Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Aries New Moon 2012 March 22

Mercury and Uranus in Aries have compounded with the sun and moon to generate some heat - and heated communications, sudden heat outbursts/explosions are manifesting. There's a big fire event in Jefferson County (Lower north Fork fire) USA and several fires raging along the rail line in Christchurch NZ, due to a train fault. An Auckland man is in trouble for losing his cool & assaulting two other males, one a 13 year old at a skate park on March 26.  The shootings in France arose as Mercury and Uranus aligned in Aries in the lead up period before the New Moon - a common time of activation of the moon phase potentials.
These are examples typical of Aries behaviour and events. with the Mars connection, aggressive energies are released by those who have a matching vibration. Weapons of all sorts often are part of the picture - guns, knives in particular. Military urges are stimulated and in the body it's the adrenals glands that are activated. Cuts and blood-spilling are more common than usual when using tools.  Red is the Aries colour. Use it for impact. With Mercury in its retrograde phase, arguments can arise over misunderstandings or unclear communications.
There's no big planetary line up to worry about in this lunar phase March 22-April 21 but Saturn will oppose the sun on April 15 -lining up those whose planets are at or linked to 26 degrees of cardinal signs ( Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) for probable relationship problems - separation, splitting, 'being dumped' - over me vs us issues.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...