Sunday, 11 March 2012

Solar Flares and Events on Earth

What happens on the Sun
 affects human behaviour

scroll to end for ongoing news examples related to magnetic storms & effects 
Disturbances in earth's magnetic field can occur after a solar storm. The terrestrial magnetic response is caused by interaction with charged particles discharged through the solar wind.
Regularly observable consequences occur in human behaviour in the aftermath of enhanced sun to earth magnetic connectivity.

Unlike the majority of others watching astronomical space to earth events, I am keen to see the consequences beyond what mainstream science observes. [power surges, communications interferences]
Observation and intuition combined with data provide a blend of information processing and theorising.

The London & UK riots started as a community protest and developed into anarchy. 

This high profile eruption occurred in concert with an extra large large solar flare measuring X6.9.

In March 2012 there was a swarm of low, medium and strong flares, two being in the highest category -X1.1 and X5.4. coinciding with protests across the globe (locally in NZ relating to the Ports of Auckland staff dismissal).

Reference to the mega flares of recent decades shows that 

  • mass protest demonstrations are consistently coincident with elevated geomagnetic energy from solar activity impacting earth. These periods are noteworthy in that respect: November 2003, April 2001, September 2005, December 2006, 1989 (March-November due to 4 X flares), 1991 (January to July due to 8 X flares). 
In addition
  •  many high profile accident events involving shipping, planes, trains, road transport and personal vehicles may be observed to cluster in these periods - eg Exxon Valdez March 1989 - this accident proneness is likely due either to system or human malfunction -or both.
[update March 14 2012 Swiss tunnel bus accident mass deaths of children, their teachers and 2 bus drivers]
  • Aggressive and military activity appear to be accentuated along with explosive, eruptive and inflamed energies -bombs, fires, volcanoes - which mirror or resonate with the solar flare heat, power and highly charged particles. 
  • [March 13 2012 -massive conflagration in Adelaide Australia]
  • Individuals and groups 'losing the plot' /extreme behaviour
( March 11 2012 hi-profile example from Afghanistan: a US soldier kills civilians en masse, execution style & a massacre in Homs, Syria. March 15 a Somali man arrested in Christchurch NZ, for a violent rampage, stabbing locals.

March 24 2015 - 150 people die in Germanwings plane crash. Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz is suspected of deliberate mass killing. This event was subsequent to the largest geomagnetic disturbance seen on Earth for 10 years, beginning March 17 2015) 
A New York gas explosion, building collapse and fire on March 27 2015 is the type of explosive event commonly seen after significant solar events affecting earth. Google searches tend to show clusters of similar events in a short time frame in diverse locations

Since mass behaviour and possibly the group mind is stimulated under disturbed energetic conditions, potential impact on global sharemarkets is also under watch - they certainly dipped in concert with the August 2011 event.

At the very least volatility could be expected.

[March 11 2015 saw an X 2.1 flare- coinciding with a big US stocks tumble  
China's shift in trading balance from exports to imports may have ripple effects.
This new research is an ongoing investigation and may be referred to further in this post in due course.

Solar flares were only first observed as recently as 1859 - though their history obviously predates human recording, but we do not have extensive data. 
The 1859 severe "Carrington Event" is possibly a once in 500 years event and therefore exceeds known flare intensities of modern times.

The November 4 event of 2003 is the strongest flare in the current era with a possible full reading well beyond the initial X28 - possibly up to X45.
Space science is still however in its infancy with flare prediction, like earthquake prediction, unestablished. Even lower intensity X flares have proven to have major disruptive effects on earth, but knowing which factors combine to create this is remains in the category of research. 
So little is truly known of the solar and earth mechanisms.  

OTHER UPDATES since original post

March 24 2012:
NASA says:
...the solar storms of March 8th through 10th dumped enough energy in Earth’s upper atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years... This was the biggest dose of heat we’ve received from a solar storm since 2005...It was a big event, and shows how solar activity can directly affect our planet-   full report

Protests erupt in the US over the slaying of 17yr old Trayvon Martin -see timeline

March 2 2013
NASA concludes 'something unexpected in happening on the sun', in respect of Cycle 24

March 4 2013
A geostorm event termed 'minor' occurred on March 1 2013 [ the result of a high speed solar wind input] and since then several incidents in the news have the hallmarks of impact on susceptible biological systems and featuring explosive, eruptive and inflamed energies:
Teenagers arson attack causes over $2 million in real estate destroyed [ March 2]
Teenage girls crash an out of control stolen car, all 4 critically injured Auckland NZ [March 3]
Car bomb Karachi Pakistan kills dozens [March 3]


The first X-flare of 2014 and the first of that class since November 2013, in this weak cycle occurred on February 25. 
It was an X4.9 & may be the 3rd strongest in the cycle.

Events clustering in the wake of the major flare are consistent with prior observations: 
  • Sudden explosive, eruptive events and behaviours typically with a mass ingredient.
  • Sudden violent, terrorist and military activity are examples noted in the past.
  • The Earth is also subject to the same forces impacting biological systems so earthquakes & atmospheric turbulence are expected.

Early March 2014: In the news: 
Russia warned by Obama over intervention in troubled Ukraine

Political protest in Thailand

Mass attack in China -multiple deaths & injuries by stabbing - Xinjiang separatist forces blamed
M6.4 earthquake in Nicaragua
M6.7 quake Japan
Destructive gales hit Canterbury New Zealand, March 4 -this weather pattern is typical of the outcome of highly disturbed atmospheric conditions which are produced by major flare activity & develop in the week after the flare event.

My energy analysis of major storms [search Extreme Weather on this site] shows contributing atmospheric factors begin their development clearly even weeks before the terrestrial destruction occurs.

Watch video re research by Alexander Chizhevsky -see link below
Of course the present time 2014 is solar maximum in cycle 24 so the uprisings in diverse global locations, not only the Ukraine situation are of much significance.
MARCH 2 2014

June 22-23 strong magnetic storm on earth

followed by minor magnetic storm on June 25
"Explosion" is one searchable keyword obviously activated at this time. Often involving gas appliances, but also methamphetamine labs, also "bomb" related events, bomb threats.
"Protest" will also come up noticeably in searches for the period June 22-29
"Attack" and "mass killing" incidents occurred in seeming coordination on June 27 2015. Tunisia at least 39 fatalities from suspected Jihadist attack at tourist location.
Kuwait mosque attack kills at least 25 ; Beheading at site of gas facility in France


Further reading and Data
This list of strongest solar events -most being earth impacting - since 2010.   Note: there was a four year period of no X flares, prior to 2011
This summary of sunspot cycle 24 shows peak geomagnetic storm periods on earth: September 2011 stands out having 6 storms in one calendar month.  March 2012 so far has had 2.


Referencing past strong flares[this list is online]: strong flares since the late 1970's

Further Reading
 Earthquake uptick & solar storms   For correlations between solar storms and earthquakes -
Carrington Event 1859
Solar Flares
Cosmic Radiation effects on human tissue

Also read:

How the Sun Affects Our Minds -based on early [1920's] research by Alexander Chizhevsky

Geomagnetic variations of solar origin correlate with appearance of physiological problems, enhanced anxiety, sleep disturbances, altered moods,and greater incidences of psychiatric admissions.
We have studied the influence of changes in geomagnetic activity (GMA) on human physiological, psycho-physiological parameters and behaviour reactions. In this article we looked for influence of changes in geomagnetic activity on the systolic, diastolic blood pressure, pulse-rate and subjective complaints and we examined 54 working volunteers...


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...