Friday, 24 May 2013

Death Moon May 2013 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse analysis

Classic Good versus Evil forces offset
 in this May 25 pattern
 which has a period of influence
 over a six month period
This is the first Supermoon of 2013

Neptune in close 90 degree square to the lunar eclipse and Saturn in turn closely connected to Neptune means that powerful forces are in effect, offering a polarity of creative and destructive options.
For some, Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces will generate strongly transformational forces of a spiritual nature.
For others there is a destructive drive fuelled by religious views.

The Lunar Eclipse is in the signs of ideas and beliefs, information, communication and publishing plus all forms of transport [Gemini-Sagittarius] Expect a lot of global focus on media, news, publications and religious/spiritual issues.
The involvement of the transport signs [GEM-SAG] along with Saturn-Neptune in Scorpio-Pisces gives grounds to expect fatalities associated with any transit mode – walking, jogging, bus, car, truck, train, plane, ship are the main methods of transport – and all are at risk of  failure, involving death. Neptune brings issues around these events: a detrimental force of water, drugs, alcohol, the inattention of an unfocussed mind - are all potential adverse ingredients
 [Only particular locations and people are vulnerable to these effects based on resonance with the eclipse pattern]
It is not surprising that a military man [Aries] suffered death [Scorpio-Pluto] while walking [Gemini] involving a motor car [Gemini]and violence [Aries-Pluto] based on religious beliefs [Pisces-Sagittarius] the afternoon of Wednesday 22 May South London.

What intensifies the eclipse pattern emphasis on Gemini issues is the accumulation of Mercury-Venus-Jupiter in exact & close conjunction, in that sign.  These planets meet at a midpoint of 21 degrees. This degree then links to 6 degrees. Saturn is at 6 and Neptune at 5 therefore both connect to the transport energy.
One potential here is for religiously based destructive acts involving forms of transport.
The use of car bombs is already commonplace in global hotspots, but the involvement of Jupiter in the Gemini group suggests large scale transport such as a mass commuter system.

The second more potent intensifier in the pattern in the extreme tension of Uranus and Pluto in 90 degree square which associates politically inspired anger and violence with the other factors in effect.

 In other words, a high risk period for terrorist acts is in the forecast. The ongoing threat from aggressive forces [Uranus in Aries] seeking control [Pluto in Capricorn] is raised up to alert level by the overall eclipse pattern

At the very least transport -related accidents and significant damage affecting the craft or vehicle itself -even if human fatalities are avoided -  are likely to occur in greater than usual frequency

The global range pattern is duplicated at the local level by affecting particular individuals with extreme tendencies so this is not a time to overlook or discount threatening or suspicious activity – as is commonly the coping mechanism, when the mind refuses to believe odd or unusual signs. Gut feelings are often right.

Transport systems in general - but particularly in those places with patterns indicated by site-specific analysis [individualised charts for particular locations are as relevant as personalised charts for people or events, but the sheer potential volume is beyond the scope of this type of brief analysis] are more likely than usual to be prone to failure, breakdown and confusion [ and drug] related operator failure. Drugs and/or alcohol as impediments to performance place systems at risk of breakdown with disastrous consequences – but inattention, daydreaming, distraction being away with the fairies are all Neptune states of mind as well, inappropriate when many lives are at risk

Eclipse effects on weather and environment:
Environmental turbulence also remains in the picture due to the powerfully transformative combination of Pluto-Uranus bringing change, destruction, deconstruction, need to start from scratch. 
Pluto is affecting the condition of the earth itself – at surface and deeper crustal levels
Uranus brings hot winds in relevant zones as well as rapidly changing conditions.
Neptune in Pisces has a significant impact on the eclipse pattern -  adding to the deluge aspects –including flooding risks being elevated, tidal surges, things dissolving, disappearing.

The Good versus Evil aspects are an eternal struggle, emphasised under this 6 month eclipse pattern. Each of us responds within the realm of our potentials as to where we fit on that spectrum.
The more unsettled and disturbed we are, and in turn acting destructively, the more that energy is in feedback with the elements of the natural world. 
For the connected Whole to improve, each of us is part of the solution.
Death Moon not only refers to actual physical end of life occuring, but also the end of a way of being - people, places transformed, unrecognisable.

With London the scene of an event with May lunar eclipse hallmarks it is relevant to look at the London chart for the exact eclipse pattern
London eclipse May 25 5.26 am

To add to the general analysis already detailed, this chart has:
  •  the transport sign Gemini prominent at the AC rising position
  •  death and transformational energy is emphasised with Pluto in the 8th
  •  the midpoint grid uncovers multiple factors meeting at 11 degrees*
  • Rising degree is 11'06 Gemini
  • 11 degrees triggers the Pluto-Uranus brutal force
  • Saturn is near exact square the axis to the MC 6'52 Leo-Aquarius
*[ SUN-MERC, MOON-MERC, SUN-VEN, MOON-VEN, SATURN-NODE, URANUS-ASC, NEP-NODE - all these midpoints give extra fuel to Pluto-Uranus]
London eclipse grid showing positions and their midpoints

