Is your birthday one of the most
popular in New Zealand or one that most avoid?
Do you know the month when most Americans are born?
Is the UK the same -or different?
Official stats for the period of recent decades
show some patterns of great interest to an astrologer and because
there are differences in the NZ data versus that of other countries.
Animal species have much more specific
breeding cycles than humankind.
In effect, most women have the choice
to plan a pregnancy or to just roll the dice and see what happens.
Under these supposedly more random conditions the results are
actually not random at all.
NZ stats show that most birthdays in
the data period occurred in September
- only one of the Top 10 most popular birthdates was in October – October 1st
- This Top 10 was squeezed into a fortnight from 19 September-October 1st
- The Top 20 occurred within the 4 weeks September 16-October 14
- The Top 21-30 places were also all spread over September-October
A very statistically significant
So New Zealand is loaded with Virgos and Libras.
So New Zealand is loaded with Virgos and Libras.
Does this obviously mean most Kiwi
women conceive in the mid December-mid January period which is mostly
Summer Vacation time?
The urge to sexually reproduce, mate,
conceive is stimulated by planets in the zodiac sign Scorpio and when
the energies of Venus, Mars and Pluto are prominent – so more
people will feel more sexy during these periods.
The Sun is the dominant force affecting
Earth because we are in orbit around it and we are part of the
massive solar system network involving many other planetary
influences that Earth cannot avoid.
The Sun is approximately in the same
position in its cycle year after year so we know in mid December the
athletic, outdoorsy, sporty Sagittarius energy is being emphasised
through the Sun's position.
A few days before Christmas, the Sun
moves into the sector in space associated with the sign Capricorn –
and is there for the period through January until the 3rd
![]() |
Capricorn comic actor Jemaine Clement |
Capricorn is earthy, grunty energy,
basic & goaty -more neolithic caveman versus the toned
Sagittarian gym bunny – but both are suitable enough to stimulate
romping in the hay, the sand, under the trees... you get it.
Because these energies coincide with
the southern hemisphere summer and more relaxed free time away from
the chain gang, it is a great mix for one plus one makes 3.
When the usual suspects in terms of
sexy planets are activated in the NZ holiday period the lights flash
Green for Go even more brightly.
In December 2015 for example:
Venus joined the party by being in
Scorpio from Dec 6-Dec 30
Mars in Libra was very keen on relating
all through Dec and into January, especially when Jupiter boosted the
hormones in the week before Xmas. Mars went into Scorpio on Jan 4
2016 for a long stay til March 7 2016. Whew. Feel the heat.
Pluto was in the sign of the goat,
Capricorn, all through the vacation period, being in a long, very
long orbit through this sector, since 2009 until 2024. More people
feeling grunty for longer.
The kinky influence of Uranus in
January makes Pluto want to extend into some unconventional
practices. How many shades can you get?
So the 2015-2016 holiday period may
increase the Sept-Oct 2016 birth stats even higher – which means we
will end up with even more Virgos and Librans than currently rule the
data over the past 34 years in New Zealand.
Is this a good thing?
So if NZ is over-abundant in people born under Virgo and Libra what personality aspects does that highlight in the population? :
Virgos are in their essential state
[aside from other birth planet influences] the keepers of the
Protestant Work Ethic. These are the people who live to work, day
after day, week after week, year after year,. Keeping the system
efficient is their mission in life, they love order, categories,
classifications, analysis, nitpicking, can be highly self critical as
well as critical of others.
They value perfection & purity,
appreciating the mantra My Body is a temple” - and so careful
reading of product labels, a keen interest exists in nutrition,
superfoods, optimum health.
Virgos are the most mentally active
Earth sign, lots of thinking of an analytic type and proneness to
worry are traits that play havoc with their digestion and cause
related health weaknesses.
