Monday, 19 March 2012

Easy Rider met fate under Bad Moon Rising

The New Zealand fishing boat, the 11 metre Easy Rider is said to have met a 'rogue wave' just after midnight beginning on March 15 2012, in the often treacherous waters of Foveaux Strait.
Having left Bluff Harbour bound for the Muttonbird Islands about 8pm on Wednesday. the wreckage of the Easy Rider was found about 2km off the coast of the northwestern tip of Stewart Island, near the Bishop and Clerks Islands.
A southwesterly change through Foveaux Strait on Wednesday evening, whipped up six-metre giant waves. [MetService ]
Two freak waves struck from the starboard side and capsized the boat near Stewart Island around 4 hours after it had left Bluff.
The boat had taken on water on two prior occasions in its history.

Another local, former oyster fisherman Christian Fife, said Easy Rider was overloaded when the boat left port. "She was overloaded ... the arse was in the water at the port.''
Maritime NZ will most likely investigate this accident.

Fishermen for millennia used the stars as navigational aids and weather observations as a guide. Perhaps in our current age we have truly lost our way when natural signs and indicators are overlooked or ignored.
For those interested in the Bad Moon aspect the following analysis is offered based on the energies in play that sought a channel of expression.
 Just as lightning seeks a conductor, the earth, sun, moon and all planets in the solar system are embedded in a mesh of magnetic field lines. When points along these pathways connect closely, as seen by mathematical similarity, the energy flows in combination, producing stronger than usual effects.

The chart of planetary positions on the night of this event shows two prominent 'mathematical bundles' of planets & axes:
Sun, AC axis, MC axis, IC axis  at 24 degrees
Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto          at 9 degrees
Everything at 24 degrees is connected closely
Everything at 9 degrees is connected closely
24 degrees is closely connected to 9 degrees by virtue of the geometric division of the 360 degree circle into angles. [The main degree angles of division are 90, 180, 45, but also their component degrees.] When the 360 degree circle is divided into 12 sectors of 30 degrees each, 24 degrees is 45 degrees from 9 degrees - eg in this case 24 Pisces [Sun] + 45 degrees = 9 Taurus [Venus + Jupiter]
The result of the multiple links and connections on the night of the boat capsize is that multiple forces collided and combined to create an extraordinary event - called a freak or rogue wave, submerging a vessel and leading to the deaths of 8 out of nine aboard.
The Bad Moon was in a position indicating a fateful maritime adventure ( Moon and Node combining in the watery 12th house in the positions 8-16 degrees of the voyager sign Sagittarius ) The meeting point of these two factors is 12 degrees of Sagittarius. Here when the mathematical angle of 45 is applied the resulting conductor is 27 Capricorn. Sitting at 90 degrees to this position is the tragic force of Saturn (28 Libra). In Libra, Saturn brings separation and loss in relationships, marriages, partnerships. Saturn, the loss bringer, is in a phase of further maritime and watery problems and disasters as it closes in on its connections to the planet of all things liquid and gassy, Neptune, within the period 2012-2016. Maritime tragedies and water excess/drought are significant outcomes anticipated .

click to enlarge

Also refer to
Shipping News
 Maritime NZ Accident Reports
 Herald Report


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