Saturday, 1 October 2011

Tsunami Dreams - mine, yours

Tsunami is a big word, because it is about a big big thing. It carries huge collective memories, because flood myths are present across many cultures. The Big Flood has happened before and will happen again: we have returned to the era of the grand tsunami in addition to the great inundation.
1800's woodblock The Great Wave off Kanagawa - Wikimedia Commons
If something is that powerful and that capable of affecting the lives of millions, it seems likely that many will have forewarning -messages, visions, a sense of big water events.  We do not live in an age of mass acceptance of prophets and visionaries -these people are relegated to the fringe of society - but this is exactly where the watchers dwell, those who can observe on behalf of the rest, who have their heads buried in everyday life.

Flood dreams, visions or messages may persist for years before an event or may arise within hours or days before a direct threat arises. I have had both experiences, including one closely in advance of the Japan 2011 tsunami. Another dream dated for August 2011 did not arise. Two nights ago the messages returned: "tsunami, tsunami, Pacific wide".

In New Zealand a biblically phrased warning was distributed in Christchurch to warn locals of a life-threatening tsunami event. This warning was specifically dated for September 28 2011. The tsunami did not eventuate, but the possibility remains that it might within a reasonable time frame - even up to a year could be considered relevant since the construction of time is a physical, linear world concept. The metaphysical world operates instead in the realm of quantum principles = the past, present and future are simultaneous.

This example is certainly not the only known vision regarding a tsunami affecting the larger Christchurch region - particularly the Kaiapoi area - but it has been given media attention.

Feel free to add any genuine comments you may have re past or expected future tsunami/flood events being warned of, in advance, via dreams, visions or messages.

Update October 7 2011
A new subdivisions map can be accessed to see where it is considered suitable to rebuild in Christchurch.
The map below gives some idea of terrain -the Canterbury Plains region is indicated in green, covering land both north and south of Christchurch.
How this translates, is that in Kaiapoi township, land is just 1-2 metres above sea level.
An elevation check on Google Earth shows there is little land over 12 metres in the immediate surrounding area of Kaiapoi.
Parts of central Rangiora reach 45 metres
Hills to the west provide elevation: Swannanoa is at 58 metres and north-west from there is elevation exceeding 700 metres at Mt Richardson.

The magnitude 9.0 Japan quake produced a maximum 40.5 metre wave though wave heights varied in different location, with even 6m being significantly damaging.
It was preceded by 7 foreshocks.
The wave took approx 15-30 mins to reach the mainland of Japan at Tohoku - around 70 kms away from the epicentre. Scientists believe a speed of 800 kms/hr is possible in a tsunami, which equates to 150kms in 10 minutes. 

update May 3 2013

"Eighty-five percent of all historically documented tsunamis have occurred in the Pacific region"

update November 14 2016
update Nov 17: the full meaning of the dream symbolism came early today. The diary entry described the sharks as hammerheads. It seems this was the symbolism of the quake energy -a swarm of hammers underground near deep sea. The mind is incredible in using this type of metaphor in the dream state
scale of the uplift at one Kaikoura location is evident
Although no major tsunami occurred [update May 2017: scientists now say a tsunami up to 6.9 metres did occur -but at low tide ] the sea bed rose dramatically - exposing sealife and vegetation. At Waipapa Bay it rose 8 metres, in other places 3 metres.  ["The tsunami caused by the quake was recorded on numerous tide gauges around the country – reaching Wellington Harbour in about an hour, Christchurch a couple of hours afterwards and the Chatham Islands four to five hours later, tsunami scientist Dr William Power said" ]
Most of the quakes were on land in these events beginning Nov 14 2016.  Also possibly relevant: a major pattern of planets in December 2016 -Uranus-Saturn-Jupiter are in very tight alignment in the days surrounding Christmas - from as early as the 19th and up to the 29th - when significant forces are in effect with environmental outcomes.
darker areas represent the significant uplift close to shore 

In addition with further outcomes, the Full Moon of Dec 2016 at 22 degrees will also capture a lot of this energy as early as Dec10-up to Dec14 - various kinds of transportation likely to be effected - using networks of the road, rail, sea, air - especially all potentially vulnerable to sudden negative events -especially involving imbalance, capsize, overloading - travellers and people on adventurous rides need to specially heed any intuition re problems


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