Their interests in being great workers
and looking after their health bolster
capitalist society and reduce the state
health budget. Bravo you 8-6ers
Librans are in their essential state
[aside from other birth planet influences] those who really really
have to be half of a couple.
Their mission in life is to pair up and stay there, so this usually means some form of commitment. Balance, harmony, beauty, are the ideals they seek. Looking good, the body beautiful [outside] a fabulous wardrobe, a ring and someone to hold hands with. Of course this can end up in identical outfits and velcro patches joining them 24/7. Enough is never enough when you are just a half needing another to be whole. But not all Librans end up this way. Some are serial wives/husbands, who prepare the next dish before the last one is fully devoured.
Their mission in life is to pair up and stay there, so this usually means some form of commitment. Balance, harmony, beauty, are the ideals they seek. Looking good, the body beautiful [outside] a fabulous wardrobe, a ring and someone to hold hands with. Of course this can end up in identical outfits and velcro patches joining them 24/7. Enough is never enough when you are just a half needing another to be whole. But not all Librans end up this way. Some are serial wives/husbands, who prepare the next dish before the last one is fully devoured.
Librans will adore the era of the
selfie -not as much for ego reasons like those shallow Leos -but more
on aesthetic grounds. They adore culture, fine art, fine anything and
if they attain a beauty that is essentially sculptural then all the
Being peacemaking, compromising,
mediating types who hate conflict, Librans play a role in calming
rough waters, keeping things civil and gentile. Their partnership
drive can extend beyond their personal life into business or sporting
partnerships and many successful examples exist across all these type
of fields so in the areas of family, business and sporting life,
Librans can perform as a very positive part of the societal
Other than that they pay a fortune into
the fashion, makeup, footwear, handbag and hairdressing industries.
So these two profiles constitute to a
significant degree the most common personality types in NZ society in
this era.
Astrology acknowledges that each zodiac
sign is actually one part of a paired polarity – like twin energy
-so each of us can oscillate or swing between the sign we were born
under as well as the opposite sign . This adds another layer onto the
- Virgos oscillate with Pisces. Librans oscillate with Aries
- [Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius]
- When Virgos are not suited to really be Virgos -in the ways explained above and on account of the other planets in their individual birthday makeup, those people will act more like Pisces -whose qualities are in many ways the opposite: work is not regarded as the dream: dreaming is the dream. Different from the machine-like work focus of Virgos, Pisces work flow is more sporadic, organic, going with the flow of prevailing energies. Where Virgos focus, Pisces zone out. Too much detail. Pisces sees the bigger picture not the micro details.
- Instead of the pure body goal of the Virgo, when in Pisces mode they are more likely to load up on toxins -alcohol, tobacco, drugs, medicines or at least any form of escapist or intoxicating experience.
- When Librans flip into Aries they abandon partnerships, they engage in conflict, they go for a warrior or masculine look instead of girly or metrosexual fashion, they rely on their own courage and strength instead of drawing it from their support person.
So these polar opposite profiles are
also very likely to enter into the framework when considering those
born in the mid September-mid October time frame of any year -and
therefore to be statistically relevant amongst New Zealand
personality types.
For all those dedicated workers there will be
an equally dedicated number who think life has different paths to
For all those binging on superfoods and
probiotics there will equally be those who binge on alcohol &
reality altering addictions.
For all the gentile refined polite
co-operative and well dressed fashionistas there will be the
impatient, selfish pushy ME types who love a battle
Because these extremes operate within a
And this recognition helps resolve the
dilemma of how the astrology zodiac can possibly work in the southern
hemisphere -because the signs describe the seasons from a northern
hemisphere perspective -the reverse of life south of the equator.
The polarity oscillation -the psyche's
capacity to swing between 2 related but opposite expressions explains
how the zodiac can work in both hemispheres.
The same principle covers the seasonal
As for rare or unpopular birthdates in
Data shows that Public Holidays are way
down the rankings.
