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REUTERS report |
GREECE says NO - bailout conditions rejected by 61%.
Astro analysis indicators for July indicate a month of extreme events - plus extending even longer due to aggravating effects:
Issues impacting upon families, on homes and housing, on government, on finance & economics and an activation of the energies of war and peace, make this month very potent.
The period 13-19 July surrounding the Full Moon, is critical:
Devotional patriotism is strongly stimulated.
Loss of wealth, loss of assets, restricted access to money.
By late July
The overriding theme is that cruel, austere, brutal and cold hearted urges will be in conflict with the energies of big-hearted love and generosity. Helping those in need versus abandoning those who are struggling is a relevant consideration.
The full July report covers various optional expressions for the prevailing energy.
Two major indicators analysed in the July report and forewarned in the June report, suggest a very rough economic period in store for many June-July-August-Sept 2015.
This will not just be limited to the domestic situation in Greece
Update July 15
On the eve of the New Moon the Greek parliament has passed measures to introduce the austerity conditions imposed by Euro creditors. The IMF has strongly criticised the extent of these measures. Too tough? or just right?The astrological indicators are on the side of the IMF -that the conditions are too extreme - and that an implosion is the likely outcome as opposed to a recovery.
The very rough economic period in store for many June-July-August-Sept 2015 is calling the shots - but this period is not the end of a longterm trend...read China and World economy indicators
Further reading
BBC report on the NO voteAsian markets fall sharply
China in Decline -the past revisited -astro-analysis