oct 28. Pluto will be further activated by the Moon on the 31st and Saturn on Nov 1st.
I'm not a weather specialist -but this line-up has also coincided with an early snow-storm in north-east America. Apparently Saturn is linked to snow storms due to its capacity to freeze/solidify water.

Original Post Begins:
The New Moon in Scorpio is strongest for those born on/around October 26, January 24, April 23 and July 26 - any year. With a semi-square to 18 degrees in mutable signs this adds in dates on/around March 8, June 8, Sept 10, Dec 9 - any year.

Scorpio is about life's transformational changes and experiences -with strong associations to death and sexual union as well as major makeovers and the use/abuse of power.

With Venus and Mars in frisky signs (Scorpio, Leo) many will be expressing themselves through romantic and sexual encounters -all well and good so long as those liaisons don't impact upon another relationship - because Saturn in Libra has strings attached to Venus and Mars this time and there will be fallout....Saturn expects you to honour your marriage or committed partnership or have the moral fibre to terminate the arrangement.

Saturn also threatens to muck up communications with its close link to Mercury - calls, messages, texts and conversations either will be missed, go badly or be rather stilted and cool to cold. Telecommunication systems may also be down.
Particular people and places, as usual are most affected, not everyone, everywhere. Those with the closest vibrational match to the planetary energies are where the effects manifest like sounds through a tuning fork.

More action looks likely a few days later on October 29 when several energies share a 5 degree link -Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Pluto - people born on/around the 29th of any month will have something happening -but with such a mix going on it is not possible to say what in particular. For some the potential for a big lottery/Lotto win, or some other material abundance, is possible.
On that same day Saturn, Mercury, Venus & Mars also link up even more closely than earlier in the week - so those effects listed previously are also emphasised here - in respect of relationships & other liaisons.

Pluto gets in the picture, from 23rd-27th -  raising the level for intensity, even jealousy. Best behaviour is recommended otherwise things could turn nasty.
Basically it is a full on week from the 23rd.
If your life experiences turn out to echo these themes in the time frame noted - yet your birth date is not noted above, your own personal birth chart will show planetary positions, other than the sun, which are being triggered.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...