Thursday, 9 May 2013

Solar Eclipse - May 10 2013 astro -analysis

A solar eclipse is a powerful solar system template
 of energetic effects over a six month time frame.
 The May 2013 event will have numerous economic and environmental effects with global resonance
NASA eclipse pathway map

At the time of the exact eclipse - as shown at the top of the eclipse chart - there is:
- a bunching of planets in Taurus -Mars, Mercury, south Node, Sun, Moon
- Taurus is the symbolic signifier of money, income, materialism, assets, sales & one's sense of security as well as strongly hedonistic urges.
- Jupiter the signifier of excessive or abundant activity is positioned in Gemini - communications
This combination of connected ingredients creates the picture of
a strongly fuelled acquisitive urge initiating a flurry of activity, a very speculative mood, abundant commercial activity. Sharemarkets could easily show a big burst, but that will not be the end of it

Neptune and Chiron in Pisces territory are at odds with the inflated optimism, fundamental greed  and sensory excesses generated by Venus in cohorts with Jupiter
And what Venus is doing is of ultimate significance here: Venus is in control of the 5 factors in Taurus.
There is significant potential here for Neptune to bring about a dissolving assets and for people to be confronted with dreams of riches, that indeed turn out to be just dreams.
The esoteric meaning of this eclipse a real standoff between the physical vs the non physical, form versus image, things versus feelings.
Many people will discover that what they think is real is tangible terms, can suddenly be made to disappear as if by magic.

The ongoing period of global transformation -politically, economically and environmentally also has a role to play in this eclipse phase of influence since the relevant astrological factors Pluto & Uranus are moving to an exact 90 degree square-off.
A major, long-term rebalancing period is underway in human affairs, governance, relating, self identity and matters of significance to families and their dwellings.
It is no coincidence then that a housing crisis is being recorded in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Spain, Italy, France - and probably even more widely than this - constituting effectively the Western world in crisis over a fundamental human need - a crisis created by corrupt policies and poor governance intended to benefit the so called 1%.
This trend of the West being in decline has been noted by Niall Ferguson and can be reviewed in the astro-analysis linked under Further Reading 
In the eclipse chart Pluto and Uranus are significantly linked to the quartet of Venus-Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron.
It is easy to conclude that the housing crisis will further be beset by corruption, financial trickery, dodgy dealings, leading to more people seeing their funds and assets evaporate or disappear into thin air.
It also means that more people are likely to be defrauded, lured in by great deals, or will simply believe too much in the stability and security of their investments  - only to discover that in a flash the tower has collapsed.

Further political change will occur heading in the direction of removing corrupt, repressive regimes. Syria continues to hold a primary position in this respect and time is against them as well as any other circumstances involving individual or collective misuse of power. Abusers will continue to be outed and those who topple will be replaced by even more of that ilk who emerge from the woodwork and expect to withstand the tide of collective purging. Tough luck. The purging will continue in this intense long-term period of eliminating the poisons afflicting humankind, but evil will still be reluctant to release its grip.

With earthy Taurus and Capricorn in the mix as well as the water factor influenced by Neptune [ which itself is subject to Jupiter & Saturn] the deluge/drought scenarios -environmental effects are expected -  places vulnerable to seismic unrest and flooding or drought face an intensification during the period of effect

These are the most important signifiers in this eclipse for the human collective - as well as the remaining species subjected to environmental change

If this were an Aesop's Fable the lesson would be about how true strength comes from within -not from external sources of empowerment - like money & possessions as a source of security. but even this basic truth will not deter those afflicted with the fatal flaws of greed and blind optimism.

Note on eclipses: an eclipse [ like a New or Full Moon] builds in strength in the days prior to exactitude -and has a potential period of influence over the ensuing 6 months. The eclipse influences can be triggered repeatedly during that period  - when other planetary factors emphasise the ingredients
This brief analysis will very likely be updated, revised as further thoughts arise

update May 20 2013
An extreme destructive swarm of tornadoes has hit the American Midwest
This screenshot shows a posting on May 19 when the count was already at 23 tornadoes.
Further events and damage including fatalities have occurred
The loss of homes and material existence vapourised as if by a catastrophic form of magic is very consistent with the energy potentials outlined in the eclipse forecast, with effects amplified due to the intensification of the Pluto-Uranus dynamic affecting May 2013. This planetary combo along with the eclipse pattern may be responsible for the strong burst of solar activity May 13-17  - and still with fuel to burn -which has created magnetic turbulence on our planet.

Further Reading
Tornado WIKI
The West Declines - astro analysis of Ferguson's premise


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...