Sunday, 28 June 2015

July 2015 analysis shows hi-risk potentials

Analysis of prevailing energies extending from June 2015 into July 2015 shows continued high risk of extreme behaviour, extreme force.
Balance is in short supply.
Particular periods in the month of July stand out as emphasising the aggravating potentials.

Each date should be extended by 1-3 days either side - with the New and Full Moon having the widest range.
Universal time is used - which in some locations indicates the day prior for events dated.

July 2    Full Moon & Saturn-Pluto, Mars emphasised
July 6-7 Sun, Mercury, Saturn Pluto
July 16  New Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Pluto 
July 31  Full Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto

With Cancer-Capricorn emphasised under the New and first Full Moon, the related signs Aries and Libra are automatically triggered as well.
Issues impacting upon families, on homes and housing, on government, on finance & economics and an activation of the energies of war and peace, make this month very potent.

Everyday issues will arise in the noted contexts but the hi-risk potentials involving the combined Saturn-Pluto capacity for extremes of destruction cannot be ignored.
When these two energies draw in other planets by virtue of their geometric positioning, there is more intensity and scope for the combined forces to have mass impact. 

People disposed to act out these forces are more triggered than usual to commit mayhem, under the prevailing vibrational stimulation occurring in July 2015.
[Update: News reports as July begins reflect the violent aggressive forces emphasised - prison riot in Australia, murders, stabbings
In addition, the role of Mars energy, especially from July 1-4: Mars brings heat, inflammations; more war-like, militaristic activity 
All these effects in addition to the overriding destructive Full Moon] themes of Saturn-Pluto

addendum June 29 
The above forecast was written in a period when two major themes already unfolding:
This is a June New Moon to July New Moon time frame
The aftermath, if this default occurs is viewed either as extremely bad or not so bad by different observers. That may reflect whether you are an out-of work Greek citizen or a citizen of a more prosperous Euro nation. 

Clearly the threads are there, the energies in place for both situations to spiral into globally significant situations. 
The period 13-19 July Universal Time is of most relevance. 
Religious tribalism or devotional patriotism is strongly stimulated.
[Cancer New Moon in Pisces decanate]
Losses of wealth and relationships both equally possible
July 15 update:

With a bailout negotiated for Greece instead of a Grexit from the Eurozone, the IMF has condemned the terms imposed on Greece -preferring a write-down of debt, but the creditors were not impressed. PM Tsipras faces a parliamentary battle to comply with bailout terms.
The austerity side of the equation has been given a leading advantage in the Greece negotiations -which is consistent with the New and next Full Moon forecasts identifying the balance sliding further into economic adversity for many.
All this volatile energy is now unfolding in the New Moon timeframe - building over 3 days, rising to exactitude on July 16 (UT 01.24) & the wake period of 3 days -effectively July 13-19 - plus generally in effect for the lunar month until mid August New Moon.
This is significant -as all events are that have timing connecting to a New Full or Eclipse solar-lunar event.
The New Moon themes as stated involve:
 Families, homes and housing.
Losses of wealth and losses in relationships both equally possible

Update July 17
Aljazeera report of at least 100 killed in car bomb blast in Iraq at the end of Ramadan
This coincides with the warning issued re the New Moon period 13-19 July

From July 28 another pattern builds
The unusual two Full Moons in a month situation compresses even further the timeline of events: 
Exact full Moon is on July 31 Universal time 10.44am
Now involving Leo-Aquarius -and their team-mates Taurus-Scorpio. 
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn will occupy 3 of those 4 signs but keywords for all four energies are relevant.

Leo is the indicator of dramatic people and events
Sun, Mercury, Jupiter in Leo will bring a lot of love energy to the fore
Aquarian energy is about social justice, relating as equals in any context, freedom.
But the Saturn-Pluto theme is still in play: Scorpio energy is expressed by Saturn in Scorpio at this time and the energy of Pluto in the equally ruthless Capricorn.
This combination as explained earlier:  hi-risk potentials involving the combined Saturn-Pluto capacity for extremes of destruction cannot be ignored.
When these two energies draw in other planets by virtue of their geometric positioning, there is more intensity and scope for the combined forces to have mass impact. 
This can be actions made by humans or forces of nature

People disposed to act out these forces are more triggered than usual to commit mayhem, under the prevailing vibrational stimulation occurring in July 2015.

Taurus represents money, possessions, security. The global financial entanglement threatens this aspect of life more than ever. 
Some will have these issues highest in their priorities.

The overriding theme is that cruel, austere, brutal and cold hearted urges will be in conflict with the energies of big-hearted love and generosity.
Helping those in need versus abandoning those who are struggling is a relevant consideration.
Jupiter & Venus together in Leo are a loving, warm, generous combination but when offset against the cold brutality of Saturn & Pluto a big choice has to be made to bring love to the fore instead of hate.
Each of us will resonate with some part of this pattern of energy and each is positioned on one part of the spectrum between love, kindness, tolerance and the energy of hatred, destruction and repression.
This positioning of self is emphasised in the lunar month from late July 2015. Hopefully you can act with full consciousness.
[update: a big global story with relevance to the July Full Moon is the shooting of Cecil the lion by American game hunter Walter Palmer. Cecil being a lion is a LEO symbol. The man abusing his technologically enhanced power - weaponry - is a Pluto-Saturn symbol

Palmer, left, above on another hunt. The internet has many images of this trophy hunters big game exploits.
Because this behaviour which was brought to global attention in the rising period of the late July Full Moon and because it resonates so strongly with the issues activated under the prevailing planetary energies, this issue is globally significant ]

Also read
June reports on this site New Moon, Extreme Weather 
and Full Moon
as these remain in effect for a lunar month extending into July as well. 

Are usually posted here or within text - when relevant news reflects forecast outcomes. Otherwise Google will bring up relevant results

July 7 Greece voted a resounding NO to the terms laid down to avoid the nation's loans default. The global impact is awaited.

Also Read the forecast summary related to the Greek situation 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...