Monday, 15 June 2015

Gemini New Moon romance - the astrology June 2015

Romantic escapism is in the stars for June-July 2015
Two standout activations dominate the June 2015 New Moon in Gemini.

Strengthening indicators arise from June 13 & are active within the full lunar month.
The 3 days either side of the June 16/17 New Moon are often peppered with related examples in the news
  • Reading, writing, communicating of all types and short distance travel are emphasised in this period, with Sun, Moon and Mars all tightly packed together in Gemini.
The motivation for all this energetic mental and physical movement is from the heart –loving, romantic, escapist, even poetic sentiments are being stimulated by Venus & Neptune highly involved.
Love letters, texts or emails, cute poetry inserted in a bouquet, romantic walks, declaring your love while out jogging or cycling, face to face romantic declarations or by phone –otherwise the symbolic option of reading love stories – these are common everyday contexts in which the combined energy emerges.
Those whose energy is activated now towards negative expressions can be involved in irritable, impatient or angry communications [Mars-Gemini] with the relating aspect [Venus] being channeled through Neptune that is intoxicated - not by the heady effect of idealistic, romantic love but the aggravating and fiery effect of alcohol.
Being witness to any of these effects also counts -overhearing an argument, watching or reading about romantic excursions - the effects are not all or always first hand experiences.
Worst-case scenarios can occur if this triggering of angry mental states combines in certain individuals, with other prevailing destructive energy - the desire to destroy.
  • The second matter is on the collective global level of power & politics. [Pluto in Capricorn]
Indications show a continued trend of god-like figures, or people who have been to some extent worshipped, being toppled, losing their position on account of misuse of power.
[this effect was in play in late May 2015 when the FIFA bribery scandal erupted]

People seen as leaders in their field, managers, CEOs, in business, corporations and politics are the usual suspects in this process of addressing imbalances of energy, where people overstep the mark, use extreme methods.
Ordinary citizens who resonate with the Pluto and Capricorn energies are capable of acting out those extremes
[update June 18 US Rachel Dolezal resigned her post as President of a black civil rights group in Spokane, US. She was outed as white after years of representing herself as having partially black ethnicity. Power issues are inherent in race politics.
young Rachel and in recent times, transformed

update June 24
Auckland NZ chief executive jailed after two decades in a top city position. Having defrauded the Heart of the City organisation for over $2million, Alex Swney has fallen from the top to the bottom. He felt he wasn't paid enough. Little can be recovered as his ill-gotten gains were laundered through trusts. This demise represents the death of reputation, of career, of lifestyle, of entitlement.

Other instances will involve the deaths of hi-profile people who meet their demise through actual physical death –not just death of a lifestyle, status or reputation. 
[ Pluto in Capricorn-Saturn in Scorpio]

[The issue of power abuse is not automatically associated with each case due to each person having a personal profile of energy which interacts with the prevailing energy at any time. This means an aggravating or a mitigating factor could increase or decrease the potential for a negative outcome]

update June 19
A worst case power abuse scenario event on Weds June 17 - 9 people shot in the US allegedly by a young man believed to hold white supremacist beliefs. Prevailing energies triggered very negative potentials in his birth energy and took the outcome to an extreme -read more on this site about the arrested suspect Dylann Roof- detailed astro-analysis
update June 20 AUSTRIA -another mass killing -offender used vehicle to plough into crowd, killing 3, one being a child, then randomly stabbed those witnessing his carnage. Yhis is another extreme outcome of the prevailing energies -misuse of power, use of a vehicle as a weapon to injure or kill, use of a sharp weapon to injure. In this instance and the Charleston shooting those were everyday citizens acting out heinous aggression, both offenders were activated by the full range of current influences but many of those triggers will apply to hi-profile people called to account for historic transgressions.

Also read the June 2015 Full Moon report on Astroblog as this is still in effect until July 2


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