Friday, 30 January 2015

Kevin Hague or James Shaw - NZ Greens consider

With the resignation of Russel Norman on January 30 2015 as NZ Greens co-leader the door is open for a new encumbant, expected to be another male as co-leader.

Comparing what is known of the energy templates for two possible candidates gives a preview of who might be a more successful candidate in the longer term picture.

Kevin Hague's name was mentioned by news media almost in the same breath as the Norman announcement,  followed by James Shaw, both men currently within the ranks and with good profiles as Green Party List MP's.
What can be explored in the energy on the day each man was born.
This is the imprint each received and though not able to be further refined by knowledge of either man's exact time of birth, some standout features will be obvious.
When analysing a person's energy using the planetary patterns at birth, zodiac signs are shown to relate to personal traits as well as to particular fields of experience or personal resonance.
Prominent planets reinforce personal potential and likely life directions

Kevin Hague born 18 March 1960
has two planets in Capricorn -Jupiter and Saturn. With Capricorn and Saturn both indicative of involvement in senior managerial and or political careers and Jupiter being a strong success indicator, Kevin has the capacity to be a strong leader, bringing to the fore the socially responsible and humanitarian principles indicated by his Sun, Mercury and Venus in Pisces, along with his Mars in Aquarius. 
His background in the health sector indicated by the north lunar node in Virgo.
Green and Gay politics are totally consistent with his energy profile.
Mercury was in retrograde phase at his birth which can be a limiting factor in communicative self expression. Particularly being in Pisces, this is the dream-state, daydreamer, more internal dialogue than outer. Ideas may be hard to communicate. He needs to work on this challenge.

James Shaw born 6 May 1973
Was born with the north lunar node in Capricorn -indicating an attraction in this life for senior management or a political role.
Mars and Jupiter are both in Aquarius giving strong community consciousness and the drive to be involved with social and or environmental issues.
With Saturn in Gemini his prior roles in consulting are relevant -this planet-sign combo makes likely a person is drawn to senior or highly responsible communications roles.
His strength is in this territory of ideas, messages, negotiating, able to interact and communicate with both sides of the political spectrum.

Both of these men have relevant strengths - so a look ahead may distinguish whose fortunes are set to rise.

Kevin Hague's Saturn is the position to watch.
It was at 17 degrees of Capricorn in March 1960
There are two major influences impacting his career ambitions from early 2015 and right through to 2018.
The impact of Uranus at 17 Aries followed by Pluto at 17 Capricorn may well thrust him into the limelight and into political power in the next election time-frame.
It won't all be plain sailing even if the outcome is positive.
Saturn at 27 Sagittarius in 2017 will be hard on his Pisces Sun at 27 degrees. Difficult legal matters are one possibility; a struggle with the lack of freedom, the burdens of office; health issues [liver toxicity]; exhaustion.

James Shaw's best career highlight in the coming years -and arguably his life's main achievement is when Saturn is at 9 Capricorn sitting conjunct his north lunar node. 
This occurs strongly in the first half of 2018 then again in December 2018.

Of these two, on the basis of factors considered, Mr Hague looks more likely to be ready for leadership into the next election cycle heading to 2017

May 30 2015 update
James Shaw elected co-leader. 
Indicators suggest a gradual rise in strengths towards 2018

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

China in Decline -the past revisited

News on January 20 2015 re the decline in China's economy prompts a review of this astroblog post from 2013 re the astrological warning signs for China returning: 
The November 17 2013 post:
I recently watched Niall Ferguson's series China Triumph & Turmoil [ You Tube has 4 episodes] in order to understand the mind of the dragon nation - now as we face an increasingly easternized world - see this post also related to Ferguson's proposals for an historical shift

While watching the episode related to the famine in the years surrounding 1960 -the Great Chinese Famine 1958-1961 with mass fatalities from starvation on account of a mega failure of Maoist policy involving greatly reduced food production, coupled with drought & adverse weather I was very interested to see the astrological picture in effect at that time and the connections to the astrology of China

To select a "birth" chart for a nation is not easy because there can be many new beginnings. When the Chinese Soviet Republic chart [1931] is considered there is much more of current relevance than the People's Republic chart [1949]
 I believe the austerity, famine, drought, large scale transformational energy of this chart was activated during the Great China Famine - and that it will be activated again in the period starting in the middle of 2015, further strengthening from March 2016, noticeably as 2017 begins, throughout 2017, sustained through 2018, 2019

In the China Soviet chart:
  • Saturn 18 Capricorn-Pluto 22 Cancer both at 90 degree angle to Uranus at 16 Aries with midpoint of 19 Cardinal are the energy points about to be re-awakened
The Energy Re-visited:
  • The process begins from 2015 with Uranus, Pluto and Saturn all activating the 16-22 degrees of the cardinal signs Aries and Capricorn 
  • The spectre of drought-related food shortages and severe reductions in production is revisited with Saturn passing through the growth and production sign Sagittarius in the period 2015-2017

The Consequences
  • The scale of impact gives rise to considerations of an economic meltdown impacting the world -but which originates in China -not in the West as many expect. Global effects are now the consequence of globalisation & the expanded footprint China has in multiple countries