The layout of the London chart gives more concern on top of the overall factors with global resonance [timing in different locations gives personalised positioning of the pattern on the wheel.
In London the eclipse pattern is set soon after exact sunrise [4.56am on May 25]
The timing for eclipse potentials to be triggered is diverse -a trigger can occur before, around and after exactitude.
For an example of a prior activation:
In the chart of the death of soldier Lee Rigby in London, many factors reflect the building eclipse pattern, but Mars -a common trigger -  can be seen to be very influential in the timing
2.20 pm London May 22 soldier killed
  • 2.20pm is the time provided for the car driven at soldier Lee Rigby. He is jammed against a road sign. Assailants immediately inflict fatal wounds using diverse sharp weapons.
  • Gemini is the transport, but Mars is involved with forceful driving and speed.
  • Mars is the energy of sharp, cutting weapons and tools 
  • Mars here is 23'37 Taurus - linked closely to the time of the event when 23'04 Virgo is rising at the AC point.
  • Mars links to Jupiter [excessive force] which is at 22'08 Gemini
Whether this event alone has used up the eclipse potentials for London is hard to conclude.
After the peak weekend of May 25-26 when the pattern is maximized, the next obvious Mars activation of May 2013 lunar eclipse potentials is around June 7-8

It is of related interest when the bigger picture is included, that strengthening solar flare activity, has occurred since May 13, with resulting turbulent effects through earth's magnetic field, and that a further strong event involving a sharp increase in earth environment proton levels coinciding with the timing of the attack on Lee Rigby. Solar events can regularly be observed to occur in concert with significant other planetary alignments indicating that a whole system effect is involved. The M5 flare peaked at 13.32 UT, the CME cloud exploded at 13.09, the high proton levels began their sharp rise immediately:
Elevated proton readings from GOES 15 geostationary satellite positioned over the equator at 135W

Updates via global news
June 3
Thousands flee central Europe floods - 2months rain in 2 days]

Uprisings in Syria, Turkey & Sweden are very representative of the Pluto-Uranus effects on the balance of political power -as well as any power abuse situation. May 2013 ignited yet another flashpoint. This process began in 2012 and will be intense in the latter half of 2013. The next ignition point is December 2014, carrying forward into 2015, with further intensification extending into 2016.
 [Pluto & Uranus come in and out of exact 90 degree square several times within the five year period]

Rivers flooding across a large area of central Europe. Situation in Passau Germany called 'dramatic' -report
BBC reports Central Europe affected by widespread flooding -Czech Republic in state of emergency after days of heavy rain; flooding of rivers across southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland - report
Saturday June 1 - Resumed tornado activity in Oklahoma also coincided with severe flash flooding. Arkansas also affected by flash floods - report
[updates May 28-29:
BBC report from Baghdad is typical of the energy generated under the 6 month time frame of this eclipse: the keywords car and bomb are highly relevant along with the ensuing fatalities 

May 28: Biggest transport news: the Baltimore train explosion 2pm local time Maryland ]

May 28
Chile orders evacuation due to Copahue volcano = red alert re possible eruption
Strong space-weather impacts on earth's geomagnetic environment in late May, commencing May 26 - evidenced by global reports of significant rain, hail, thunder, lightning: reports a ten-fold surge in high energy electrons 'swarming around earth' creating an electron storm fed by the solar derived wind in excess of 700kms/sec, impacting earth's magnetic field
The electron readings from the GOES 13 satellite:
This NASA graphic below shows electron density at 400km elevation is most intense across the central Pacific on May 27 ]

updates May 25
Large magnitude quakes noted for east Russia (M 8.0 and Tonga seafloor M7.4)
UK on alert for terrorist activity

Planetary declination factors show strong indicators of energy to be cautious about
Sun-Mars-Jupiter in close parallel, contraparallel Moon-Pluto - parallels are like conjunctions and the contra position like an opposition.  Sun-Mars-Pluto is a powerful combustible raging fire energy and Pluto-Moon is the emotional will to destroy.
This is a primal and uncivilised force in effect surrounding the eclipse event.
[update: brutal news events include French soldier stabbed in neck -apparent copycat attack after Woolwich; severe dog attack on jogger, Sydney; woman dragged 1.7kms by fast moving car after she tried to escape kidnapper -all items have the already indicated Gemini factor - the soldier on foot patrol; the jogger moving on foot, the car used in the kidnapping]
Richard Nolle identifies the eclipse event as the first Supermoon of 2013, which basically means the moon is in the closest or near closest position for the year [2013 has 3] This situation is a potency enhancer, aggravating stress potentials in people, the environment, weather, systems
[update June 2
geomagnetic storming -intensely on June 1 adds further flow-on chaotic elements to weather, electronics & biological systems as well as increased geophysical stress ]

red bars indicate disturbed geomagnetic effects from solar activity

This brief report is written in a style to enable a general readership with little or no
 astrological knowledge to gain an insight into astrological analysis,
 as well as for those who understand the more technical aspects.
The solar system is viewed as a holistic integrated system
 with clear consequences of this experienced on earth.
Being embedded in a vast magnetic field means constant exposure to a range of energy frequencies much like a radio receiver receives stations and television is tuned to channels.
 The earth and all in existence here are exposed to the effects of high frequency cosmic electromagnetic radiation intermingling with our planet's magnetic field.
The effects generated by the sun, moon and planets are understood in this context to derive from their generation of  individual & specific radiation frequencies which bear signature effects
and which have been observed to do so consistently 
since the time of recorded celestial observations by humans

Further reading:
Please consult global news reports in the time frame May 23 2013 - October 18 2013 for this eclipse regarding the prominence of highlighted aspects related to flooding/deluge, transport-related deaths, strong terrorist themes & power abuses being exposed/challenged - various related triggers recur in the period but the terrorism & power themes are more enduring.


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