Monday, 16 December 2013

ASTROLOGY Notes Dec 2013-New Year

Millions across the globe will celebrate Christmas or at least some social & family gatherings and for many a brief or extended vacation.
What sort of influences are prevailing mid Dec-mid Jan 2014?
The planetary indicators include:
Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 17
[has a lunar month of influence beginning Dec 14]
Sun in Sagittarius opposite Moon in Gemini gives impetus to much movement over distance -this includes the short local trips [Gemini] which can involve motorized transport [car], or self propelled [cycle], mass transport [bus,train] or simply bipedal = walking/jogging
From Gemini to Sagittarius the territory of movement expands -so under SAG it is long journeys and travel -to other countries and by virtue of even larger transportation -airplane, cruise ship.

So trips or travel will be on the agenda for millions more than normal, across the globe in the stated time frame.
That the two planets related to trips/travel -Jupiter and Mercury are in generally helpful positions: Mercury is in SAG and Jupiter in Cancer [ this position inclining more people to make FAMILY trips which will have deep & meaningful ingredients
[Saturn in Scorpio linked tightly to Jupiter in Cancer]

BUT for many days
either side of the Full Moon, the "spanner in the works" Uranus is sitting in virtual standstill - a condition which intensifies the energy of upsets & disruption -including accidents & unpredicted sudden events - things no one anticipated - & we observers have discovered that this energy is having a significant effect on homes, families, relationships, careers - one or more of these critical areas of your life is likely to be showing signs of an imbalance needing correction -too much or too little energy received from you. Time to fix the problems that are undeniable.
Time to avoid risky situations or just take extra care & account for what could logically causedifficulties

Problem is
The effects of Uranus energy blended with Pluto's intensity is bringing about the major changes we all need to make in this time frame 2012-2016
But in December 2013 - Mars joins that power couple from Xmas Eve, soon joined by the Moon, Sun and Mercury -so that come New Years Eve and into the New Year of 2014, accentuated further by the New Moon in Capricorn on January 1 - there are significant alerts to bear in mind

One risky issue is likely to involve the friction that arises when close & extended families gather together & face their sensitive side. Disputes and disharmony are best dealt with by having plans or protocols in place to mediate and calm the rough waters.
Don't push your luck or take risks with this energy as the extreme end of the spectrum of responses is on the table -with violent outbursts expected from those without self control.
The Capricorn element of the energy mix represents older people -adults, parents, elders etc who need to step up and provide guidance as is their appropriate role in a healthy community [sadly the breakdown of society starts with dysfunctional parenting by those too emotionally undeveloped to guide their offspring]
Women need to be alert to overly testosterone-charged males in this period who seek to dominate & control those around them -with force if they choose to.

With Capricorn's planetary expression through Saturn in Scorpio and the North Lunar Node in Scorpio
the issues of sexual behaviour and experience of death are more emphasised and reflect the need to be responsible, careful and restrained with sexual matters because the karmic balance book is open on this page right now placing even greater significance on what choices you make regarding matters of SEX, DEATH and the use of your personal power in relationship to others.

Happy New Year!
but try to be safe & make responsible choices

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  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...