The Deeper Meaning:

Activations of the cardinal signs Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn signify gross imbalances come to light and must be corrected.
Humanity faces the agenda preprogrammed by natural forces

In the Great China Famine:
Saturn was in Sagittarius in 1957-1958 = the decline in growth & production
Environmental factors very relevant as well as policy effects
Saturn was in Capricorn 1959, 1960, 1961 = extreme austerity phase

With Sun-Mercury-Venus in Scorpio in the China-Soviet chart - transformational periods are very natural in the course of China's modern history.
Pluto [by connection to Scorpio] is therefore very relevant and having intense links to Saturn [by opposition] and Uranus [by 90 degree square] the potential for cycles of mass disaster, death, annihilation and destruction are anticipated both in the human and natural environments

Update February 14 2014
Economist Nouriel Roubini is quoted as follows in a recent Guardian article:

Then, there are the over-hyped Brics countries, now falling back to reality. Three of them (Brazil, Russia, and South Africa) will grow more slowly than the United States this year, with real (inflation-adjusted) GDP rising at less than 2.5%, while the economies of the other two (China and India) are slowing sharply. Indeed, Brazil, India, and South Africa are members of the Fragile Five, and demographic decline in China and Russia will undermine both countries' potential growth.

The largest of the Brics, China, faces additional risk stemming from a credit-fuelled investment boom, with excessive borrowing by local governments, state-owned enterprises, and real-estate firms severely weakening the asset portfolios of banks and shadow banks. Most credit bubbles this large have ended up causing a hard economic landing, and China's economy is unlikely to escape unscathed, particularly as reforms to rebalance growth from high savings and fixed investment to private consumption are likely to be implemented too slowly, given the powerful interests aligned against them.

Moreover, the deep causes of last year's turmoil in emerging markets have not disappeared. For starters, the risk of a hard landing in China poses a serious threat to emerging Asia, commodity exporters around the world, and even advanced economies.

Also refer to January 2014 report on China's risky credit boom

the above exacts from Nov 2013-Feb 2014 were originally published in a larger post on the decline of the West

2015 Update
2015 indicators at the beginning of July 2015 are consistent with this pathway:
China rolls out emergency measures to avoid market crash

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Charlie Hebdo eruption reflects astrological picture of crisis

The massacre in Paris on Wednesday January 7 2015, involving staff of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has occurred in the context of clearly forecast astrological adversity.
[massacre timeline]
cover in the highly irreverent style typical of Charlie Hebdo
The dominant cross pattern in Cardinal zodiac signs -Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn has global long-term significance on numerous levels and carries themes applicable to this event:

Indicative of the role of Libra in justice/injustice, the perpetrators of the attacks voiced their intention to avenge the prophet Mohammed whose image had been depicted in the magazine in a manner viewed as offensive to them.
Cancer and Capricorn are associated with the larger family -people's shared cultural and nationalistic values and connections.
Patriotism will be intensely raised in France as a consequence.
Vigilante justice [Aries-Libra] is a high risk response under current energy patterns.
The risks remain strong through January
The following extract from a prior post for December 2014-January 2015 gives a highly relevant descriptive outline.

Events of December 2014 are a foretaste of the intensity likely in January 2015

The whole month has many high impact potentials for disturbed energy amongst people and the natural elements.
In addition particular points stand out:

All four of the cardinal signs -Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn will be activated in the range of 13-16 degrees, with the Sun, Moon, and 2 lunar nodes forming a cardinal cross pattern at the January 5 full moon -peak effects likely to fall in the range of days from 3-7 Jan 2015

Cardinal signs emphasise BALANCE and issues about relating/relationships.
Relationship with yourself
Relationships with others
Capacity to nurture and support others
Capacity to guide and mentor others
Role as a parent.
Where too much or too little effort is being applied

Critical issues are likely to arise around these areas -wherever relevant in your life [even non-parents have a quasi-parenting role in supporting others]

Power dynamics will need be addressed in the context of relating.
Tensions, dissent, conflict and violence are likely side-effects of confrontations arising re relating issues.

Beyond the personal domain of relating are the societal, communal, governmental contexts.
How well is your government providing support for its people?
How much power should governments wield?
Who is in control?

Again these sorts of questions give rise to public unrest.

January 10 is also notable for a rebellious, anarchic thread of energy being sparked with potential for aggression.

Aside from disturbed human energy [ other species are not excluded] the natural forces in our atmosphere and environment are subjected to significant readjustments -also in pursuit of balance - the four cardinal signs link to the four directions, the winds, the movements and flows of natural elements.
Expect significant extreme weather effects as relevant to changes that are already underway in your local climate: think of where the change is shifting [hotter? drier? wetter? colder? windier? etc] and notice if any intensification is forecast during January.

Also read Uranus conjunct nodes January 2015 re disturbed environmental energies

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Uranus conjunct lunar nodal axis Jan 2015

The role of Uranus in storms and earthquakes is one of the solar system factors well worth examining.

