Friday, 18 November 2011

NZ General Election 2011 - the omens

Basically if you don't have the time to read my Astroblog, I'd advise any parties on the Left to target any unethical, immoral, dishonest or duplicitous conduct coming from the Right, regarding asset sales, or any economic issue.
It is highly significant in terms of energies around election time, to get the public on board to reject the practices of greed, corruption & inequality

Update Nov 28 Outcome vs Analysis -looking at the predictions and what has occurred -or still to come
Update Nov 25:
Even National diehards concede the polls do not give an accurate picture of how tight this election is likely to be. I'm sticking to a forecast of a very narrow win for the Left, but one which is not likely to be evident on election night. By midnight things look "locked up" for both Goff & Key.  Influences bringing "congestion" to political negotiations exist intensely even around December 3-6 and could easily extend through that week which will bring in energies building  the next eclipse - a total lunar on December 10 (Universal Time) which ushers in more intense political talk. Don't hold your breath.  Of course pressure will be on to sort a deal before Christmas and Tuesday 20th has  positive potentials for such a gathering, bearing in mind considerable effort will be needed to ensure all parties are clear about what the agreements are. There's a spanner in the works whereby wrong impressions gained and poorly communicated ideas could cause later trip ups and fallouts.

Update Nov 23:
Bryan Bruce's documentary on NZ TV3 Nov. 22 has complied  with the essence of the pre-election momentum: he even used the phrase "ethically & morally flawed" when discussing the factors contributing to child poverty in NZ, and  "A nation with poor children is a poor excuse for a nation". In terms of timing, the scheduling of this programme was perfectly aligned to the growing public sentiment emphasised this week by the influences outlined below.
Nov 23: Social services confirm the veracity of this doco. 
              Gordon Campbell reviews the doco - with links

Looking at the energies in play surrounding polling day and the election result a couple of things stand out

Mercury is retrograde which is a signifier of misunderstandings, miscommunications, telecommunications failures, messages garbled, lost, forgotten. This doesn't mean all of these will happen on election day 2011, November 26 in NZ, but that examples of that theme are likely to be encountered globally - and it so happens that New Zealand is having an election which depends on information being transmitted and recorded clearly and concisely -so we are likely to see issues arise re the process of polling and election results. (Confusion, stuff ups, muddled thinking.
This is NOT a time to make deals because the picture is too unclear and different versions of reality will be competing) It looks likely that no clear outcome will prevail on Nov 26

(Mercury is the energy of mental processes and all forms of messaging & information transfer -whether verbal, by note or electronic device when Mercury is in retrograde phase these energies are subverted into a more internalised mode -so meditation and quiet reflection work well -but trying to get your message across doesn't) Update: Phil Goff has been particularly vulnerable to this disruption of mental processing - and examples from US politics show he is not alone)
Mercury goes into retrograde phase on November 24  (close to 7am morning in the UK,  8 pm evening in NZ).- [but its buildup period, bringing disruption, started on Nov 5]  It resumes direct  movement on Dec 14 - but some feel it will be troublesome until it returns to the turning point degree - 20 Sag - on New Year's Day 2012.

Next there is a lineup of lunar factors in the days up to voting:
Lunar perigee on 23rd means moon is closest to earth for the month
New Moon close to 7pm on Friday 25th in NZ - means Sun and Moon align exactly to herald the start of a New cycle plus this time there is a partial solar eclipse -intensifying the import of the event.
New Moon is the emergent phase, not the peak and this is a seeding energy in Sagittarius.
Moon is at maximum south declination on Saturday 26 around 7.30 pm on election night when results coverage will be underway
On a purely physical level this lunar tidal pull literally raises tides and swells and this effect is conceivably linked to fluid retention, swelling and systemic stress detectable in humans by symptoms of discomfort or psychological/emotional  stress/outbursts, strong emotions.

The general planetary picture has Jupiter exaggerating the new moon-eclipse effects -which will add to the lunar potentials indicated in the last section. Those who respond the strongest around this time will have a close vibration match indicated in their personal birth chart; also those who regularly notice changes of mood around strong lunar effects - women will possibly have noticed this more due to biological responses but males are not immune -the susceptible ones are more likely to act out violently or criminally under lunar pressure.

So the Jupiter-NewMoon effect means a significant number of people are likely to have an exaggerated response around voting day in NZ. People will be inspired to take an ethical and morally sound, perhaps you could say a spiritual position in respect of financial/economic/security issues.
This brings in the subject of asset sales as forewarned by the National Party. If the public detect duplicity, dishonesty and a lack of scruples over these matters this will sway the vote even further way from such practices. 
(This of course is the underlying momentum of the global Occupy Movement -but whether or not its time has come to a substantial enough degree in New Zealand at this critical electoral juncture, remains to be seen, but come it will. Being an eclipse pattern, this gives the sentiments of the time, such as 'Occupy' an extended boost, at least until the next solar eclipse - but this  movement IS longterm due to other factors outlined in my prior post Massive Transformations Ahead)

There are 5 Jupiter related factors in play on election day - the planets in Sagittarius, so this dimension is a critical one that can be addressed in the buildup phase before polling day

The final factor in this brief view worth noting is Saturn's connection to the Mercury-Venus midpoint.
For some this will bring a sober tone to thoughts and gatherings, disappointment and disenchantment.

To learn more about Mercury retrograde
Other election related blog posts are on this site
Check back for further updates, in blue text, edits as this is a very quick summary of standout features.


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