Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Tornado Forces -Moore, Oklahoma astro-analysis

The US tornadoes of 2013 and 1999 stand out as significant
 destructive events
Tornadoes incorporate atmospheric turbulence
 involving a rotating column of air bearing destructive force winds within a vortex field
Astro-analysis looks at the
 planetary forces
 aligned to this kind of energy 

Moore, Oklahoma has been selected as a case study as this location featured in both 1999 and 2013 extreme tornado events.
The chart analysis looks at Moore at 3pm local time on May 20 2013

Standout points:

  • planets bunched in one location with multiple linked energies. This intensifies the energy and incorporates lots of extra planetary fuel
  • The monster planet Jupiter is exact at the chart's high noon position [21'45 & 21'52]. The tornado is being referred to a mile-wide and massive. Jupiter is energetically linked to those factors, boosted by Mars since both hold positions at/around 22 degrees. Note also the rising AC degree is 22 degrees.
  • The extremely powerful transformational combination of Pluto-Uranus virtually exact at 11 degrees are the engine room force - & again they serve as a vortex sucking in & utilising the energy of any other factors at or around 11 degrees. 
 The midpoint grid is the best tool for locating positions where energies meet and synergise

The grid throws up the following pairings meeting around 10-12 degrees:
Sun-Jupiter, Moon-Jupiter,  Sun-MC, Moon-MC, Mercury-Venus, Mercury-Uranus, Venus-Uranus, Saturn-Node, Neptune-Node, Pluto-Chiron. [ Aside from Mars, this incorporates a full-on solar system interconnectivity for the time and place of the event.

A further investigative tool utilises the 45 degree angle as a potent activator of energy points.
Consider any planetary position then look at all multiples of 45 degrees for triggers.
11 degrees is of prime interest with Pluto-Uranus - plus Venus in that locality
11 degrees has a 45 degree relationship with 26 degrees
26 degrees is the exact meeting or midpoint of the Sun-Mars combo -so these two in combination are acting intrinsically with the Pluto-Uranus forces

In summary:
The key players are Pluto-Uranus, Sun-Mars, Jupiter added to the widespread systemic activation of  remaining planetary factors.
This amount of complexity may function like light focussed through a magnifier lens. Powerful extra-terrestrial forces channeled into earthly realms.

May 3 1999 Moore, Bridge Creek
A combination primarily involving Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the lunar nodes
Mars [a strong energizer and trigger] sits prominently on the far left horizontal axis and exactly at 90 degree square to the vertical axis
At almost 1 degree, Mars connects with positions at 16 degrees.
Uranus is at 16'40 & the lunar nodes at 17'42
The next connected grouping is surrounding the 10 degree point
Pluto is at 9'50
Uranus meets Neptune at 10'30
Saturn joins Sun at 10'20
10 degrees links with positions at 25 degrees - [most effective allowance 24-26 degrees]
Sun--Pluto-Chiron link at 24 degrees; Moon-Mars at 25 ; Mars-Jupiter 24'46, Saturn-Pluto 23'42
All these energies are implicated along with many factors indicated by coloured chart lines.

[the chart diagram standard format includes allowances up to 10 degrees which are considered too wide for pinpointing event timing and are not included]

The range of energies considered prime suspects in generating tornado type vortices is likely to involve many acting in combination.

  • These two examples both show Pluto and Uranus to be prominent.
  • Planets on the axes -Jupiter and Mars are also of significance
  • Clusters of planets - either grouped by proximity or by angular relationship, build great intensity
  • There is no fixed, standard pattern, but stand-out factors are identifiable
  • In this type of analysis emphasis is on the planetary force rather than zodiac keyword analysis. Accordingly the roles of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto along with the lunar nodes are identified as the most likely energetic forces incoming from the solar system capable of large-scale destructive effects on earth - this includes naturally generated environmental effects as well as those generated artificially e.g. via explosive devices. A keyword search on this site will generate related reports on earthquakes, tsunami, nuclear bombs and so on.
Further updates are likely be added here
NASA provides an insight into the cosmic forces inherent in thunderstorm dynamics
for more visit NASA

  • For more analysis of mega weather - look back in history to the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 - on this blog, so you can learn more about the powerful precursor forces born far off in our solar system.
  • Read link below to follow the solar-lunar forecasting method of Piers Corbyn

Further reading & considerations:
Moore tornado report 2013
Tornado WIKI
Oklahoma tornado history
Solar-lunar forecasting: predicted Oklahoma tornadoes
Vortex theory

The Helical Model -a vortex proposal for the solar system:


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