With Uranus conjuncting the true position of the south lunar node in January 2015 past examples of Uranus-node alignments may provide forecasting support.*

Uranus in Aries will be in near exact south node conjunction by the 3rd week of January. The Aries-Libra nodal axis implicates issues of balance/imbalance being enacted through natural forces such as seismic movement and the winds.
January 6

Looking at 2007 as a recent example
Uranus in Pisces conjuncted the north lunar node in late March.
Prior to that an array in mid Pisces - Sun-Uranus-north node in the range 15-16 degrees provided the most relevant trigger, coinciding with two destructive quakes in east Sumatra on March 6.
Throughout the past century, Uranus conjunct either the north or south lunar node has had dramatic effects on natural forces, disturbances erupting involving one or more of the quartet fire-earth-air-water - and with a recurrent theme of aviation disasters - often fatal, always destructive  - planes operate in the Uranian territory -the sky - so are very affected by atmospheric and electrical events

Effects would be expected into April 2007 due to the close positioning of Uranus in respect of the nodal axis and the global storms report highlights severe wind-snow-sleet-rain events in that March-April 2007 time frame.

However, the whole of 2007 was affected by a further more intense extreme weather indicator.
As detailed in my extensive post on Galactic Centre activation, any significant resonance with 25-29 Sagittarius provides a funnel effect for deep space weather - the mega forces of annihilation which have high destructive potential for humanity's way of life.
Throughout 2007, Pluto lingered back and forth over late Sagittarius, with intense periods on or within close range of 27 Sagittarius, the current position of the solar system galactic centre
read more on galactic centre weather events activated on Earth
Storms of 2007 [US focussed but useful] provides some examples of events.

January 2015
Is not affected by a galactic centre activation, but after week one, the close proximity of Uranus to the true position of the south lunar node in Aries may again be a timeframe for significant seismic movement and storm intensity.
In addition other forces are in effect:
Jan 4 is earth-sun perihelion -closest orbit for 2015
Jan 5 is Full Moon
Jan 20 is new moon
Jan 21 is lunar perigee -closest earth-moon orbit for the month
January 2015 supermoon is on the 20th
2015 closest supermoon is on Sept 28 Full Moon.
The closest a supermoon can be to Earth is 356,372 kms.
September 2015 will be 356,877
The March 2011 supermoon stands out being 356,577 kms 

Supermoons are also associated with intensified storm activity.
There are 6 supermoons in 2015
3 of the 2015 supermoons are in Pisces - increasing the likelihood of water events -rain, sea surge events in the months affected -mid Feb to mid April and September
refer Supermoon tables

*Refer to Uranus conjunct either north or south lunar node.
Uranus positioned with the nodal axis may intensify prevailing atmospheric & therefore weather conditions. Wind and electrical enhancement are fundamental to Uranian activity. 
Zodiac sign may point to further expressions.
Note: though peak alignment period is given, events with the recognisable signatures can precede and/or follow this timing due to the involvement of other planetary factors activating the mathematical angle or position
Uranus-node connections are not the only disturbing activators affecting prevailing conditions, otherwise all extreme natural forces would be clearly clustered around a cyclic pattern. 
The galactic centre position [all angles affecting 25-29 SAG] is high on the list of sensitive activation indicators.
The position of Uranus in respect to other planets including in particular Jupiter,Saturn, Neptune and Pluto is worth researching - including the current 2015 Uranus still being at a stress angle to Pluto -an ongoing [2012-2016] lengthy 90 degree square of these 2 is strongly indicative of destructive solar system forces. [eg 2012 Hurricane Sandy when Pluto squared Uranus -along with Mars & Mercury on the north node ] 
Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 had Jupiter on the south node.

Here is a very brief & minimally researched list of Uranus-lunar-node conjunctions for the past century -the timing -with adjacent months also relevant - can be used to check out other events.

  • 1915 mid November Uranus in Aquarius conj. north node -reports of storms, blizzard, deluges, lightning. eg Kansas tornado
  • 1923 late May Uranus in Pisces on south node. Reports of flooding
  • 1931 late March Uranus in Aries on North node -earthquake reports and fire [compare 2015]
  • 1938 Sept-Oct Uranus in Taurus on south node - New England hurricane
  • 1946 July-Aug Uranus in Gemini on north node
  • 1954 April Uranus in Cancer on south node. aviation crash
  • 1961 September - Uranus in Leo on north node - storms and air crash
  • 1969 January Uranus in Libra on South node - aviation crash
  • 1976 Sept Uranus in Scorpio on north node - aviation disasters
  • 1984 Sept Uranus in Sagittarius on south node aviation crash, flooding
  • 1991 November Uranus in Capricorn on north node -aviation crash; famous Perfect Storm born from Nor'easter [Uranus-Node-Neptune aligned 10-14 Capricorn]
  • 1999 May Uranus in Aquarius on south node - US tornadoes, air crash report

updates - in the news:
Major fire outbreaks in Australia and New Zealand

January 6 2015 M6.4 quake in central South Island NZ seismically active zone - in a more isolated mountain region.
This could easily be a forewarning of more to come this month.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...