Xmas Eve, Xmas Day, Boxing Day. New
Year's Day and Jan 2, Waitangi Day, Anzac Day, take up most of the
Top 10 lowest ranked birthdates.
Feb 29 is automatically the least
ranked due to it occurring only in Leap Years
Apart from these dates, March, April
and June have 2,3,2 dates in the lowest 20
US data from 1973-1999 also found
September to be the most common birthday month
so late December or January is likely to be main conception time = Capricorn, with also the November-December period = Scorpio and Sagittarius influences upon the sex drive.
Top September birthdays in the US = the 16th, 9th & 23rd
so late December or January is likely to be main conception time = Capricorn, with also the November-December period = Scorpio and Sagittarius influences upon the sex drive.
Top September birthdays in the US = the 16th, 9th & 23rd
The biggest spread of birthdays
covered July, August and September, with July the lesser of those 3.
This means most US births are in the northern
summer period.
The signs Cancer Leo and Virgo operate in this 3 month period .
Their polarities Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are also evoked.
Cancer is family values, Leo is the entertainment industry
In the UK, data for live births
1992-2013 favours July for most birthdates -also summertime.
July is Cancer -family and tradition are strong values with Leo beginning in the 3rd week - the entertainment industry.
July is Cancer -family and tradition are strong values with Leo beginning in the 3rd week - the entertainment industry.
Although July did not come out on top
in every year it was either 1st, 2nd or 3rd
in 20 out of the 22 years of data.
The only year that July slipped out of the top 5 rankings for numbers born that month was in 2012, when it came 6th
The only other months to rank repeatedly in the top 3 were May, August, September, October -but they only featured in 9,10,12, 11 times respectively -way less significant than the high scoring July at 20 times.
Therefore In the UK the favourite conception time is October - the going indoors time, when Autumn in underway - in order to produce so many July births.
The October mix of partnership time [Libra] and sex hormones [Scorpio] proving too heady for the Brits to resist.
The only year that July slipped out of the top 5 rankings for numbers born that month was in 2012, when it came 6th
The only other months to rank repeatedly in the top 3 were May, August, September, October -but they only featured in 9,10,12, 11 times respectively -way less significant than the high scoring July at 20 times.
Therefore In the UK the favourite conception time is October - the going indoors time, when Autumn in underway - in order to produce so many July births.
The October mix of partnership time [Libra] and sex hormones [Scorpio] proving too heady for the Brits to resist.
But he most definite UK data relates to
the month of February.
February produced the least live births in the UK
in all 22 years calculated, differing from 5,000 to 10,000 compared
to the number in the top ranked month.
Though the UK is known for eccentrics, they are rarer than you think if few choose to be born in the Aquarian-Piscean month.
The July record was 63,002 live births in 2011
Though the UK is known for eccentrics, they are rarer than you think if few choose to be born in the Aquarian-Piscean month.
The July record was 63,002 live births in 2011
Australia's favourite birth month is March
according to data for the period 2001-2012 inclusive
March led the stats overall twice as often as next favourite October.
March births mean winter conception
October births mean summertime conception
Pisces & Aries are born in March
Libra and Scorpio born in October.
The polarity for Pisces is Virgo, for Aries is Libra, for Scorpio is Taurus
With NZ births predominating strongly in the Spring - which in the Northern latitudes is equated with Aries initiating type energy, it is not surprising if the Aries polarity of Libra is strong in the New Zealand psyche.
We even have a Rugby League team called
the Warriors, we delight in the battle challenge ritual called the
haka, face and body tattoos are very popular, boy racers use our
roads as Playstation game scenes, mothers speed around our cities in
monster Sports Utility Vehicles, road rage, speeding... traffic-light
running is a national sport and we're very competitive.
As for the Pisces polarity of Virgo -dare I
mention the drink, the drugs, the substances that have increasingly
flooded the land since colonization. Yep too much of a good thing makes us flow back to our inner opposite.
US graphic