Wednesday, 24 June 2015

JUNE 2015 - severe to extreme weather effects -astro-analysis

Extreme and severe weather effects reported across the globe in June 2015 can be confirmed by astro-analysis

Three outer planets are under the spotlight: Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune -with each providing signature energies relevant to prevailing conditions.

Water, heat and dryness, extensive, extreme and unusual are a range of potential keywords relating to these three planets in their current transiting positions within our solar system.
NASA graphic: we are 3rd rock from the sun
 So many earth-dwellers are oblivious to the bigger picture of the solar system and its effects -but the unstoppable agenda of planetary life in our galaxy is delivering more and more insistent messages: we are undeniably in an extreme era, affecting our weather and all terrestrial life

The Effects and their correspondences

Water: in June 2015 Neptune the astrological indicator of water, which is transiting the zodiac sign of water, Pisces, [2011-2026] reached a stationary retrograde covering the period of June 9-16. This effect had the consequence of delivering many deluges of extreme precipitation in diverse locations, aggravated arguably by a late Gemini [25 degrees] New Moon which activates our galaxy's centre position at 27 degree Sagittarius [several posts searchable on Astroblog re Galactic Centre activation and extreme earth effects]
Flooding reports, late June include severe reports in New Zealand, multiple reports in US, warnings in South Africa, floods in Toronto Canada, Moscow Russia

Heat: heatwave in Pakistan with multiple fatalities [c.700] since June 19 deaths have mounted as temperatures reach up to 45C [113F] BBC report contains advice

Meanwhile in the US Northwest a "massive heatwave" has been forecasted
The planetary signature of heat and dryness is linked to the Fire signs -Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and their planetary bodies -Mars, the Sun and Jupiter.
Looking again at June 2015:
Jupiter is in fire sign Leo
Uranus is in fire sign Aries.
At the New Moon on June 16 these two planets combined forces -Jupiter at 18'55 Leo, Uranus at 19'51 Aries - just one degree of separation -and closing -as Jupiter's pace quickened daily towards exact trine on June 22  and due to remain in very close range until the end of June 2015.

[New Moon alignments of all the planetary bodies set the themes for the lunar month ahead; eclipses set the themes for 6months or more ahead]

Extensive - means big, large scale - these are the keywords of Jupiter energy - and as shown earlier, these forces are strongly in the mix to deliver consequences on a grand scale.
Extreme - is a potential of Jupiter energy to go off the scale -  when combined with one or more other potentising forces. In June 2015, that is two fire energies combining, driven by Jupiter plus Uranus.

Unusual - is a signature applied commonly to the energy delivered by Uranus. This becomes even more pronounced when Uranus is amplified by another powerhouse.

Since 2011, Pluto combining with Uranus has brought great destructive forces to the fore environmentally as well as in human affairs.
This combination is still in play and capable of continued activation but the current role of Jupiter stimulating Uranian effects is delivering unexpected, unusual environmental effects involving extreme weather.

Unsurprisingly from the perspective of this blog, the Sun, in the aftermath of solar flares, erupted enough charged particles into space in the period June 22-23 to match the prevailing signatures.
The far-reaching solar wind bathed Earth as well as our galactic system in its outpourings
The Sun is Leo fire energy combined with Jupiter on account of its colossal dimensions -so the period of Jupiter moving through Leo [2014-Aug 2015] is a prime opportunity to observe large scale events being activated when other planetary bodies trigger the prevailing position of Jupiter. 
June 2015 has clearly been one of those, but Jupiter then speeds away from Uranus, only to nest come within the close range of a severely limiting for -Saturn - from the end of July into August, intensely during the first week. [watch around Aug 7 when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn all connect up -plus the Moon on Aug8].
strong magnetic effects delivered by sun to all of us from June 22
June 2015 will not be the end of this process of effects upon humanity - "world turned upside down" is an experience delivered to many by loss of homes, family structure, lifestyle -and essentially on the deeper level loss of meaning about the focus of their existence. 
This will bring many to change their path. 

Mainstream physicists are yet to understand the complete picture of what "space" is, on account of their restraint based on observation within laboratories, beginning with a standpoint of disbelief -so the knowledge base re this domain contains a significant quantity of hypothetical proposals and there remains so much more undiscovered. 
In particular, physics grapples with what it is that enables planetary combinations to have signatory effects manifest on Earth.
The esoteric body of knowledge accumulated over many thousands of years tells a different story, based on observation within nature, from a standpoint of belief.

The cosmic connectedness deep in our archaic genes is surviving in remnants, largely in indigenous cultures and in great paucity in Westernised society



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...