Monday, 8 February 2016

The Planets make Patterns

When any two planetary bodies are tracked over multiple orbits, the sublime geometric beauty of their energy traces is stunning to behold.
The planets make the most incredible patterns as revealed in animations and computer simulations tracking the orbit of any single planet in relationship to another.
In 1965 Britsh engineer Denys Fisher developed the Spirograph as a modern era toy
but he was pre-dated by mathematician Bruno Abakanowicz's invention in the 1800's.
The mechanics and mathematics of the toy demonstrate versions of what can be achieved when 2 bodies in motion trace out their circuits in relationship to each other.
These amazing images represent some of the patterns made by the orbits of the planets. 
Imagine the complexity of pattern-making even in just our known solar system, with each orbiting body in its own dance with each of the other planets and the whole combination working together.

 These designs are described on the Ensign Software site
The concept is simple:
"Take the orbits of any two planets and draw a line between the two planet positions every few days.  Because the inner planet orbits faster than the outer planet, interesting patterns evolve."
" Each planetary pairing has its own unique dance rhythm.  For example, the Earth-Venus dance returns to the original starting position after eight Earth years.  Eight Earth years equals thirteen Venus years".
The writer of these quotes studied John Martineau's 'A little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System', and was fascinated by the revelations of cosmic harmony 

The next ones are stills from a gif which tracks Earth - blue -and Venus -pink around the central Sun -yellow.

This not-to-scale graphic representation visualises the energy line between Earth and Venus and uses this as a pivot for drawing the web of field lines that result from the relationship between these 2 bodies in space

Over multiple orbits this superb design,like crocheted lace evolves into what is likely to be a multi-dimensional pattern of energy - the nature of which & specific design is based on the cyclic & recurrent harmonics produced by Earth & Venus moving in their dance together 

Watch the original animated gif which is based on a post which reads:
Kepler in his Mysterium Cosmographicum in the 16th Century, was onto some aspects of this sublime geometric harmony.

Many of the geometric and mathematical wonders related to space, as covered by Martineau are shown in examples on the Library of Halexandria site 

The astrozero site has Martineau reproductions, including the geometric relationship between the size of Mercury relative to the size of Earth being exactly reflected in the scale of their respective orbits.
Ditto for Earth and Saturn.

For those entranced by the cosmos & in particular the geometries which many conceive of as sacred, everyone has their particular area of fascination.

To view the planetary geometries as mathematical wonders is significant enough in itself, but beyond this, entering into the territory of advanced astrological enquiry, the relevance of the separate planetary duets that are visualized and the overall significance of the totality of patterning even in our solar system, raises the issue of what astrology is reading or interpreting.
When we speak of Saturn or Pluto or Mars it could be some readers think we are referencing mythological gods of antiquity & that we are interpreting the will of anthropomorphised beings somehow acting in angry, destructive or controlling ways towards us.
To try and express to people what Saturn or Pluto or Mars actually are in the astrological framework is not an easy task due to the slow progress of mainstream science - and therefore common knowledge [despite quantum mechanics being over a century old] being eons behind the awareness of a lineage of mystics, sensitives, intuitives that the unseen is the nature of reality and that patterns of energy permeate all things - you, your chair, the weather and the cosmos.
By looking at simple examples of paired planets in orbit and seeing the geometric weave they form, insight can be gained into understanding even a glimpse of the fundamental notions that
  •  the planets each have distinct energy patterns
  • that planets in an orbital dynamic create a demonstrable pattern
  • that a pattern is a demonstration of an energy type
  • that astrologers have focussed on interpreting energy patterns for millennia


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...