Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Tensions: 2013-2014 transition

Don't be surprised if you are picking up on the atmosphere of strong vibratory tensions surrounding end of 2013-start of 2014.
The magnetic heliosphere dispensed by our Sun way out to inter-stellar space is a significant ingredient which binds the solar domain into one feedback system of sun, planets and the other stellar bodies -so what happens in one part affects the rest - this underlies our total interconnectedness to everything.
Buddhism is the only faith I know of which explicitly identifies this aspect of reality.

The tensions identified in the given time frame place strain on all biological, technological & natural systems = basically everything from people and animals, electronics, to the weather
This is the picture:

The ingredients are:
Sun, Mercury & Pluto all conjoined from 9 to 11 degrees Capricorn -at the top of the wheel
Uranus at 8 Aries on the left is at effective 90 degree angle to the Capricorn grouping
Mars at 11 Libra on the right is opposite Uranus and also at effective 90 degree angle to the Capricorn grouping
[some analysts would add Jupiter to the mix -being at 16 Cancer at start of 2014, therefore forming the shaft of an arrow in relation to the planets shown as an arrowhead. I use much tighter orbs or degrees of variation - but Jupiter if integrated in this pattern would amplify & exaggerate energy expressions = bigger, stronger etc]

This pattern illustrated is termed a T-square & represents an intensity of stress, tension under any circumstances -but when the factors include the aggressive Mars, volatile Uranus, extreme and transformational Pluto to Sun & Mercury the consequences are significant in terms of death and destruction.
Individuals lose their self control due to the pressure so there is more potential for violence, angry outbursts,
Pluto takes the intensity to the maximum so mass deaths, mass destruction, terrorist attacks, brutality, rape & murder are more likely outcomes
With Mercury involved people are vulnerable when walking, cycling, travelling on land by car, bus, train -road crashes, explosions, bombings, road rage all express this influence

This is not a time to take risks or provoke volatile people.
Of course the direct energy does not express itself in all people and all locations -each of us and every place has an energy blueprint or template which will either match strongly i.e. resonate with the stress pattern -or will be unaffected at a primary level [Secondary or indirect effects involve encountering people suffering from primary effects  [eg helping a road crash victim] . Tertiary effects would include reading or viewing news reports of signature events - so especially in this age of instant mass communications more of the global population are sharing the indirect effects of significant events via media.

At the very least you are very likely to encounter news in this transition to 2014 that is already indicative of the building energy: examples reported include:
Transport-related suicide bombings in Russia
German tourists assaulted in New Zealand
Sex attack on woman walking in Sydney
Volcanic unrest El Salvador, El Hierro
New Zealand has early high road death toll in vacation period
Brain trauma life threatening for Michael Schumacher
[Schumacher is in a high-risk situation having been born on January 3 1969
The Sun was at 12 Capricorn on that day and so his energy is very caught up in the prevailing tensions placing him at risk of dying -or being significantly changed]
Schumacher news
update January 18 2014 Doctor says Schumacher will never be the same
Research Vessel Akademik Shokalskiy trapped in Antarctic Ice:
At around 0720hrs AEDT on Christmas Day 2013, the ship became trapped in heavy ice a few miles from the coast of Antarctica, 100 nautical miles east of the French base and approximately 1500NM south of Hobart The icebreakers Xue Long and Aurora Australis and the French research vessel L'Astrolabe, sailed towards the Akademik Shokalskiy to assist.

The icebreaker Xue Long was prevented by thick sea ice from coming closer than about 6NM from the Akademik Shokalskiy, though has remained in open water nearby, able to deploy its helicopter The Astrolabe also turned back, after encountering heavy ice.

The Aurora Australis abandoned its first attempt to reach the stranded ship, as the ice was too thick to be broken and because of the risk of also becoming trapped in the ice. It was within 10NM of the Akademik Shokalskiy and will make a second attempt when weather improves. Plans are also being made for possible evacuation of 52 passengers and 4 crew by helicopter. -excerpt from Wikipedia Akademik Shokalskiy

With New Year's Eve being traditionally in many locations a time of mass gatherings and drunken revelry this year it is exceptionally important to avoid risktaking: the odds are stacked against you.
New Year's day continues the warning in effect on account of the added ingredient of the New Moon - meaning the Moon joins the Sun at 11 degrees Capricorn bringing even more potency to the already strong potentials.
This is the first Supermoon -near closest contact [perigee] with earth - for 2014 and it occurs when the Moon is in very South declination [at max South on Dec 31] which is another strain factor for the earth crust, seismicity, volcanism.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...