Thursday, 25 February 2016

Neptune, Sun in Pisces, Saturn Square Jupiter

A couple of indicators written in the stars early in 2016 are worth noting:
Though every year Neptune and the Sun will be in exact conjunction on one day, the energy of Neptune strengthened in 2012 and continued in the years 2013, 2014, 2015, and again in 2016 will be conjunct the Sun while in Pisces.
This effect will continue once annually until early 2025, with most of the Sun-Neptune in Pisces conjunctions occurring in March -starting from March 4 2018.
Pisces is the zodiac sign carrying the themes related to Neptune in the earthly, solar system & universal total environment so when these two carrier energies merge there is an accentuation of all things related to water.
 Though floods, heavy rainfall will occur under a range of Neptune and Pisces situations, the alignment of Neptune with the Sun when both are in Pisces is a recurrent reliable indicator that some form of deluge or flooding is to be anticipated.

In 2016 the end of February is indicated - with 28th-29th easily being a starting point for diverse and significant global water events.
The bigger pattern involves what other planets are doing at that time.
At the end of February, leading into March 2016 the lineup is as follows:
Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury
the planets occupy the degree positions in sequence:
16, 17,18, 19, 20
This means that 5 planets will operate in a domino effect, the energy conjoining and leapfrogging, all the while growing and amplifying.
Environmental outcomes involving natural forces are the most likely observable conditions arising.
Search global news late February-early March 2016 will bring reports such as:

Feb 26 forecast hits the spot:
Rain and flooding events have been reported but most interesting so far:
Spectacularly massive surf and swells at Waimea Bay Hawaii closed some roads and beaches but made for an incredible Big Wave surf event. Two giant sea swells had moved through the Hawaiian Islands.
Surfers were quick to document this.

Large sea swells/high surf were also recorded on Australia's east coast and US west coast -this confirms a significant theme of the Sun-Neptune event.
Noting as well that there was no amplifying lunar event in effect -last full moon being Feb 22 and next New Moon not till March 9. Both of these lunar phases pull the tides to higher and lower extremes compared to normal. 
The other big influence is proximity of the lunar orbit to earth = perigee which also raises tides versus apogee which lowers tides. In Feb 2016 perigee was Feb 11, apogee was Feb 27 -so at the time when the sea level ought to be lowest, these big swells occurred. It has to be the Sun-Neptune effect.

But people and their inner world are not immune.
An intense, highly sensitized effect from Sun-Neptune in Pisces will impact those particularly born late February, late May, late August, late November -any year.
Adding in the 5 planet dominoes - can raise the mental/emotional stress levels.
Here the water arises as copious tears.
Toxic/addictive substances are a higher risk for people in general at this time: alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, poisonous plants or foods

Those most targetted can expect challenging experiences.

this posted exchange on Feb 29 about the death of a high profile person,  is indicative
Other experiences of Neptune at the end of Feb may easily have occurred in terms of sleep-time experiences -vivid almost hallucinatory dreams/nightmares

Saturn-Jupiter in March 2016 
When Saturn in Sagittarius is at 90 degrees right angle to Jupiter in Virgo expect lots of job losses, mass layoffs.
The early warning signs of this started emerging as early as mid February 2016 in New Zealand -the latest example:
February 25: longstanding Australian tech retailer sheds around 400 staff in New Zealand
 and: the Australian chain has announced the same in Australia -losing thousands of jobs. The greed of modern capitalism is the cause according to original founder Dick Smith.

The late March exact Saturn-Jupiter effect will not abate quickly: the degree of momentum behind this curtailing energy - as already forecast in China and World economy forecast - this is a blatant indicator of the world economy in crisis.
Expect February, March, April, May, June 2016 to set in place conditions that cause shudders through the global employment statistics, with layoffs announced in many sectors.

The writing is on  the wall for 1.8 million coal and steel workers in China set to be laid off in the near future


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...