Monday, 3 October 2011

Dan Carter Injured - Timing was in the Stars

Latest: Dan Carter has injury-risk factors in RWC 2015 -scroll down for updates

October 1 2011 was New Zealand All Black  Dan Carter's date with destiny. The high profile sports star has fronted for local news media over his sudden unexpected injury during goal kicking practice - involving a torn tendon at the adductor muscle inside the upper left thigh.

Carter voiced his responses to the event, including a lack of any answer WHY -which is what we all want to know when life deals us difficult blows.

In high profile events, astrologers rush for the planetary ephemeris but only incomplete data is available for a person or event if the birth or beginning time is not known.

The most significant turning point in an adult's life occurs when the position of the planet Saturn reaches the same point as on the birthday.  It is termed the Saturn Return. This occurs usually at age 29 ( cyclic variations exist)

Dan Carter born March 5 1982 is a Pisces,
His most interesting planetary pattern is a group in Libra - Mars-Saturn-Pluto at right angles to the lunar nodes in Cancer-Capricorn. (North Node true position is marked)
                                                                       Mars     Saturn         Pluto Node
                                                                                   CLICK here for expanded view

In terms of the power of planetary energies, the closer they are together, the stronger the interchange.

Carter has Mars at 18 degrees, Saturn at 21 and Pluto at 26 Libra -an 8 degree range.
When a group sits closely, the middle planet often provides a powerful mid-point focus.
The 8 degree range finds its midpoint at 4 degrees from either end planet.
Add 4 to 18 = 22 degrees -so here Saturn sits close enough to be a powerful influence on both Mars and Pluto.
Where Mars & Pluto together create vigorous force and contribute to Carter's strong athleticism, Saturn in the middle is like an achilles heel set to create weakness, injury, failure -as a result of imbalance -the keyword of Libra.

Right from the start of the Rugby World Cup tournament, Carter suffered injuries,  - a back strain from the Tonga game on Sept 9, requiring rest on Sept 16.
Strain had entered his system as planets affected him in the weeks before the tendon tear on Saturday October 1
On October 1 the position of Saturn at 18 Libra reached his birth position of Mars 18 Libra.
Saturn caused the physical/tissue breakdown & failure.
Carter has his exact Saturn Return, 21 Libra, coinciding with the Rugby World Cup Finals match on October 23. It is likely he will feel considerably more disappointed, even guilty at that time, due to an All blacks defeat, which he may take an inordinate degree of responsibility for.

The extra complicating factor is the challenging right angle position of his lunar nodes (destiny indicators) at 21 Cancer.
This means at birth, Saturn was set to cause considerable difficulty setbacks and delays in Carter attaining his goals. This pattern is being triggered powerfully at the RWC final.
Carter would find fulfillment and less confrontation with problems if he chose the pathway of Cancer -which is becoming a parent, with all the commitment and responsibility entailed by that.
His destiny in this lifetime is to move on from a high public profile, to fundamental family values. If he is not fully resolved of the conflicts over such a transition, delays, difficulties and frustrations will arise around parenthood.
2015 updates
  • Carter's first baby son Marco was born on March 28th 2013 - born in the wake of a potent full moon with many intense planetary interactions going on has the potential to be a force to be reckoned with. The birth was expected in mid April so an early, probably cesarean birth, is consistent with the impatience of an Aries child.
  • Then  Fox Carter was born on April 3 2015 [Aries -and this one is a real firecracker with an exceptionally driven personality too!] 
  • September-October 2015 during the Rugby World Cup, Carter is physically vulnerable and at elevated risk of injury, particularly if he is playing on October 18th - Quarter Final 2. [Full moon Oct 13 activates Uranus exact opposite birth Mars-Saturn]

Carter's injury history which shows the depth of this personal enduring pattern - unless Carter makes different choices.Due to the cyclic movement of planetary conjunctions and alignments, Carter would have had similarly difficult experiences in the past. This event in 2011 is however the most significant turning point for him. 
Carter "frustrated" = video link


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...