Friday, 19 June 2015

Dylann Roof astro-profile -why him? why then? - Charleston shooting

Dylann Roof June 2015 mugshot

Charleston, South Carolina, is in shock following a mass shooting in the historically black Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church that left nine dead.
Dylann Roof a 21 year old white man is in custody, identified on CCTV leaving the scene, where he had sat for an hour before the carnage occurred.
Roof was arrested in North Carolina.
Prior arrests this year in Feb [drug possession] and April [trespass] were yet to be adjudicated 
The big questions arise in high profile events:
Why Him? Why Now?
 The wanted poster for Roof supplies a birth date of April 3 1994
 Without a full birth time and place of birth, the full picture of what energies and expressions flowed through the mind body and soul of this individual is not available.
However in hi-profile events there are always multiple or very significant indicators which will provide clues.
We can look at the prevailing pattern.
The collection of energies in play.
Then those factors are cross-referenced to the birth energies to look for matches and activations.
Since we are all embedded in the flows and forces of a solar system, we experience impulses in the mind and body. 
Refer to Sunday April 3 1994 and the planets and positions used in this astro-analysis related to Dylann Storm Roof.
Standard timing is referenced to 0 hours Universal Time [UT]
The standout factors are:

Sun in Aries, Mercury-Mars conjunct in Pisces, Jupiter in Scorpio, conjunction of Pluto in Scorpio-north Lunar Node Scorpio.
The combination of Aries and Scorpio and the roles played by their related planets Mars and Pluto give an insight into the degree of mental aggravation, anger, hatred that may usually have simmered beneath the surface of a guy with the capacity to be seen as weak, soft, flaky [Mars in Pisces]. This Piscean energy is very hard for males to channel positively in a world that has returned to superhero and militaristic adoration as opposed to saintly figures.
The consequence is usually drink, drugs, escapist fantasy [gaming] which provides a transient sense of invincibility. Dylann Roof is likely to have sought strength -but achieved further weakness -through the Pisces vices.
A classic passive-aggressive personality type.
Something made him explode and as is shown in countless situations [eg read the Boston Bombers astro profile on this site], the prevailing energies provide the fuse and spark leading to the inner eruption.
Complex mathematical calculations involving angular relationships are the bedrock of astrological analysis -from which meaning is derived, understanding the synergy of forces & their likely outcomes.
 June planets: various positions acted as triggers for Roof's inherent potentials

The mathematics tend to yell out loud and the activations are many.
What is clear is that over an extended period, Roof experienced an increasing unstoppable urge to commit mass murder.
Factors which spell this out to an analyst include:
The March 20 2015 total solar eclipse triggered his capacity for mass killing [Jupiter in Scorpio sesquiquadrate]
The April 4 total Lunar Eclipse at 14 Aries-Libra was so close to his birthdate of April 3 that his aggressive Aries Sun positioned at 13 degrees was targeted for full activation. Self versus others. Me versus them. Anger, desire to use weaponry. Things might not have been so extreme if if were not for the fact that when Roof was born, the Sun and Pluto were linked mathematically in a way that could only bring out the worst [Pluto sequiquadrate Sun].
It is noted that April 3 2015 was Roof's 21st birthday.
His father is reported to have given him a gun to mark that event. 
The May 4 2015 Full Moon at 13'23 Scorpio again activated his Jupiter in Scorpio [birth position est. 13 Scorpio]
Jupiter in Leo on that day at 13'33 Leo served as another aggravating activation of the killing urge. 
Love versus hate at war within.
May 18 2015 New Moon in Taurus at 27 Degrees stimulated his eruptive birth position -the controlling, annihilating force delivered by Pluto in Scorpio -at 27'46 [Roof is one of the Pluto in Scorpio generation born mid 1980's-mid 1990's]
June 9-16 Neptune was intensely impacting people with drug, alcohol, addictive escapist behavioural compulsions.
[Neptune in Pisces 9'48.9- 9'49.1] The planet was stationary retrograde  - like a like a stationary high pressure weather front, this blast from Neptune could easily have resulted in Roof going on a drug binge in the week before his fateful decision.
June 11-12 2015 the Sun and Mars in Gemini join forces at 20 degrees -aggravating Roof's birth positions of Mars and Mercury conjoined at 20 Pisces [90 degree stress event] Highly likely his mind [Gemini] turned to chemical substances - drugs and or fantasies
June 16 2015 New Moon in Gemini On the evening of Weds 17th, Roof is accused of unleashing a hate crime in a Charleston Church frequented by the Black community, killing 9 innocent people in a place of worship. 
Mars, Sun and Moon all tightly conjoined at this time in the range 24-25 Gemini. This combination mirrored his inherent capacity for aggressive thoughts. [Mars-Mercury]
Saturn an ill omen, had only just re-entered Scorpio, retrograding back from Sagittarius and hovering at the last minutes of the 29th degree. This late Scorpio energy from Saturn served to add even more negativity to the extremism of Roof's birthday Pluto in late Scorpio.
At the New Moon, Uranus in Aries [sudden aggression] linked to the position of Mercury at 5 Gemini [semisquare] adding a mood of violent thoughts -which added to the mix and may be a direct activation of Roof as well if his whole birth data was accessible for analysis.
In addition the Pluto and Saturn positions for several weeks from late May-late June 2015 were linked to an extent that triggers very negative and destructive outcomes, particularly once Saturn returned to Scorpio in mid June - two forces capable of death wishes, annihilation of self or others, symbolically or in real action.
His birth positions of Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio have a conjoined meeting point at 20 SCO. The Moon's lunar nodes are travelling over the position which activates that extreme combination of force. This is a very karmic marker for Dylann Roof.
 Sadly, tragically, the worst case scenario for all concerned erupted in uncontrolled violence and mass deaths, and one young man has defeated and disempowered himself in a manner that will echo in his soul over and over. 

More astro-analysis related reading on this site:
Cruel, Nasty Criminal energy Power, Predators and Narcissists
Sex Offenders -profiling via astro-analysis
this post in particular looks at Pluto and Scorpio energies - showing how in some people the expression chosen is at the domination and abuse region of the spectrum. 
Compare this to Dylann Roof who looks likely to remain known for using these same impulses to commit the extreme end of the spectrum -annihilation.



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...