Thursday, 5 December 2013

Nigella & Saatchi - the Uranus-Pluto Effect

No astrological data can be located for the embattled couple Charles Saatchi & Nigella Lawson but their birthdates alone are revealing.
Both have Saturn closely conjunct the Sun - he in Gemini [ideas, the mind], she in Capricorn [earthy,driven] - providing significant business ambition and career prominence

Both have lots of fiery energy -Leo and Aries for Charles
Mainly Sagittarius for Nigella
Both have fire Moons, Venus and Mars so tempestuous relating is a given
Both Charles and Nigella have a Venus intensified by Pluto - creating a risk of obsessive, controlling behaviour in relating to others -or being subjected to partners of this type [Charles Venus conjunct Pluto; Nigella Venus square Pluto]
Charles' Uranus is opposite Nigella's Venus & so square her Pluto - emphasising a volatility & likelihood of sudden changes in the relationship.

All relationships are karmic encounters. People meet up again to try to further resolve their credits and debits to each other. Maybe it all seems like a repeat and nothing much has shifted.

It will be groundhog day next life if the settlements are not resolved to the agreement of both parties.

Both Nigella and Charles have a planet in close conjunction to the other's present life "destiny".
Nigella's Uranus in Leo on Charles north lunar node
A Leo node offers development through creativity, but most importantly through love and the opening of the heart chakra.
Nigella has a role of bringing change in this regard in her dynamic with Charles

Charles Neptune in Virgo on Nigella's north lunar node
The Virgo energy for Nigella reflects a shift needing to occur from retreat, spacing out, and escapism towards the structure of work, focus and being part of a system.
Pisces south node is the opposite sign position to the Virgo north node =  a weakness for addictive behaviour needing to be overcome.
Charles' Neptune is a combination of the energy of Pisces-Virgo which can result in people with significant digestive sensitivities and therefore fussy, critical eaters.
This gives grounds for conflict over loose [Pisces] versus highly analysed [Virgo] practices which both Charles and Nigella may have alternately been prone to  - or the distinction could be very much polarized in terms of roles.

The transiting planets in 2013 have conspired to bring about an eruption in the dynamics between this pair
When Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are in the room the party is not a light affair.
In 2013 the north lunar node moving through Scorpio, joined by Saturn has moved in range and passed over Nigella's Neptune over several months from September.

Neptune and Scorpio are both notoriously secretive. Together they have potential to include both illicit drug use and illicit sexual behaviour - or at the very least a highly imaginative fantasy sex life.

Uranus and Pluto are toppling people and systems across the world as they embark on a process that was last experienced globally in the mid 1960's.
This is an era of great upheaval in people's lives but far more intense than in the flower power era of social change.
This time the issue of the use and abuse of power is very much to the fore and many have already fallen in sex scandals since this is a common territory for abusers or in political or financial mismanagement.
For others, widespread natural disasters have overturned their normal life in an act of rebalancing.
We all have to work out what we need to change.
Pluto and Uranus have been hovering around 9 degrees in the cardinal signs Capricorn and Aries so anyone born late Dec-early Jan, late March-early April, late June-early July, late Sept-early October = in any year are bearing the full brunt of the pressure to make major life changes -or have them made for you by an external force or person

Both Charles and Nigella are in the direct path of these forces:
Charles' Mars is at 9 Aries.
He needs to resolve the changes he needs to make by March 2014
Likely issues are about use of energy that expresses as selfish, aggressive, impatient, angry. 
Effects for him are not as enduring as for Nigella
Nigella's Saturn is at 10 Capricorn linked to Sun at 15 Capricorn.
Her Sun at 15 CAP remains under pressure for another 4 years [due to the Saturn-Sun link having a midpoint of 12 CAP], with Pluto activating the 15 CAP point in space closely & exactly in 2015-2016
Uranus at 15 Aries is further pressure for Nigella to change in 2014-2015
The Sun in a woman's chart is symbolic of the male archetypes she is relating to.
Working on father issues is a good starting point.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...